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Everything posted by Grace284

  1. Great to see Trevor Noah on the show. He's been all over the place in the UK recently and has stolen every show. Eddie Izzard has been a big supporter of his, always a good recommendation.
  2. Grace284

    S05.E08: Coda

    It's fitting that the soulless hospital arc finished in such a bland manner. Pointless, but I give them credit for making Beth's death at least slightly moving, thanks mostly to the actors who can actually act (thank you, Andrew Lincoln). I missed most of Dawn's latest meandering speech because there was a section of wall in the background that was exhibiting more life. I did laugh when Rick ran over Cop Bob. Yet another person who refuses to listen to his plans. Must have been the straw that broke the camel's back.
  3. Clearly Rick needs to stop asking people for their opinions or just take Michonne with him when he wants to get his kill on. The real benefit of his plan is that it would have been executed without people talking. Now we're going to have to suffer through several more bland monologues from the Hospital for the Treatment of Poor Actors. Carole needs to wake up if only to inject some talent and charisma into proceedings.
  4. Hm. That's nondescript. I mean, I get it, but it's not very grabby. I have to admit Larry is my least favourite correspondent so I'll be tuning into other things, but I hope it works out for him.
  5. It's very difficult for me to watch Guys and Dolls now without hearing The Simpsons version of the lyrics in my head. Luke be a Jedi tonight!
  6. I've listened to the soundtrack previews on itunes and aside from Meryl and Emily Blunt it was all a bit restrained, which I put down to the difference between film and stage but left me feeling unengaged. I was pleasantly surprised by how most of the actors sounded, although the kid who plays Jack has the worst diction in the world which you just can't get away with in a Sondheim musical. His parts in Your Fault were incomprehensible.
  7. Two weeks in a row with supporting characters I would have much rather kept over that low rent Nate Drake impersonator. In some universe there is a show starring Joe and the ghost of Caroline. They solve crimes.
  8. I thought Jason did well. It can't fairly be compared to John's turn as host because they would have had a reasonable amount of time to develop his comic voice as host and differentiate it from his correspondent voice. Jason had the difficult job of balancing both personas and managed to pull it off. And hey, it saved everyone from another 10 minutes of O'Reilly.
  9. "There's not a word for what's wrong with you". I'd take a swing at postpartum depression after you pressured a vulnerable woman into having a child she didn't want, but you're right, that's more of a sentence. Brody's genes have clearly gotten stronger over the years, after two kids that looked like neither of their parents he creates a tiny female double.
  10. The ratings are good, but apparently the show ran way over budget and that's why they got rid of the showrunner.
  11. Detective Doogie Howser may be the worst cop ever. "Move in with me, the guy trying to kill your kid doesn't know where I live!" No, but he knows where the kids go to school and he has access to a car, it would be quite easy to follow them. That's a dumber plan than planting drugs on a guy in front of your partner. I usually skip past The Wacky Adventures of Mickey Donovan, but must admit it was pretty funny this week. The guy lifting his kid out of the bathroom in the background of the fight had me in stitches. I'll miss Crazy Steve and Ray's complete lack of patience with him.
  12. In a surprise twist, she runs away with Avi. There's a man who will agree to casual murder.
  13. It amazes me that Conor has once again cheated death. Evolution should have taken him out long before now. Even by Donovan standards, that kid is astoundingly stupid. His future involves someone taking him out on a boat and shooting him in the head, I'm telling you. Honestly, I have minimum sympathy for Terry. He knows exactly what his father is like and still chose to join Team Worst Robbers Ever, because crime is only okay if Ray isn't committing it? I can only hope his flaky wet blanket of a girlfriend leaves him and is never ever seen again. Mickey is a snake though. I root for Team Ray. He's a terrible person, but I still just want to buy him a holiday away from all these people. Maybe Steve should take him on an ocean break.
  14. Hm, nervous for Conor. Telling someone to stay in a room never works out well for dramatic purposes. The room usually turns out to be extremely flammable.
  15. Give Hank Azaria an Emmy just for that wearily put out reaction to Volcheck shooting himself. Everyone in this show could do with some basic relationship advice. For example- don't interrogate your dangerously violent sex buddy about his abuse mid-coitus. Or find a nice unmarried girlfriend who won't withhold sex until you agree to murder someone. Steve continues to steal the show for me. I would watch an entire hour of Ray just reacting to him.
  16. I really do love Steve. He's so inexplicably weird. It's nice to see Eion Bailey embracing his natural unsettling vibe. Damn, I used to really like Abby. She screwed up a lot, but she was real and brash and likable. But now... I can handle characters being assholes, since practically everyone in the show is one, but she does it with the attitude of a bratty teenager and it's painful. Her new childboyfriend is more mature than she is, and that poor 13 year old can't even grow a real moustache yet.
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