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Everything posted by HumblePi

  1. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to mentally accept having a Trump presidency. Then there's Rudy Giuliani who Trump will possibly make Attorney General. Now the conservative alt-right is in power and this is going to change lives. I couldn't even bear to watch Kellyanne Conway on CNN this morning. I turned off the TV last night when the Trump family walked in smiling and waving to take the stage. Once I heard Trump say 'it's going to be a beautiful thing' I turned it off. The guy doesn't know how to speak Presidential. Hillary and Obama must have been shell-shocked last night. People left the Javitz Center in tears as though their family member just died. I quickly searched online for reactions from all over the world. Most heads of state were completely disgusted and in shock except for the representative of North Korea, he thought it was a great thing.
  2. Holy shit this is just incredible. People there are bawling their eyes out.
  3. OMG Hillary is not going to speak, to concede. Podesta is telling people to go home, the election is 'too close to call'
  4. I don't think that one night of trauma here is going to help anyone and I would suggest to petition the management of PTV to add a new forum, sort of a postmortem forum for people to be able to come and express their anger, anxiety and possibly help others. What say you?
  5. We all can.. Today is horrible, tomorrow will be horrible and days will be horrible but eventually it will get less horrible, then eventually when we figure out we'll survive because he will not be our President for four years, no way he'll survive it
  6. How sad and even sadder, Mike Pence would hand her a weapon. I left to get to sleep and couldn't sleep. Got back up to watch the news, bad idea. Now waiting for Hillary to concede this horrendous nightmarish election
  7. Thank you everyone for being here along with me sharing this very unhappy night together. It's meant a lot to me to be able to voice my shock and sadness. I want everyone to know that tomorrow we'll all wake up and the sun will still be there, we'll go about our day as we usually do, nothing will be different. Let's all hope and pray that our biggest fears will never be realized. Goodnight.
  8. Goodbye Clean Air Act, goodbye EPA, goodbye clean water, hello fossil fuels and hello fracking.
  9. I don't know how that works, but as of right now, I'm out of Twitter and Facebook. I don't want to hear or see his swearing in as President in January and I don't want to see his acceptance speeches and gloating surrogates. I hope there's a really special place in Hell for all of them.
  10. That's not going to be easy. He's going to have to nearly completely demolish this country before there's anarchy, then it's too late anyway.
  11. Briana Kieler from CNN is at the Jacob Javits center where Hillary is supposed to speak. She said people are crying, some are leaving. people are stunned. Everyone is sober and some have their faces buried in their hands.
  12. Here's the geopolitical firestorm coming. Our NATO allies are freaking out! The TPP treaty and our Asian relationships will be dead. Putin will expand into the Baltic regions. The Turkish president said that if Trump is elected he will refuse to allow launching of our airstrikes into Syria from there. There will be enormous issues on the Southern border with Mexico. There are enormous issues geopolitically that we'll be dealing with. This is the seismic event of our political lifetime.
  13. Canada will welcome you gladly if you have a skill they need and right now they need engineers, doctors and people with chemical engineering degrees
  14. The thing that will be clear is that we've lost this democracy, it no longer exists. We may as well be living in Argentina, Crimea, N. Korea or Russia. I would even guess that people will be so nervous about banks failing that there will be a run on the banks. Alarmist maybe, but being forewarned is forearmed.
  15. Wow seriously, people are freaking out! So are we. I'm going to take a deep breath and not panic about what to expect. But I'm also considering Canada.
  16. Faces at the Jacob Javitz center in NY are very long, very sad and very tearful
  17. Well know what? Fuck them all the idiots, they'll all be as fucked as we are, only we'll have the consolation of a clear conscience by not voting for him.
  18. I've only been active on Twitter and Facebook for the past years to fight the tides of support for Trump. If he wins, I'm deleting both of them and I really don't give a shit what happens. Maybe we'll see Putin welcomed to visit the White House as a guest of President Trump.
  19. ALL the polls were wrong, ALL of them. Here we are, a sleazebag about to become President Elect Donald Trump. BUT!! Here's my consolation. IF Trump has lost this election there would have been major anarchy across the country, there would be bloodshed as they promised there would be. There still 'might' be but Democrats are generally not crazy anarchist types so they will accept this as their fate.
  20. Penn and Wisconsin are 30 combined that would give Trump the 280 he needs so there, watch those two and freak out if Trumps gets them both Pennsylvania will be the big worry
  21. California WINS 55 votes Oregon WINS 7 votes Hawaii 4 votes HILLARY 209 TRUMP 172
  22. He wants to immediately reverse Roe vs. Wade, that's why the evangelists are voting for him. He also wants to reverse the law that allow same sex marriages.
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