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Everything posted by nachomama

  1. oh please you know I served up the limp one on a platter.
  2. Yes the fridge ones are best but I think my problem is I don't eat them fast enough. First day is primo but if you don't eat the whole jar in the first week, they get limp quick.
  3. That is interesting. My problem with cucumbers is they suck. They are a non food. So is watermelon, however, I like it. I do enjoy a good pickle with a sammich. Why do the pickles I buy at home not taste like the pickle spears you get with a sammich? I have noticed a throat issue sometimes with avocado. but then again if it's guac I'm eating maybe I need a drink cuz I'm thirsty?
  4. I've known people who dveloped a seafood allergy late in life, friend of mne can't eat lobster anymore and she'll just watch other people and be sad. I hope that's not the case with me, I love my shrimps
  5. Thankfully all that was avoided. So I have no explanation of why. Just oops. Other than that I'm a fun date! :D
  6. Apparently you just can't let me out in public. Went to dinner with my friends and I ordered paella. My first every in the whole wide world. We chatted and had lots of fun, we were nice restaurant people and didn't hog up a table so we go outside and we're chatting by my car and I was starting to feel a bit weak. I was chalking it up to heat because great googly moogly it was still 90 degrees. Then I felt a cough coming on and had to dive behind my car cuz I just yakked up my dinner. I was like "wait a minute, I'm not even drunk". I felt fine after just felt really stupid. We sat on a bench and kept chatting. I don't feel like it was food poisoning because wouldn't that have escalated? and gone on all night? It didnt', one and done. So I redeemed myself from the faux pas of not giving them a ride last time and gave them a ride but now I'm George W. Bush barfing at the dinner. oi vey
  7. All my ads are in spanish. I got my time off/PTO cleared for my trip. YAY! Now I have to quit spending money like it's going out of style so I can afford everything. Most things are pre-paid, tickets etc. Just food, gas, souvenirs etc. I bought a folding chair to take to the balloon fiesta, I bought a cooler for my car so I can bring home tons of food. I have a friend in town now who is dropping off her kids for college and we are going to hang out. Last time she was here, I felt like I made a faux pas, they had flown in and had been ubering and the kids had some activity and casually asked if I would drop them off and under normal circumstances, absolutely, no problem. However my car had been on it's death bed for a while so I made an excuse, mostly just because I was horrified at the condition of my car. I wouldn't let anyone get in it. But I felt like when she came to town after that she avoided me. (She says covid, she does have lupus, so she's extra cautious) I shouldn't have been so self conscious, she knew me in college and the horrendous beast of a car I drove then...1984 AMC station wagon, google it, it's hilarous. We even got in an accident in it. We have notoriously one way streets here and divided lanes and you go around a corner and can't see so someone smacked into us. Wasn't a lot of damage but we didn't hit the library that night.
  8. I spoke with my college roommate about this, he was fascinated by Kraft Macaroni and cheese. He claimed they didnt have it in Hawaii. It might just be that his japanese mother wasn't messing with the "mainland garbage foods" I spent $6 a week on groceries, 5 for a dollar ramen and he'd buy I think 4 kraft macnchees for a dollar. He has the weirdest eating habits of anyone I've ever known and it's not just an asian thing. No condiments. None whatsoever. That's no ketchup, no mayo, no salad dressings of any kind. NO tomatoes or onions. A sandwich is ONLY meat cheese bread, nothing else. He's never eaten spaghetti in his life because tomatoes. When we ordered pizza in college he'd lift the cheese and scrape off the sauce and lay it back down. HIs food can't touch and he has to eat it in a certain order. He will eat all fries first, or all veg first but he doesn't eat a bite of sandwich, then a cheeto, then a piece of fruit, nope all fruit, then all chips then all sammich. But he will eat seaweed as a snack. Something called "seed" which is dried plums with an astonishing amount of salt. They are sour, sour, sour. He eats dried cuttle fish as a snack. We got him drunk in college and we made ore-ida french fries when we got the munchies and he ate them with ketchup. He absolutely swears up and down that no he did not! We don't have photographic evidence of it but we have at least 5 witnesses.
  9. Risky because you might jump up suddenly and oopsy. This might be weird, when did any of you discover ramen noodles? I figure I'm way behind the curve because we got nothing in New Mexico when I was growng up. I'd say by high school there were some girls who had ramen noodles and I was horrified by them, just the concept. These were also people who made "dip" for chips with ketchup, mayo and mustard, just mixed together. Their mom tried to put me down as a reference for her paperwork as having "applied" for a job. by college obviously we were subsisting on the ramen. My roommate was Japanese from Hawaii so I learned all the tricks for doctoring them up so they weren't so boring. I did look it up they started importing them in 1971 I wouldn't have figured out what they were until about 1988 but how did people discover them?
  10. OSHA hard pants. that's so sad. Oh I see it's online, I'm sure pants are an OSHA requirement.
  11. My father was a firm believer in corporal punishment. He would tell our teachers if the kid next to us acted up they had permission to smack us around. He was not one of those parents who was gonna so storm the school for laying a hand on their kid. There was no such thing as innocent until proven guilty, it was guilty until proven guiltier. Although I must say my father never lost control smacking us. It was a very controlled punishment. We'd push my mom right to the edge and my mom lost her ever loving mind when we drove her crazy, only difference being her hitting us didn't hurt. She chased my sister down the hall and my sister scooted under the bed, so my mom went side to side trying to grab her but she'd roll to the other side and then my mom just flipped the bed. I ran outside and hid in the bushes. She'd hit us with anything she had, a brush, a shoe, her purse but it didn't hurt. One time she was organizing tupperware in the kitchen and had all the bowls, lids and pots and pans out and she slapped us a few times with whatever and then she sat on the kitchen floor just muttering "sonofabitchsonofabitchsonofabitchSONOFABITCH" But my dad only hit me 2 times when I didnt deserve it. Once on our trip to Canada when my sister kept pinching my butt so I put my knees in the back of his seat and he just kinda reached around and swatted at me. Still my sister's fault. She shoulda got the smack. And once in high school my sister and I got into a pissing contest because she was on the phone telling lies, saying she ended up with an STD because I used too much hair spray and the hair spray landed on the toilet paper that had pink dye in it. (It had nothing whatsoever to do with sneaking off and being a big ol' ho...) so she told me to turn down the tv. I said no, she had a phone in her room she could go in there to spread her lies, so she turned off the tv. So I turned on the radio. She turned off the radio and I turned it back on. So my dad marches out of his room and since my hand was on the radio he whopped me and once again, shoulda been whore face who got the slap. :D
  12. Mantooth is kind of a giveaway. I also absolutely adored Robbie benson. I know that I watched “ode to Billie joe” when I was a kid but came as a complete shock when i found it on some cable station when I was in College. I remembered the whole part about him being sweet on some girl and her doll benjiman but never did remember why he done tossed himself off that bridge. Even bigger shock to find out it was roscoe p. Coltrane getting frisky with him when he had too much to drink at the barn dance and he didn’t remember it. And I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why my parents let me watch that when I was a kid. But clearly I didn’t remember so I guess all’s well.
  13. I have no idea why but I loved the shit outs Randolph man tooth
  14. Caught? Very much controversy on this one. I followed my friend Marcy into Mr. Ogle's class at lunchtime, literally just tagging along, didn't even know anyone in there. Apparently they were all on detention. Mr. Ogle popped in, many people were in there but only 3 of us were unable to dash out the back door. Mr. Ogle issued us a stern "SIT DOWN AND DON'T YOU MOVE" and we did. The bell rang, our teacher from across the hall came to get us, so of course, we went with her. Mr. Ogle pops into our class and now he's pissed we disobeyed. They have some words but then we are sent back to his class. Me, Marcy and Orlando. First he goes on and on about the bad kids in his own class who were already on punishment and here we come. Now Marcy is not worried at all, her mom works at the school and she calls the principal "grandpa", my father? my father is going to tear me up when I get home. So I'm low key tears streaming down my face already. Orlando is sitting with his face propped up on his hands and Mr. Ogle shouts "wipe that smirk off your face". Orlando wasn't smirking and didn't know what smirking meant so he continued to keep his face in his hand. Mr. Ogle orders him to come to the front and I kid you not PICKS HIM UP BY HIS HAIRAND SHAKES HIM LIKE A RAG DOLL. Whatever was happening with my face prior, it was now full on streaming. I'm bawling my ass off very, very quietly. Cuz I'm gonna get dangled by my hair and then my father gonna whoop me til I can't sit til next Tuesday. Now our teacher came back with the principal and we were escorted back to our class. I personally, never heard another word. My parents were never informed. From what I gathered from Marcy, Mr. Ogle got in trouble because of the hair dangling. Marcy's mom, had anything happened to her child, was never going to let it go. He almost lost his job. I had another unfortunate incident with him, when my granpa died they sent me down the street to stay with the neighbor kid while they went to the funeral. They fed me strawberry shortcake cereal for breakfast and it wsn't sitting well with me. So when MR. Ogle went to pick on me for something, I muttered "shut up" and he said, "excuse me?" and I said "uhhhhh be quiet?" and he sent me across the hall to my room. I tried to go to the nurse but we had a substitute and she didn't want to do paperwork. So she told me put my head down and rest. I lifted my head and barfed all over my desk. To this day Marcy teases me about both! She's all "remember that time you puked pink lava?" and I was a cry baby for the other one. But because of the barfing and my dead grandpa Mr. Ogle did not make me write him a formal apology.
  15. Wait, wait wait...why was your dad in charge of naming the girls? I know your mom did all the hard work, with both flavors....but we know we can't trust the men with these things. I have a friend who likes to tell us she was almost named Raverjanatha <-- that's kinda by ear because if it's a literary reference I do not know it and I'm too stupid to ask but she acts like it's a big deal or something we all know about. No clue how you would actually spell it. I know as a small child I would never have gotten Sigourney Weavery correct, in my head it was See-journey and most famously when I read Ramona the pest books, her sister is named Beatrice and one of the books is called Beezus and Ramona so that's even a clue but in my head I'm thinking "what kind of horrible name is "Beet-Rice" like the vegetable and the rice. DUH I was like how dumb is this kid that they can't say their sisters name but that doesn't even rhyme. Hahahah I was kinda stoopit. My niece couldn't say my name as a child and concocted a nickname for it. She is allowed to say it. My sister adopted it and she is NOT allowed to say it. To the point of if I had a shovel in my hand and she called me by that name I'd smash her in the face with the shovel as a reflex.
  16. My name could be short for a number of things, it just isnt. I will always let them assume it is. I don't tell my birthday or the derivation of my name cuz they're just gonna forget it anyway. I get the better end of the stick I think, compared to my sister. Hers just sucks. :P Her most current obsession is that her nickname as a child was toot toot. She claims she liked trains...people...aint nobody called her that beyond the age of 2 but she literally wants to be called that now. I remember once as a very young child she told some across the street neighbors that and they immediately began calling her "bean burrito" for the "toots" and I laughed my ass off. Your name is Wilburforce! Heisenrude? Gilgamesh? Rheinhold! I never answer to my name in public, it's never anyone calling for me. I never put my name down for reservations, I don't go to starbucks so I never give my name for drinks, the call center job I use my middle name. If I were going to give a name for a coffee drink I would make up something outrageous to see what they come up with.
  17. I was thinking Romper Room CUZ NO ONE EVER SAID MY NAME. I never had a dawgone pencil with my stupid name on it. Never had a license plate for my bike with my name on it. I have easily one of the most common names on the planet, however, not for girls. My sister, same. We used to ask "why you give us boy names? you wanted boys?" My mom says "Oh no, you woulda been michael" My sister probably would have been the same if she were a boy, she was named after both grandfathers.
  18. My aunt who just passed away used to tell a story about all the kids having to sleep in the same bed. She says my dad wet the bed and then rolled her over into the wet spot. They had 6 total but probly only 4 sleeping in the bed at the time.
  19. Not having children, the notion of nibbling my kids food is gross. My mother ate so many leftovers, which again she might have liked but pretty much anything we didn't eat. You remember the jelly candies that came in a box of chocolate valentines hearts, way back in the day? You'd have the nut clusters, maybe something coconut and thered be an orange or a raspberry "jelly". They were gross and eventually they disappeared and we have "creams" now. We would take a bite or even eat all the chocolate off the outside and leave the icky jelly center and my mom would eat those. Can you imagine you never get any chocolate of your own and just have to eat the disgusting crumbs of your kids? She ate all the crusts of my bread and she liked fruit cake, only person in the world I ever met who actually lked fruit cake.
  20. Tell me you grew up poor without telling me you grew up poor. I just had a random memory of my dad telling us we didn't eat our chicken right. He would be like "oh you left a lot on this bone" and he'd go nibble at our chicken legs.
  21. Anthonette was one that always got me, I think it's kinda local. They wanted to make Anthony feminine but instead of the already existing Antoinette. At first I thought it was just my one friend Jessicas cousin but then there was a girl who was kidnapped from Gallup New Mexico in 1986 named Anthonette Cayedito which is still unsolved. All Jessica's I've ever known were annoying , apologies to any jessica's among you, I'm sure you are not annoying.
  22. I have a question, what were the most common names amongst the people you grew up with? Beyond the classics, Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah, Mike, David, Christopher. This might date us cuz names are kinda fashionable, in the 80's lots of Heathers. We had at least 5 Michelle's. Brian's were popular. There arent too many Ruth's, Brenda, Karen those have fallen on hard times. For some reason when I hit college there were lots of Leslie's both male and female. I'm from a weird state where names are unusual. There was a whole family that names all the kids Mar-something. Marsylvia, Marsherri. like they gave them a regular name but felt like it needed to be prefixed with a Mar, I have no idea why.
  23. I know I talk too much anyway but my senior photo, I purchased a peach colored sweater, like really saved up for this damn sweater. And my friend Elizabeth's mom was a Mary Kay rep. So went to Liz's for makeup and hair. Oh dear sweet mother of Pete, my gawd what that woman did to me. Mimi from the Drew Carey show had not yet been invented but I got enough blue eye shadow to cover Cleveland and some serious rouge and lip liner. I wiped most of it off but I'm still a clown. She also did prom make up.......my hair is seven miles high and when I showed a group photo of us 4 girls to my mom. My mom lifted her glasses and yanked the thing up close to her eyeballs and then held it very far away and exclaimed "who are these huzzies?!" We look like saloon girls, big hair and poofy 80's dresses but my lord that woman was a menace with a makeup brush
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