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Posts posted by kdm07

  1. Oh, and where did that yellow life raft come from at the end? After all, she ran over a ridge to Daniel so she was on the island. Did they go back for a crappy little life raft? It's all so stupid and haphazard.


    IIRC, as they were pushing the boat towards the water again as they escaped the zombies, she asked Daniel & co to take her to where the life raft with Jake in it was waiting. As for where the life raft originally came from? At the beginning of the episode a few survivors of the plane crash were on the yellow raft and they picked up Alex & Jake who were in the water.


    Alicia screaming at them about the burned guy in the raft was about the only dramatic moment of this show I've taken seriously. The young lady really nailed it.


    That's my one nitpick about this show. The girl can act, give her something more to do show! That goes for Kim Dickens too.

    • Love 2
  2. Ofelia when Nick says he'll pick up clothes for her "Alicia, I can't do geriatric sheets." Best line of the night!


    Better episode again. Strand was cold at the end there, I'm beginning to stop rooting for him now.

    • Love 5
  3. - I didn't need that pity-me scene for Ramsay. He's one of, if not the worst, human being on the show and nothing is going to change my mind about that.

    - Maybe now you'll listen to Brienne, Sansa?

    - What's gonna happen to Ghost?

    - I might've felt a slight twinge of pity for Cersei then I remembered what brought about her daughter's death and my sympathy disappeared.

    - They completely destroyed the Dorne storyline. I am not happy about that at all.

    - Someone free Margaery.

    - So Dany is stuck with the Dothraki again? Praying to the Seven gods that her story stops being so circular.

    - Melisandre is so, so gross. No wait, gross isn't the right word. Creepy is what I mean.


    I'm sure I missed a few more things but those are my thoughts so far.

    • Love 6
  4. Apparently, Luna was one of the other Blackblood initiates when Lexa became commander, and Lexa was supposed to kill all the other initiates but she spared Luna and Luna went AWOL from Polis since then.


    Luna was also mentioned in Season 2 as the leader of the Boat Clan. That's been retconned this season though like many other things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • Love 1
  5. I thought the point was that she was talking to each one in way that is the opposite of how they are typically spoken to--so, disrespectfully for Hotch, like she is the boss for JJ and like he is an idiot for Reid.  No?


    IIRC that's exactly what the team said after she had spoken to JJ(?). Something along the lines of "she's saying things opposite to what we're used to so we're unbalanced around her." I'm pretty sure I heard that.

    • Love 2
  6. Really good episode tonight. I always like the unsubs that are more psychologically scary than "blood and gore" scary. Antonia was well-casted and the various subplots with her and each member of the team were intriguing as well.

    • Love 2
  7. I can't believe this show was renewed for a third season.


    Considering the state of TV ratings this year alone are you really that surprised that AMC has renewed it? Also, as ghoulina has pointed out, this forum seems to be harsher in its criticism of this show compared to the general public.

    • Love 1
  8. I don't have a huge issue with Arizona going straight to a lawyer - she knows Callie well. She knows that she's "in love with being in love." It would be enough for me to hear that my ex was considering moving away with a girlfriend and taking my child child for me to see lawyer to at least question what my standing might be. 


    I thought that's what Arizona was doing, exploring her options just in case.


    - Ben had this coming, he honestly did ever since that patient in psych ward. The only thing that irritated me was having Bailey decide his punishment.

    - Owen (and Meredith) really need to stop being so childish. The amount of people they call friends in that hospital that have cheated should be reason enough not to spend so much energy on hating Riggs.

  9. A lot of nonsense Solace247, just go down Shatner's TL. He's basically saying writers should stop writing LGBT characters if people are going to be so "up in arms" about their characterisation.


    King hasn't been that bad but he's glossed over the writing for this season.

  10. Well, yes but how convenient is that? Bellamy isn't just Pike's right hand, he was the inside man in Mt. Weather. I would imagine the rescued 

    Stephen King is currently catching up with the show and recently tweeted - "Challenge for the writers of THE 100: Get through Season 4 without Clarke saying "I'm sorry" more than, say, 10 times". He is right on the money, IMO.


    It would be nice just to hear Clarke say, just once to the delinquents, that they're all incredibly ungrateful. Instead, the writers have her apologising for everything wrong in the world.


    Stephen's POV so far (on this, his other tweets have been way too complimentary to the writing team) has been much better than William Shatner's who's opinion gets worse and worse every time he tweets about the show.

    • Love 3
  11. - Strand is suspicious but that makes me like him even more? Daniel isn't fooled though, I guess game recognises game here.

    - Nick continues to annoy me so much. I hope his pill-popping gets him killed.

    - Nice to see Cliff Curtis' ethnicity being correctly acknowledged. Hasn't happened in many of the things he's been in.

    - Headphones. Such a teenage thing to do but so, so stupid right now.

    - I don't know about Seth(?) and his grand idea about staying on the island. It's just going to be him and his little brother right? Is the father dead too? At the same time I was shouting at Madison "Don't take the little kid!" so yeah, glad they stayed there in the end.

    - Plane lady survived! I can't remember her name but I liked what I saw of her.

    • Love 3
  12. That, understandbly, very angry and hurt section of the fanbase pretty much released all the info they knew about the finale. My memory is foggy on Jaha but Pike and Bellamy are still alive by the end of Season 3. Bellamy has plot armour (which I won't even get into because I'll start raging again) and Pike is definitely still alive.

    The only who seems to meet his end is Jasper IIRC


    I haven't watched a single episode since 3x07 but from everything I'm seeing here and wrt spoilers online, I probably won't even binge-watch this show over the summer because I can feel that the destruction of Clarke's characterisation has already started.

    • Love 1
  13. If this season sees Bellamy, Pike, AND Jaha survive, and we have more casualties from the delinquents or Kane and Abby-- I'm gonna have absolutely nothing to look forward to next season.


    Taking this to the Spoiler thread...

  14. Well then, I'll go against the grain (like last season) and say I was fine with the premier. I still give these characters a lot of leeway because they aren't going to become kickass is what essentially is a ZA that happened a fortnight (?) at most.


    - Alicia, sigh, why did you help those people? You want to help everyone but it's going to cause you a whole lot of trouble down the line.

    - Chris had his mother go from being alive and well one day, to dead the next. Grief works out differently for a lot of people so I understood why he'd want her body on the boat.

    - Strand's Rules should become a thing for this show.

    - Nick, for the last time, please find new clothes.

    • Love 3
  15. ottoDbusdriver, I was waiting for you to comment. Back in Season 2 when you used to post about the serious writing issues/plot holes that this show had, I always thought you were a little harsh but now I'm apologising. You were absolutely right and I'm just mad at myself that it took me up until a few weeks ago to see it too :(


    So, what happened to Clarke's white horse ?


    It probably got eaten by the random gorilla from last season *shrug*

    • Love 6
  16. Why Raven's suffering doesn't exist and only white women feelings should matter? Why Octavia should express her grief through abusing her own brother? Why Clarke's suffering and tragic feelings over murdering women and children were more important for the half of the season that Bellamy's or Jasper's?


    I don't know. Do you?


    I mentioned Clarke because she's my favourite character, not Raven. If Raven was my favourite character I would've put her forward as the example. As for the thinly veiled insult of me only caring about a white woman, I'm a black male who doesn't have time to trade back and forths with you over this.


    Have a great weekend!

    • Love 11
  17. There are already posts on Reddit in which people are voicing their indignation about Octavia daring to lay a hand on Bellamy in the promo for the upcoming episode. I just have to wonder exactly what Bellamy needs to do to make other characters' disgust with him acceptable for certain fans. Mass murder obviously didn't do the trick, so what will it take? It's one thing to not want the character to be killed off and another to think other characters should cut him some slack after all the things he has done lately.


    Not sure if it's against forum rules so I'll place spoiler tags just in case:


    Reddit used to be a great sub to follow along with the show (I used to lurk but never post) but now it's mainly made up of Bellamy apologists as most reasonable posters left between 3x07 and 3x09. I'd suggest staying away from there from now on because you'll get nothing but "Support Bellamy Blake" posts from here on out. As far as I'm concerned, a beating from Octavia isn't near enough punishment for him. I'd suggest his death along with Pike's, Hannah and that stupid Farm station guard but since Jason is prepared to defend Bellamy's characterisation this season to the hilt, the beating by Octavia is all the punishment he's going to get apparently. His reward will be the start of his romance with Clarke *eye-roll* and there will go Clarke's character development as a whole.

    • Love 1
  18. I follow quite a few TV critics on Twitter and almost amusing how angry they are with this show. So many of them praised the heck out of it during the hiatus and now they are watching it fall apart spectacularly in half a season. In fact, Mo Ryan (from Variety) and Ryan McGee actually voiced their concerns on their podcast before the season began after they had watched the first 4 episodes. Their worry over the terrible Pike/Bellamy storyline affecting the other major plots ended up being spot on.


    The last show I remember falling off so badly was Glee but that show started off good and then completely lost the plot whereas this show started off bad, found some good to great middle ground, and now seems to be driving full steam off a cliff. Actually wait...Heroes fell off pretty badly as well didn't it?

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