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Posts posted by AAEBoiler

  1. On 1/27/2019 at 6:14 PM, Trillian said:

    I didn’t. I thought it was, for some inexplicable reason, Tobias Menzies dressed as an indigenous person (take a good look at the actor - there is some resemblance there!).

    Thank you! I would've swore that the actor was Tobias Menzies too and was wondering how they were going to trace Black Jack Randall's blood line to a Native American in the 20th century.

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  2. On 7/2/2014 at 9:21 PM, statsgirl said:

    "The catastrophic risk of turning on the accelerator"....  remember that folks."

    I'm watching these episodes for the first time they're really, subtly, foreshadowing something, eh? There seems to a mention of this in the background every episode.

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  3. I laughed when I realized the noise that accompanies Lauren's "slicing" power is the same one that Top Chef has used for ages going to commercial with the sound of two knives being clashed together.

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  4. 1 hour ago, NJKBCFan said:

    That’s pretty cool! Are you willing to tell us which kid? Would be great to ask them some behind the scenes questions, like how much prep do the producers give them versus how much do they have to know without help (eg recipes, ingredients, etc).

    Perhaps I'll say which kid at a later date. I don't interact with this baker very much so I don't know how much opportunity I may have to get more details. I'lll try to pass along any details if I find anything out.

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  5. 3 hours ago, cardigirl said:

    Last season, Claire went aboard a British ship and treated sick men, and they were quarantining men, but not tossing them overboard.

    I think that was the difference between a British Navy ship under military command where they value their sailors and a "commercial" sailing under dubious command where they got paid up front for passage so it's no difference to Bonnet whether the people make it to America or not. He's already gotten paid.

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  6. 8 hours ago, ruby24 said:

    Oh no, no, no, Lizzie is ALL wrong! Why did they cast a giant?! Isn't Lizzie supposed to be like 12 or something?

    Yes, I wasn't expecting Brienne of Tarth when she was introduced on camera.

    Why are people assuming that when Frank is sees the old article that a "Jamie Fraser and his wife" dies in a fire in North Carolina that he knows that it was Claire? It doesn't mention Claire by name, does it?

    Finally, why doesn't engineer Brianna grab a walking stick or fashion some sort of crutch when she's walking through the forest? I would think that would help to take some pressure off of that ankle.

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  7. I just found it laughable that in the middle of the Scottish highlands, with it's wide open vistas and snow-covered mountains that Brianna stops, opens her map, looks around, and thinks, "Yep, that's the way I need to go." I literally laughed out loud at that scene.

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  8. 2 hours ago, HerkyJerky said:

    The actress playing Eve looked so familiar so I had to look her up.  She used to play Ivy back in the day on 90210.  She's still gorgeous as ever!

    Thank you so much!!!!! It was killing me trying to remember where I recognized her from! IMDB was no help as they hadn't updated the cast list for last night's episode yet.

  9. 9 hours ago, AnnaRose said:

    ... Candace looked beautiful

    Haven't seen that movie yet but I though CCB was looking really gaunt and harsh in her commercial pop-ups during Pride, Prejudice, & Mistletoe. It was a big contrast to some of her earlier movies "Christmas Under Wraps" and "Switched for Christmas" where she looked much healthier a few years ago.

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  10. On 11/11/2018 at 9:19 PM, sonyab said:

    Alex's hair is so confusing and distracting. At work she has no bangs, but then when she isn't at work she has bangs. She needs to get her bangs cut. It's way too long.

    Awww, I like it. She can slick it back for work and then let the anime bangs fly when she's off the clock!

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