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Posts posted by AAEBoiler

  1. 1 hour ago, PrincessLeia said:

    There were a lot of comments Kelli made that felt like they were directed at this board!

    I disagree with this totally since these segments were actually filmed over 8 weeks ago, way before any of this bubbled up.

    • Love 4
  2. Count me among others who wonder what Jace is doing on this show. It just brings everything to a screeching halt when he appears.

    Also, I can't be the only who who's waiting for the following exchange.

          Caitlin: "It's Andy!"

          Reed: (mumbling under his breath) " Yeah, Andy Warhol."

    • Love 2
  3. I'm finally getting to this in my backlog now. I thought it was really dumb the way they brought Bill Pullman's character (Ambrose) into this season. The newly minted, female detective is given the new case and she isn't even on the job for 24 hours and she's already running to the grizzled veteran for help?!? C'mon! That's just stupid.

  4. On 10/11/2018 at 12:25 AM, Snookums said:

    And a mistrial is cause for dancing in the streets, Arch! If you ever listened to your parent who is a lawyer you'd hear that there's no damn way the DA's office is going to okay another trial after this debacle--taxpayer money and all. If they didn't find any physical evidence by now, they're not going to, and in the real world this case never would have made it to the first trial, let alone a second. You are free as a damn bird! But no, Noble Idiot Archie decides to take one for the team even though the entire team is yelling WE WON ALREADY, YOU DOOFUS, GET OFF THE FIELD.

    Thank you so much for summarizing exactly what I felt watching! I'd say that Archie is as dumb as a box of rocks but that would be insulting to both the box and the rocks.

    • Love 7
  5. 29 minutes ago, tinabee1967 said:

    The cheerleaders should get a percentage of calendar and poster sales. They deserve it.

    I agree 100%. Even if you paid them $1000 a game that adds up to only $360K (36 cheerleaders for 2 preseason and 8 regular season games). That is a mere "drop in the bucket" of the budget for these NFL teams, each of which earns $255 million per year from TV money alone! That's just TV money, it doesn't include ticket sales, concessions, parking, merchandise, licensing, corporate sponsorships, and some other categories that I'm sure I'm missing. for comparison's sake, the minimum NFL player salary (for rookies with zero years experience) is $480K for 2018. Also, I wonder how much Kelli and Judy make per year?

    The old argument of "well, there are hundreds of other girls who'd do that job" doesn't fly with me because at some point you're going to get to women who don't dance as well, can't learn the routines, don't look good in the uniform, or aren't good ambassadors. If you want a certain type of woman then you have to shell out the $$. I'd love to see the cheerleaders unionize but the second they tried the NFL clubs would just drop cheerleading squads altogether.

    • Love 14
  6. On 8/20/2018 at 12:38 PM, Ottis said:

    Charles as a GM (which is not believable, he doesn't even look like he knows what the job is)

    I agree with this 110%. There's absolutely no way that Charles would've been hired as an NFL GM.

  7. 14 hours ago, evasworld123 said:

    I think @ShellyB confirmed this last year (but I could be mistaken so please correct me if so!), but they like to update the website with the new squad photo, cameos and bios in sync with the squad photo episode airing on CMT.

    That's fine if they want to do that but then change the air dates to match up better with reality. We're already 8 weeks into the season (4 preseason and 4 regular season games) and the show still isn't even up to the point of selecting the final team?!? That is beyond stupid!

    • Love 6
  8. Mrs. AAEBoiler and I thought the story on this one was really shaky. Every time Meg mentioned that she wanted them to sell or buy her out there we kept yelling at the TV, "Why?" There was absolutely no motive for her to have them take action immediately. While, I guess, she was within her rights regarding part ownership we were baffled why she didn't immediately say, "Hey, I'll be a silent partner, do nothing, and take my share of the profits." It was a super thin story with a bit of a "It's a Wonderful Life" ending with everyone pitching in some money but I guess that's why these writers aren't winning any Oscars. My wife and I really need to write one of these ourselves. I'm convinced we could do better.

    • Love 3
  9. On 5/16/2018 at 5:37 AM, BooBear said:

    She was terrible. I caught the end and thought... I bet that actress is connected and then went back and watched on demand and saw Hawk and I knew it. She also has a nose just like her mom. Worse than the acting is that she is just flat up not attractive.

    I actually think that she was perfect for the role of Jo and that she did a great job. Yes, she's not "model gorgeous" but she's very attractive in an gawky kind of way and she just lights up when she smiles. I would've been besotted with her too had I been Laurie.

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  10. On 9/13/2018 at 10:53 PM, Cappuccinagina said:

    Oh Victoria. Show Group???? *winces because she’s gonna get dragged on here* I like her as a dancer but we gotta stop act so cutesy but she IS a fresh outta high school girl. I get it but she needs to be more aware of how she comes across. 

    It still amazes me that she's just out of high school because, I'm sorry, she looks rough, more like she's late-20's.

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  11. On 8/5/2018 at 5:57 PM, sadie said:

    The three guys on the road trip was so good. Somehow throwing Anton in the mix made it better than if it was just Noah and Cole.

    No kidding, Anton is the most likable character on this show right now.

    • Love 2
  12. Taylor was asking for a 50 million dollar bonus?!? Mafee was getting 1.5 million dollars?!? Does this really happen in real life? Gah, I was thrilled when I got $1000 one year ... before taxes.

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