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Everything posted by HumblePi

  1. Or by praying on it like Mike Pence does, or by conversion therapy, then there's always the good old fashioned hiding in the closet again.
  2. It all came down to the number of electoral votes that each State has, those are based on the population numbers of each state. The more populus a state is the great number of electoral votes they get. So despite winning the popular vote which Hillary Clinton did, she lost the electoral votes and couldn't reach the number of electoral votes needed to elect her as President which is 270. The math didn't add up even before those last few remaining states results hadn't come in yet because those states didn't have enough electoral votes to get her to that 270 number.
  3. I am trying to understand your comment "LMAO" because I was responding to a comment that had incorrectly stated that Barack Obama has been President for 4 years. Little quick to laugh and judge, aren't you?
  4. I'm sorry to resort to name calling about your boss but she's a twat. Women like her live in a one-dimensional universe and it's all about them. Women like her don't understand that 'locker room' talk happens but that talk is just not acceptable for a President of the United States whether it's in a bus or in a boardroom. It's a character flaw and a deep one. It illustrates a man that is without respect for women and he he can't respect women then he can't respect minorities, other religious, or people in the LGBT community. Basically, he doesn't respect anyone. So whether or not she was able to pay attention to this election she will certainly speak up and complain when things happen that actually affect her shallow little life. Speaking for myself only, I'm going from shock and dismay, to depression and tears and eventually I'll reach apathy when I just really don't give a shit about this country or what happens to it. That's the dangerous point that a lot of Americans are going to be reaching very soon.
  5. Hillary Clinton, showed composure, hope, trust and encouragement. Why the HELL would any of us want THAT for our President??
  6. Thank goodness I can say my conscience is clear about the second term of George Bush anyway. I worked on the John Kerry campaign as a volunteer. I manned the phones, knocked on doors and drove people to the polls that needed a ride on election day. I fought tooth and nail to keep Bush out of office for a second term of raping and pillaging this country.
  7. Unfortunately for those people so loyal to Donald Trump it will take a tremendous amount of horribly egregious mistakes made on his part for them to even stop and think to themselves "hmmm, maybe I made the wrong choice". But then they can't just say "oh well" and forget about it because there will be changes in people's lives that nobody will be able to forgive.
  8. I have to at least try to be unbiased as hard as it is and blame our media machine that really bolstered up our political agendas. Remember the little boy in Aleppo in the ambulance? Well, that night that we all saw that plastered on the news a very brilliant friend of mine commented about that. He said flatly, 'that's all political, for you to feel sad about, for you to feel encouraged to do something about'. I was shocked and said 'you are so cynical and hard hearts to say that!'. But weeks later after watching more news of Aleppo and our involvement in the fight there between Syrian rebels and the Syrian army I started to accept his analysis as truth. We don't like to hear or believe it, but we are very manipulated by what we watch on our nightly news and never doubt the motive behind the reporting or the genuineness of it. Yes, our hearts went out to a little boy living in a city ravaged by war. But what we didn't see is the bigger picture of Aleppo, our involvement and the need of having the support of Americans for it.
  9. thanks for doing that. I tried to google homes in Cape Breton and kept getting a 'connection was reset' notice. I tried other websites for Canadian properties and the same thing. Then I went to other various websites not at all related to Canada or homes and they all pulled up fine, it was only the Canadian property links when blank when I clicked on one. Oh, and they look expensive but keep in mind the Canadian dollar is only worth 74% of the US dollar, that's why people are planning to relocate there.
  10. I posted that last night when I heard that news. The Mexican federal reserve lost 35 billion poorer in a single night. And that's less than 24 hours later.
  11. He's been President for nearly 8 years, two terms. Many people hated him throughout his tenure and battled him at every turn. The black vote mattered in his elections, but despite that he barely got the numbers to win with 51% of the vote. People either loved him or despised him. They ignore all he's done for the good of this country (and the list is long) and they focused on things that weren't so good like the ACA which is something it took him four years to get the House to finally pass after mutating it into something it wasn't in the beginning. The Republicans won, that's all there is to say. Now the ball is in their corner and we'll all just have to wait and see what comes next. But as of today. President-elect Donald Trump has full access to everything within the government, all secrets all nuclear codes, all the enemy lists that will no doubt have his name on one of them. My final opinion, James Comey took this country down and of course he had plenty of help. But people obviously wanted this and they got it. They win, we lose. That's all.
  12. Someone do me a favor and google this: "homes for sale in Cape Breton" or "homes for sale in Ontario". Do that please and let me know what you come up with on google search. Google a few of them, not only one
  13. Not to worry, you aren't alone. Shock last night overpowered reason and there's millions of people that were voicing your exact sentiments at that time. This shock and dismay isn't going away, not for a long time. There's only going to be a very gradual feeling of resignation albeit a deeply depressed resignation.
  14. And as Governor Mike Pence remarked about the explosion of HIV related cases in Indiana due to his blocking of funding for Planned Parenthood and HIV screening, "I'll go home and pray on it".
  15. Women's rights have been set back 100 years. All the advancements made by women rights activists has been stalled now for an interminable amount of time. Bottom line as far as women's rights go, the score is Men-100 Women-0. Donald just validated men's mentality that says it's okay to call a woman a bitch. It's okay to take liberties with her body. It's okay to diminish their roles in business and public life. It's so awful but it's the least of our worries right now, sad to say that, but woman will again take a back seat priority in this administration.
  16. The election hadn't been officially 'called' at the point that Podesta came out and told everyone to leave. Her concession speech to them and to the nation hadn't been finalized. I really imagined her staff trying to put together a concession speech that wouldn't sound like sour grapes or even inflammatory in any way. To their credit, all those thousands standing in line since 3 in the afternoon then waiting until 2 a.m. didn't go ballistic or riot as his supporters would have done immediately. Disappointment, sadness and disappointment can instantly turn into anger, fear and protesting.
  17. If she had the emotional demeanor and spitefulness of Trump, she'd do exactly that. But she's smart, she knows that putting forth an angry and vengeful speech would do a whole lot of damage, more than we can imagine. The is why she knows when and how to use diplomacy, something Trump will never learn. Just for laughs, I'll post a tweet from a comedian from last night as the news of his win was being realized on social media.
  18. At this point, the wall is an unrealistic pipe dream. There won't be money there to build it. The wall was never something that was even remotely possible, it was only a talking point that Trump used to make people that hate Hispanics hopeful. It's never going to happen.
  19. Hillary Clinton will be delivering her concession speech at 10:30 EST. I am confident that she will carry it off with calm and support for the Republican presidency, because that's how she rolls, she'll go high.
  20. Yes we that are in that category where our worst fear is losing our 401K or Medicare or Social Security, it's a valid concern for sure. But we don't have the deep fear of an enforcement squad coming into our workplace or home to yank us out and deport the father of five legally born US children. We aren't a Muslim mother who will be afraid for her life going out to buy a loaf of bread or drop her child off to school. I won't be someone that's LGBT that had planned on fulfilling a dream by marrying their partner. I won't be a black man walking down the street in Chicago being afraid he's going to be shot in the back. So, it's comparing apples to oranges. Add to the mix the fact that the Mexican peso just lost 20% of it's value. Know what that means? It means that the Mexico federal reserves are about 35 billion dollars poorer today than it was yesterday. It means that there will be even more illegals trying to come into the US. It means that if they were just barely getting by on their meager paycheck every week that now they won't be able to make ends meet.
  21. The last two speeches given by President Obama in a rally for Hillary made me sense something that I didn't want to acknowledge at that moment. Of course, he's an incredible speaker, filled with passion and conviction. But there was something else that I saw in his face and eyes during those two rallies that I had never seen before in all his 8 years as President, 'FEAR' The fear in him was almost palpable, it was like you could reach out and touch it. It left me with a sick feeling and I shoved that feeling away thinking 'no, that can never happen'. With President Obama's knowledge about world affairs, I feel that he had a pretty good idea of exactly what the fallout from a Trump election would be. I know we have a difficult road ahead. But, as Ana Navarro said this morning on CNN, Donald Trump was elected by the people, it's their voices that were heard. He's our President and we have to try to accept him and work with him. Well sorry Ana, I just cannot. I can't accept him or any of his family or any of his people like Rudy Giuliani, Steve Bannon and Chris Christie. The thoughts of it makes me physically ill.
  22. I know one thing. I know that waking up white and middle class thinking that things quite possibly won't change drastically for me, yet anyway. But if I was waking up this morning as a Muslim mother or a Hispanic mother, I would be struck voiceless with fear. If I was gay or transgender, I'd probably consider going back into the closet in a new State. If I was black and living in a big city like Chicago or Dallas, I'd watch my back. If I was part of the gay community I'd be afraid that I'd be facing death from HIV down the road. We're going to see the power of the executive branch of this government expand its power without limits or boundaries. The President, Vice President, the President's cabinet, he Federal Reserve Board or the Securities and Exchange Commission, the CIA and Environmental Protection Agency as well as federal judges, ambassadors, and other federal offices. All of these agencies and departments are now going to be led by people appointed by President Trump (that was even hard to type). My mind is just being overwhelmed at the thoughts of our futures with these different agencies, all controlled by Trump puppets doing what Trump promised he'd do.
  23. I think if Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden were the Dem candidate that Trump would have lost hands down.
  24. I think it was precisely these votes like your husbands, women, blacks and friends added to the numbers of women that simply just hate Hilllary on a personal level, not a professional level, that resulted in Trump's victory. Maybe nobody actual considered that their vote would help elect him and were just as surprised as we are today. "gee, I did that but I didn't really mean it". I think those hate voters had it in the back of their minds that they were only making a statement but not one that would actually change the election and put Trump in the White House. I don't believe they considered the real consequences of that.
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