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Posts posted by kdm07

  1. I wouldnt hang on his word. He's proven he does thing for shock value and buzz. He's also constantly online baiting shippers.

    I don't ship and try to stay away from fandoms so his baiting isn't anything important to me. What was important was that the kiss didn't come out of nowhere and wasn't played for the male POV (as a heterosexual male, I did find it hot but I liked the build up more). As long as they stay true to who Clarke is, I don't care who she ends up with.

    • Love 4
  2. I just...honestly I ended up giggling with giddiness about Clarke and Lexa. It was hot but it wasn't just a PSA or done for sweeps (as confirmed by the executive producer on Twitter). Go on you two, get all the loving you can get because you might not get another chance (you too Raven).

    • Love 2
  3. 5.2...impressive to say the least.

    So the question remains, what is the ceiling for EMPIRE's ratings....

    Moved from Ratings thread:


    I don't know but I hope that the quality stays on point. I do not want another Glee situation with this show.

    • Love 4
  4. Also A+ to the actress for Lexa (her name alludes me). Those few seconds where she turned around at looked at the devistation while Clarke was walking away so she wouldn't see, you could see that her decision had effected her. Likewise I remember right before she had to kill her body guard, there was 1-2 seconds were you could see that it cost her something emotionally having to do it.

    I too, like you, thought she played those two scenes really well so I got curious and googled her name: Alycia Debnam Carey.


    The two reasons why I enjoyed this episode were one, Jasper just straight up chopping that guy to death and two, Octavia having her own plot that didn't revolve around Lincoln (progress!).

  5. Okay some thoughts until I can actually process this episode (this show moves so fast!):


    - I didn't want Cookie to hook up with Lucious but I'll make an exception here because it was pure karma for Boo Boo Kitty. Spiking a recovering addict's drink is just evil and not delicious evil but just plain evil.

    - Hakeem that "mamma" replacement you have is gonna cause you some serious problems. Also where is Tianna?

    - Cookie's speech to the investors was made of awesome.

    - I'm also glad that Lucious was finally upfront about his sickness and I may not like him but him and Cookie have some serious chemistry.

    - Poor Andre :( Rhonda sure does love her man.


    NOTE: I really need next week to come quickly purely because I'm ready to download that Jamal/Snoop song right now.

    • Love 8
  6. Who do I have to beg to get one ep that doesn't have any Jane/Rafael in it? I need a break. Honestly they are getting dangerously close to ruining the show for me and that makes me so sad.


    If I am going to be forced to sit through endless scenes of Jane/Rafael they could at least give me like one Petra/Michael scene to make up for it!

    I'm with you peachmangosteen. Rafael is soo boring to me even moreso when he's with Jane. The less screen-time he gets the better for me. Apart from that, I'm fully declaring my love for this show.


    Rogelio with his "Dad" schtick and him moping around the house was hilarious! I'm glad that he got some happiness (and released that sexual tension) with Xo, finally! His new show looks hilariously bad too so I hope we get more clips of it.


    Luisa my love. You're a little crazy and plenty gullible but I still love you. Her lines about the delivery guy, sitting on her dad, meeting Rose for the first time...I was cracking up the entire time. Yara Martinez' comedic timing is so on point and I hope we see more of her. Also I will not be happy if we lose Rose's face too. I'm still recovering from the loss of the glorious red hair.


    I switch between hating Petra and loving her in almost every single episode, even when she's being a villain. Credit to Yael Grobglas for that. Her eyes though! So good.


    Jane made me side-eye her with her disdain for Livin' On A Prayer but brought me right back with her OITNB reference (and hey Lina, welcome back).


    One last thing. My favourite part about the show is how they wrap up certain story lines quickly. On other shows, the whole Sin Rostro mystery and investigation would have been spread over half the season or longer to the point where I would be absolutely not interested in the answers.


    Also: March 9th?! WTF?!

    • Love 2
  7. Hakeem reminds me of a few guys I grew up with who had absent mothers and over-indulging, rich fathers. Spoilt and immature to a tee. I have no patience for people like that but I know it's due to them never having boundaries or discipline as kids. I always hope that those kinds of people mature with age but sometimes it isn't the case. I actually felt some empathy for him when he was looking at those Tiana/India pictures. He's, as they say these days, caught feelings so finding out that Tiana didn't feel the same way about him had to have hurt BUT then he decided to be a little fuckboy to Tiana and his mother and I went back to not caring about his feelings.

    • Love 1
  8. I didn't enjoy this episode as it was like 90% Rafael/Jane and I actively hate them.

    Me neither. They're just so...blah to me. I want their baby to be okay but the less screen-time they get together, the better.

    • Love 2
  9. The emotional beats all hit the spot today and seriously had me firmly rooting for the baby to be okay. The highlights for me though: Milos' "hearts in eyes" moment, the light-bulb moment and the twin reveal at the end. This show just keeps knocking it out of the park every week!


    P.S. Lachlan you are screwed

    • Love 2
  10. Re Hakeem, if character is measured by the company one keeps, then Hakeem's screwed and not in the good way.Hakeem's posse are just a bunch of liars, thugs and scrubs-and untalented ones, at that. I wouldn't call them "full of shit" because shit is useful sometimes.

    Quoting for emphasis. Hilarious stuff DollEyes and 100% true.

    • Love 1
  11. Just caught up with this episode. A few thoughts:


    - I legit LOL'd when we were shown Tiana's girlfriend because I knew exactly what it meant. Hakeem is a means to an end for this girl and he had absolutely no leg to stand on after being caught with Naomi Campbell. Anything that brings Hakeem down a peg or two is always a plus for me.

    - Lucious & Anika are like watching a car crash happen. It will not end well.

    - The robbery was hilarious and I honestly couldn't take it seriously. It reminded me of Jamal's big singing in the street moment and I'm sure the show isn't looking to make me laugh with either of those scenes. It did drive a wedge between Jamal & Hakeem (which I was hoping wouldn't happen because I like their relationship) so there's that.

    - Cookie continues to crack me up (and her assistant Porscha too). Her comments on the studio and to the taxi driver had me rolling. Her first misstep and it's a big one which is going to have all kinds of repercussions.

    - Lucious is cruel. The way he pits his sons against each other is disgusting and I can't wait for his comeuppance (although some would say a fatal disease is karma in itself). Also, he needs to make up his mind. He either lets Cookie go and stays with Anika or he leaves Anika and gets back together with Cookie (which I personally don't want to happen).

    • Love 2
  12. That ending though! (I had my cards on Magda as Sin Rostro, so I was wrong.) We knew Rose was scheming though, look what she did to Luisa! But now, of course, I need to go back and watch for clues. But did anyone else suspect Rose? I did not. (Even with her name clue someone upthread pointed out.)

    I started suspecting Rose awhile ago but I didn't think that the reveal would be what happened tonight. I was surprised, pleasantly surprised though because I thought they executed it very well.


    Sidenote: my friend pointed out that Rose whistled after her sexy times with Luisa in the hotel. Maybe it's her version of expressing joy lol?

    • Love 1
  13. I mean, I guessed the reveal a few episodes back but I didn't think we'd see it like that (poor Emilio)! Bridget Regan, you are so good at being bad :)


    Jane & Rafael are cute but I'm glad they don't take up too much screen time because I'd get bored fast if they did.


    Loving Petra more with each and every episode. (Also why did her mother lie about walking?)

  14. I haven't watched Glee in ages but this thread caught my attention so I thought I'd offer my own thoughts. 


    I wish TPTB had never written:

    - Any of Quinn's story-lines after S1. It was disaster after disaster and often gave me the feeling of TPTB either absolutely hating the actress or having no clue what to do with her character after the pregnancy story-line.

    - Finchel. Everything about it. Enough said.

    - The version of NYC they gave us because ugh...what a waste of potential beats (both dramatic and humorous) flushed down the drain.

    - St Kurt

    - Blaine. They should've stuck to their original idea of Sam being the new gay kid for Kurt. They didn't and we got Blaine and Sam, the Village Idiot™.

    - Stretching out Brittana for so long. After a season of it you could see exactly why the relationship wouldn't have lasted past high school. The fact that it's still being pushed now is just so they can claim to have a realistic lesbian relationship on their show.

    - The second coming of Shelby and her dalliance with Puck (ick).

    - The new kids.

    - Sue and her baby.

    - The "evolution" of Becky.


    What I wish they had written:

    - A better NYC

    - More VA as protagonists instead of shoe-horning Sue in every season.

    - And the biggest one: FRIENDSHIPS INSTEAD OF RELATIONSHIPS. Quinn/Mercedes, Rachel/Puck, Kurt/Quinn, Rachel/Mercedes, Puck/Sam, Puck/Mike, Mike/Brittany, Kurt/Santana etc any combination of characters really.

    • Love 4
  15. I had a feeling that this episode would go over like a lead balloon on this forum :) I'm with JustMyOpinion (and the minority I guess) when I say this episode wasn't as bad as people are making it out to be. It was a character-centric episode and, just like the other character-centric episodes, the rest of the team took a backseat bar one or two who help out. I'm neither here nor there with AJ Cook's acting but I don't think she's a terrible actress and I thought she did a reasonably good job with the material on hand in this episode.


    I also don't find any fault with JJ asking Reid to stop being himself because we've seen the profilers, even Reid himself, react the same way when they were spiraling. I actually thought she took the right step by telling Reid everything and not shying away from it.


    I liked the case as well because it was more psychological than violent which is what drew me to Criminal Minds all the way back in Season 1 and compared to other episodes, both the main story line and the case were actually above average.

    • Love 6
  16. Just caught up with the last few episodes. Bummed about Roisin leaving early but her business plan did sound dodgy. Mark winning was....meh. Between himself and Bianca, he was the more competent of the two but his business plan is in such a saturated market so I'm not quite sure how it'll stand out.

  17. I dunno.  I respect that you like her, but I wonder if a lot of her support (beyond just you--I've seen just as overwhelming support for her elsewhere--including on some UK boards) is that she's Irish, and that she's pretty.


    I like her because, contrary to what Lord Suggs says, she actually has shown to be a really strong candidate. Her only blemish is her PM task when she lost because of not getting her figures right (which...lol, what a mistake to make for an accountant). Since then, she's grown in the process creatively, in sales and in managing her prices better. I think she does display leadership but it's not the loud, showy type that the rest of the candidates and I guess Lord Suggs himself, seem to veer towards. She's usually calm, gets on with it and speaks up only when she has to not because she wants to be the center of attention. I think I just prefer the quieter type of leadership but I understand why someone would question her large support base.


    And the reason why I think Sanjay would've gone is because he completely botched the logistical side of the task (hence the fines on the missing products and arriving late) and his sale that he got was double of what Tenacity got for their oud oil. 

    • Love 2
  18. Felipe, Felipe, Felipe *shakes head slowly*. I got where he was coming from but even I knew the minute he suggested it that Lord Sugar was going to roast him for it. The cake example LS brought up kind of hammered the point in as well. Lawyers and their loopholes :)


    Katie showed a really nasty side to her tonight but at the same time I don't like Daniel so any opportunity to watch him squirm is okay with me.


    Roisin is still in (yay!) and her £50 diamond (£50! O_O That dealer lost his head the minute she walked in) would've saved her if her team had lost. Sanjay though would've been fired and deservedly so.

  19. De-lurking to say: count me in the minority as one who didn't care about the outcome of the FF. It was a huge gamble for the cyclists to take and they lost *shrug*

    I didn't like how the wrestlers lied to the scientists but I don't hate them for it. It's a race, some people want to run clean races, others don't.

    As an avid AR watcher (all incarnations of it) I would've never picked a deep tissue massage in an Asian country for my detour. Previous viewings have taught me to stay far away from that kind of a detour :)

    • Love 3
  20. I didn't think I could dislike James more but this latest episode pushed me over the edge. He's despicable! I couldn't believe how everyone seems to fall for his 'Oliver Twist'/'I came from nothing act' either. Glad to see the back of him with my favourite candidate giving him the boot.

    I waver on Mark but at least he owns up to his sly motives.

    • Love 1
  21. LMAO! Poor Roisin having to spend the day with James. James may be an idiot but Bianca seems to lack any sort of business sense and she dodged a bullet tonight.


    As for the other team, goodness me what a terrible performance. The board game sounded awful the minute Mark brought it up and for Pamela to blatantly ignore the market research was beyond stupid. Not surprised she was the one to go either.


    Mark lost me this week so I'm sticking with Roisin until the end.

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