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Everything posted by nachomama

  1. Yes she posted pictures with her children that said “he’s not my dad” I thought they had fun with it. Memes before memes were a thing.
  2. Guess whose car died? Guess who's renting a 10" box truck because rental cars cost $197 a day? Guess who's paid uber a lot more money than they wanted in the last 2 days until they could get said box truck? There were no just plain old uhaul trucks or vans. Anybody need anything hauled? It will cost you approximately $20,000 but I call that a bargain. Anywho, backing out of my driveway yesterday my transmission decided it no longer exists. So I learned a new trick...if your car is now permanently stuck in reverse you cannot push it forward back into your driveway. So I keep trying to push forward and it keeps going backwards and I think I'm all right because I'll just back up to park across the street except I forgot I'm actually in the open door of my car pushing and duh the door hits your neighbors car. So then I realize if you turn the car off then it's basically in neutral and it rolls. sigh. I had a humdinger of a morning. So I write the neighbor a note, call an uber, call a tow truck etc etc. This morning the car won't start (maybe because it's not actually in park?) and won't shift at all where yesterday my shifty was all loosey goosey. I assume it will still roll if I get the tow truck. I'm just gonna deal with it on the weekend.
  3. I know they imagined it that Miss Kitty was his girlfriend and it was all wholesome. Real life? nuh-uh Sheriff's taking off his boots and hat. Even if she'd retired from the actual work, girl had a past. She didn't get to be in charge outta nowhere. My dad made us turn off "the Breakfast Club" because they kept saying the "f" word but I'm all "dude you know he's boinking Miss Kitty!"
  4. I loved James Garner! My father famously never watched anything set in modern times, he only ONLY watched reruns of Wagon Train, Bonanza, the Rifleman, the Virginian etc, etc on WTBS or WGN or whichever show had them all day on weekends. Maverick was a favorite so he would watch Rockford but only because he had transitioned from a western. He watched Quincy and Hawaii 5-0 which were current at the time but are quite dated now. Otherwise he was living 24/7 in 1872. You can't bring up the logic that Miss Kitty was a Madame, ahem, because he believed all those shows were so "wholesome". And game shows, lordy mercy do I hate "Wheel of Fortune" to this day. My dad would be in his room watching "wheel" and shouting out the answers to puzzles because, naturally, we were supposed to be watching the same thing in the living room. We weren't, we're watching "alf" or "Cosby Show" or "Full House" all of which he considers garbage. One of us had to be on the far side of the room and one of us had to sit "lookout" if by any chance my dad headed down the hallway we sent a signal and flipped the channel before he got there. He always told us we were stupid because we never answered the puzzle before him or answered any Jeopardy questions. In college my roommates were confused why I listened to the tv so quietly. Volume still is not high on my tv to this day and no Wheel of Fortune in like 30 years. I still shake milk when I take it out of the fridge but that's a whole nother story.
  5. I can recall a few episodes of Charlies Angels...Kim Basinger was a prisoner they rescued, the prison was running a gambling hall and the pretty prisoners were forced to be escorts. I don't think this is the same episode but also a prison theme...the ladies went undercover in a prison and got de-loused and it has vividly stuck with me for decades. They made them take showers and gave them their prison clothes but they had to open their towels and get sprayed with the bug spray canister. And I remember being shocked and confused, I didn't even know what delousing was and I don't even own a penis but I was kinda turned on. I really wanted to peek around that towel. Their escape involved stealing the prison potato truck and throwing boxes of potatoes at the pursuing vehicle. If only there was still a career in writing I do recall police/mystery shows always had someone being followed in a car and their trickery involved in losing a "tail" and my whole adult life I've been disappointed that I've never had to use that skill
  6. I never watched Mannix but I did watch Rockford Files with my dad and a few years ago it was playing from start to finish on some channel and so I re-watched it. And I was always struck by what a loser he was. He lost fights, always tried to run and was just really unsuccesful as a PI even though he solved the cases he just wasn't getting paid. He was always pulling over to find a pay phone and I always said him and the Charlies angels girls sure did need the cell phone to hurry up and get invented.
  7. We had to rethink our reunion* this past summer, my own personal reunion will be in October, the only people I care to see will be there. It's just the first reunion because I'm soooooooooo young. I'm practically a baby. I've heard "Hacks" is good, gotta get a free preview or figure out a way to see it. Anybody got anyone famous from where they are? Nobody from my specific home town but our celebrities from Albuquerque...Neil Patrick Harris, Freddie Prinze jr., French Stewart, Jessie Tyler Ferguson, Demi Moore was in and out of New Mexico as a child.
  8. Haha super clam is Charles ingalls. It wasn’t cold cold here but temperature did fall to like awesome! Went to Atlanta and went to Hawaiian chick fil a. Sunny and warm but not hot. Friday was an almost disastrous day. My air conditioner stopped working. Thought it was dead and gonna cost me $8000. Nobody was going to be able to come until Tuesday. By a miracle she sent me a guy and he stomped around in my attic and called a few dudes to see if anyone had a part on a truck, boom. Capacitor found. Costs much less than $8000. He says it could last a week or a decade. Crisis averted.
  9. There is some Spanish series on Netflix that is supposed to be very good about a crew of like 5-6 female bank robbers. Money Heist. I have a friend who won't shut up about it but I don't necesarily always listen to her but then I saw some article about the 10 greatest things on netflix that aint in english. I wasn't looking for any kind of quality out of Army of the Dead, There were a couple plot lines that were instant "stfu" for me. I like Tig Notaro and I liked Dieter.
  10. How far away is your son? My friend's son is in Idaho and they are planning to go there after christmas for some weird snow mobiling trip. Like snowmobiling I can do, she says it's super cheap. Skiing? I'd be dead in 4.2 seconds. I might last 10 seconds on the snowmobile. She says it's super cheap with some national park pass (military discount maybe?) but it includes your cabin and having snowmobiles for your stay.
  11. Dude if I get much done after lunch it's a miracle. I did go see "Army of the Dead" I liked it. Carnage and violence to soothe my soul. Not that I have stress or anything. #hardpants
  12. I don't quite get why you would think I'd harm the cat or the cat is being neglected. The cat will be with me for 4 days. She's not neglecting it and I'm not neglecting it. Jesus. All I'm saying is that while I'm working (a 4 hour shift) it will have to entertain itself in a freaking cat gymboree in the kitchen. This is not 6 months where I'm locking the cat in a dark closet with no food and water. Sheesh. Sarcasm is my thing. I harm no animals. The gymboree is literally a plaything for cats, yes you can close a door but they have activities. I get fired if the cat is in the room with me and meows or walks over my keyboard. I don't actually think she will want to facetime with the cat but if she did I would find it silly. I think she is probably super cat mom and its new for her. She could literally spend all day with the cat, she's less than 3 miles from the house sitting gig, she is allowed to leave. 3-4 days, not a lifetime.
  13. Now I feel like I graduated in the middle ages. I was getting $20! Awesomely awkward as well because they were handing me graduation money at my mother's funeral. Cheap bastards can't even mail a card with the money, they're like "we are here might as well shove some money at the girl" I have made the egregious error of agreeing to babysit my friends cat. Here's the deal, the house-sits every year for a wealthy family in Hilton Head, I think it's kind of a lucrative deal for her. She gets to hang out in fancy schmancy and walk the dog or dogs, few times a day and they pay well for this. She recently acquired a cat. Why she can't take the cat with her or even leave the premises once or twice a day to go home and feed the cat, I don't know. Perhaps she feels the cat can't be alone. Not only do I not want the thing in my house, it's a pain to close off my office for when I'm working at night but also just ....CAT! I don't want to face time the cat with her or leave it alone in my house, I haven't cat proofed in a while. My cat used to dig through my bathroom trash for qtips, my cat was odd. I don't want this cat in my stuff. My cat used to love to go into my closet and just sit in the dark, my closet door is broken and I can't close it. I don't want to hunt for the cat if it goes under a bed. I have a porch, not the most escape proof, but also can't leave it all day out there. I have a cat "gymboree" which is basically a cage. I got it for my cat with ladders and a hammock swing but essentially it's a cage, my cat I left the door open and he could go in and out the cat door. I aint got time to teach that to the new kid. She may think it's child abuse if I leave her in the cage when I'm out. She sends me pictures several times a day of her cat and quite frankly I don't want to send them to her while it's in my custody. (I shall not be getting paid the way she gets paid for the housesitting)
  14. I don't like Bugles either, they're the cone shaped things? I used to stick them on my fingers to make sharp pointy claws. I honestly don't like them because my sister liked them. I know what I "thought" was the meaning behind girlfriend in a coma but then what I googled. I'm not a fan of Morrisey, dude seriously needs to chillax. But my impressions at the time that girlfriend came out were that he's gay and he used girlfriend in a coma as a "beard" situation. Kinda like dudes who have girlfriends in "canada" no one ever sees them and he's gay so he just conveniently made himself unavailable or no one is going to ask questions. Supposedly it's about AIDS which makes sense as well. Basically about all the "lovers" being sick with unknown ailments and no one wanted to talk about it.
  15. How's this for scintillating conversation, the most "activity" Ive gotten on facebook was when I posted that Sun Chips suck. Hahaha Come on! they're just the red headed step-brother your mom made you take to the picnic.
  16. Honestly, seeing footage of Beetles or Elvis fans is so bizarre to me. No one has ever caused me to pee or pass out or any other number of things.
  17. To this day there is no evidence that we get hot and bothered, whereas boys betray themselves haha the only revenge god gave us.
  18. I was gonna say ...Kristy McNicol? I don't think girls have the same equivalent, as in we just wanted to swoon and be around we didn't get all huffed and puffed. But if I did I had some very strange, uh, boyfriends. I didn't like all the "boys" my friends liked. Ricky Shroeder? nope. Dan Hagarty? yep. Creeps me out now. I loved Robbie Benson, my niece obsessed over JohnTabolta, nope. I was a weirdo
  19. I watched the Kong Vs. Zilla. It was aiigght. No spoilers they knocked some shit over.
  20. Trips me out that she was also the mom on "honey I shrunk the kids" on one hand Kotter didn't do her any favors as a female character, the writing wasn't deep.
  21. Sleestack noises are still scary to me! Although just like Zombies they were easy to outrun. A few years ago I was watch Welcome Back Kotter on TvLand or some such. Most of it has not held up well. I had a hand-me-down Vinnie Barbarino Lunch box. I was not enthused.
  22. Hello! But I thought they were married....I had barbies, they had babies, they made out. Donnie had no pants. I loved "Land of the Lost" and the sleestacks and the baby dinosaur. And people....people! The brother thought he was such a hot star that he went by only 1 name, like Cher only Wesley. WES-LEY Wesley prolly on food stamps now. Chakka!
  23. I love the outtakes from the Carol Burnette show where Tim Conway or Harvey Corman crack up. Like the elephant blowing it's trunk or Tim Conway kept sticking himself with the novocaine needles as the dentist. Harvey Corman couldn't keep a straight face to save his life.
  24. I love Ruth Buzzie. I used to think the entire Carol Burnett show was just the cartoon opening so I'd leave as soon as the opening credits were over. But I'd stick around for Ruth Buzzie. I've never lived in a trailer, however, my entire being screams trailer trash. My sister lived in a trailer but she kept it up quite nicely. She was very OCD and if you looked in her laundry room, she had table runners hung up and organized by color. TABLE RUNNERS. A trailer can be nice, usually not though. And I'm pretty sure evil sister gonna trash the whole joint, whatevs! BYGONES.
  25. If I’m correct trailer park boys and south of the border are Canadian? I left my phone at Cracker Barrel. Judys phone starts ringing she’s asking me “why are you calling me? You’re standing right in front of me” they had called the last few numbers dialed so I had it back within 5 minutes. But they got a coworker, she called a supervisor so it was already known at work I had lost my phone. We have an app on our phones that lets us dial so I might have been screwed if I didn’t get it back.
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