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Everything posted by nachomama

  1. I THINK I REMEMBERED THE HORROR MOVIE. Where the Frat bros killed a girl. Fred Frikkin Astaire was in it! and John Houseman. "Ghost Story" from 1981. And Alice Krige is the chick they murdered, who was also famously in Sleepwalkers where they were cats and she had an incestuous relationship with her son.
  2. Very bizarre dream this weekend. woke me up laughing. I dreamed that I was in Sunday school and some girl used the analogy "I'm sure Laura Ingalls Wilder only pooped about 50 times a year" which apparently I couldn't think of a response for until later in actual church service. I turned around to whisper to this woman "I'm pretty sure LIW actually pooped more than 50x a year" unbeknownst to me some lady that normally sat there had a microphone wired to her pew because she felt like she needed to be heard during the singing. so basically I shouted throughout the church about Laura Ingalls Wilders pooping habits. I wish I could explain this, I haven't the foggiest Idea where my brain goes.
  3. I feel like the non tiger house use is very negan. That red tub downstairs for hiding all the blood Lucille and clearly the tiger house for the king Ezekiel
  4. I may have found my dream home. https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/117-Clayton-Dr_Gaffney_SC_29340_M93020-12705 https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/1402-Addie-B-Byers-Dr_Savannah_GA_31415_M69818-12090 It's one of these 2. ❤️
  5. When Craig Ferguson had a talk show he went on and on about how wonderful Foyle's war was. I think I managed to see 1 episode but it was completely random. So if I subscribe to the Acorn I can watch from the beginning. What baffles me is BBC america shows 99.99% STAR TREK! WTH? It's the place to import me a show from the UK and it's almost 24/7 Star Trek. I found an app on my firestick called "Fawesome" and it's got a lot of Scottish and Irish shows. Love me a Scottish detective!
  6. This is what's happening to me too, mine may be the ugliest, not re-stored home on my block. Yes I get offers every day from flippers, they want to low ball me put $25-50k into the house then unload it for $150 more than they paid. Eventually I'll accept an offer, I'm doing my darndest to pay down what I owe so that what they give me actually affords me the ability to purchase something elsewhere. Currently the outskirts are not good, the 2 people who work with me that live way out in the country I hear every day what the highway project is doing to them for their commute. It takes me 10 minutes to get to work, it should take them 30 (we arrive at work at 8 am so technically they should be beating rush hour traffic) but they're having 45min -1.5 hour commutes because of the highway construction. If I did just the work from home job then obviously no commute. I just don't think the full time is all that stable. I feel like I could buy an rv and just vagabond it. I'm liking sling or firestick although I think I need batteries. My firestick remote wasn't working yesterday so hopefully I'll get some batteries after work. Because I discovered I might not even need sling. You can download an app for virtually any channel. CBS, BBC, AMC, BRAVO, ACORN etc and watch almost all shows on demand. You'd have to keep track of all your own stuff. Sling gives you a DVR so it would catch your recurring shows, Killing Eve etc. So far I've kept basic cable and that plus the sling is still what I was paying before. Eventually if I decide I don't even need sling then off we go. I think I really want acorn tv, my friend Becky and I have an obsession with british tv and they have a good many british mysteries that I want to see. Foyle's War, Agatha Raisin, Anything with James Nesbitt. So hopefully my firestick is back in action tonight, I didn't even fling it at a wall or anything. Didn't slap Chris Rock with it either.
  7. I get flippers wanting to buy my house and yes technically twice what I paid for it but still not what zillow claims its worth. I couldn't sell it for what zillow claims but I need a number somewhere in between. But my property taxes are eating me alive, and I have no issue with selling or moving but like Nashville, where the hell am I going? I should have had my house paid off by now but when my sister's husband died I refinanced and got set back some. I do not live in a fancy neighborhood but I"m bordering on a fancy neighborhood and we've got some up and comers, most of the houses are kinda craftsman era bungalows so they were starter homes as well. I'm behind a park and the baseball stadium so I'm near things. If you cross over one street you are in Ardsley park which is where the money is. I would like to get out of the city taxes and possibly this particular county but my job isn't worth the commute to go about 45 minutes out. If I do eventually just go full time with the stay at home job then I can go anywhere.
  8. When we lived in company housing as a kid, obvs you knew your neighbors, my dad worked with your dad etc. We were all stranded out in the middle of nowhere, various places I lived were 90 miles from town (Utah) and most were about 30. We went to the grocery store about once a month so you def borrowed a cup of sugar etc from somebody at some point. It was nice although never lived there as an adult. I don't know how it was on the wives... can't tell if my mom would be "good" or "bad" in this situation. They had party line phones so basically anyone could be listening...my mom was. My mom wrote a "column" for the local paper, gossip technically but it was fairly boring gossip. "Mr. and Mrs. Jenson traveled to Wisconsin to visit his mother. The Baxley's welcomed a healthy baby boy, Timmy 6 lbs 4 oz. blah blah birthday party or potluck" (no my mother didn't get this news from the party line, she did interview the neighbors but I'm sure she heard the good stuff on the phone) They had a recreation hall so if you had a birthday party or book club/sewing get together you didn't have to have 60 people in your house. The community was about 90 families. They threw a company bbq/picnic every year and christmas and halloween parties so there were activities, somebody was always a girl scout or boy scout troup leader. I wanna say sister wife dude is named Richard but other than that I can only tell you what the girls name is whose car I hit with mine when my car died. so...I'm the evil neighbor. If they wonder about me ...the never see me, on weekends I'm working from home so I don't leave. There's never lights on in my house. I'm creepy.
  9. I think the rules here are once it's on my property it's my business. Yes I can ask the neighbor if he'd allow access to cut the tree on his side...that would be neighborly but I just didn't think it would turn into this much trouble. It should be no harder than trimming bushes. I am an introvert and anti-social, I do not know my neighbors names. I would absotively go knock on the neighbors door if I had no way around a $500 fee, I'd ask nicely to enter their side of the yard to cut this tree if there was no way around it. I've spoken to this guy, he seems nice. I'm not entirely sure what's going on in the house though. I don't know if he's got sister wives or what but there's like 5 cars that park there and about 6 women and just him. I never ever ever ever ever ever ever see the women. His truck and a red car are the only ones that ever move. There's a white suv thing and another car that I have never seen budge from their spot. I have randomly seen a short redhaired woman get in the red car. And 2 asian women once walking a dog in the front yard. If I had to guess I'd say he stays in a man cave out back, I always hear him sitting at the outdoor table and listening to music from inside the shed. (I'm in my spare room doing my dialing and he would be about 5 feet away)
  10. My sister had the neighbor up in her tree and he fell out. Ooops, he was ok-ish but still I have no requirement to fulfill any tree climbing bucket lists. eek. My niece and I took a spill on a motorcycle (it was one step above a mo-ped so it's not badass) She was singing songs from vacation bible school and wiggling so to demonstrate how one should not wiggle I wiggled the handlebars and we went splat. anywhoo....niece pops up smiling and says "wow that was close" and then immediately begins gushing gallons of blood ... to which she screams bloody murder and takes off towards home, running like a bat out of hell. I meanwhile pushed the motorcycle home. Basically a teeny tiny, itsy bity cut on her head but apparently head wounds have dramatic effects. It's been 30 damn years and homegirl never lets me forget "remember that one time you almost cracked my skull? I still have a scar" said scar is a millimeter. If I recall every time she came to visit we tried to kill her. We were pulling her in a wagon behind our bikes and tipped her over. We were playing "circus" where we were laying on the ground, bouncing small children on our feet and sort of cannon-balling them towards a pile of leaves and she hurt her wrist. I smacked her in the face with a volleyball...I swear none of these were on purpose.
  11. They're calling it 4 hours work, more than 1 branch (what's the width of a shed? 15 feet? so like branches spread across 15 feet) but they are the dangling participle of branches they are not 6" limbs that require those spike shoes and the belt and the big saw. In my neighborhood I could quite frankly shoot the branches...I may the only person lacking a gun. If I put a hedge clipper on a rope and swung it I could probably take out the branches...but also my neck. I did once slice my thumb with these itty bitty clippers and it was so funny, I just saw a couple drops of blood and got all woozy. I'm ok with small blood...other people's blood but 2 drops of my own and I was like SWOON.
  12. Gravity is not my friend so I sure aint climbing. And these are just the branches, they're not bigger than 1" diameter so it's not heavy duty, the only wierdness lies in the shed. You can't climb the shed and stand on top of it. That sucker aint sturdy. It's also not climbing 60 feet in the air. The pole saw gives a reach of about 10 feet so you might could make 1 swipe and get the clearance needed. I've been quoted $575 which I aint got. Hopefully this guy comes through for me, otherwise place your bets on which toes n fingers I lose.
  13. Since we're talking about how dumb I am...Had a tree guy come look at some branches that are coming over my shed from the neighbor's yard. I just want about 3 feet clearance so they're not whacking the top of my shed. So he immediately says " I cant' do nothing with this" You are a tree guy and you don't have a ladder or a pole saw? So I purchased a pole saw ...which I'm thinking ends badly for me. Althought I've got a guy coming to look again today so hopefully I can just return it. Because youknowwho (me) once cut through a 100 foot extension cord and then immediately the next week cut through the replacement extension cord. So extension cords...feet...fingers pretty sure all in danger if you give me a 10 foot saw
  14. I also do not want to go anywhere near the parade. However since we don’t take off work and we are surrounded by the parade. The porta potty story was relayed to me by first time parade goers. dropping your phone in paint isn’t dirty though…I would retrieve it although I’m sure it’s done for. I have dropped a phone in my drink, it dead. I washed a phone, it dead. Forgot I left it in my apron. I also washed my cat… he liked sitting in the front loader washing machine..I rescued him he barely got wet. He lived.
  15. First St. Patrick's day back with a parade here...this is how it goes. A girl dropped her phone in a port-a-potty and paid a guy $50 to get it for her. There is no way on this planet I would EVER want that phone back. bye. not gonna happen.
  16. If I could sell it, I would. We have 2 of the earliest i-macs from the early 00's I think one of the original original teal color, 1 with a cd slot and one with slide out cd tray and a grey one. I have a flourescent green one at home and if any of you want to offer me $10,000 for our "museum" pieces, feel free.
  17. So I wonder now if our silk screen press will forever be an octopus with 1 leg missing? It's very old school, manual. If you've never seen one it's got 6-8 arms spinning out and you lift the screen and the shirt goes underneath and if you've got a bunch of colors you just spin to the next arm and the next color. You have the little heat press to dry the color quickly between spins. He walked off and left the heater on on top of one of the arms. It's probably wrong that I'm getting so much joy out of his mistake. Last Monday he screamed at me for 10 minutes about why I hadn't printed him the positives for this shirt. I'm useless if he has to come to me blah, blah blah... meanwhile he didn't touch the shirts for the next week. They're for St. Patrick's day so he has to have them done by Wednesday. He may have to wash the shirts before he hands them over because we all went home smelling like smoke and had black soot in our noses. Woulda been doubly hilarious if he'd ruined the shirts.
  18. from my phone the site never works it keeps the last thing I ever posted so I can't get rid of the quote thing but had to get the picture off my phone. My boss walked off and left a heater thing on the silk screen press and we nearly burned down. I knew I smelled smoke.. me and mama were kinda sniffing it down like bloodhounds but we were going in the wrong direction. There was a smoke alarm going off way down yonder in the silk screen room but we didn't hear it. Now we've got a big industrial fan blowing the smoke out of the building.
  19. I like Gilded Age and I watched "Our flag means death" yesterday, it's the right kind of stupid I need. I will check out Raised by Wolves. I found a workaround for my "stupid" tv. Since I can't add new apps, won't upgrade the hulu app and couldn't download the sling app. but duh, I have a firestick so just download those apps to the firestick so I can watch Hulu and Sling on the big tv. which makes the tablet kinda dumb but I do like it. If I do go Sling I lose my local channels which is a pain, not because I watch any local news but I don't want to go antanne for the abc, nbc, cbs but otherwise I think I can survive cutting the cord. Most network shows do show up on Hulu next day
  20. I figure with kids you gotta have Disney+, I don't need that. and I'm not sure what the deal is with hbo max. Is it an actual channel in your tv lineup or only the app access? I call comcast customers on my night job and it's mostly older people who answer and they go on and on about how hbo max doesn't work for them. But I think they don't undertand that signing up for it isn't the same as it being a channel. I do call BS on that too because now there's nothing on regular HBO you have to have HBO max for the shows or movies. It was just a way for them to double their price if you already were an HBO customer. My promotion thing is up too so if they don't keep it within the price range I'm just gonna drop tv. I have the absolute worst internet on the planet but it does allow me to work from home. Some streaming can be slow and a lot of buffering but we'll see if I upgrade. The tablet played Pam and Tommy pretty well last night
  21. Has anyone tried sling tv? I'm thinking about cutting the cord and might give it the 3 day trial over the weekend. Now, my "smart" tv is kinda dumb, it's old enough that I can't get the sling app and it won't do the newest version of Hulu. I can play netflix on it and my firestick. My workaround for right now is I got a cheap tablet, if I can mirror that then I can play sling and hulu until I can afford me a new fancy tv. I don't want to have 95,000 subscriptions to every stupid app in the universe. Dont have amazon prime, no paramount+. Sling gives me what I think I want and I can supplement that with hulu and netflix and still come under budget.
  22. I has questions...do you ever get your "leather lung" mixed up with your "green lung"? or your Green beard? honestly my favorite is Telekentic Yeti. ' Also who is in Alice in Chains now? I know old whatsisface done died. And is Kiss all of Kiss or 1 kiss? If I had a band (or any musical talent whatsoever) my band name would be "Sinful Stench" or more formally "Sinful Stench in the Nostrils of the righteous" Superclam should be able to get that.
  23. So how tempted would OooMaggie be to watch the new spinoff? I'm kinda waiting out the finale of TWD and it's taking forever but now I see Dead Island or some such and it's Maggie and Negan in 2023.
  24. They had lodging and travel packages for like $2900!!! I was like oh hail no. but I'd go for festival, stay for the meth. (no I wouldn't )
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