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Everything posted by HumblePi

  1. Am I wrong or didn't LuAnn de Lessps sleep with a Johnny Depp pirate caricature on St. Barts and also had sex outside on a lawn chair at Turks and Caicos with a man that she knew was married? Doesn't that automatically disqualify her from being shocked and angered when Carole and Adam started dating? What does it matter if Adam dated Luann's niece or not? As far as I know they were not together when Carole started to date Adam, maybe that would have been a different matter, but he wasn't with her niece at the time. It seems as though LuAnn was 'all uncool' with Carole when she angry and had objections to them 'fucking' (her words) when that's exactly what she herself did with a married man, at least one we know of was definitely married? LuAnn may have made a great effort to smooth things over with Carole but it ended disastrously because of the way she did it. If she had only done things the right way, she may have persuaded Carole to try to salvage some type of amicable friendship. If she took her aside and admitted to being a total bitch to her regarding Adam and that she was very sorry and wouldn't do that again and go enjoy life.....(breath).....then maybe Carole wouldn't have immediately turned her away.
  2. I'm still trying to switch gears from Beverly Hills to New York and feel like I almost need some kind of palate cleanser in between dishes. The NY women are so diametrically opposed in every way to the wives of Beverly Hills. The way they dress, live, behave and everything about them is so different. The West Coast women are more focused on material stuff, glamor and image while the NY women are just gritty, spirited and in your face. They come off as crude to many I'm sure but I find it a little refreshing just to get the anger and resentment out right away instead of hiding the fact that they're bitchy and vindictive. They don't hide the fact that they can be the mean girls sitting at one table and ignoring the others being on the outside of their little inner circle. I know one thing, there would never be an entire season of whispers and rumors about whether someone had Lyme disease or not. That would be settled and put to rest in one single episode, not an entire season. I'm another one here that used to actually like Bethenny Frankel but her behavior during her backyard BBQ was just unforgivable in my mind. The way she behaved when John tried to offer his apology was just classless. The way that both Carole and Bethenny acted at Jules home was also rude and unforgivable. I agree with another poster that said that although Carole was never a real beauty, she definitely is showing her age. I really like Jules and could see myself being friends with someone with her personality but the fact that she definitely has a problem with anorexia would kill a friendship for me because my instincts would be to help her get help. She has children that need a mother to grow up with them. This path she's on is a dangerous one. But Jules is a people-pleaser and I like her husband, he seems like an okay guy.
  3. Again I've fallen for the headlines on multiple websites, 'TMZ', 'Celeb Gossip', 'Inquisitr', 'RealityWives' and dozens of other websites with the same "quote" which as it turned out was the quote of Harvey Levin of TMZ. It definitely was misleading and I fell for it. https://www.google.com/search?q=mohamed+hadid+lisa+vanderpump+is+dead+to+me&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 I think that's been cleared up, at least for me it is. Nevertheless, Mohamed Hadid hasn't spoken to Lisa Vanderpump in more that 8 months as confirmed by Yolanda just last week. So who is telling the truth here about that friendship, Yolanda, Mohamed or Lisa Vanderpump? Mohamed is a powerful figure that Lisa would rather have as an ally rather than an enemy. The end of their friendship came up during the reunion and Yolanda said to Lisa "but you know it did harm your friendship, you don't talk anymore" to which Lisa replied "he thought I was saying really negative things about his kids. I've calmed down now so I think we need to put it back on track". Lisa learned a valuable lesson, that the ex-wife of Mohamed and the mother of his 3 children will certainly carry more influence with Mohamed than the friendship that Ken and Lisa had with him. Mohamed is from Jordan, where men are very proud and don't forgive easily when they've been wronged. Maybe he'll eventually come around and I'm sure Lisa is on a mission to regain his friendship. But Yolanda has been victim to Lisa's dishonesty by way of Lisa Rinna doing her bidding. I don't think Yo is going to put in any kinds words on her behalf with Mohamed.
  4. I don't like any of these women, I only dislike LisaV to a greater degree than the others. Both Lisa and Ken have been close friends with Mohamed Hadid for more than 20 years. If there was anyone's ass that Lisa's head was up, it was Mohamed's. Apparently, this was not the only time Lisa V. doubted Anwar and Bella's illness. And when Mohamed found out that Lisa V. questioned their Lyme disease on-camera, he felt that was the last straw. Their relationship began with business and I assume was financially beneficial for Lisa and Ken It seemed it was their purpose in life, to keep Mohamed close and at the very core of their intimate circle. Mohamed had said publicly 'Lisa Vanderpump is dead to me' and has written her out of his life. LisaV had doubted that Anwar and Bella had Lyme Disease on camera, and this was not the only time Lisa V. doubted their illness. When Mohamed found out that Lisa V. questioned their Lyme disease on camera, that was the end of the friendship as far as Mohamed was concerned. LisaV took a lot of heat in these two reunion shows and for the first time since RHoBH began that LisaV was exposed as being the "spider that spins a web and pulls everyone into it". Even though Erika never used those words, (Kathryn changed what she said to those words), she was dead-on correct. But Lisa Vanderpump has only had other rich Beverly Hills wives to manipulate, no challenge for her. Going heads-on with a rich Jordanian businessman that has come up against Donald Trump in business and had defeated him, is a force that's just too powerful for even Lisa V to be able to manipulate.
  5. "This isn't a soap opera". Personally, I would have taken that remark by Kim as being very condescending and dismissive. I would have been insulted if she said that to me. Eileen is a big girl, all grown up and matured. She doesn't believe that this show is the same as her soap opera. Lisa Vanderpump is just unable to own up to her faults. She simply doesn't have that gene inside of her to be able to show humility. It was very simple from the time they were in the Hamptons and the questioning by Lisa. All she had to do is say "I'm sorry if my questions were too personal. It wasn't my purpose to hurt you but apparently I did, and I'm very sorry for that. Please accept my apology." Look at how easy that would have been. Instead she says; "I'm sorry I asked you too many questions". That's not an apology for hurting her, that's an apology for asking questions. I feel that Lisa Vanderpump was finally, for the very first time since this series began, exposed as the person that's at the core of most of the difficulties this year.
  6. Who knows? Maybe Melisandre will be faced with the decision of having to sacrifice her youthful looks and body and forced to live in her recycled body which is old (and let's face it, not as attractive) maybe she'll go gather up some pretty wildflowers to place on his grave and light a candle instead.
  7. I'm sure I'll be the only person in the forum (maybe in the world) wishing that Jon Snow stays dead. I never found his adventures on the other side of the wall that exciting. I have such a fear that if Jon Snow is resurrected that Ygritte won't be far behind showing up again with her twisted smirk saying 'you know nothing Jon Snow'. (groan) I almost wished his men had placed his body on a funeral pyre and irrevocably removed any chance of his being reincarnated by the witch Melisandre. For having an entire episode to be named after her, Melisandre didn't do anything except strip down to her old self and take a nap under furs. Just keep sleeping Mel, and stop dreaming about bringing Jon back. One last thing bothered me, it was when Jorah Mormont and Daario Naharis tracked Dany through Dothraki territory. Over hills and fields of grass they trod and only found the bones of what appeared to be a ram, not a full-fledged dragon. (Oh well, maybe Melisandre resurrected him too) But lo and behold, once Jorah dismounts there lies Daeneryrs's double-pearl ring right at the tip of his shoe under the thick grass. Sometime I need a metal detector to find my earring on my bedroom floor. Jorah found that ring among a thousand acres of thick grass. Nice work.
  8. I sure wish the LGBTQQ community could develop an acronym that would be more representative rather than just adding letters onto the existing initialism. People that aren't aware look at these letters and think 'what the heck is that?'. I wish someone would come up with an easier acronym like 'NSG', meaning non-specified gender. As Caitlyn has said, she's never really seen the hatred out there, the others have. It's fortunate for her that she may never see that hatred firsthand. She was hung up on when she was on the phone trying to get an appointment with the minister in Houston and it was clear from the expression on her face when that happened that she was shocked to the core that someone would be so rude as to hang up on Caitlyn Jenner. Again, her life of privilege has led her to believe that she will be treated differently. She will never know what it was like for the others who have been in this personal struggle for decades without having the shield of fame to hide behind.
  9. The next reunion installment is just around the corner and I've read all the comments here regarding the first part and have decided that I don't like any of these women. I only dislike them to varying degrees. During the season I had thought that I liked one more than the other but by the end of this season I've concluded that I just don't think any of them are genuinely likeable.
  10. David just might be good with that selection since she has been bestowed the noble title of 'Dame' by the Queen of England and she's not just any old dame. It's true and that's why we're forced at times to digress into posting silly gifs and emojis just to give some comic relief to it all.
  11. I think that most people with Lyme disease in addition to having something like clinical depression would rather believe, and have others believe that all the symptoms and feelings of ill health is stemming from Lyme rather than a type of mental illness. There's no public stigma attached to someone suffering with Lyme disease but unfortunately there is with a mental illness. Maybe Yolanda was in denial. She said she suffered from clinical depression in 1999 after a back injury. She quickly tried to dispel any thoughts to the others that her depression returned. People believe that there's only one kind of depression but that's not so. There's several different types of depression and even though treated and apparently recovered from clinical depression, it does return in many cases. Clinical depression is a major depression and there are triggers that can cause a relapse.
  12. Mohamed Hadid, Shiva, David Foster and Caroline Stanbury 'out on the town' together. They've completed the circle since Mohamed and David were friends first, then Mohamed introduced David to Yolanda. Now she's out of the way, they're back to being the playboys again. Live it up while you can guys, life is short.
  13. I had to go back and play the moment when LisaR whipped out her phone records. The camera turned to Erika and Yo and Erika was shocked and said through a smile 'bitch!' as she looked over at LisaV. Absolutely no love lost there.
  14. I'm beginning to think that LVP has some sort of bizarre fascination with people that have affairs while married. She wears her 30 years of marriage to Ken like a badge, and she should. It's a huge accomplishment anywhere and especially in Beverly Hills. But I think she uses the fallen marriages of others to bolster her own already inflated ego and keep up that air of "I'm better than you". It's almost as though she's implying that the women either can't hold onto their husbands or that the husbands are cheaters and liars. I just find it a little out of the ordinary that Lisa should feel so intrigued by the extramarital affairs of others.
  15. For the fashionistas out there, the Tom Ford gold sequined dress worn by Lisa Vanderpump can be purchased at Saks Fifth Avenue and several other high-end apparel outlets for roughly $6,000. It seems to be a popular dress in Hollywood. So, who wore it better? " "meowwww-hissssss"
  16. There was only one true reality show that I can recall, and I remember it only because I'm very old and was witness to many groundbreaking and memorable events in history and in television. There was a reality show called 'An American Family'. It was filmed in 1971 and aired on PBS in 1973. It was originally intended as a chronicle of the daily life of the Louds, an upper middle class family in Santa Barbara, California but ended up documenting the break-up of the family via the separation and subsequent divorce of parents Bill and Pat Loud. I was instantly intrigued by the non-scripted series where emotions and feelings were witnessed first-hand. Over the two year period that it ran, people were able to peek in on the lives of this affluent family. They were the kind of upper middle class family that most people admired because they were so sophisticated and 'normal' appearing, which of course as the series progressed, we saw the cracks in the family start to appear. They went through a divorce and the 'coming out' of their gay son who later died of AIDS. I even found some of the episodes on YouTube.
  17. A favorite quote by the artist Prince "Ultimately all music is, or can be inspirational. That's why it's so important to let your gift be guided by something more clear".
  18. Oh my God! This has nothing at all to do with RHBH but the news just broke on CNN that singer Prince is dead and CNN earlier reported that police were at his studio to investigate a shooting. I hope that information is erroneous and that his death was a result of natural causes. Damn that's horrific and as motorcitymom65 just said, that something like this really makes all the other stuff totally insignificant. How sad.
  19. There you go, you were a reality show fan in the making, as we are. The O.J. trial blazed a brand new trail in television viewing. It laid the groundwork for reality television of the future. The networks realized that this was a new phenomenon and capitalized on it.
  20. I'm catching up on yesterday's posts here and I find it very interesting that Faye Resnick is still such a flashpoint topic here. Some have forgiven Faye for her prior behavior and lack of judgement while others still hold to the same convictions they had for her in 1994 with the releasing of her salacious book while the trial of the century was still in progress. To her credit I guess, is the fact that she went from being a three-time divorcee and a manicurist with a drug problem to one of the most talked about non-celebrities of the day. She made a name for herself, but some would say not in a good way. In 1994, as she took the stand in the OJ trial, people formed strong opinions regarding her character because that's why she was called to the witness stand, so that the defense could assassinate her character and throw some blame towards the drug dealers she owed money to. And now Faye Resnick is back in the public eye once again thanks to nothing more than the friendship she has with Kyle Richards. She wasn't born rich or married into money, she has no talents, she isn't well educated or shown herself to be a shining example of a great wife or mother. So, why are we all talking about Faye Resnick? Bravo decided we needed Faye Resnick to be forced in our faces to stir up enthusiasm for this franchise and create a subplot that has nothing to do with Yolanda Foster and Lyme disease. Faye Resnick truly enjoys that people are talking negatively about her, as long as they're talking about her. Basically she's a media prostitute and will go to any extreme to have that attention. Lucky for her she has an ally in Kyle. I always seen Kyle as the type of woman that wants to be everyone's friend whether she likes that person or not. She's the one that 'had' to be the popular girl in school and made friends with everyone she thought was important for her to be friends no matter what her personal feelings were about those people. Kyle is like a politicians wife who will look the other way when personally offended because in the end, it serves her purpose. Case in point is her 'friendship' with LisaV. There's a connection there that Kyle wants to preserve at any cost only because to destroy it would eventually lead to the destruction of some business ties for Mauricio and social ties for herself. When Kyle directly addressed Kathryn and angrily pointed her finger at her saying "You think you've had a hard time? You have no idea, you have no idea." That really put the last nail in the coffin of Kyle Richards for me. She really did discount Kathryn's past experiences. I have no respect for a any person that feels her hard times are much worse than Kathryn's or anyone. Why would she or anyone else have the audacity to assume that their problems are far worse and nobody can suffer more than they? Kathryn's father committed suicide when she was 13, she has a nephew that died six weeks earlier from a heroin overdose and her ex-husbands character and reputation (having his penis size explicitly described) was just slanderous publicly by Fay Resnick. Is there a number range from 1 to 10 that rates anyone's 'hard times' and puts them on some kind of rigid empathy scale to be compared with others? And Kyle? Just because Faye Resnick is 'your friend and it's your party' doesn't mean crap when you're aware that her presence is going to be a hard pill to swallow for a lot of viewers. Invite her to the next party that's not paid for by Bravo and where Kathryn isn't in attendance. The bottom line is that I feel that Faye Resnick should NOT have been inserted into this franchise at all but it was certainly an intentional move by Bravo which Kyle happily went along with 'for the story line'. But for me, the whole Faye thing was sort of an amoral decision that Bravo made. They chose the low-road for ratings in my opinion. Look, all the women have personal friendships, but let's be honest here, whose friendship would cause more of a public stir than the one Kyle has with Faye Resnick? None of them have a personal friendship with anyone that would create such a shit-storm of disagreement and discussion.
  21. I apologize ahead of time if this offends you, but this gave me a great chuckle when I read it. It was just too cute! The 'pellet' is placed beneath the skin of the buttocks, not inside the rectum .
  22. I'm going to put the topic of Yolanda's illness to rest in my own mind once and for all. I'm so done with the differing opinions back and forth, because everyone's opinion seems right to me. Then I read the next opinion and that one seems 'righter' than the first one I read. I'm really tired of the topic but more than that, I've made up my mind once and for all what has happened with Yolanda. Yes, she had Lyme disease, so what? I did too and so did thousands of others. So, what was it that made her particular Lyme case so different than mine or many others? I think that the bottom line and the real truth is that she had one very important co-morbidity that was at the very core of her illness and that's clinical depression. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/danny-baker/depression_b_5267263.html She admitted she suffered from clinical depression after a back injury years ago. Well, guess what? Clinical depression is much different than the temporary depression suffered from a major event like a death or an accident like she had. Clinical depression is something on a whole different level, it's much more severe and chronic. There's very specific criteria for the diagnosis of this mental disorder. Let me just quote several people who have described what their clinical depression felt like to them. "Depression to me is like having your mind replaced by another one that makes me feel worthless and numb to life--even to my own husband and son. It deprives me of feeling anything other than a sense of perpetual sadness, never quite knowing the source of it but knowing that feeling well. Depression has stolen my confidence and now I no longer feel I am worthy of anyone's love." "Depression is a state in which nothing tastes, smells, or feels right and you are unable to think or make decisions--yet you still have to carry on doing all those things. And so much of the time you just don't have the energy or the desire. But you still carry on anyway." "Like mourning the death of someone you once loved--you. When you look in the mirror you see only dead eyes. There is no spark. No joy. No hope. You wonder how you will manage to exist another day." "Living in fog all the time--a world without color or laughter" "When you have depression, nothing is enjoyable. Nothing can make you smile. It feels like you're a ghost ... not a part of the real world." I feel that I have finally connected a true diagnosis for Yolanda. I think she's on meds for depression and seeing a therapist because she seems as though she's coming out of that cycle, for now anyway. And I feel just a little more sympathetic of David now than I did before. I still don't like the guy but I know it's much easier to deal with her believing she was suffering with 'neurological Lyme disease' than dealing with a wife with a true mental disorder.
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