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Everything posted by HumblePi

  1. I had mentioned Monty Python in the Hillary Clinton comments but it brought a funny memory to my mind about Monty Python who I thought was an absolutely brilliant British comedy team. I remembered this video because it reminds me a little of what we're going through with this undisputed most contentious election in our history. It's basically a video of four old friends getting together to reminisce about their childhoods. They talk about the hardships they underwent growing up but suddenly began out-doing each other, that's when it gets funny. If you have a problem understanding the accent, here's the script for The Four Yorkshiremen. It helps to read as you listen, I guarantee you'll finish with tears of laughter running down your cheeks. Four Yorkshiremen Sketch Monty Python Four well-dressed men sitting together at a vacation resort. Michael Palin: Ahh.. Very passable, this, very passable. Graham Chapman: Nothing like a good glass of Chateau de Chassilier, ay Gessiah? Terry Jones: You're right there Obediah. Eric Idle: Who'd a thought thirty years ago we'd all be sittin' here drinking Chateau de Chassilier, eh? MP: Aye. In them days, we'd a' been glad to have the price of a cup o' tea. GC: A cup ' COLD tea. EI: Without milk or sugar. TJ: OR tea! MP: In a cracked cup and all. EI: We never used to have a cup. We used to have to drink out of a rolled up newspaper. GC: The best WE could manage was to suck on a piece of damp cloth. TJ: But you know, we were happy in those days, although we were poor. MP: Aye. BECAUSE we were poor. My old Dad used to say to me, 'Money doesn't bring you happiness.' EI: 'E was right. I was happier then and I had NOTHIN'. We used to live in this tiny old tumbled down house, with great big holes in the roof. GC: House? You were lucky to live in a HOUSE! We used to live in one room, all twenty-six of us, no furniture. Half the floor was missing; we were all huddled together in one corner for fear of FALLING! TJ: You were lucky to have a ROOM! *We* used to have to live in a corridor! MP: Ohhhh we used to DREAM of livin' in a corridor! Woulda' been a palace to us. We used to live in an old water tank on a rubbish tip. We got woke up every morning by having a load of rotting fish dumped all over us! House!? Hmph. EI: Well when I say 'house' it was just a hole in the ground covered by a sheet of tarpolin, but it was a house to US! GC: We were evicted from *our* hole in the ground; we had to go and live in a lake! TJ: You were lucky to have a LAKE! There were a hundred and fifty of us living in a shoebox in the middle of the road. MP: Cardboard box? TJ: Aye. MP: You were lucky. We lived for three months in a rolled up newspaper in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six o'clock in the morning, clean the newspaper, go to work down mill for fourteen hours a day week in-week out for sixpence a week and when we got home, our Dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt! GC: Luxury. We used to have to get out of the lake at three o'clock in the morning, clean the lake, eat a handful of hot gravel, work 20 hours a day at the mill every day for tuppence a month, come home, and Dad would beat us around the head and neck with a broken bottle, if we were LUCKY! TJ: Well of course we had it tough. We used to have to get up out of the shoebox in the middle of the night, and LICK the road clean with our tongues. We had half a handful of freezing cold gravel, worked twenty-four hours a day at the mill for fourpence every six years, and when we got home, our Dad would slice us in two with a bread knife. EI: Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, (pause for laughter), eat a lump of cold poison, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us, and dance about on our graves singing 'Hallelujah.' MP: But you try and tell the young people today that... and they won't believe ya'. ALL: Nope, nope..
  2. What really surprised me in the beginning, but not anymore, is how vicious and downright sickeningly disgusting the comments, remarks, posts, pictures and lies were. I was a little surprised that so many people could harbor so much hatred. I can't blame them, I blame him and his surrogates. They have accused both Bill and Hillary Clinton of murder, they have accused Bill Clinton of having an illegitimate half-black son, they have accused Hillary and Obama of creating ISIS and I half expect some like "Shocking new revelation!! Hillary Clinton has an illegitimate Muslim daughter with Anthony Weiner that is being hidden in a closet in Bangladesh!! OMG!" After so much bullshit being throw out there that's absolutely baseless and preposterous, I just got immune to it and I'm not shocked anymore. If the British comedy group Monty Python was still around, I would swear that I was living inside one of their skits.
  3. 1 hour ago, Nidratime said: I guess I shouldn't be surprised how even some responsible journalists are conflating stories. Just heard Karen Tumulty calling the email situation and Wikileaks a Clinton "scandal." How is Wikileaks a Clinton scandal? The Russians and Wikileaks stole DNC emails and Clinton campaign emails. They were victims of a crime and somehow *they're* to blame? Especially when the Trump campaign is in cahoots with the Russians and seems to know what's in Wikileak emails before they're even released?! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Trump supporters grab onto any negative news. You're right, where is the scandal when these have been illegally hacked and backed by a foreign government who is interfering with our democratic election. It makes me see red, and not the Russian kind. If you run across any Trump supporter that argues this point, feel free to hand them over the following information....... The conclusion of 12 different intelligence agencies is that there is irrefutable evidence that Wikileaks and Russia are in cooperation to prevent Hillary Clinton from being elected by releasing emails. Russia and Donald Trump have had a 'bromance', there's no doubt about that. Haven't you ever wondered 'why' that is? Vladimir Putin is in no uncertain terms an enemy of the West. He's a ruthless dictator and mass murderer. Is it wise for a Presidential candidate to show this degree of admiration for an authoritarian dictator? The answer is no, not unless your ambitions are to actually be one also. There is undeniable documentation that people in the Trump camp had knowledge beforehand of the intended release of damaging emails by Julian Assange. Now a little background on Assange. He's the programmer and publisher of Wikileaks. On November 2010, Assange was requested to be extradited to Sweden, where he is wanted for questioning concerning an allegation of rape. Assange denied the allegation and has expressed concern that he would be extradited from Sweden to the United States due to his perceived role in publishing secret American documents. After exhausting his legal options in the United Kingdom, Assange did not surrender for extradition. Rather, he sought and was granted asylum by Ecuador in August 2012. Assange has since remained in the Embassy of Ecuador in London, and is unable to leave without being arrested for breaching his bail conditions. Julian Assange is a wanted criminal who is hiding in the embassy in London and wants nothing more than to take down Hillary Clinton. Why, you ask? Well simply put because she wants Julian Assange arrested if he ever sets one foot in this country. US authorities began investigating WikiLeaks and Assange personally with a view to prosecuting them under the Espionage Act of 1917. He's a spy, a traitor, a treason-er, a destroyer of people. Vladimir Putin loves Julian Assange because he knows that whatever Wikileaks puts out there, he knows that people in the U.S., particularly Republicans will eat it all up and turn to Trump, who Putin loves because he's aware that Trump is mentally incompetent to act as President and will be his personal puppet. Back to the fact that the Trump people knew in advance and thus are co-conspirators in the smear of Hillary Clinton. This brings me to Roger Stone. Stone served as an advisor to the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump. He was a principal with the lobbying firm Black, Manafort (name sound familiar?), Stone and Kelly. In 2008, Daily Beast described him as a "self-admitted hit man for the GOP." On October 2, and AHEAD of one of the releases of Wikileaks, Roger Stone published this comment on Twitter. His 'prediction' turned out to be fact and why? Because he knew exactly what was going to be released ahead of time.
  4. Whatever you do, don't use the virtual reality goggles to relax. They tried to get this mom to relax while in the hospital waiting room while her husband was undergoing surgery by watching a roller coaster. Bad idea.
  5. You echo my sentiments exactly. I have been aware for many years that Hillary Clinton is possibly the most prepared and qualified person to be President for a very long time. Way back when people angrily voiced their objections as if "how dare a woman be so ambitious!" to "what a bitch she is!", simply because she's smart and educated and has determination. I'm sick of people putting her down because her husband had affairs. Takes two to tango baby and there will always be women who will throw themselves at a handsome, powerful man. Bill Clinton took what was offered freely and he doesn't get a pass for that from me either. Bill Clinton isn't the first and won't be the last man who wasn't faithful to his wife while being in publicly elected office. John Kennedy, Bobby, Kennedy, Ted Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Dwight Eisenhower, Franklin D. Roosevelt, the list goes on throughout history. Sexual misconduct and scandals are not new to Europe and to them it's not a big deal. But in the U.S., the place where a man can openly hate women, minorities and other religions gets millions to cheer him and support him. I will support her election any way that I can. I am a fervent fan and I post on Twitter and Facebook many times in a day in support of her. I only have one vote but I have many voices in social media. I get particularly intense when false and blank accusations are heaped on her like 'she's a murderer!' Well no, she's not and I will gladly provide that person with concrete, factual information to dispute it. I had reached a point when what I was reading was just turning my guts into a knot and that's when I decided 'enough is enough' and got out there vigorously debunking blind allegations. I am certain of one thing. Despite all that I know about Hillary Clinton that makes me confident that she's experienced more than enough to be President one other thing is pertinent. She's a woman, she's the first woman to preside over the welfare of this country and she will be held to a much higher standard than any man in history to hold that job. She will be judged and it will be harsh. She will be criticized and it will all have to be refuted. She will be on the defense every day for every word she speaks, every action she takes. Her bar is set miles higher than Donald Trump or any other man the Republicans could have run on their ticket. Because she understands how absolutely vital it is that she leave behind a legacy in the White House that will inspire, motivate, galvanize and energize this country and she will do everything in her power to not only meet those expectations but to exceed them. Now is not the time to hide from the aggressors, now is the time to let your voice be heard. Approach social media armed with facts and logic instead of anger and accusation. Like the Nike slogan, 'Just do It'.
  6. I support Hillary Clinton and I'm on the mailing list for the DNC so I get email daily asking for a donation. I received one today with a statement from John Podesta. I'll copy and paste it all here. Forwarded message----- From: John Podesta, HillaryClinton.com Subject: A note re: Comey's letter and what’s next Friend -- By now, you've probably heard some news about a bewildering letter sent to Congressional leaders by the Director of the FBI. This is all a bit confusing, and much of the reporting has been misleading or downright inaccurate, so I want to take a minute to walk through this. Bear with me! Here's the quick backstory: In July, FBI Director James Comey concluded a year-long investigation by deciding not to go forward with any case about Hillary's emails. It wasn't even a close call, he said. In his words, "no reasonable prosecutor" would have brought charges. Yesterday, in a surprise to us all, Comey wrote a very strange letter to Congress that was long on innuendo and short on facts. He said that in a completely separate investigation, the FBI had found some emails that may or may not be related to Hillary, and indeed may or may not be significant at all. It's since been reported that these emails may not have even been sent by or to Hillary; that they weren't withheld by Hillary or the campaign in the earlier investigation; and most or even all of them may be duplicates of emails already in the FBI's possession. It's being reported that Comey sent this letter over the objections of Department of Justice officials who told him that it was inconsistent with longstanding policy of both Democratic and Republican administrations not to take action that might impact an election. It's an unprecedented intrusion into a close presidential election with 10 days until Election Day. But by being vague and obfuscating, Comey opened the door to conspiracy theories, Republican attacks against Hillary, and a surge of fundraising for Trump and his team. So this bears repeating: There is no evidence of wrongdoing, no charge of wrongdoing, and no indication that any of this even involves Hillary. Voters deserve answers. Comey needs to come clean with the American people about what he found and answer all the questions about why he took this unprecedented step less than two weeks before the election. Here's what this changes for you and this campaign: Absolutely nothing. Trump has spent more than a year trying to bully his way to the presidency. He's been browbeating the FBI (indeed, many have speculated that Comey took this extraordinary action in part to reduce the pressure on his agency that Trump's campaign and his Republican Congressional allies has been building up), leading crowds in chants of "lock her up," and even saying Hillary should be in prison -- and if he won, he'd put her there. The facts be damned -- Trump's always shown a complete disregard for the truth. In spite of there being no new information, he's already raising money off the bizarre letter (he literally sent a text message asking for money within an hour of the story breaking!) and he's more fired up than ever on the trail today. These are the actions of a desperate man. Trump knows he can't win on his character, temperament, or his policies. He's behind, so he'll cling to whatever he can. So, no, our strategy doesn't change. But our intensity needs to, because we can't let him get away with this. Our organizers and volunteers on the ground are rallying behind Hillary in what will be the biggest volunteer weekend of the campaign so far. You need to get her back, too. You need to say you're not willing to let Trump bully or buy his way into the presidency, and you're not going to let anything stop us from making history. There are ten days to go. Let's buckle down, stay focused, and win this: Thanks, John John Podesta Chair Hillary for America
  7. A few people have commented that they've stayed off Twitter or Facebook recently because it's just too difficult reading these pro-Trumpers talk about how wonderful he is and how horrible Hillary is. I've done the opposite and have been more involved in both Twitter and Facebook than I have ever been. I don't even share my Facebook account with relatives, it's totally private. But this election has awakened the beast in me and I'm there, fiercely supporting the only person capable of being the President. I'd encourage anyone with a Twitter account to be visible and verbal and for those without one, set one up. The opposition is always very expressive and visible and we're running out of time to encourage, support and defend our candidate, no matter which one it is.
  8. How Hating Hillary Clinton Became Cool http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/clinton-trust-unpopular_us_57969600e4b0d3568f84486d
  9. Yeah I deleted it and sent it via the tube over to the Hillary topic. Sometimes it's difficult to separate the pig from the oink.
  10. The FBI director, James Comey went against the recommendation of Attorney General Loretta Lynch. She and others had a rather heated discussion about releasing this and she strongly made an argument as to why James Comey shouldn't open that door. But Comey ultimately believed he needed to act to correct his previous testimony. James Comey overstepped his bounds. The FBI Director has one job, to investigate and find if there is evidence of a crime, and if there is any evidence of a crime, they are supposed to bring a case in court in which case the defendant will have the opportunity to respond. If they find no evidence of a crime, they're not supposed to pass their own personal judgements as to what is careless and what isn't. There are other authorities that have the responsibility to do that, in this case the Inspector General of the State Department. What James Comey did was to give his personal opinion only served to fuel the Republicans who wanted to politicize the outcome of the investigation. He should have closed the case, say he reviewed it carefully and that there was no reason to bring charges. I think that after the initial shock and repercussions from yesterdays announcement from the FBI director that people that are smart will be able to figure out that this is the 'October surprise' that Julian Assange warned about weeks ago. It's not the first 'October surprise' to happen in an election. There have been many of them over the past decades. Each was intended to sabotage the candidate that was leading in the polls, clearly to cast aspersion and doubt on that candidate and give the opponent the edge right before the election. I strongly believe that Hillary Clinton will easily survive this and the Trump campaign may even suffer more for it than they planned on because it is glaringly clear that this is an eleventh hour attempt at pushing undecided voters into casting their ballot for Trump.
  11. I just watched the Bill Maher show that was on last night, I had it recorded. I'm going to paraphrase Bill Maher regarding what he said at the end of his show regarding 'millennials' and the apparent indecisiveness they seem to have about this election. He was speaking specifically about millennials but in my opinion it's speaks not only to millennials but to the greater proportion of Trump supporters. "I am so tired of hearing, 'I know Trump's a creep, but Hillary doesn't seem genuine.' Republicans have one path to a victory this election and it's called false equivalency. Republicans can't deny Trump is horrible, it's on tape. So they want voters to believe that Hillary is just as bad. In pursuit of that goal, Republicans have an ally, lazy people. People that like to say 'they're all bad'. Because when you say that, you don't have to do any homework. Say "they're all the same" and you can sound justifiably jaded by the entire process --when really you just don't know anything. You say you're cynical about politics? Don't flatter yourself. Cynical comes when you know too much. You on the other hand haven't bothered to learn anything. You are not clueless, you just apply your brainpower to bullshit. Before people going out for a taco, you will go on Yelp and search for a taco that won't go out of your body in fifteen minutes. People will use six different websites searching to get a plane ticket for a weekend trip but they don't care who runs the world for the next four years? "
  12. Tweets by Kellyanne Conway, Trump's campaign manager, just one month apart. On Sept. 30, Kellyanne Conway tweeted this; then yesterday, this tweet from Kellyanne
  13. I had a light bulb moment and I think I figured this out. There's just two things. #1 Donald Trump wants to rule this country, maybe the world. He and his Republican cronies are behind this 'McCarthyism'. #2 Huma Abedin is a practicing Muslim. Need I say more?
  14. I was under the impression that all encrypted emails are saved in 'the cloud'. This is how Julian Assange hacked into them. If Julian Assange can hack into private servers in the cloud then why can't James Comey do the same thing. He's the head of the FBI, don't we have the same capabilities as Julian Assange has? This is highly irresponsible of Director Comey to come out with this before actually doing the investigation. It just leaves his motives suspect. Comey sent a public letter with absolutely no facts to the members of Congress and now the people that support Trump get on the rage-wave of yelling 'lock her up'. Back in July, Donald Trump severely criticized Comey for finding no evidence of illegal misconduct on the part of Hillary Clinton in his July report. But yesterday he PRAISED the FBI and James Comey for sending a letter with no facts, doesn't know if it's significant and hasn't even read a single email. Donald Trump claims 'this is bigger than Watergate!'. Watergate was a criminally proven obstruction of justice. Donald Trump recklessly charges without any fact. Not one voter will be influenced by this in my opinion. *Lanny Davis, Former White House Special Council. "We should have learned our lesson from the McCarthy era, innuendo is not the same as fact and there are no facts and indeed he said he doesn't even know if there's anything significant. I would challenge Director Comey to get as many agents from the FBI together to go through and release every one of these emails and then we'll have our answer in 24 hours." That's the way this should go and Hillary WANTS them all out there, she's not trying to cover up anything. But, the Republicans certainly do not want them disclosed because then it would prove that this is a distraction and distortion of the truth in order to sideline Hillary Clinton's campaign and election.
  15. This is a copy of the letter sent to the Dept. of Justice by James Comey. The last paragraph is especially pertinent because it essentially translates to; 'the FBI knows that there's nothing significant but we're going to keep everyone wondering about it for a long time, well after the elections. We're going to take all the time we want and keep everyone in suspense and release nothing until past the election. We'll make certain that it appears that Hillary Clinton is a crook and lose this election.' The Republicans intend to cast accusations without substance or proof simply to put a thumb on the scales of this election in favor of that insane dictator, Donald Trump. Look, the only thing anyone has at this point to stop Hillary Clinton is stolen emails from Hillary Clinton to her Huma Abedin. It's only conjecture at this point but Republicans hope it's enough to prevent people of both parties from voting for her.
  16. I've thought that from the first day that Donald Trump got on a debate stage with other Republicans in 2008 that he has NPD. Yes, people have been manipulated by a master of manipulation. ALL people with this clinically diagnosed mental disorder are masters of the art of manipulation and nearly every one of them that actually do seek psychological help manage to manipulate their psychologist. He's a crazy person and I can't live in this country if he's elected. I know people say that but I'm dead serious. I have a son that lives in Colombia for six months a year and if I don't go to Canada, it will be Colombia.
  17. I didn't learn about all this new information from FBI Director James Comey until very late last night and today I'm really trying to sort through what's fact and what's fiction. Yesterday, the reactions on CNN were of emotional shock and dismay and 'the sky is falling'. I thought, holy crap what is it that's so apocalyptic? What is it that might be so egregious that it will snatch the victory right out of the hands of the Democrats just 12 days before the election? This is what I've learned today so far and I hope others will help me understand all of this with your input. On October 4, Julian Assange promised an October surprise so he knew well in advance exactly what releasing this news would do to the election. Keeping in mind that Wikileaks is a criminal enterprise run by Julian Assange and information he releases is through illegally obtained means but we have been told that everything that's released is honest and true. That's what I didn't really understand from the start. If emails are hacked then they could also be manipulated and should never be legally accepted as factual in a court of law. Why was anyone even given the chance to take even one hacked email from Julian Assange and Wikileaks and present it as accurate? Every piece of information obtained through felonious means should have been dismissed. We all heard Donald Trump's own voice in the bus with Billy Bush and Republicans and Trump expected us to deny the severity and validity of that and chalk it up to 'locker room talk'? Hillary Clinton's critics hoped that it would damage her chances at the presidency. There was even a hashtag on Twitter #octobersurprise. And again, Huma Abedin will go through all the trauma about her husband Anthony Weiner and the Republicans will drag this woman, and Hillary along with her, through the mud to cause her to lose the election. Director of the FBI, James Comey has mishandled this investigation from the start and is still mishandling it. The Justice Department has rules about prohibiting them from saying anything about an investigation to the public. There's a law on the books that no information be released in close proximity to an election that can influence that election, usually that's 60 days. From what I've learned so far, James Comey and the Republican Party are trying to prove that Hillary Clinton was careless with her emails to Huma Abedin because these emails were sent to Huma and her then husband Anthony Weiner 'may' have had access to what 'might' have been sensitive information in Huma's laptop. Comey states in his letter to the Dept of Justice by saying "Although the FBI cannot yet access whether or not this material may be significant, and I cannot predict how long it will take us to complete this additional work, I believe it is important to update your Committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony." We don't have information about these emails and there's even reports that many of them might be duplicates so he has done is that he's introduced the opportunity for Republicans and others to speculate, to offer innuendo, to make reckless charges and voters don't have any more information yesterday than we do today. The Director of the FBI is supposed to follow the rules, follow the law and follow the Dept of Justice's practices. Comey has intentionally put his thumb on the scales by coming out with this only 12 days before the election. It's all very rotten smelling.
  18. And the emails in question aren't even Hillary's, they belong to Huma Abedin. Now they'll pull Anthony Weiner into it and make it really shitty for everyone. I'd like to know why, if the FBI is investigating Donald Trump's campaign and the implications that the Russians are involved with Wikileaks, why this has not been made public? I want to see the connections I want to see the proof and the connections to the Trump campaign. I think the public has a right to see it. This is a crappy, desperate move by the Republican Congressmen and Donald Trump. They're all in cahoots to sink her and to save their own asses in the process.
  19. Now I'm beginning to get as angry as a Trump crusader. This whole business is so obviously interference with a democratic election by the Republican Congress and of course bolstered up by Trump. They want to drag out this stupid email bullshit for the next 4 years, but they want to do enough damage that people will split their ticket on election day and get their sorry old Republican asses elected back into Congress. Well, I have a feeling this will all blow up right in their faces. And it may start with this....."A complaint has been filed against FBI Director James Comey with Department of Justice Office of Professional Responsibility that accuses him of interfering in a presidential election." https://media.tenor.co/images/a6c1cfd9a48405f290c7b07760eedb7e/raw
  20. If anyone has ever wondered, as I have, why Melania Trump always appears to be looking for her lost eyeglasses that maybe she left on the gold leaf coffee table, here's a possible explanation as to where she gets that 'Russian-cold-war-spy' look. http://www.popdust.com/finally-the-reason-melania-trump-squints-1893091626.html
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