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Everything posted by FLgirl

  1. I definitely agree that she's had work done. I remember her making a big deal with Sheree regarding how both of their noses pointed down when they smiled. So, yeah Kim, good try. The funny thing is, if she wasn't so damn conceited and always posting side by sides with her "mini me's" trying to prove how much they look alike, people probably wouldn't have noticed.
  2. I was wondering if the clause might have something to do with Thomas and Abel and their future involvement with the club. As in maybe there is some kind of automatic in for children of members and maybe,, just maybe, he has come to realize all the destruction being in the club has brought and is finally honoring Tara's wish that they not be part of "the club". I know we have never seen anything regarding this, just my alternate theory.
  3. I have always wondered that as well. I have 36 DD's (natural) and there is no way these puppies fit a size 2 or 4 anything. Maybe she has all her shirts tailored? I know I wish I could afford to do that, it would greatly expand my wardrobe, I notice she seems to only button up the bottom buttons and lets her boobs hang out the top, so that's one way to do it, lol.
  4. AMEN! I loved how the graphic leading into Leah's segment on the balcony was a fast food french fry box, hahahahahaha. Those producers so have her number.
  5. I really find myself liking Kim and Kroy and I'm not even sure why, if that makes sense. Maybe it's the way Kroy seems so ultra supportive and tender to her, even if it comes out really crude sometimes. Just the little things, like after surgery when he was talking to her and brushed her hair out of her face and told her how she didn't need to worry, he would be taking care of her. Maybe it's that he reminds me of my husband somewhat (minus the dip). Anyway, I do like them together. Re: the surgery, is it me or do her boobs look exactly the same in the previews for next week? I just don't see a difference, they look just as big and pendulous as before. Also, this is at least the 3rd time she's had them done, counting her original boob job. She was on her first redo when she met Kroy on RHOA (don't ask me why I remember that). Seems kinda excessive to redo them that much, I'd be afraid they would lose all feeling and just feel like rocks attached to my chest. Someone needs to muzzle KJ fast, that kid is a terror. He and Milania Guidice could probably demolish a room in 5 seconds flat. I kinda cringed when Kroy told him he was gonna get a spanking when he got home. Not for the spanking because I think he totally deserves a hella of a spanking, but because all the crap going on in the NFL right now. Wonder if he got any flack for that.
  6. I think Jen's husband is way cuter than Kroy, especially when Kroy has the lump of chew in his lip. So funny to see Kim full on making out with him with that shit in his mouth when you know she would be doggin out anyone else for it. I only dated one guy that dipped, it lasted exactly 2 dates and ended when he went in for a kiss and I could still smell the dip that he had spit out two hours prior. I was young, dumb, in high school and he was sooo cute, but the dip absolutely killed it, dead.
  7. Thank god someone else noticed that! I thought the same thing. Didn't look any better on Miss Kimmie either.
  8. Before I snark further, let me just state for the record that I do enjoy watching Kim's shows involving her family. It is a breath of fresh air from all the heaviness and fighting of the housewives shows. Now on to the snark...when K & K were in the hot tub discussing his return to football, it swear I detected somewhat of an edge to her voice, like "you WILL be ready to play, right? you WILL be ready to start, right?" I wonder if they had a hard time making ends meet when he was out all last season. I read somewhere that he still received some kind of base salary (something like 1 or 2 million?) but the way Kim spends, that can't go very far. I would bet the electric bills alone would be over 5 grand a month. Her older daughter is an entitled little brat and the other one isn't far behind. It annoyed the piss out of me when they said it was Kroy's fault dinner was burned. I can't believe he didn't rip them a new one. Like someone above said, there asses would have been making the boxed mac n cheese and chicken nuggets for their little brothers, then giving them baths and dish duty and all other things in my house. But it's obvious where they got their attitudes. Has anyone seen the extras on Bravo? There is a tour of Brielle's closet with all her designer label goods displayed front and center, talk of her taking 400 pairs of jeans from her mother's closet and a tour of her custom built "jewelry closet" which is concealed behind a full length mirrored door in her bathroom. I can't tell if I'm jealous or revolted, maybe a little of both, lol.
  9. I know, they are so distracting! When they show her drinking or eating something, it looks like she has a hard time making them work properly.. They seem to distract her too as she is always rubbing them together, like she trying to spread her lip gloss around and pursing them endlessly.
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