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Everything posted by HumblePi

  1. OMG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!! FOX called it that he has won N. Carolina!
  2. I have a sister in Florida and she voted Trump, I think I'll disown her. The Dow futures are down 600 points now
  3. So now I'm thinking ahead to impeachment and hopefully before he starts WW3
  4. Oh shit, I just said it out loud "President Trump" and I nearly shit myself hearing it
  5. You are absolutely right KERLEYQ I'm not giving up hope
  6. Seriously folks, if Trump wins this election, we're all fucked big. Trump will put all his friends and family in powerful positions, people that are not qualified and we'll become a country ruled by a dictatorship. He will have the power to cancel all future elections, to round up Mexicans and ..... oh I hate thinking of the horrors. There will be violence, no doubt about it.
  7. Well, the Kremlin has a lot of power and now they have us if he wins. People are not going to like it either
  8. Solid Republican states are 160 for him, winning both NC and FL makes it 210 for him, rounded numbers of course. So that would be 250 for Clinton - 210 for Trump, the other 120 electoral votes are contested, not secured for any, that's the projection. If he wins Michigan, Ohio, Georgia, Nevada and Arizona, or steals California and Pennsylvania, that's when you should start to worry
  9. Florida doesn't matter, he needed a lot more than Florida, but Florida was a 'must' win for him.
  10. Exactly, don't panic! Trump will go up to the 170 electoral votes quick and easy and then up to a surprising 210 electoral votes, that's his ceiling right now 210 electoral votes, HIS CEILING!
  11. The stock market is down 400 points on fears of a Trump election
  12. Don't be surprised if Trump goes up to the 170 electoral votes quick and easy and then up to a surprising 210 electoral votes, that's his ceiling right now 210 electoral votes
  13. I think we should divide the country in half horizontally and let Donald have the South and Hillary the North. It'll be something like Game of Thrones.
  14. Canada will start building a wall tomorrow to keep all of us out.
  15. It just goes to show that our country is so deeply divided and it's more serious than anyone ever thought. But, Donald gave every hater a license to come out of the shadows and openly hate
  16. if Trump wins both NC and Florida projection would be 250 > 200 still for Clinton
  17. No, he's not. This is exactly as it was in 2012. Hillary will pull ahead
  18. all as projected, all as it happened in 2012, Trump 84 - 97 Clinton, no surprises yet
  19. The Weather Channel is playing 8 hours of soft jazz and relaxing music for the people finding this too difficult to escape to. 'Escape The Election" and it's accompanied by serene graphics and videos.
  20. If Trump wins Florida the projection will be 250 Clinton > 190 Trump
  21. Hillary Clinton has to win big or Donald is going to cry 'rigged'. I hate seeing this dragged on even longer than it has. 68 electoral votes for Hillary 66 electoral votes for Trump
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