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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. Of course Jace wouldn't have said that to anyone because Sasquatch would beat the dog shit out of him if he did. Furthermore, IMO, two steps back is progress because honestly, the less Barb has to deal with Jenelle, the better. @lovesnark I initially thought Lurch's possessiveness was more so related to securing the cash cow that is Jenelle but his vitriol toward Nathan is just so... personal for lack of a better term. It's like the fact that Nathan exist insults his manhood or something. The insurance policy thing-I am %110 certain that Lurch has one on Jenelle or attempted several times to take on out on her.
  2. And that is the thing Lurch doesn't get. Nathan dumped Jenelle; her crazy was too much for him and that says a lot given how unstable Nathan is. Not even the promise of a cushy check from MTV was enough for him to stick around so all of this possessiveness over Jenelle is for nothing.
  3. IIRC, prior to Lurch coming into the picture, Jenelle would dump Kaiser on Doris every chance she got? Didn't it come out that Kai would spend a significant amount of time st Doris's house? Also, I remember a scene where Jenelle called Doris to ask if she could take Kaiser because she was going through whatever her ailment of the week was.
  4. And they wouldn't go alone in the woods with your psycho, homophobic ass either. You know what cracks me up the most about Lurch? He swears he is such a manly man, going to teach Kai and Jace manly things but he lives off of his fucking wife! Quit whatever job he had to leech off of Jenelle's MTV check.
  5. They're going to inundate SM with pics of a "happy" Kaiser for the next week or so to show the "hatters" what a happy family they are. RME.
  6. You may get your wish once the MTV gravy train ends. Once they've burned through the money, the stress of trying to maintain their lifestyle will cause Lurch to snap.
  7. Lurch posted a video of Jenelle getting Kaiser back! Pray for that child.
  8. Someone needs to go to the Land and beat Lurch with a stick! So Jenelle has yet to file for a hearing... I guess a Kaiser-free 4th of July is a win for her.
  9. So, is "busy" a euphemism for "David forbids me from interacting with you outside of drop-offs?" And another thing-how does Javi breaking up with Briana because they aren't on the same page relationahip wise, somehow vindicate Kail's misgivings about Briana? Oh, and Briana doesn't owe you any respect just because you popped out Javi's kid.
  10. I hope that birthday party was staged for filming because I hate to think Isaac had to spend his birthday with Kail's gang of sycophants and sex partners of the week. Yep, you are always right, Kail! So right, you thought a trap baby would convince Chris Lopez to play house. Also, if you knew Briana and Javi were just a flash in the pan, why dedicate so much time and engery to it. Javi is on a show with some of the most unlikeable people in Reality TV, yet he is worries about his image? And no, Brittany, Kail got herself stuck in Delaware trying to be a Dependapotamus and wanting to stick it to Jo. You still get a pass from me, Jace especially given recent develops concerning Kaiser. Jenelle and David are pieces of shit! Correct me if I am wrong but I find it hard to believe Jace would have a say in custody when Barb was awarded permanent custody. Hearing about Ali's struggles just breaks me heart.
  11. So now Jenelle says the bruise came from playing on a waterslide at the pre-school! I thought he hurt himself on David's boat?
  12. http://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2018/07/02/police-called-after-nathan-griffiths-mom-refused-to-return-teen-mom-jenelle-evans-son-kaiser-due-to-alleged-abuse-exclusive-details/ @Mkay Barb stated once that she believes that's David's ultimate goal. He wants Kaiser gone especially now he has visitation with Kaden.
  13. She can post all the pics she wants but it doesn't change the fact that CPS found evidence of abuse and refused to return Kaiser to her care.
  14. "KAISER UPDATE! — This morning we broke the news that CPS and the police would NOT allow Jenelle & David to take Kaiser home from his grandmas house (Nathan’s mother). When Jenelle & David showed up, the family refused to return Kaiser. Police were called and CPS became involved. CPS said there were was excessive bruising and hand prints on Kaiser, especially on his rear. They determined it was so bad that they would not let him return to Jenelle & David’s care. An emergency custody hearing will be taking place this morning. We will keep you updated ? Please everyone say a little prayer for Kaiser, he doesn’t deserve this." https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1994536573911713&id=563871823644869
  15. Something major had to go down if Doris felt the need to violate the court order and LO refused to return Kaiser to the Land. Nathan really needs to get it together and show he the court he deserves more time with Kai. I don't care that 90% of that time will be with Doris because she loves him, takes care of him and not uses him like a personal punching bag unlike Putty Face!
  16. Wasn't it revealed in Doris's petition for custody that Jenelle sends Kaiser to daycare because "she doesn't know how to handle him?" Normally, I would say these two are wasting money but since it's these two, I consider it money well spent because Kaiser spends most of his day away from Geico Caveman, interacting with people who seem to care about him. Also, Endtable gets to spend her day, not stoned from a constant contact high. Seeing recent vids of her, she actually looks like the elevator goes all the way to the top for once.
  17. You beat me to it! I think that's the best Keefah meme yet! Lol
  18. Poor kid! He exist not because his mom wanted a ring and some security from her longterm boyfriend. Nope, he exist because his mother wanted to be some guy's girlfriend!
  19. So, I am scrolling through my Instagram feed and what do I see? Now, if you know who Joanne the Scammer is then you know why this is hilarious. Takes one to know one.
  20. You're probably right. Poor Jace! Jenelle could use this alone time to bond with Jace but no, since it's Jenelle, she uses it to interrogate the poor boy! Did anyone catch Kail say that she was working on a clothing line? Stop the insanity!
  21. David is laid back but how many times has he threatened to beat someone's ass or fill the streets with uppercuts? Lol Lurch admonishing Jenelle for talking to the officer...spoken like the true criminal he is! Jace gets a pass from me for calling Jenelle and Lurch, "pieces of shit" because that is exactly what they are, given how they have treated him and his true mother, Barb. You know, I actually feel for Britanny and Briana because because Roxanne is toxic as hell. My god, they will never have a healthy relationship as long as she is in the picture. Javi will do anything to maintain a place on the show!
  22. Raise your hand if you googled jennvsbryce.com to see if it was a real website! Lol
  23. So Chris is your first true love because you didn't need him to avoid homelessness or to secure military benefits? @configdotsys You nailed it! @Scarlett45 Word to everything you said. She is stunned that broke, nobody Chris rejected her and on top of that, rejected her and got back with his most-likely broke, nobody girlfriend!
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