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Everything posted by Deianeira

  1. A number of people who didn't make the landing pad slammed into it feet first . . . fortunately nobody else hit it as hard as Travis Rosen. I was also wondering if he hit the shoulder he had surgery on. I was really hoping that he'd at least complete Stage 1. At last! I hope his knee is okay. Chris Wilczewski is one of my favorite ninjas. I'm disappointed that they didn't show his run. I'm glad he completed Stage 1, but now I'm really worried about him because of the underwater obstacle on Stage 2. How big a deal is NBC going to make of the fact that they're going to put the guy who almost drowned through an underwater obstacle? I was also anxious during Drew's run. It was a relief to see him crush it. I don't have anything against The Kid, but I'm glad that Drew and Jake Murray beat his time so he didn't have the fastest time for Stage 1.
  2. Or how Joe Morovsky hadn't fallen on Stage One in forever? I was so glad when Akbar told Matt, "You jinxed him!" (I think it was about Joe Moravsky). I always think that when Matt makes those comments, including on Ninja vs. Ninja when he says that someone is "undefeated in team competition." Joe is one of my favorite ninjas, so that was hard to watch. Ditto for Travis Rosen. I agree. Josh Levin is also having a great season, but we haven't seen it. Jamie Rahn's run was something special. I know the ninjas have to be adaptable, but wow. I agree that the show was a downer. I wish they hadn't WWWAed Ethan Swanson, since he brings a sense of fun. I like his silly swan wing flapping. One of my few laughs came when they showed Grant McCartney on the sidelines, and under his name it said something like, "Failed to qualify."
  3. It's a reality show standby. If a contestant says that something is their specialty and expects to crush it, that's what gets them eliminated. Once I saw his intro, I was expecting him to fall on the Salmon Ladder, and it was really satisfying since he was so full of himself. Kind of, but only a little since sadly he was while-we-were-awayed. Yes, I remember that. I was relieved for him that he's not doing that anymore because it's a dangerous job. Jon Alexis Jr: Wow! I don't have anything against him, but I didn't expect him to finish, and I really didn't expect him to snatch fastest time from Joe Moravsky. Between this and Ninja vs. Ninja, he's having a great year. Good for him! And yes, his Spider Trap wave was cute instead of obnoxious. "Hi, what's up? Gotta go."
  4. I laughed so hard! That made me mad too. I'm happy that he placed 7th out of 15. Jesse Labreck and Chris DiGangi continue their weird symmetry of falling in a similar place. When he fell on Cane Lane, I figured that Jesse would too. I'm putting my hopes on Alyssa Beird to hit the buzzer.
  5. I'm so happy about this! I was really hoping that Jessie would hit the buzzer, not just because she can, but also because I'd love to never again have to hear about Kacy Catanzaro being the only woman to finish a city finals course. I'm delighted that Ryan Stratis and Brett Sims are doing so well. But poor Brett -- he was one of only three finishers, but he still got WWWAed. It's maddening. These are exactly the people who should be WWWAed. I think I've figured out the runs they show in the little window on the commercial break: a veteran who falls. It's just one more way for NBC to disrespect the veterans who made the show what it is.
  6. I love this show, but I get so frustrated with it. The people I really want to see are the established Ninjas. Most of them get the "while we were away" (Thomas Stillings?!) treatment, or we don't even get a clip of their run (Andrew Lowes, Nate Burkhalter) because almost all of the time is spent on rookies. I don't want to see sob stories. I want to see Ninjas hit the buzzer. If someone hits the buzzer, we should be able to see their whole run. "Mighty Kacy." I was really hoping I'd never hear those words again. When will it stop?
  7. I used to watch Fashion Police, and I was always impressed by what Kelly Osbourne had to say about fashion. But her hair! Until last night, I thought she couldn't make it look any worse. I was so wrong. Earlier in the season, I thought that Erin was the clear winner and no one else had a chance. That changed when she made those awful shorts with the embroidery that looked like hay or dead grass growing out of them. Now I hope Laurence or someone else (Rik or Roberi?) is the winner.
  8. Ben and Lauren seem like nice people, but they're so boring! I'm also just interested in the wedding planning, so I was frustrated when they spent the whole episode avoiding it.
  9. I'm sad that the season is over already, but that was a great closer. I loved that he saw what he wanted to do, went for it full-on, succeeded against all odds, and proved his naysayers wrong. And yes, the asshole quote, the photos from the 70s, and the contrast to the flashback actor are all hilarious!
  10. I'm also watching because of The Bachelor. I never understood why the women in the house disliked Nikki so much. I'm starting to get it. I already thought that Juan Pablo was a douchebag, so my opinion of him hasn't changed at all. I get a kick out of watching Juan Pablo and Nikki when they're being interviewed or talking to Dr. Jenn. When Juan Pablo talks, Nikki looks bummed. When Nikki talks about being unhappy, Juan Pablo lights up. Jenna Jameson is crazy. At some point she's going to have a huge blow-out with someone. My guess is Juan Pablo. Jenna's also horrifying looking. I have to admit, when Dick made that crack about "when she used to be hot," I laughed. Stephanie deserves better than Dick, and John deserves better than Jenna. Maybe Stephanie and John should get together? I think the only couple that has a chance is Deena and Chris. They seem sweet, and neither of them seems to be too messed up.
  11. I also watched The Lot, but I'd forgotten about it until some of you reminded me. I can't like either Shane or Anna. I wanted to like Anna, but she ruined it for me by being so insecure and co-dependent. Shane seems to have a stronger point of view, but I don't think I'm at all interested in hearing or seeing it because I don't like "broad" humor. I'll keep watching to enjoy watching them flail and flounder. I think it's kind of unfair that Shane already has a following, which seems to guarantee him the win, but I'm a little sad to say that I already don't care which one wins.
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