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Posts posted by kdm07

  1. So after a night to sleep on it, here are my thoughts:


    I liked the first episode (one of the not so many I gather) but this episode was definitely better. The unease I got from the first episode just got ramped up and now people are beginning to realize something isn't right (and by people I mean the main characters). That shot with the cop stuffing his trunk with water was...chilling. It also confirms that the higher ups know what's going on but they're not telling anyone (which isn't all that surprising considering governments past and present). I have a feeling we will see some government intervention at some point and it probably won't go well.


    Also, I think the show timeline has been about 48 hours so far? With the main family finding out about zombies in less than 24 hours? If that's the case (I could be wrong) it would explain why the characters reactions and thought processes seem so...slow and illogical.


    One thing I hope they don't dismiss is Nick's withdrawal. He may be the only one who's awake to the situation but withdrawal is messy and a withdrawal in a ZA would probably be nightmare for him and everyone around him.


    Nitpicks: I already mentioned the sheer frustration I had at no one informing Alicia about what's going on. You don't have to spell it out but by not telling her ANYTHING, it's making everything worse and for someone who clearly doesn't trust her mother, not telling her will not help in that department. I also include Travis and her brother in this. They all had opportunities to tell her something but no one did. I'm hoping that since each episode seems to be following each other that the next scene we'll get is Madison finally saying something to her daughter. And why didn't anyone say "Hey Matt, we can see you got bit, who bit you?"

    I was cringing the whole time Alicia cleaned up the vomit with her long, long hair practically dangling in it. Then she touched her hair with her barfy gloves. Gah.


    To be fair she does have glorious hair so maybe the show-runners want to show it off?

    • Love 5
  2. I know some people find her character annoying but I'm interested in seeing where her story goes. She seems like a straight A student who has plotted her life so that she can go to a good university, far away from her family. A zombie invasion is going to throw a huge spanner in the works for her.


    I'm also rooting for her because the actress did a really good job in The 100 so I'd like that to translate to this show too :)

    • Love 1
  3. I think he was a childhood friend eejm because he was angry about Nick's parents coming over to his parents' house asking about his whereabouts. I doubt anyone but Nick knows he's a drug dealer.

  4. Anything about zombies that doesn't involve Rick Grimes is my new favorite thing.


    This! All of this!


    I actually liked the pilot. Yes it wasn't as fast moving as the TWD but I get why the pacing is the way it is. You're watching these people dealing with every day life but at the same time knowing that none of it will matter within a few days because of the zombies. I don't know about anyone else but the episode gave me a sense of unease the whole time purely because I know what's coming but none of these poor saps do.


    Nick's withdrawal is going to take some doing to manage during a zombie apocalypse.

    • Love 4
  5. Can I join in on the rage-quit party? The shows that I've rage-quit are: Arrow (after S3E01); Glee (after S3 ended and I was hanging on by a thread then); The Good Wife (after this latest season) and OUAT (after S2 ended). I rage-quit Criminal Minds after S6E02 and then came back again in S7 when the original cast was reunited.

  6. And couldn't agree more about Ruby Rose. Most attractive on this show? I think I'd go with Maritza, who doesn't get nearly enough screen time. Would love to know what she's in for. She has some great, subtle one-liners.


    Said it before but I don't get her appeal either. And I definitely agree with Maritza being the most attractive on the show. Hope to see more of her next season.

  7. I was disappointed that Robo-Eyebrows Prepon was back (ESPECIALLY because it felt that they ditched Natasha Lyonne for Prepon, which REALLY pissed me off)


    AFAIK, Natasha Lyonne disappeared because she found more work outside of the show and thus wasn't avaliable for most of the season. Nothing to do with Laura Prepon.


    My thoughts for the season: I liked it. It was lighter than S2 but I thought some characters got to really shine this season. Although I did feel like the season was setting things up for S4 which seems to be right now that we know S4 will have more inmates.


    I loved Black Cindy this season. She's mean, manipulative and selfish but incredibly hilarious and her confession to the rabbi was brilliantly acted.


    I've always appreciated Flaca and her music taste but I'm glad we got to see more of her philosophical side which always peeked through in previous seasons.


    Boo and Pennsatucky. I never thought that by S3 these two would tug at my heartstrings like they did. Long may their friendship continue.


    Suzanne's porn fiction had me rolling. The way the prisoners took to it and started reviewing instead of going to bed or eating and Suzanne's pure bewilderment at all the comments was pretty funny.


    My main concerns are for poor Maritza who's now on driving duty with that guard, and Alex. 

    • Love 2
  8. Wow! The media is really trying to push Ruby Rose (Stella) as the next how thing. I keep seeing articles on FB on how it is ok for one to think RR is hot even though one is straight. Another showed a video of RR doing a "gender fluid" video where she is dressed as a really pretty woman and then sits in a bathtub dumping buckets of water on herself (which she was in a bathtub, the bucket was unnecessary)then she washed off all this make-up to reveal all her tattoos, then she starts dressing like a man and starts getting really angry and silently swears and gestures to the camera in a threatening manner. Then when she is totally dressed as a man, she still looks like a woman to me. The last think I saw was that she met Justin Bieber and they were taking pictures with each other b/c they are long lost twins. (Which I don't like JB, but I thought that was kind of cute). So beware, the media wants you to lust after the "star" of OITNB.


    Maybe it's just my personal taste but I don't find her attractive at all. Neither did I find her character in any way appealing. I hope by going to Max, that'll be the last we see of her.

    • Love 2
  9. De-lurking to add my two cents:


    1) I've become tired of Reid and his boy genius/socially awkward characterisation.

    2) I've written before about liking JJ, moreso pre-S6 but I still like her now.

    3) I never warmed to Elle and was quite okay with her being replaced by Emily.

    • Love 2
  10. I'm not sure why some are determined to attribute these rumours to Shonda/ABC. Patrick's contract was terminated. We don't know why and we might never know why but I'm not going to suddenly find Shonda/ABC the most evil of evil because Patrick's rep released a statement that makes him the innocent party (it's their job to do so). Neither will I sit here and believe the rumours about Patrick either. I just think people's love for Derek is stopping them from seeing that tabloids make up stories all on their own, they don't need any outside help.

    • Love 5
  11. I think the most galling thing for me is not who is at fault (unless someone writes a tell-all we'll never know) but the fact that the showrunners/CBS let it affect the show and it's writing. Who hasn't worked with someone they despised? Everyone has and will probably do so again but at least most people just get on with it. What makes this show so special that the quality of the show was compromised just so co-workers didn't have to share the same air?

    • Love 6
  12. I agree with you FurryFury, if the CW keeps the short format for the show, I don't mind it airing midseason. Hopefully, the network is just retooling how they air their shows and not just planning on cancelling the show after S3. Maybe having the season air all at once will sharpen up the writing and we'll have less glaring plot-holes.


    If they put the show on Fridays then I'll start to worry.

  13. Currently doing a re-watch and even a re-watch hasn't lessened my hatred for Xander which actually makes sense because I tend to not associate with people who have similar faults *shrug*


    Warren. Ugh, Warren.


    Oh and Spike once he got a soul and the nonsense that was his relationship with Buffy in S6.

    • Love 1
  14. How many young actors or actresses are involved in writing music, performing music (vocally and with instruments), theatre, film, and tv? Serious question because I really don't know of that many. And I think that makes him rare in that regard. And despite what people here think, he does get a lot of praise from a lot of different outlets from all of these forms of entertainment. So I don't think calling "good" in all of those areas is hyperbole or OTT. 


    De-lurking because:


    If I had a dime for every actor who also plays in a band, or sings on the side....


    They do exist these young actors who excel at many things. They just usually do them as hobbies and focus more on acting than anything else.


    Good luck to Darren though.


    *goes back to lurking*

  15. On the positive, this is the most I've ever liked Arizona.

    My girlfriend says her divorce from Callie is the best thing that's happened to her character for a long, long time and I agree. Please, Shonda, don't put them back together.

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