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Everything posted by HumblePi

  1. Here we go, this is where we're heading in January. The first display of what Donald Trump's leadership for this country is going to be like. Two words should be enough, right? "Stop it"
  2. Well dammit, women should go on strike and stop birthing their babies for one whole generation, then they'll have no choice but to elect a woman president! Just kidding of course, but if you look at all the world leaders currently sitting at the very top today, only one-in-ten of today’s leaders of United Nations member states are women. The only way I can imagine a woman president in the US is if there was a 'Designated Survivor' situation like the television series. A massive explosion in the Capitol building kills every single Senator, Congressmen and the President all in one big blast. The only one not present in the Capital was the designated survivor, a female lower-level representative. I almost wish the TV series had made that survivor a woman in the series, it would have been a little more interesting. The US is still controlled by men so I don't think we'll see a woman president in my lifetime anyway. I don't even see anyone that could be a 'possible' on the horizon, even Warren doesn't have the charisma that people like. But I could envision Michelle Obama possibly running for office one day, maybe not 2020 but 2014.
  3. About inauguration day, I was imagining Kellyanne Conway's head popping up now and then during his speech just to correct any misstatement of his by interjecting "what he really mean is"
  4. Okay so, this isn't going to help anyone's anxiety or depression, so don't read it if you're afraid of more. But I'm going to be honest here. The one thing I haven't seen here is some introspection about our Democratic Party and their failures that ultimately resulted in this fiasco of an election. To start with, Hillary Clinton was almost the worst possible candidate not only to go up against Trump but she would have possibly fared just as horribly against Jeb Bush or Ted Cruz. She's always had the ambition and goal to be the first woman President, but she's a deeply flawed candidate and high risk for the Democrats to put in that position. If it was a well-functioning Democratic party, why would the Democratic party offer the nation a candidate with the highest disapproval ratings in modern history. Hillary Clinton marched to the nomination without any credible establishment opposition, and without much enthusiasm even among her own voters and that does not reflect a healthy party, it reflects an enfeebled party, lacking in presidential-level talent and firmly in the grips of a dubious political machine. Secondly, I'll let Bernie Sanders say this, he had it all right. ""You cannot be a party which on one hand says we're in favor of working people, we're in favor of the needs of young people but we don't quite have the courage to take on Wall Street and the billionaire class," he continued. "People do not believe that. You've got to decide which side you're on." Although we all believed that the Republican party was imploding upon itself it was in fact the Democratic party that failed us, the average citizen. The election of Donald Trump can only happen in a country that is deeply, deeply broken.
  5. I think that going forward we're in for a lot more appointments that will be even more concerning than Reince Priebus and Steve Bannon and we're going to have to get used to it. If it's any consolation at all, Reince Priebus may just be able to temper down Bannon a little with President Trump. My husband is exactly like your friends, he has always kept a good amount of cash at home in the case of a bank failure. Of course when the banks failed at the start of the great depression there weren't stop-gaps and safety nets in place as they are today. It won't hurt to be cautiously prepared for anything.
  6. Just announced. Reince Priebus named Chief of Staff and Steve Bannon to be Chief Strategist. One other thing I just learned about Steve Bannon, he was a managing partner with Goldman Sachs.
  7. I have to think of some things that will give me some consolation and maybe relieve some anxiety, so I came up with a few things that would tickle me. Donald and Melania will actually be living in 'public housing' for the first (possibly the last) time in their lives. Melania will never be allowed to have a bad hair day. She and Donald will be living inside a museum so it's a good idea that they both catch up on their American history knowledge. Barron will have to tough it out it his new public housing quarters and find some way to learn to share the 132 room, 55,000 square foot house with both parents. He might miss his old digs in his own 32,000 square foot floor in the Tower. Barron seems a little camera shy so he's going to have to adjust to having his photo taken at every opportunity. Donald is either going to have a surrogate alongside him every day when he receives his daily briefs in order to translate what they mean, or he's going to have to ask the each of the Presidential staff to dumb down their brief to 140 characters. The Presidents daily briefs are made available for President-elect Trump right now and I'm sure he's shitting himself just a little bit. "President's Daily Bulletin, is a Top Secret document produced and given each morning at 07:45 to the President of the United States. Producing and presenting the brief is the responsibility of the Director of National Intelligence, whose office is tasked with fusing intelligence from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the National Security Agency (NSA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other members of the U.S. Intelligence Community. The Brief is also produced for the President-elect of the United States, between the election day, and inauguration."
  8. For anyone interested, Donald Trump will be on 60 minutes tonight. I'm not sure if it's live or pre-recorded but I'm guessing pre-recorded.
  9. Maybe our fears, anxiety and misconceptions will be relieved if we watch this tonight, who knows?
  10. I too am a sort-of New Yorker having a son that lives there and I had also believed for some time that he never actually wanted to be the president, he only wanted to win it to push it in Obama's face for mocking him. He's going to have to relinquish his business dealings to someone else, even if it's not the Trump children since that would obviously bring forth a conflict of interest outcry among many people. I absolutely can't believe that he, as President of the United States, will focus on that job and only on that job. He'll be receiving briefs daily as President Obama does and as President Obama spends hours on those briefs, reading them, digesting them, reaching an opinion on them. Donald Trump has no focus at all, none. He can read a headline in the Enquirer or a 140 character tweet, but reading volumes of legal documents and proposals and staying on task is just something that's not even possible for him. As the ultimate narcissistic living in the ultimate narcissistic orgasmic rush he's satisfied right now. When the flurry of campaigning goes away, when the protests stop, that's when the test comes, when he faces the daunting task of actually doing the job he was elected to do.
  11. I think that was the very first thought in anyone's mind regarding his presidency. That's where all this fear and objection is based. On January 20th, he will have the capacity and the free will to act out in anger and press the button that releases up to 1800 nuclear weapons on whomever he chooses to destroy. We all know he's vengeful, vindictive and extremely impulsive. That's one moment that I hope that his family interferes with the presidency and knocks him to his senses.
  12. Heck no! don't take that down, it's your viewpoint and we all appreciate seeing this from any angle. We're all looking for answers as to 'how, when and why'. When election campaigning goes on as long as this had, we get weary and increasingly angry. We who voted Democratic just could not believe that anyone in their right mind could vote for 'that'. But I started out as a huge Sanders supporter and really wasn't behind Hillary Clinton because she was just too much a part of the whole political machine in Washington that kept us in wars, that didn't seek immigration reform, that didn't want to socialize healthcare, that pandered to lobbyists for big pharmaceutical and oil. I saw that, that's why I wasn't behind her. When Bernie was defeated I nearly died. He was my personal last hope for a rejuvenated and revived American spirit and economy.
  13. Here's some sobering thoughts that supporters of Hillary Clinton must face in retrospect. Taking away the fact that she just wasn't liked by many, she was pretty much hated even among a large majority of women. One fact was that the election process was so long that it got painful for many people to even follow. Saying that, the lengthy campaign rhetoric gave rise to more intense verbalizing on social media, more insults that were aimed directly to the core of Trump supporters. The press, the media, social networks and even politicians were all guilty of one thing that possibly was the force that changed the outcome of this election. That's the simple fact that a lot of people just dismissed middle America. We pointed to them accusingly of being ignorant, uneducated, gun-loving racists without college degrees. There might be more people in the Mid-West with college degrees than there are in many of our metropolitan areas. We offended the morality of so many people with our memes and our disparaging of them in not so kind words. They know that elites haven't really fixed the problems of this country that they're most concerned with such as jobs, healthcare, and immigration. Trump, although he most certainly is a shining example of an elitist, brought them home by speaking to those people who were disappointed and unhappy with Washington as a whole. He knew that to target those people who felt overlooked, insulted and trivialized would certainly bring him the Presidency.
  14. The Electoral College, some background. The Electoral College was implemented in 1787 that's right, you read it right, 1787. The actual election of a President to be made by a group of people apportioned among the states in the same numbers as their representatives in Congress. (who are they?) James Madison acknowledged that while a popular vote would be ideal, it would be difficult to get consensus on the proposal given the prevalence of slavery in the South at that time. The number of electoral votes given each state was appropriated according to the population of that State. Those small and less populated states like Wyoming generally favored the electoral college out of concern large states would otherwise control presidential elections. The founders assumed electors would be elected by the citizens of his district. So farmers would have control of the elector vote of their state, cattlemen would have control of the electoral vote of theirs, and so on. A state's number of electors equals the number of representatives and senators the state has in the United States Congress. In the case of representatives, this is based on the respective populations. Each state's number of representatives is determined every 10 years by the United States Census. Here's where it gets tricky. The State of California has 55 electoral votes. But, based on the current population of nearly 39 million, it actually should have triple the number of electoral votes, around 155. Wyoming has 3 electoral votes as does South Dakota, but Wyoming pledges their delegate to vote their party while South Dakota allows their electoral voters to vote their conscience. Therefore, despite the outcome of a state’s popular vote, the state’s electors in S. Dakota are ultimately free to vote in whatever manner they please, including an abstention, with no legal repercussions. There are only 21 States that have no requirements of, or legal control over, their electors. Colorado, Delaware, Maryland, Montana, Nevada, Vermont, and Wyoming have laws binding electors to cast their ballots for the candidate who won the popular vote in the state’s general election. Massachusetts, Connecticut, Mississippi, and South Carolina have laws binding electors to cast their ballots for the candidate that the elector vowed, when nominated, to represent. Alabama, Alaska, California, Florida, Hawaii, Michigan, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin have laws binding electors to cast their votes for the candidate belonging to the party that nominated the elector. No doubt we’d be better off if the law prevented the possibility of electors faithless to a candidate, but so far it hasn’t been one of the bigger problems with the electoral college. The electoral college is antiquated, unfair and confusing to say the least. Four times in U.S. history, the winner of the nationwide popular vote has lost the Electoral College and the general election. But a proposal called the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact would automatically allocate participating states' Electoral College votes to whoever wins the national popular vote. Considering the fact that Donald Trump won his presidency by way of the electoral college, it doesn't seem likely that this proposal would get very far in Congress. *Editing to add a happening moment question. Hillary Clinton has come out this morning publicly putting all the blame on losing the election on the shoulders of Jame Comey. Since she has squarely put the blame on his interference, the question shouts out as to whether the Democrats will push for an investigation into election rigging by Republicans?
  15. I'm praying that Ruth Bader Ginsburg lives to be 110 and if she dies I can only hope they find someone like those two Weekend at Bernie's guys.
  16. I haven't made any comments for a few days so I will probably be redundant with some of what I'll say. I thought I'd be feeling much better and in a state of acceptance by now but I'm not and my depression went to an even deeper level once I realized some of the facts of this election. We've given 'him' control of the House, Senate and White House, ALL 3 branches of Government. The Supreme Court is about to be filled by a new Republican President which removes any semblance of democracy. We've given Donald Trump, who has been described as vengeful, erratic, narcissistic, dangerous and temperamentally unfit to be president (and that's by conservative republicans) control of the FBI, CIA, NSA, EPA, IRS, plus drones and nuclear weapons. Deportations will start under ICE which he controls. Bans, not only on Muslim immigration but on Muslin tourism. Muslim tourism brought 18.4 billion dollars of revenue into the United States last year. Six countries of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE in the Middle East represent 37 per cent of all Muslim travelers worldwide. It's a pretty sure thing that Roe V Wade will be overturned and Planned Parenthood funding will dry up. With Rudy Giuliani as Attorney General, and 'pitchfork sheriff' David Clarke as Head of Homeland Security is a recipe for a pro-Putin administration. Our politics will align with Russia.. Angela Merkel is the only woman in the free world standing between Russia and the rest of the world. Republicans are no longer the party of Lincoln and Reagan, it's the party of Trump and the alt-right and has emboldened the KKK. Don't tell people that are afraid that they have no right to be. Don't ask us to come together and accept this man as our president when it was never his intention to accept all of us. His vulgarity and crassness was ratified and accepted by those that voted for him, now they have to own it. We need to cover him with as much zeal, cynicism and doggedness that was expended on Hillary's emails. There's one more thing. President elect Trump vowed to spend $1 trillion dollars on repairing the infrastructure. The plan is not to use our money but to float bonds, thus privately funding repair of infrastructure. Just about anyone can purchase bonds, any person from any country. A 'sovereign bond' is just debt security issued by a national government which in this case would be the US. Basically it means that foreign entities will control our infrastructure. Anyone investing in bonds expects a return on their investment, so how would that happen? Easily, by imposing tolls on bridges and roads.
  17. Newt Gingrich, Secretary of State, Rudy Giuliani, Attorney General, Reince Preibus, Chief of Staff
  18. As if I wasn't cynical enough, I'm feeling that those dollars that I contributed to Hillary's daily begging for support, all those hours I've spent online fighting on her behalf defending her against haters, and those few hours spent making phone calls at democrat headquarters and canvasing, then something malevolent is setting in. My mind is beginning to believe the conspiracy theories that Hillary was a pawn and part of the whole scheme of things to get him elected. That she was somehow a part of the 'new world order' plan to take over the world. She is after-all one of the top ten percent. It just all feels too unrealistic, too subversive and planned including the help of the media that put this man in the seat of the most powerful man in the world. I'm over-reacting but those dark thoughts keep creeping into my brain.
  19. This doesn't look so crazy now, does it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_World_Order_(conspiracy_theory)
  20. https://twitter.com/NYDailyNews/status/796259437703036928/photo/1 https://twitter.com/itsmattjarvis/status/796383384620515328/photo/1 https://twitter.com/AnthDeCeglie/status/796298256162516992/photo/1 https://twitter.com/inquirerdotnet/status/796382654006435840/photo/1 https://twitter.com/TheStalwart/status/796378893439614976/photo/1 https://twitter.com/JoshFeldberg/status/796279846452297728/photo/1
  21. A letter issued today by Donna Brazile. All class, no surprise there. https://democrats.org/post/dnc-statement-on-the-outcome-of-2016-elections
  22. And you know what? I actually hope he does. I hope he goes full on tyrant with the republicans that wouldn't support him. I hope he goes on a litigation tirade after the women that came out claiming he touched them inappropriately. I hope he tries to do even half of what he has threatened to do even if it includes trying to send Hillary Clinton to jail. That will be a wake up call for everyone that he's actually as insane as we know he is. For now, he's going to bathe in a long term orgasmic episode of narcissist oblivion.
  23. I come out of my self-induced seclusion today once in a while to check with these comments. Two things had occurred to me when I watched Melania and Barron on the stage last night. I couldn't watch it, but saw them assemble there. I still get the impression that Barron has ADS (autism spectrum disorder). His behavior is just not reactive or typical for a 10 year old boy. But then what typical 10 year old boy has an entire floor of Trump tower all for himself? I wondered if he'll be given an entire floor of the White House or will he have to rough it maybe with the Lincoln bedroom as his new hangout? Michelle Obama wants one thing set in stone before she leaves the White House, her beloved garden. Hillary had reassured Michelle Obama that she would be the protector of Michelle's garden in back of the White House. I wonder if Melania intends to put on her jeans and don her gardening gloves to invite young black children to be active participants in the growing of tomatoes and lettuce in the Michelle Obama garden. Okay, obviously that thought was preposterous, but still....it did cross my mind. There's so many little bits and pieces of history that's going to be totally lost on the Trump family who are very accustomed to waiters, butlers, maids, housekeepers, cooks, and various service people. Will they feel as though they've been transported to a cabin in the wilds of Maine and have to rough it living in the quarters of the White House? Will Melania understand that Dolly Madison was more than just a brand of ice cream? Will Barron appreciate the fact that black slaves built the walls that surround his poster bed? Will Donald feel the momentous tingle of sitting in the oval office where John-John played under JFK''s desk or the declaration of war against Japan was signed by FDR? I'm one of those that is deeply appreciative of our National treasures and tumultuous but illustrious history. I'm proud of what got us to where we are. I was offended to my core when Trump dared to stand at Gettysburg where Abraham Lincoln gave the most incredible speech ever given by a President in our history and chose to talk about how the first thing he intends to do as he takes over office is to sue the 12 women that accused him of sexual molestation. I know that Lincoln rolled over a few times in his grave, I would have. It's been a habit over the past 8 months to turn on my laptop and TV at the same time, and turn to CNN or MSNBC while I google online or post on Twitter or Facebook defending Hillary Clinton. All that stopped yesterday and I have to do everything in reverse. Today I've played poker on a poker website with live players (free stuff) and I've watched back to back episode of Toddlers & Tiaras. Anything but normal, anything to escape and anything to avoid anything about this fiasco and anything to avoid 'his' face or voice. All I can say now if I could say anything to him or to his supporters is "Show Me". Just do it and show me you will make my life better in any way.
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