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  1. Put me in the confused column under "Phony as a $2 bill." Never heard that expression before, $2 bills are real, and I thought ByTor was trying to say that KaShara seems fake but is actually adorable.
  2. Same! I thought she was boring as a speaker, boring as a dancer, just blah. Isn't it funny how people all see different things looking at the same person?
  3. I haven't really had much of an opinion so far, but tonight's episode made me want to chime in. I really liked Annabelle, she just made me want to root for her. She carried herself with so much poise and communicated great. I agree with her cut, since memory/sequence seems to be an issue, but in a normal season with a normal training camp I think she would have done better. I don't think Kelly has the "look", but beauty is incredibly subjective, so others might have a different opinion. Not super sad about her, but she handled her cut really well. Sheridan is pretty "meh" to me, but I think a lot of it is her baby voice. That makes me crazy in a grown-ass woman. I don't like it when they bring a woman back to training camp just to cut her again, but she did handle it reasonably well, so props to her. I yelled at the TV when they said Hannah was looking pale. Obviously visiting a tanning salon isn't at the top of her priority list during a freaking pandemic! Give the woman a break!
  4. IMO, the only reason they featured Savannah was so they could contrast her reaction to not making SG with Jalyn. "Oh, but poor Savannah wanted it SO BAD but is still congratulating her teammates..."
  5. Oh, is THAT what he said? To this day I've never understood that line. Now I need it on a t-shirt.
  6. Yup. Every year. I don't think there's anything wrong with admitting when you have "rebuilding" years, for instance, but Kelli seems to think that admitting the squad isn't getting better each and every year is super shameful or something.
  7. Travis dances better than ALL of the ladies. He picked that bit up FAST.
  8. I just slogged through pages here to get all caught up, and have a few comments. Probably an unpopular opinion, but I don't think solos have much bearing on who actually makes training camp. It gives tricksters the opportunity to show off what they can do, but in the long run it doesn't matter if a girl can spin like a top or can touch the ceiling with her leaps, because the girls don't do that on the field anyway. It's power pom dancing. A really strong solo can get you noticed, so the judges pay more attention to you when you're auditioning on the field and during the kickline. On the other hand, a poor solo will also make them watch more closely, but as long as you can dance with the group, have strong kicks, and look like a DCC, it doesn't matter. Also- everyone calling Malena "Melena" is seriously making me laugh. "Melena" is a medical term for dark, tarry stools that you see with an upper GI bleed. The stools appear dark because the blood is digested. Please stop calling her Melena for my sake!
  9. The conspiracy theorist in me wonders if VK's storyline hasn't been manufactured in some way so she can be a spokesperson/ambassador for Cowboys Fit. What better way to sell memberships to their exclusive fitness club than through promoting a young woman who used the club to get in shape and wound up becoming a DCC?
  10. Y'all, I'm quite sure Lily got feedback that wasn't shown. If you recall the infamous office scene where KaShara said she didn't want Victoria, she specifically chose Lily instead of her. Why would she have phrased it that way if Lily wasn't on their radar as a potential cut? True, it's harsh that Lily was cut at her first office visit, but it's not fair to those in charge to insist she wasn't given any corrections throughout camp. I'm sure she was.
  11. Why didn't they have Kitty at SG auditions? My guess is she would've ripped Victoria a new one- she doesn't hold back. And Kelli wasn't about to let that happen to the daughter of her bestest ever bestie of all the best friends. It'll be interesting to see what happens next week when Ms. Kitty comes to call at rehearsal. They probably won't show any Victoria footage at all.
  12. COURTNEY COOK Really glad to see her looking well.
  13. I guess Kristin doesn't remember Christina (...I think) from Season 2. She was actually deaf and wore hearing aids. Way to sound ignorant!
  14. I have to say that while I disliked Christina and her constant tears the first several times she auditioned, I really like her in this episode. She's very mature and poised and speaks well. Kelli Quinn looks at least 40. Tasha looks out of shape.
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