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Posts posted by AAEBoiler

  1. A guaranteed laugh from me is when you throw in the stock footage of the old ladies clapping from Monty Python! Well done!

    (Also, I happened to watch a repeat of a "Viewers Mail" episode where they used the "old ladies" clip again during the "British Version" of Family Guy segment. I laughed then too.)

  2. On 3/11/2018 at 6:30 AM, jhlipton said:

    I am so over this "anyone can hack anything" garbage that infects almost all dramas these days. The security database, used to open doors, wouldn't be connected in any way, shape or form with the rockets guidance system. So dumb.

    This ... and the FBI analyst (Hannah's friend, whatever his name is) saying that he can't find the error in "NASA's code" like there's one master program that runs NASA. First, there isn't. Second, there's no way anyone trying to read code for a launch vehicle could understand it within 30 minutes. Third, the stock launch vehicle video is from a very old launch vehicle ... I'm guessing they didn't try to get permission from any current company. Fourth, this show continues it's use of typical cliches.

  3. On 3/4/2018 at 12:00 PM, Calvada said:

    It was nice to see that the WH staff, like the royal family, all had a black outfit on hand for sudden deaths.

    And of course, all funerals have to occur on dreary, rainy days. I the history of the world no single person has ever been buried on a nice, sunny day.

  4. I was so sad to see Carrie go. In the world of reality TV she was a bright, positive, cheery beacon of light ... which of course meant that she wouldn't win. While I feel bad for Joe Mustache and his dad about the loss of his mom, I still think he should've been sent home many weeks ago. At this point, I'm all Team Adrienne ... which of course means that she probably won't win either. 

    • Love 17
  5. I'll second (or third) the sentiment regarding missing Dick Button on skating commentary. A favorite Dick Button comment of Mrs AAEBoiler and mine has to be, "Whatever that was, it wasn't."

    Given that, I really enjoy the booth of Terry Gannon, Tara Lipinski, and Johnny Weir ... though Johnny may have to start looking over his shoulder to keep an eye out for Adam Rippon!

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  6. I know it's not an Olympic commercial per se, but what is the piano piece that plays during the ubiquitous Peloton commercial that is airing? It's a lovely piece of music and I'm wondering if it's from a larger work or if it was just "noodled" for this commercial.

  7. This show is just too dark ... and I mean that literally. It's really hard to see anything at all during the night scenes. I had no idea what was happening at the end of the episode when apparently a page was taken from the folder. What was up with that?

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  8. 2 hours ago, nitrofishblue said:

    The NOLA show was interesting. I can't recall the last time a chef forgot an ingredient and went on to win. Her second dish must have been something else if Marc said he didn't miss the okra.

    Yeah, I usually roll my eyes when the losing chef says, "the judges made the wrong decision" but that was flat out wrong! Who knows, adding the okra might have messed her dish up!

  9. On 1/31/2018 at 4:26 PM, proserpina65 said:

    Plus, I don't think real casting directors are big on improvising lines when you're auditioning for a part.

    Yeah, I was really surprised they didn't read her the "riot act" for disrespecting director by going off-script. I seem to remember this happening in the past.

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  10. 15 hours ago, Kaiju Ballet said:

    Director X reminded me of one of the earlier cycles when Bennie Ninja kept snapping “Correct.” or “Incorrect” as the hamsters went through their voguing challenge. Are these girls getting any instruction any more before or during challenges?

    I made a similar comment before. Drew is the worst at this. He thinks he's giving advice by basically screaming "MODEL HARDER" at them. Crikey, I hope they're getting some useful instruction.

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  11. 1 hour ago, poppy- said:

    And did we know Kevin was built like that? A good 15-20 lb of muscle more than Archie?  They have some magic cameras and bulky sweaters that made me think he was, like, normal sized.

    I'm glad I wasn't the only one to notice this. The dude is huge! 

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