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Everything posted by nachomama

  1. I need to watch Justified, I caught part of the last season, liked it but I need to back up and watch from beginning. I did watch first ep of 1883 last night. It still stands, I love Sam Elliott.
  2. In a star is born (the Gaga one) I was just like GET OUT BRADLEY COOPER JUST HAVE SAM ELLIOTT DO BOTH ROLES.
  3. It loses something sans moustache. Virtually no one else in the world I vote mustache for. You know who else I like? Tom Skerritt. I have no idea why. Just love him, from Drum in Steel Magnolias to Maverick's flight instructor in Top Gun to Alien guy. Freaking love Tom Skerritt. But you can shove Kevin Costner, Nic Cage uhhh can't remember anyone else off the top of my head but they are big nope from me.
  4. I binged an entire season of a british crime drama, "Stay Close" it was highly recommended on netflix. Only 8 episodes and I must say virtually anything James Nesbitt does I'm game for. Against my better judgement I have been watching Yellowstone. Now, see, I hate Kevin Costner with a white hot passion that I can't explain and this show actually leans into that. His character is mostly a jerk with big money. I want to watch 1883 which is a spinoff, a prequel, the Dutton family with how they started the ranch and that is of course because of Sam Elliott. Sincerely, you'll have to lock me up if/when Sam Elliott dies because I love him with every fiber of my being. I cannot stand Roadhouse because YOU DON'T KILL DOGS OR SAM ELLIOTT. PERIOD, FULL STOP. PER-EE-OT! I am up for another Titan go.
  5. Indeed, it's the landing of the bullets that bothers me, one landed in my roof. I have this massive leak in my entry way and can't figure out why. roofy man inspects and finds a perfectly round hole straight through shingles, plywood basically an open door to my house, he shoved a piece of tin under and solved the problem but still, jackwagon, you fired a bullet into my house! Coulda been straight into my sleeping face. The movie is still good, still has comedic moments, I think it's a good collaboration of people. Just not what I needed to see on New Years when my optimism isn't high.
  6. So the douchebag I work for went to a football game in Miami recently, with his ex girlfriend who is I guess his girlfriend again. any guesses as to what might be ensuing? Yep she's got covid. He had it previously but obviously they're telling him to stay away from his 83 year old mother. so help me dog if I get covid because of your stupid girlfriend and stupid football...I can't even summon the revenge I may inflect. I'm buying a lottery ticket and if I win, mariachi music 24/7 at his house. I will buy all the property surrounding him and I'll lure his bees away. (I won't hurt the bees they're endangered) but I will coax them with better flowers or some shit. He got it before and walked around here a week before we knew.
  7. dude! what is the deal with fireworks? They started like 5:30 and kept up til the middle of the night. I don't have pets that go crazy but seriously...wtf? Did everybody and their brother buy an entire armory? Speaking of meteors, I watched the "don't look up" movie which to me was billed as a comedy....screw you. I don't wanna watch that on friggin New Years! I watched "seeking a friend for the end of the world" once and it got me as well, Steve Carell SUPPOSED TO BE A COMEDY NOT SUPPOSED TO TRIGGER MY INNER FEARS. Lord have mercy.
  8. And I binged the entire new season of Cobra Kai over the weekend and started "Yellowjackets".
  9. Hopefully you're all on the upswing. My friend Marcy's sister and husband both got it so the kids came to stay with her while they quarantined. I do not recall if they got it back when the whole family got it last summer. Felt like winnie the pooh and the blustery night last night, there were tornado warnings, don't think we actually got one but holy crap it was loud all night. I went to bed early (for me) and a loud thud woke me up like 12:23 and I did a casual flashlight check to see if there was a tree limb down on my roof or garage/shed roof. Saw nothing, saw nothing this morning. Could have been neighbor's roof but it was a solid ka-thunk. the rest of the night just scrapes on the roof and squeaking and whistling. I know I was up at 12:23, 3:52 and fivish. That's what I get for trying to be bright-eyed and bushy tailed I really had no hope for 2022 since I firmly believe we are living in the apocalypse but they friggin killed Betty White.
  10. That’s pretty much exactly it but I do toss in things to make it unhealthy. Some mom in kindergarten came to make these with us and she used cornflakes. We just opted for rice crispies and boom been making this stuff for umpteen years. Melt some chocolate chips on top and this year gonna swirl a few butterscotch.
  11. I had chinese on christmas day and this week I'm making MY rice crispy treats. MARSHMALLOW IS DISGUSTING AND MUST NOT SHOW IT'S FACE IN MY HOME. Thusly my rice crispy treats are made with peanut butter, brown sugar, coconut and covered in chocolate this year for a treat some butterscotch ones. The only good marshmallow is one who is blackened like a cajun thingy. and I squeeze out its guts and just eat his crispy husk.
  12. I had an exceedingly boring christmas which translates into a good christmas. Went to dinner xmas eve. fancy desserts with ruby red grapefruit curd. Never heard of such a thing but it was darn tasty. I enjoy curds! I ate a quail which made me feel bad cuz he had such tiny little legs it felt like I was eating a baby.
  13. Desserts are usually quite soft. Sounds perfect to me. All the drinks and desserts
  14. I just saw a tweet about John wick 4 being delayed a year but I wasn’t really looking. Just saw Keanu and i thought they postponed matrix. And I thought of dearie me, Maggie will not survive this.
  15. Caught a preview of the Matrix movie That's just to f*ck with maggie. hahahahahahha bet you can't resist!
  16. Seriously!?!? Spider-Man? I guess as an introvert I’m the opposite of everyone. I’m all yippy skippy about NOT going into stores. Or NOT going to the movie theater to watch Spider-Man. There’s literally nothing stopping anyone frim seeing it from their home. Legally or illegally. I prefer to NOT see it with big crowds not especially for Covid but just those jerks who bring babies. Are people so ready to rush back out there? Sick people heading to theaters or even court. It makes no sense. hope the holidays are as good as can be.
  17. No. She did NOT go. She was the victim of the witness who did show up to a deposition with Covid. She bailed on the party in case she was compromised. She felt better today but no she stayed home to protect any of us that might be compromised. I just think the system should have protected her. If a witness shows up, at don’t care how long you waited, if that person Admits they had Covid everybody should call it off.
  18. Friend of mine had to drop out of a Christmas party because she’s a court reporter and some idiot kept calling saying she’s 10 minutes away 10 minutes away. Eventually showed up 4 hours late full blown Covid. My friend has been super cautious. She’s worked from home over zoom mostly. Big time with her masks etc. boosted etc. she woke up yesterday with sore throat and headache. Gonna get a test. But still how did this one witness get away with that? She could have said Covid and done zoom.
  19. Today we ordered sangwiches to be delivered. An hour goes by and we're all "hey where's the samiches? Dude says I'll check where my driver at. He gets back to us says the driver delivered them, told me to check with others in the building perhaps. There's 3 people we knew none of us answered the door. Drivers says "there was a lady outside waiting for them" dude just gave our sangwiches to a rando! There is a charity across teh street that does have a soup kitchen several days a week. Perhaps he was over there? Perhaps one of the people from there was sitting on our stoop waiting out the rain and thought someone came across the street for her??? so another hour later we got our sambitches. Every day is an adventure!
  20. This is so true! But the likely hood of you running into Charlize Theron are slim. Natalie Portman over there throwing herself off of bridges etc "what did you ever do for love?" NOT BE A CRAZY PSYCHOPATH? Does the perfume smell like crazy? cuz you cray cray girlfren
  21. Next time you run into Johnny depp, Please ask him why the cologne commercisks are so frikkin weird.
  22. I thought it was going in a “squeal little piggy” direction. ok eagles tickets anywhere else but here run from $129-$149 low end. Here? Lowest $265 wtf?! Too rich for my blood. For something that is not exactly the greatest love of my life. I was going to give it a shot because I’ve never seen anyone/thing that is “legendary” I’ve been to big-ish concerts. First ever show was indigo girls, then hootie and the blowfish. Ive seen Alison krauss 3-4 times in different incantations. The down from the mountain tour, her own band. I’ve seen the dixie chicks probly 3 times. I was at the infamous first show back after the big London kerfluffle that was in Greenville sc and we had our tickets way before the incident. I do not know if there’s anybody I’d be willing to pay $300 to see.
  23. My direct deposit shows my paycheck as $72.08 which is at least a step in the right direction. Im not in the negative. I didn't think it would be corrected for this one because the time card was submitted last saturday. Now, if they issue a correction, or how long that takes I dunno. Plus somthing bit me. When I got home from work last night I placed my hand on the rail of my porch and there was a big ouch. Something flew (or fell) but I didn't see what (spider, bee etc) I think it's too cold for bees but I don't know what critters are out and about at the moment. I watched it and it didnt' really swell and I'm not dead so I ruled out the scarier spiders
  24. You know me, a veritable plethora of positivity. Actually now that I think about it, you'd be much much rarer if you were a Brian Jones bastard. Work on that. Supposedly paycheck is fixed. We'll see tomorrow when I go log in to see what my direct deposit is supposed to be. I fully believe it was an accident. I don't know if a "computer" or a people saw 21 hours (in a week) and put that in as "pay period" which is 2 weeks. I did vent that someone owes me $28 for a late fee on a credit card. I'd rather get that than have my property taxes bounce.
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