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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. Evilyn should make Corey argue with her in Spanish.
  2. Rebecca should own it though and not feel so bad about it. If Zied just turns out to be a regular guy who is looking for a rich lady to take care of him then she's just participating in common role reversal. Plenty of young women latch onto rich men here....20, 30, 40 years younger in exchange for lifestyle. Why not? My problem is Zied seems a little too unbalanced for my liking LOL. I don't mind being used for my money….I guess I would have picked one of his friends though. Might as well go young and hot right? She lost it when she cut it on the bias. I'm not sure I can watch that scene again on Sunday. or Monday. Or whichever this one is lol. I want to blame the alcohol and just say she's a sad messy drunk but unfortunately it seems like her personality. No wonder Jesse didn't want her drinking. I don't need to be babysitting a grown ass adult out in public who is peeling off her clothes and throwing herself at me while weeping uncontrollably. ICK
  3. Darcey in bed with full makeup, fake spider lashes, her extensions mullet and hula hoop sized earrings was....typical.
  4. I don't know how tall Darcey is but I'm only 5 foot 4 so as a "fun sized girl" I know the idea of wearing shorter skirts to balance out my frame. My legs are nice so I'm ok to show them off plus I don't have a lot of frame to work with so I don't want to be swallowed by fabric. I also love knee high boots and have a nice collection of very strippery platform shoes and boots again for height. That being said.... Yikes Darcey. I understand her aesthetics….I do. And yet it's even too tacky for me LOL She just doesn't have any balance....something tight with something loose.....one impact item instead of ALL impact items etc. You could put her outfit on a 20 year old and she would also look like a tacky thirsty stripper....just younger and fitter. I mean men are going to react positively either way.....they aren't that complicated.
  5. LOL I was going to exactly write this! Well I was going to use Rosa Parks but I didn't want to minimize her contributions but that's what I think these women think they are doing.
  6. Total wonk boob. She's already tatted in a country where women aren't tatted. Aren't these a lot of hills that she's trying to die on?! Not even sure why any of these women think women in other countries need emancipated. Maybe they like being that way. Why is Naked American the gold standard?
  7. Normally I'm all for women empowerment but it seems like Rebecca is just transferring all of the things that went wrong with her first marriage onto Greasy One. She must not have much experience with the world other than shopping for men on swipe apps because much of the world is quite conservative in terms of clothing and gender roles. Americans may consider it backwards but having traveled a lot as a tourist there are many countries where it's just considered normal for women to be covered up. Hell "people" to be covered up. Dressed up even. Not just not showing skin but news alert, many countries find leggings and athletic tops deemed "athleisure" here in the Americas to be sloppy workout wear at best, overly revealing unacceptable in public wear at worst. Yes her tank top or tank dress is NBD in America but it's a problem there. This has nothing to do with women. This is a culture thing. And in some cultures the "nail that stands out gets pounded down." Yes it's a thing. If you don't like the culture, believe in it or want to assimilate then please don't go there and make your man/woman have to suffer the consequences of trying to shield you. Have some class and an open mind. Everywhere is not America, nor should it be.
  8. I would do any of those friends before the greasy one. And how do you blow dry hair such that it still remains greasy? Why is he the only one who is out of shape? That dude is a hard 26. They actually don’t look age separated when together.
  9. Darcey is pathetic. It's interesting how she is already recreating history of how they met. Her drunk crying is grating. It's a turn off not only to Tom but to most people. She feels like a goddess but she acts like an insecure child. It's like a teen who acts like she is an all powerful female who can conquer men but bursts into tears when she realizes she is ill equipped to handle the real world. I can't
  10. What's he supposed to do with that extra 2 minutes?
  11. Everyone seems to get those benefits. Like an employer plan or sumthin
  12. Evelyn's "Huh" was soooooooo telling LOL That was awesome.
  13. Don't worry Yoda. Sephora will still be here when you come back.
  14. This show is so predictable. Except for the lesbians. So cool.
  15. Can't she just bust open a jar of Taste of India chicken tikka masala sauce? AND WASH YOUR SNEEZY HANDS
  16. Haven't they already met her? They are already technically married.
  17. I guess that 29 year old dick isn't that magical. Food for thought
  18. You guys are good. Just a lot of the same recycled storylines from the past. Someone throw Jinny some Kleenex though.
  19. She's a tester for Urban Decay Candy color line.
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