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  1. Good point. She always apologizes for the smell when they enter into a new work space. Ha ha.
  2. Yes, but we've never heard of Coulson interacting with her so now they might do some retcon. It could be that she is too top secret for him to talk about. Then again, he doesn't really talk much about working with the other Avengers either.
  3. It's also going to be interesting to see how they work in Coulson's role with Captain Marvel since he will be in her prequel movie. Who knows? Maybe he's in the Avengers 4 too? (doubtful). I'm so happy it's coming back and I think making it a summer show is a good idea. It could get an audience because in a few weeks there is nothing on and that's when I start asking people for shows to binge because I'm bored. And also, it's the perfect way to work in all the Marvel story lines that happened in the movies.
  4. Yeah I don't know. All of David's memories have been manipulated by SK. Even when he said to Lenny a few episodes ago, "were you ever real?" Means he doesn't really know. I have heard that the original Lenny was a guy but remember that last season, prior to Clockworks, when he had that girl friend, he "interacted" with Lenny but now that I think about it, I think that was an SK manipulation that made him remember that memory differently. I think Ptonomy helped him with that.I should go back and rewatch and not offer my random thoughts. ha ha.
  5. IT's so hard to follow this show, but from what my mind tells me (is it real or not? ha ha) David met the real Lenny (Aubrey Plaza) in Clockworks. Prior to clockworks he was potentially hanging out with an older man who he would get high with. When Shadow King took Lenny, he then changed the memories to be his pal Lenny, Aubrey Plaza. Or maybe those memories never happened? Geez Louise. I still love this show though! I actually wondered if Lenny was Amy in the first 15 minutes. Her hair was longer and her dress and the blue eyes. And then I was like, no, that's too crazy and then Amy was in the show and then I was sad for them!
  6. I agree with you that it was just a convenient narrative to break them up. And it was a good one. I gasped when it happened. I have never been a Lucy and Wyatt fan. Abigail Spencer is an awesome actress and I have seen her in some great roles. The actor who plays Wyatt was on the 90210 reboot. Soooo, I had a hard time seeing that in my head. But I like Lucy and Flynn and I have always thought they had chemistry. Just them sitting on the couch watching "It Happened One Night" showed more sparks than Wyatt and Lucy. But I am curious they have a relationship down the road (which is why she gives them the journal and why he thinks he knows her so well) and they have to work up to that quickly because they might not get renewed. Orrr, is he using what he knows from the journal to use her? I like him now and I like him on missions. He does what needs to be done. I've always thought Goran was hot. Back in the ER days, woo! Fire!
  7. She probably couldn't be because she is on another show on MTV "Ex on the Beach" Or something? I wonder if she was going to have a bigger arc but then got that show and decided to get into MTV's family.
  8. I wonder if Kim thought she had Andy on her side because they had so many little side conversations where he was saying but Kim you said that on camera etc. In a weird sort of way I feel like he might’ve been fighting for her but she just was not giving in or apologizing. I can’t believe that last line she said about racism not really being real like 10 years ago? She is an insane person. As much as I hate how Kenya goes for the physical when she insults when she said Kim needed to talk to her plastic surgeon about her double chin and then right at that moment the editors put in a picture of her with making double chin face. That was gold. I think Sheree knew she was done this ep. she looked defeated. And this was her part. Or as Portia said, you’ve got the spotlight on you now. Good reunion. Atlanta does reunions right
  9. We shall see... I bet we will. All they have to do is have Cisco vibe there by accident and boom, they have an entry. I don't know if they will do all 5 shows together in crossover but why not cameos? Right now it's just 2 superheroes on BL. Not too many to guest star.
  10. I'm still laughing too. What a moment! I want a Beebo for my desk so I can look at it and crack up when I'm stressed out!
  11. His hair has got to go. Why is it so large and helmet-like? I like that they are letting him keep his gray sideburns though. Love the little salt and pepper. I thought felicity and ray were cute together. (I was in the minority though)
  12. Yeah but I always felt like it wasn’t clear that she was that Lenny and not just a figment of David’s consciousness. I think what I mean more is that Lenny is actually Lenny in the shadow king. So confusing. And @duncar that’s possible. Maybe in the future some of the consciousness of the shadow king, like Lenny for example, could break off from him somehow. With this show you never know!
  13. This was a good episode. I really like that they finally revealed fully that Lenny was real in the asylum. I liked the interactions with Foruhk and David. He’s had much more practiced honing his abilities unlike David. It does make me wonder if the big bad in future Syds life is David. Vulture has a good recap. I actually understood John Hamm’s narration this week because both David and the shadow king can change your perception of reality so that does give them power with humans. Also stray thought does the basket general guy have eyes on everyone because of his basket or is it because of his Androids? http://www.vulture.com/2018/04/legion-recap-season-2-episode-2.html
  14. I completely agree with the consensus on last night's Flash. Ralph is all over the place. One minute he's in and being a hero, next he's scared and doesn't care. Then he wants to be a constant comedian? I mean What? Also, I really HATE Barry this season. I feel like they are all having their male egos stomped on and it's making for a bad show. Though I will admit I laughed at the Ralph whoopie cushion. I know people have thoughts about Iris and I don't mind her, but I think that now that they are a couple it takes some of the fun out of it. I enjoy good tension and I like a love story. I felt for Marlize. Wow. When they started it was a week until the body gave out and she said it would take her 3 hours. Then at the end she said 1 hour. I mean, is this going on like every 10 minutes or something? Yikes! Also, Crucifer?! That cracked me up so much. Where does The Flash go from here?
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