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Everything posted by HumblePi

  1. I have to agree with this very much. The bottom line is that if you have a dog that was born with only 2 legs and you take up the cause of 2 legged dogs and raise awareness that these 2 legged dogs need love and care and funding for their cause most people would say 'who cares? It's a dog' and immediately forget all about the 2 legged dog. There's a significantly small number of transgenders in any community compared to it's overall population. Unless they have their own settlement and governing body within that settlement, they have to abide by the rules that are in place within the community they live in. Naturally people don't care what their struggles are and even if they did wouldn't go out of their way to get involved in their issues. Collectively they have a voice and it's up to them to make it heard by those lawmakers who can actually institute changes that they want to take place such as being able to use a public restroom designated for any person, male, female, lesbian, gay, straight, trans, etc etc. When it comes to prejudices and disgust or hatred of the LGBT by some people in the US, there's not going to be any significant changes that suddenly happen overnight by anything Caitlyn Jenner does or by any of 'her girls'. Real advancements may not even be seen by their grandchildren, if they have some. People in general are just not willing to accept other people for what they are and take them at face value for the person inside. People are judged by others constantly and that's not going to change. For me personally, Caitlyn Jenner has no redeeming qualities that I admire. She's the same person she always was, different gender. She'll always feel entitled, special, and deserving of respect and admiration. From the time she was in High School that's all she wanted. Praise, admiration and a feeling of superiority. I just watched the episode from last week, the one where Caitlyn and 'her girls' (I hate that term) go to her alma mater, Graceland University. First of all, I've never heard of that university before and I'm sure that Caitlyn, coming from New York then residing in Connecticut all her life had never heard of it either before an athletic scholarship was thrown to her. When they were talking about sitting before the students in the auditorium, Caitlyn gave Chandi Moore specific instructions not to cause a ruckus if any student mentioned religion and transgender and how the two can coexist. Caitlyn was very obviously trying to hold onto her 'hero' status at her alma mater. And good for Chandi, she refused to comply with Jenner's wish in no uncertain terms 'no way!' If someone was going to bring up the religion issue, which someone did, then she's not going to sit there silent, she'll speak up. Caitlyn did not like the thought of that because it might embarrass her and she doesn't know how to respond to those types of questions. And I saw it the moment someone in the audience stood and asked the question about religion. Caitlyn sat there dumbstruck with her mouth open, absolutely unable to speak. That's when Chandi stepped in and took over answering the question. In the final analysis, Caitlyn Jenner cares about one thing, herself. She assumed the role of being the torch bearer for transgender rights and thought she's be instantly accepted and admired. She isn't. Maybe if she was 20 years younger and lived inside her new gender in relative obscurity to the public, she might learn what the real issues are. But that's not happening and she's going to die of old age before she ever gets a clue. Yes, Caitlyn Jenner is a transgendered person, but that's where the similarities within that community end. She's selfish, self-serving, arrogant and thick headed. Oh wait, I just described a crotchety old Republican.
  2. I think we have to view Kate Bornstein and Caitlyn Jenner as two similar people who have achieved their wish to transition at two completely stages of their lives. But we should realize they're lives are almost upside down mirror images of each others. They're totally opposite from each other in the period of time in their life that they chose to commence living as a transgender. Caitlyn Jenner made the choice to suppress her female identification in exchange for the benefits that marriages and many children offered her. The safety net that marriage provided her in her public life allowed her to retain the Bruce Jenner identity and ways to earn millions of dollars through that identity. Caitlyn waited 65 years to reach the point in her life when she got everything she wanted out of life except for being who she felt she was born to be, a female. Kate Bornstein did the exact opposite. She realized fairly early on that she was not the gender that she was assigned at birth but... she wasn't female either. She entered the Church of Scientology in the 1970's when it was still in its infancy stages and worked very closely with L. Ron Hubbard. She married twice in the years that she was involved in the Church of Scientology and had one daughter in that second marriage. Rather than waiting the 65 years to realize her desire to be who she felt she was born to be. She left her life in Scientology behind in 1981. She was fully aware that this meant she would be sacrificing any contact with her daughter. Now Kate is 68 years old but had her gender confirmation surgery way back in 1986. There would be no court in the United States that would have given any visitation or shared custody to a transgender. Kate moved to a lesbian community in San Francisco. She had also been diagnosed with PTSD and borderline personality disorder. There's a lot about each of the 'girls' that people aren't aware of and most don't care to know. But their lives certainly were not, or are not easy ones. They're complicated and complex beyond our awareness.
  3. I'm just a little curious as to why this trip was made to Dubai in the first place. I know that Kyle mentioned that Mauricio had just returned from Dubai and loved it. But why was Mauricio in Dubai alone in the first place. So I thought about this for a while and have concluded that Mauricio went to Dubai to invest there. Dubai is a tax-free city, with no income or capital gain tax. This makes it extremely attractive for people from all around the world to come and invest in property.
  4. It's never a good omen for a show like this when all you hear is the sound of crickets in the Previously TV forum http://soundfxnow.com/soundfx/Crickets.mp3
  5. It's not a good omen for Kocktails With Khloe when there's only the sound of crickets in the discussion forum on Previously TV. http://soundfxnow.com/soundfx/Crickets.mp3
  6. That was only my attempt at a bit of dark sarcasm, not that it would be an actual apology. For Lisa Vanderpump to open up the deeper recesses of where her intentions lie would be like asking a elephant to do an Irish step-dance on Broadway in Riverdance. I'm just going on record to say that I still maintain that Lisa Rinna wears a wig when her hairdresser isn't available. I will go with Brandi on this one.
  7. Contrarily, I feel that Eileen was publicly humiliated by Lisa Vanderpump's out of line questioning in front of a camera to be seen all over the civilized world. This wasn't merely an error on Lisa V's part, it was planned and very intentional. No matter what Eileen feels about people feeding on the details of her affair with Vince while she was still married, the fact is that Lisa Vanderpump took it upon herself to reveal these details to the world. Sorry, but that's just wrong. To make matters worse, Lisa Vanderpump really didn't apologize to Eileen. What she said is 'I apologize for asking too many questions', she followed with a chuckle. That is not an apology, that's a backhanded way to avoid taking responsibility for distasteful behavior. Eileen was offended and all she needed was a genuine apology. Lisa Vanderpump kept saying 'it wasn't a big deal, it was out there'. If Lisa Vanderpump really wanted to offer a heartfelt and sincere apology it would have gone something like this. "Eileen, I'm so sorry that I asked pointed questions that intruded into your private life. It was mean and I intentionally did it to cast a negative and derogatory shadow on your character. I'm truly sorry and will never do that to you ever again." See? THAT would be a real apology.
  8. Contrarily, I feel that Eileen was publicly humiliated by Lisa Vanderpump's out of line questioning in front of a camera to be seen all over the civilized world. This wasn't merely an error on Lisa V's part, it was planned and very intentional. No matter what Eileen feels about people feeding on the details of her affair with Vince while she was still married, the fact is that Lisa Vanderpump took it upon herself to reveal these details to the world. Sorry, but that's just wrong. To make matters worse, Lisa Vanderpump really didn't apologize to Eileen. What she said is 'I apologize for asking too many questions', she followed with a chuckle. That is not an apology, that's a backhanded way to avoid taking responsibility for distasteful behavior. Eileen was offended and all she needed was a genuine apology. Lisa Vanderpump kept saying 'it wasn't a big deal, it was out there'. If Lisa Vanderpump really wanted to offer a heartfelt and sincere apology it would have gone something like this. "Eileen, I'm so sorry that I asked pointed questions that intruded into your private life. It was mean and I intentionally did it to cast a negative and derogatory shadow on your character intentionally. I'm truly sorry and will never do that to you ever again." See? THAT would be a real apology.
  9. Personally I think that Lisa Vanderpump is a lying liar that lies. She lied to Kyle in Puerto Rico about telling Brandi to put that magazine article in her suitcase regarding Mauricio cheating. Then she and Ken left under the cover of dark under the pretense that she was insulted that Kyle didn't believe her. She did the deed but she deflected the blame.She denied that she told LisaR to get Kyle in on the Munchausen thing. She carries a deep grudge against Yolanda because Ken said 'you're so stupid' to Yolanda. Kyle had every reason in the world to distrust Lisa Vanderpump, but she chooses to overlook all the negative in exchange for being friends with a very rich and very influential woman. Kyle believes the old saying 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer'. Erika is very astute and saw LisaV for what she really is. She's a woman that does spin a web of deceit and she's very good at it. She's had a lot of practice. Lisa Vanderpump wants to project a public image of being a righteous, honorable, fair person but it's nothing a smoke screen for what she really is. An ambitious, narcissistic, person who has an omnipotent sense about herself.
  10. I like Eileen but I feel that she's being pressured to bring something to the table in order to make her gather either sympathy, empathy, distrust, dislike or disgust to viewers. Everyone takes a side as far as the issue with LisaV bringing up her infidelity and cheating while still married. But I notice that when Eileen seems to just sit there being the 'nice girl' she's not really contributing to the discord and emotional outbursts, so she's pressed to contribute to that atmosphere. And yes, I also believe that she does feel that airing out her dirty laundry to the public by LisaV was embarrassing to her and placed her in a light that's contrary to the public image she'd rather project.
  11. I realize that the drama is intentionally brought forward and exaggerated for the pleasure of viewers and to satisfy Bravo. I do wish that these women and Bravo had chosen to be more discrete when filming in a place like Dubai. The Arabic culture is one in which a person’s dignity, honor and reputation are of paramount importance. It's very important in their society to behave at all times in a way which will create a good impression. To have these 'rich' American woman publicly disrespect themselves and others by their bad behavior just leaves the impression among this Arabic culture that all Americans are rude, uncivilized people. The people in Dubai are very accustomed to hosting Kings, Presidents and Heads of State. A handful of spoiled American woman aren't going to impress them in the least. I wonder if anyone involved in production at Bravo or any one of the wives had done some homework about the Arabic culture. This particular civilization believes that good manners constitute an important factor in evaluating a person’s character. The embarrassing display during the desert tent dinner and then the dinner outside on the sand at night was just cringe-worthy to watch. I was embarrassed for them and embarrassed that the people waiting on them were imagining all Americans to be just like this bunch of pretentious spoiled women. The ugly scene outside at the dinner one the sand could have been filmed indoors in opulent surroundings. The fact that this ugly display was outdoors made it even worse because in that culture this sort of public display of emotion is just not acceptable.
  12. Kris is as good as ever at Photoshop, thank goodness she at least erased some of Gordon Ramsey's forehead crevices.
  13. I think that Jennifer Boylan's description of Caitlyn Jenner was extremely pertinent particularly in the beginning when she was openly and publicly transformed on the exterior as a female. Caitlyn was in what Boylan's terms the 'pink cloud' " which is this place of euphoria and happiness ... and that's good, but it also means you can be a little bit blind to things other than yourself." And that's precisely what Caitlyn has exhibited with her obvious ignorance of politics as it affects the LBGT community. Once the haze of the excitement of being able to put on her makeup and fix her long hair while wearing only the best designer clothes lifts, there might be a genuinely proactive Caitlyn Jenner emerge. One that's not as focused on her exterior persona but rather one that's more focused on the extreme difficulties facing that community of transpersons.
  14. After watching Leah Remini talk about escaping from Scientology and the strict rules they hold for members that leave the church, it's very understandable why Kate Bornstein hasn't seen her daughter in 34 years. Once a member departs or is expelled, they are instantly dead to the Church of Scientology and all its members including any relatives who remain there including mother, father, children, etc. Kate Bornestein was a staff member in the Church of Scientology for twelve years. And in Kate Bornstein's own words "My daughter, my ex-wife and my grandkids are all members of the institutionalized Church of Scientology. By canonical law, they’re not allowed to talk with me because I am “evil.” One other piece of information about Kate Bornstein, she's a very ill woman. This is from her blog; "I was first diagnosed with lung cancer on September 24, 2012. I had surgery to remove the upper lobe of my right lung. The surgical team tried real hard, but they didn’t get it all. Normally, I would’ve gone straight on to chemo and radiation. But a big deal medical oncologist determined that there was no chemo that would work on me. If I wanted to live, he told me, it had to be by radiation alone. To be fair, the doctor was confronted by a challenge in me. I’ve got a whacky health status and, an immune system compromised by chronic lymphocytic leukemia that was first diagnosed in 1996. Plus, I’ve got a body grown on testosterone, that’s now running on estrogen. Genital conversion surgery aside, I’m minus a gall bladder, half a liver, and 12 inches of intestine. I’ve got cervical dystonia and scoliosis. I’m a rambling wreck!"
  15. Caitlyn Jenner is really beginning to disgust me to no end. Let's just for a moment imagine that Caitlyn Jenner wasn't a celebrity and wasn't part of that 'top 1% of Americans that hold 99% of the wealth' as she stated herself. (Incidentally, she's dead wrong about being in the top 1%) Does anyone believe that she would be as outspoken and champion the causes of the transgender communities around the US? I sure don't. Caitlyn is privileged. She isn't living as a black transgender in the South side of Chicago. She lives in Malibu and has all the money she needs to pour into facial reconstruction, hormone therapy, body re-imaging and designer clothes. I think that Jennifer Boylan said it best when she said that Caitlyn is still living in a 'pink cloud'. For Caitlyn, it's all about her outward appearance and how the world sees her. Caitlyn is an absolute beast of a narcissistic human. There's no cause that's above her own cause....which is her own personal pursuit of fame, wealth and celebrity. It's much easier for her to be accepted since she's a celebrity and multimillionaire. Caitlyn has never been on the other side of that fence and she's totally unable to relate to it. Her biggest fear is rejection. The desire Caitlyn had that the other 'girls' don't begin any type of difficulty or discord with her admirers at her college alma mater really makes my point. She's more worried about how she'll be received by her former college coaches than about any issues the Christian college students and faculty might possibly have with transgenders. And she made it clear to the girls that she did not want any negativity regarding any issues they may encounter there. At the debate Caitlyn's generalized and vague statement about Hillary Clinton "she's just like Obama, he doesn't really appreciate this country" was just an ignorant, clueless, opinionated flat statement that she repeated by rote. (Rote learning is a memorization technique based on repetition. The idea is that one will be able to quickly recall the meaning of the material the more one repeats it. Some of the alternatives to rote learning include meaningful learning, associative learning, and active learning.) When the debate was going on, the debate moderator asked' "Senator Sanders, in a previous debate you said that the greatest threat to National security was climate change". Kate Bornstein then turned to Cait and asked "what do you think about that?" Caitlyn replied with a blank stare "No, I don't understand that. He's an idiot". Caitlyn Jenner has always spoken politically in this manner of blanket statements without substantive or quantitative information. She's narrow-minded, prejudiced (yes prejudiced), and really doesn't want to take the time or trouble to know what she's talking about when it comes to politics. Even worse than being ignorant politically, she's resistant to learning the truth and facts from the others who have lived life as transgenders for many many years. They have walked the walk and talked the talk for most of their adult lives. If anyone should just shut up and listen it's Caitlyn, but instead she postulates and preaches something of which she's very unfamiliar with. Here's a graph that can put the top 1% of wealth into perspective.
  16. I happened to come across this show and was surprised, I thought it was gone. I had stopped watching mostly because Jamie just annoyed me so much that I couldn't watch anymore. Her bratty, sniveling, complaining, narcissism got to be too much. Her voice got higher and shriller, like a 10 year old spoiled little girl but her caterpillar sized false eyelashes got thicker and longer. She's a shrew and I don't know how Doug can stand being in the same room with her when her mouth is spouting off. She's selfish and self-centered. All that is the good things I can say about Jamie. Oh, she's just awful! Neph and Jasmine...why the heck are they even in this show? shoo-shoo, go away. Jason and Cortney are another couple that I've seen more than enough of. Cortney is another little princess that's needy and demanding. And Jason, well I just got tired of that 'yuck yuck yuck' laugh of his.
  17. I would hate having to stand on a chair or stepladder to reach the top shelf of my refrigerator just to arrange a basket of oranges for display. I looked at several photos of that monstrosity and I saw about 8 pounds of green things that I wouldn't recognize, about 4 pounds of grapes, lemons, artichokes, peppers of all colors, and lots of onions. Basically, diarrhea within easy reach. My frig will never have it's own Twitter account or Facebook page but it does have real food, like meat and potatoes, jelly and beer and .....ya know, good stuff. I wish I lived in a place where I could wear them always, all day and every day of the year for my entire life. Then I wouldn't have to suck in my gut or wear spanks.
  18. Tourists thought that Brussels, being a few miles from NATO headquarters was super-safe too.
  19. It's good they visited when they did because Turkey is a terrorist target along the Syria border. The terrorist attack in Istanbul that killed 20 tourists put an end to a lot of their tourist business. Further attacks could be indiscriminate and could affect places visited by foreigners. Border crossings into Syria and nearby locations have also been intensely targeted. Anywhere in the Middle East is not safe for any tourists. I wouldn't go to any of those countries. I'd rather travel to British Colombia or anywhere else where they don't want to kill Christians and foreigners.
  20. At the very core of Lisa Rinna's feelings about Yolanda and why she just can't let go of her 'being scared' of her is Kim Richards. Lisa has never gotten past the famous limousine ride with a wonky stoned Kim Richards. She didn't know how to handle it and at first treated it as though Kim was acting and she tried to laugh it off. Then she got frightened once she realized that Kim was messed up. LisaR doesn't have any experience handling a lunatic. Then of course the infamous dinner when Kim threatened to suggest that Harry Hamlin was fooling around on Lisa. That was the straw that broke her back and she threw the glass on the table shattering it. Brandi was there to support Kim and so she was instantly an enemy to LisaR forever. LisaR connects Yolanda's friendship with Kim and Brandi and that's the real problem, it's not Yolanda at all, it's the other two that Lisa fears more than anyone. She can't joke them away, she can't scare them away and she certainly can't be any type of friend to either of them. The three together are a force that Lisa Rinna just can't reckon with or defend herself against. LisaR has always been the one person that can laugh away, reason with, or ignore those people that irritate her and she can't do that with any of those three women. Facing a psychotic woman really scared the hell out of her, she couldn't deal and she'll never forget it.
  21. I don't know how many times Yolanda's 'swollen head' has been brought up on the show but it started out by Yo explaining to Erika that she felt her face was swollen. It took off exponentially from there. Swollen face > Swollen head > Swollen brain. What next, exploding swollen brain from a swollen skull? The point is that the exaggerations and ballooning of something so basic and simply seems to get blown way out of proportion. If Yolanda felt well enough later in the day to have lunch with Kim and Brandi, so what? She may have gone back to bed for the day afterwards. Just because she bowed out from dinner at Erika's doesn't mean she didn't feel well earlier in the day and it's not breaking one of the Ten Commandments and she will not be going to Hell for telling Erika she felt lousy, like her whole face was swollen. Lisa Rinna just can't let it go with Yolanda and I'm sick of both of them. LisaR needs to get over this once and for all. Of course it does bring focus on her while filming and isn't that what they all need?
  22. For anyone who loved Lisa Vanderpump's lace-up cherry blossom caftan or Kathryn's Python Printed caftan and can't live without it, you can each it at Shahida Fashions for only $469. But they're crepe silk and can be worn in several different styles. http://www.shahidaparides.com/floral-printed-white-lace-up-caftan-dress-in-cherry-blossom-print-3-ways-to-style.html
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