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Everything posted by HumblePi

  1. yes, I heard Jason Chaffetz on CNN talking about how there was still some wrongdoing because she was careless, and compromised national security and blah blah blah. BUT, unless Jason Chaffetz wants to go head-to-head with the Justice Department and the FBI, then he better STFU. His head will roll in his Utah election if he's not careful. The FBI is no longer investigating and that comes directly from James Comey. Now Rudy Giuliani is going to be in the hot seat because Representatives Elijah Cummings and John Conyers Jr both sent a letter to Inspector General Michael Horowitz requesting an investigation be open into the interference of Rudy Giuliani. They accuse him of laundering information obtained from retired FBI agents who received information about Comey reopening the investigation of her emails from current FBI agents. Giuliani gloated about this two days before Comey made his announcement 10 days ago. I would love to see Giuliani pay for this.
  2. I had some serious doubts from the beginning as to the preposterous number of '650,000' emails. The explanation as to how 650,000 emails ended up on his computer is that those were stored in the cloud from Huma's laptop and when she signed into HER email account on HIS laptop, emails from Hillary come up. At least that's what I understand.
  3. Paraphrasing the first Trump surrogate on CNN right now, Jason Miller. "We don't think anything is going to change. How is it possible for the FBI to go through 650,000 emails so quickly? This was not done on the up and up Wolf." Sour grapes and they can't dispute the fact, Comey made a recommendation that no criminal charges be brought. End of story.
  4. He'll have to flip-flop on his opinion of Comey again! He first condemned him for not finding anything to prosecute, then he flipped and said the FBI was doing a great job by re-opening the investigation into 'crooked Hillary' and now what will he say? I think he's toast, just like his skin color.
  5. I can't even express how ecstatic and excited I am about the James Comey letter and END to this witch hunt of Hillary's emails. This breaking news is HUGE or 'YUGE' as Donald would say. "It's the biggest news story in months, maybe in our lifetime. It's amazing and incredible and the best news ever in the age of modern politics!". That's only my imitation of Donald. But no kidding, this is absolutely the best news any of us could hear today. This is going to be a big game changer, I'm certain of it. The emails were the only thing that Republicans had hanging over her head and his supporters always read 'sinister and illegal' about them. Now they have all been proven absolutely wrong and finally there's an end to the email bullshit and it will NOT follow her into her Presidency.
  6. Those surrogates and pundits speaking up for Trump are going to have to eat this, it's a very bitter pill for them to swallow and will turn the election strongly in her favor. "Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) sent out a tweet today explaining that FBI director James Comey informed him that there had been no change in the conclusions the FBI had in the investigation into Hillary." And screw Jason Chaffertz too, I hope the people of Utah throw hm out.
  7. ****************************** NEWS FLASH ***************************** Minutes ago. They reviewed ALL of the emails and the conclusion of the FBI has NOT changed. This is essentially a clean bill of health for Hillary with the FBI http://www.mediaite.com/online/after-review-of-new-emails-comey-informs-congress-that-fbi-has-not-changed-conclusions-on-clinton-emails/
  8. Typical of the response I get on Facebook from Trump supporters. This particular response was on the article I posted about Trump's latest rally protester was actually a registered Republican. This just goes to show, you can't cure stupid.
  9. Just like 2000, the 2016 Florida polls could see the swing state deciding the presidential race. Also, once again, it’s difficult to say who will reign victorious there on Tuesday. Some swing states previously thought to be battlegrounds, namely Ohio and Arizona, are now leaning Trump. Together, they make up 30 electoral votes. There are 11 swing states: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin. The two States that are close are Florida and North Carolina. Here's what I began doing days ago. I sought out the largest newspaper publications in each State. I found their website and if they had a comments sections on the articles about the race, I left a comment. I tried to make it as logical I could in order for people that aren't well informed to be able to understand what I was saying. I basically said five things. She's qualified, she has championed some amazing causes in the past, her stance on issues are valid and logical, she'll work with Republicans to unite the country again, and lastly she is capable of leading people and not just dictating to them what is going to happen whether they like it or not. There's 1 day and 9 hours left to get out the message. Please join me in reaching into those States via social media with a positive message in favor of Hillary Clinton. It may just make the difference between a President Trump and Madam President. Thank you I was too lazy to read all the comments. I wish I was up early watching GMA. Truthfully I rarely tune to that channel. I wish CNN had him on, or MSNBC. Editing to add something additional about the Trump rally protester. This article in 'Gateway Pundit' which of course is nothing more than a pro-Trump blog posted this; BOOM! Man That Caused Trump Rally Chaos Is Exposed As a HILLARY SUPPORTER (VIDEO) http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/11/boom-man-caused-trump-rally-chaos-exposed-hillary-supporter-video/ the simple fact is that once a Trump supporter hears anything negative about Democrats and Hillary, it's instantly encapsulated in their minds, it's cemented there. Even when it's proven false or glaringly wrong, that is still their belief.
  10. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/06/trump-protester-i-was-beaten-for-holding-a-republicans-against-trump-sign I also wish that one of the networks would get this man, Austyn Crites into a studio to give his side of the story. He's a Republican!! But, Trump supporters believe it was a Hillary Clinton set up all the way. On social media they are loudly proclaiming Trump a hero because he survived the 'assassination attempt' by a guy obviously Democrat and 'the enemy' sent to cause trouble. The man was using his right to free speech and reached into his pocket to get the sign 'Republicans Against Trump' when people jumped on him, shouted 'gun!' and began to beat and kick him. This is hysteria, this is paranoia, this makes me realize that their threats of violence is real and it's here to stay.
  11. I've been following Tony Schwartz on Twitter since the first time I learned who he is. He actually authored 'The Art of the Deal' which Donald took full credit for but Tony wrote. He spent hundreds and hundreds of hours with Donald Trump observing him firsthand. If anyone knows Trump, Tony Schwartz does. Tony Schwartz hates Donald Trump with a vengeance. He describes him in this article. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/19/us/politics/trump-book-tony-schwartz.html?_r=0
  12. Shoes are considered unclean in the Arab World. This was a news reporters press conference in Baghdad. "This is a farewell kiss from the Iraqi people, you dog," yelled al-Zaidi in Arabic as he threw his first shoe towards Bush. "This is for the widows and orphans and all those killed in Iraq," Following the incident, The New York Times reported that Al-Zaidi was embraced around the Arab world. The shoe-throwing incident in Baghdad demonstrated in a deeply symbolic way, reflected the conflicted views in Iraq of a man who toppled Saddam Hussein, ordered the occupation of the country and brought it freedoms unthinkable under Mr. Hussein’s rule but at enormous costs. In my opinion George Bush sort of asked for trouble just being there. He's the one that ordered the bombing of Baghdad and this is precisely what started the Iraq war, destabilized the entire region there not to mention enabling the strengthening of ISIS and empowering both the Kurds and Shias. Saddam Hussein, if nothing else, kept those factor in check, he just murdered them. I think he was lucky just to be insulted with the throwing of a shoe at him.
  13. Yes the guy is a registered Republican but against Trump. "The protester at Trump's rally that was beaten and harassed is a registered Republican. He was at the rally expressing free speech and only holding a sign 'Republicans Against Trump'. He was he was kicked, punched and choked, and feared for his life when the crowd turned on him at the gathering in Reno, Nevada." https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/06/trump-protester-i-was-beaten-for-holding-a-republicans-against-trump-sign
  14. You give Trump way too much credit for labeling him a 'socialist'. He is a fascist and although related in some ways to socialism, they are more like cousins to each other than twins. Socialism is defined as "Government with companies owning assests". The widely used definition of Fascism is "Government with the basis of a powerful leader (Oligargy)" By the way, Bernie Sanders adopted the label of being a 'democratic socialist' which is far and away much different than socialism. The use of ethnic stereotypes and exploitation of fear of foreigners is directly out of a fascist’s recipe book. “Making the country great again” sounds exactly like the fascist movements. Concern about national decline, that was one of the most prominent emotional states evoked in fascist discourse, and Trump is using that full-blast, quite illegitimately, because the country isn’t in serious decline, but he’s able to persuade them that it is. That is a fascist stroke. An aggressive foreign policy to arrest the supposed decline. That’s another one. Then, there’s a second level, which is a level of style and technique. He even looks like Mussolini in the way he sticks his lower jaw out, and also the bluster, the skill at sensing the mood of the crowd, the skillful use of media. The fascist-Nazi axis, which I would say is where Trump fits in, merely extols leadership, leadership without purpose, program or direction, and power for power’s sake.Poorly educated white males feel that they have been left behind, and the country is not better for them, and there are enough of those people to make a huge difference. I don’t think there are enough of those people to elect a president, but they can make a powerful movement.
  15. Pope Francis agrees with your aunt. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/pope-francis-still-doesnt-like-donald-trump_us_581e386ee4b0d9ce6fbc78a6
  16. If nobody noticed, in just the last two days, Hillary Clinton has had Bernie Sanders, President Obama, Jay Z and Beyonce, Katy Perry, Pharrell Williams, Joe Biden, Marc Anthony, JLo and possibly others stomping with her in rallies. On the other side, Donald Trump has had, um..... himself. That's because Chris Christie backed out from attending because of the scandal over Bridgegate and the guilty verdict of his two right-hand people. And Paul Ryan cancelled his appearance at a rally he was supposed to attend with Trump tomorrow. So who's left, Chachi?
  17. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” This is an extremely relevant quote from Santayana who wrote it (in The Life of Reason), 1905. The parallels one can draw between the rise of Adolph Hitler and Donald Trump are too similar to dismiss. Adolph Hitler was actually elected by popular vote of the German people. He had no intention of abiding by the rules of democracy. He intended only to use those rules to legally establish himself as dictator as quickly as possible then begin the Nazi revolution. Does anyone really think that Donald Trump intends to abide by the rules of our democracy? So far, he hasn't given even one instance in his policies that would indicate he would abide by any of our laws. He would fire all the generals, nuke our enemies, abolish the EPA, build walls and isolate our country from the rest of the world. Not a good idea. He's seeking the power that a dictator holds. And if he's elected, there's no doubt his path for the country will follow along the same lines as Nazi Germany. Destruction of those who oppose, installation of those elites who will carry out his orders, elimination of ethnic groups, isolation from free trade, bankruptcy of the government and threatening the use of nuclear weapons on foreign countries that oppose him.
  18. Jason Cheffetz has considered what effect this would have on his 15 year old daughter. "I'm out. I can no longer in good conscience endorse this person for president," Chaffetz said the day after The Washington Post revealed Trump's 2005 "Access Hollywood" tape. The breaking point, he went onto say, was that he couldn't look his 15-year-old daughter in the eye and talk about what the GOP presidential nominee said: "It is some of the most abhorrent and offensive comments that you can possibly imagine." Okay, fast forward 19 days and Jason Cheffetz he breaks some kind of political flip-flop record with this tweet, This is the same guy that tried to crucify Hillary Clinton in the James Comey hearing. This is an elected official serving in Congress. This is an elected official that is the chairman of the United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform! I for one, am hoping that when Hillary Clinton wins that she will start cleaning out the house in Washington. The Republicans will take a big hit for all this conspiring against Clinton and have no doubt about it, this HAS been a collective conspiracy.
  19. I just watched a large part of Donald's 45 minute speech at his rally in Florida. It was covered in entirety by Fox News Verney and Company. When it finished, Stuart Varney looked proudly into the camera and said "Can I just ask everybody a question? When is the last time you watched a politician or any national leader, speak for 45 minutes straight, and you listened to every word? When was the last time you saw that? He held that crowd from beginning to end. They were clearly very much for him. He looked like a man that's engaged with his audience and engaged with the country. That's my position." He asked his guest commentator if she thought that Hillary's speech today would be as good and if she thought that Hillary could work the crowd like Donald Trump worked that crowd. She answered "well, it's hard to get people enthusiastic and excited when the gist of your message is attacking and dragging down your opponent Well, I watched as much as I could stand and all I heard was the same old things he's been saying for almost 2 years. ie: "the wall', open borders, Hillary is a crook, illegal immigrants coming to kill us, etc" I was totally uninspired by a single word and all I heard was;
  20. The Christie inserted was Photoshop and this is (was) campaign staffer John McGee's hovel. Nevertheless, I can't imagine a more depressing, dark, and spiritual down-lifting atmosphere to work in. Have any of you ever worked in a cubicle? I have and it wasn't bad because it was compact but had everything I needed right at hand. The lighting was excellent and the color palate was warm. Compare that to the cubicle occupied by staffer John McGee. It almost looks like a basement except that I can see windows in the distant office. Dark gray cement floors, there's wires hanging all over the ceiling and there's no ceiling to speak of but there's plenty of vents for water and air, and there's no overhead lighting whatsoever. Matter of fact, if I was a criminal serving a life sentence for murder and after 20 years of good behavior they offered me a light-duty desk job, that's exactly how I'd imagine my work space would look like. But in all fairness, these were meant to be used for a very short amount of time, definitely not intended to be extra office space for employees hired for a 4 year term. :P
  21. Many people will miss Barack Obama when he leaves office. I don't know what his future plans are but I'm sure he'll be remaining in Washington and politics, it's in his blood. (proved that with a blood test:). I'm hoping President Clinton will offer him a cabinet post or ambassadorship. Perhaps she'll appoint him to lead a commission on criminal justice reform, gun control or nuclear non-proliferation. Whichever cause he works on we can be sure he'll work with the same intensity and focus as we've seen from him over the past eight years. He's unfaltering and unflappable. I think most will agree that they trust this man more than any politician of current times, I know that I certainly have. He's a wonderful husband, father and friend to his friends. He has a genuineness and warmth that translates easily even through the eye of a camera. He has a vast amount of empathy for others less fortunate that most politicians either don't have or don't show. We very rarely see emotions of sadness and sympathy from any politician but we saw Barack Obama weep openly after the Sandy Hook shootings. In my book, that's a real man.
  22. It's been said so many times how critical Florida is for both candidates. They've both been stomping in Florida and even President Obama thought it vital enough to rally for Hillary there. Early voting by residents of Florida shows that Latino early voting is up 100% and that's huge. Hillary Clinton is on track to capture 79 percent of the Latino vote in Florida. Here's the good part. Puerto Ricans have been streaming into Florida, and they sure aren't fans of Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton's representatives in Florida have actually been at the airports registering people to vote. The section asks would-be voters to select an affiliation: The options are Republican, Democratic, none at all, write in something else, or leave it blank. But back on the island, Puerto Ricans don’t have the same political parties. And according to advocacy group organizers and volunteers working on registration efforts, the labels of American governance often prove perplexing. Some of them will ask, ‘What party is the president?'. There are over 1 million of them in Florida, more than double the number 14 years ago and this is going to be a large factor in Hillary Clinton's favor. Even though Puerto Rican immigrants new to U.S. politics don't really know a lot about our elections or the candidates, the majority of them know about Donald Trump. Latino voters desperately want to reject Trump's disparaging rhetoric against Latinos, which has been a major piece of his campaign. So there you go, some brighter news for the start of one day closer to a Hillary Clinton win.
  23. It's seems that a lot of us saw the interview with Chris Matthews and Rudy Giuliani. I knew it was coming, so I recorded it and watched it later. Rudy Giuliani was well prepared for the question and he had a story ready, but Chris Matthews was not buying it. Giuliani did everything he could to pivot onto 'crooked Hillary' and all the same 'blah blah blah' that we've been hearing for a year. They have nothing really, not a thing. As mentioned up-thread, Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, Rep. John Conyers, Jr. and Maxine Waters, all Ranking Members of the House Committees on Oversight and Government Reform and Judiciary, are seeking an investigation into the possible leak of information regarding James Comey's announcement last week. They want Giuliani investigated as having information about this announcement two days before James Comey made it. This is the letter sent to the Department of Justice; http://democrats.oversight.house.gov/news/press-releases/cummings-and-conyers-request-investigation-of-fbi-leaks-to-trump-campaign For those who missed the Chris Matthews/Rudy Giuliani interview, here it is.
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