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Everything posted by JapMo

  1. I totally agree. What a crappy thing to do. Makeovers are a very nice perk for the rookie candidates who get to a certain point in Training Camp. They get the makeovers and the veterans get to go to the Bahamas (or at least they used to). Now they can't even look forward to that.
  2. You can pretend that it's not about looks or it shouldn't be about looks and just based on pure dance ability, but you take two rookie candidates like Lea and Rebecca, who are top tier dancers compared to the others, and put them next to Klein and they fade into the woodwork. Klein has that over-the-top personality that pops in front of an audience. At this point, IMO, Lea and Rebecca do not. That's why I was so expecting a dramatic change for Lea once she had her makeover, and was severely disappointed. Why not put a purple streak in her hair or something to make her stand out. Or forget the hair and accentuate the makeup. They did neither. This is the first time I've not been impressed with the makeovers (except KayDianna and Kelee). In past years, every makeover was a homerun. It was so much fun to see the before and after. Pressley's hair color was OK, but she's still washed out. Ava also needs more dramatic eye makeup. Christina needs to tone down the pancake foundation she's using. It's like they spent all their budget on the hair extensions they gave Kelee and didn't have enough money for anyone else.
  3. Honestly, I don't know how anyone could have noticed Lea before last night. If you take away random shots of her dancing throughout this season, I don't think she's been on camera more than 10 seconds total.
  4. Of all the candidates, Lea really needed a makeover, so what do they do? Part her hair to the other side. I would have at least expected a few highlights. Lea, Christina, Rebecca and Amber are four candidates that seriously do nothing for me...they have no pop whatsoever. What is going on with this show? When have they ever done a "cliffhanger"? It took me two rewinds to realize they did not resolve the Alora Rose/Rockettes rumor. Instead they left it hanging until next week. Couple that with two really cheesy, melodramatic scenes that weren't necessary and should only have warranted a brief explanation from Kelli, as in 'ladies, we've got the go-ahead to perform on the field this season, and please convey your best wishes on your way out to Lisa, who sadly has to take a year off due to her ongoing injuries'. Bing, bang, boom...done. I don't believe Daphne got the chance to address the group, so why should Lisa? I know I sound heartless, but I have a thing about professionalism, and Lisa should have just called the girls together in the locker room in private and told them. But no, I'm sure this was all producer related, and they thought it would be a good idea for her to do it on camera. But to me it looked phony. Lisa didn't deserve that. Kelli again piles on the compliments to Pressley before lowering the boom. STOP DOING THAT. It's irresponsible. So is telling every candidate they should try out next year (shockingly, I don't think she did that with Pressley).
  5. Somebody check me on this.....did KaShara ever make SG? For some reason I never thought she did. Why does everyone have to try out? I'm sure there's been a few through the years that due to work or school commitments could not take on the monumental commitment of SG. Judy is head choreographer of the DCC. Surely if she thinks someone isn't good enough to be on SG that should be the overriding decision. Even Kat knew she shouldn't be on. I like Kat, and I do think she's improved tremendously over her rookie season, but there's no way she should have been selected. I'd like to think it was producer driven, but we've seen Kelli disregard Judy's critiques many times over the years.
  6. After a 2 year drought, we saw a lot of Jalyn this episode, which is great. Same with Gina. They hardly ever featured her the last 2-3 years, but now she seems to finally be on K&J's radar. Keeping my fingers crossed for next week. The person standing next to Jalyn as they called SG names....I thought 'who is that beautiful girl'? I didn't think it was Rachel, but it turned out it was her. I had no idea she was that pretty.
  7. You're right....she doesn't have the look. It's not enough that she's a great dancer. She's got to be able to be noticed in a sea of beautiful or very pretty women, and at this point she doesn't stand out. After all these weeks she's still fading into the woodwork. That's why she didn't make SG. Let's hope next week she gets a great makeover which includes some veneers. With a killer smile, attractive hair and professional makeup, coupled with her superior dance ability, she'll quickly move into the safe zone where she belongs.
  8. The problem is they had too many designers desperate to get their oh-so-important messages across. And they all tried to do it at the same time. If you have to take 10 minutes to explain your message (looking at you Prajje) it's best left to Western Union.
  9. If the pictures are hidden, like in envelopes, so if you get there first you still don't have an advantage over anyone else, then I'm good with it. But throwing picture side up on the table and first come first serve....no. Creates problems, as we witnessed this episode.
  10. I'd accept that excuse for someone under the age of 15, but not adults. You don't lose manners that have been drummed into your head since childhood over extremely anxious situations, even worldwide events.
  11. I am kind of surprised at how most of the designers this year are ignoring Christian's input, especially so early in the competition. Last week they paid little attention to him at Mood when he was constantly asking what their team's point of view was going to be. In the past, designers were not only in awe of Tim Gunn because of his reputation, they were also intimidated by him. We've seen designers rip up an entire outfit if Tim was too critical. Maybe it's Christian's small stature, youth, relatively short time in the industry or a combination of all three that is the problem. Would anyone have, upon initially meeting Tim Gunn, tell him he's so cute and they'd like to date him? I'd like to think there was a scene we didn't see on camera after the Meg debacle when Christian announced Meg had left the competition. Possibly Christian apologizing for inadvertently starting the whole thing about switching models, and very firmly declaring that from that point forward there would be no switching of models whatsoever, and any designer who felt their creation couldn't stand alone on the runway without gimmicks had no business being in the business, and that goes double for unprofessional behavior between contestants.
  12. I have never heard that adage before, but it's so accurate. Meg seems to confidently embrace her big woman status. But I fear it's just the opposite.
  13. Meg wasn't bullied out of the competition...she was planning this from the moment she was informed she was going to be a contestant. I've seen people like her before. Very confident, very loud, all 'I'm going to kick their ass' bravado. And then once they see the competition or team they are assigned to, their lack of self-confidence kicks in and they're immediately looking for an out. She sabotaged herself. If it didn't happen this episode, it was going to happen shortly after. Last week she constantly mentioned how tired she was, even grimacing when told her "team" will be working at night. Crying about being homesick and missing her mother. I'm not saying these things aren't important, but face facts...this is the biggest deal of her career. People would kill for this opportunity. Yet she's already setting the stage. Christian isn't thrilled about her lack of color. She's immediately defensive instead of just accepting his critique. Kenneth wasn't demanding. He meekly asked if it was OK to switch. It didn't have to turn ugly. She could have taken him aside and explained that she was feeling stressed after Christian's critique and having a model change at this point would stress her out more. Instead she agreed to switch but did it so ungraciously that it then turned into a giant hissy fit with her stomping off and quitting. She created the drama but was unprepared for it to turn against her. Then she quits because the drama (self created) caused her too much stress. I'm not saying other people were without fault here, and I particularly blame the producers for not jumping in immediately and diffusing the situation. I'm saying Meg is passionate, strongly opinionated, and gung ho on the outside, giving the impression she is really in control of her life. On the inside she's a bundle of insecurity, convinced she doesn't deserve good things to happen to her so she ruins it before she has a real chance to get it. Self sabotage. She's probably not even aware she's doing this. Sadly, Meg didn't really think she was worthy of Project Runway and so she found an exit. I would bet she's regretting her decision to quit. My analysis is now complete. I'm removing my shingle and am closed for business.
  14. Kelli should definitely have cut at least one more person. She's still 5 over at 6 weeks? Inexcusable. There's no way Ashley should still be a candidate, IMO. Who's the lady with the three names who's a recruiter for the Dallas Cowboys? Kelli better watch out. This woman is very comfortable on camera. Where is Melissa Rycroft? I know many of you don't like her, but I love seeing her helping out the girls.
  15. I really enjoyed that segment. The vets got the rookies to honestly assess themselves, and then worked with them and gave little tips to improve their performance. That's the kind of thing I remember from years past (like at least 5 years). I'm in agreement with a poster above not understanding Maddie's popularity, but she didn't bug me this time. Liked Criscella's choreography much better than Travis Wall's. His interpretive dance routine does not render itself well on the playing field, IMO. Kelli is still awful at eliminations. You'd think after all this time she would become more comfortable doing it and have a mental script that has worked well for her...but no. She clearly called Ashley in to cut her. The girl lacks power, plain and simple. She knows it...they know it...so what does Kelli do? She opens the door a crack to let Ashley slide through. 'Oh, you're popular with the other girls...that's so important'. Since when? After 5 weeks, you should not have 8 eliminations to make. You should already have cut those candidates that can't kick high enough or lack power. Kelli clearly has an extremely full schedule and only a limited amount of time to watch these girls dance. We've heard it from candidate after candidate that they've never had a chance to speak with K or J until the moment they are called in (usually to be cut*). She needs other people to do the dirty work for her in the first 2-3 weeks of TC. You can't tell me there's no former DCC that wouldn't love to have a chance to be on nationwide TV (i.e. work for free) and be her "spotters" in those critical first weeks. And by dirty work I mean telling these girls the truth in the very early stages...'if your kicks/splits/range of motion/dance ability doesn't improve in the next week or two, my recommendation is you don't move on any further'. And then assign a veteran to help the girl...one on one. Do all that stuff in the first few weeks, and by week 4, let's say, call all those into a big room at the same time and have Her Royal Highness come in and announce she's cutting them. Thank them for trying out and immediately leave the room. Let those spotters do the handholding and listen to the blubbering and begging. In this way Kelli can glean from others who the standout candidates are and have already at least spoken to them before the 5 week period. *Why are these rookies so delusional? 'Oh yippee, Kelli is calling me in after 5 weeks and wants to see me. I can't imagine why, but I'm so excited to get feedback'. Really? You're that stupid?
  16. I have to say even Jose wasn't buying Johnny's whiny crybaby routine outside the restaurant. He went to talk to him, but if you watch Jose, it looks like any second he wanted to interrupt him and tell him to lighten up and quit looking for faults.
  17. Lightbulb moment on Myrla and Gil. Classic Taming of the Shrew. Ah yes, the easy going much loved hot guy tames the outrageous, me me me selfish girl. And they live happily ever after. I knew I've seen them someplace before. Still not buying it.
  18. There is something about these two that's never rang true for me. Her wanting to be married but completely refusing to give an inch or change anything about herself. Hello...experts...why would you even consider her? Him, as hot as he is, taking her BS like the lappiest of lapdogs. Uh uh...don't buy it. They were playing up her outrageousness to get people to root against her...getting people frustrated as to why he would put up with her at all. But why? From the show's angle, they are a ratings magnet. That's great for the show, but what's in it for them? This is a marriage after all. That's what I can't figure out.
  19. I so wanted (and half expected) Bao to show up at the family event despite Johnny disinviting her. Oh think of how she could have played it. Dressed up sexy but tasteful, come in all lovey dovey kiss kiss to her new relatives, really put on a show with the Mandarin stuff and shower everyone with attention............except Johnny. Yeah, really make a point of doing exactly what Johnny keeps accusing her of...acting different in a group than she is when they are alone. Johnny thinks he can do better than Bao. He thinks he's the greatest catch ever and he's married "down". Nothing Bao does will change that. I just feel sorry for her because I fear she will blame herself and close up after this and not be open to another relationship.
  20. Interesting theory. The thing I don't understand about Brett is she doesn't seem very athletic. Oh she's in good shape figure wise, but I would think someone who is a volleyball coach would have been able to scale that obstacle course fairly easy. Yet she was the only person of the four of them that right off the bat was intimidated and flat out said she wasn't going to do it. It's not a big thing, yet it kind of plays into Ryan's claim, which he's mentioned several times, that she's anxious and afraid of everything. I remember the honeymoon when she was freaked out by the fish swimming around her kayak. I could see being a little fearful that they would tip the boat over, but they didn't seem to be in very deep water in the first place. In fact, it looked like they could stand up in it. My point being...maybe her fear of things is a lot worse than we are seeing. Maybe she IS getting a good edit. Because when I think about it, her fearfulness and apprehension is about the only thing Ryan has complained about consistently. It's now what...week 8? And he just said something about her sloppiness? Yet we've not seen many examples of this problem he seems to have with her. Go figure.
  21. Ryan and Brett need to have sex. I wouldn't say that normally, because I don't think he will feel any more attracted to her, but they just need to go for it just for the physical pleasure of it. Turn off the minds, tune out Pastor Cal's voice that in 30 days they have to decide.....you know the drill. And just go at it. They need to establish ground rules that neither read any more into it than a physical hookup between people who like and respect each other as friends. Because the problem with these two...especially Ryan....is that they are thinking this to death. Just go out and have a good time and quit talking about it. If it's meant to be, it will happen. If not, que sera sera. I have wondered since day 1 why Gil is on this show. And tonight I got my answer. Watching Gil do "hosting" duties, control the conversation, be in charge.....yeah, our little Gil has a plan. I never bought the whole firefighter thing as a lifelong commitment. The man has ambition. He wants to be the male version of Jaime Otis Hoener. Might even be angling for her job. That would not surprise me. I've had a feeling for a few years that the show wants to replace Jaime. Now the million dollar question.....is Myrla in on it?
  22. Kelli is still the worst at cutting people: To all 4 who were cut, they walk in and she's Miss Merry Sunshine...'hi, how are you, how are you doing?' Then 2 seconds later it's don't let the door hit you in the butt etc etc. She tells one girl 'we don't need to see any more'. How classless. There's a thousand ways to say it better. To another girl she gushes for 5 minutes about how pretty she is, then drops the bomb.
  23. Couldn't agree more and bravo to you for speaking up. I always liked Natalie and of course she was always memorable because of her name. But somehow I thought she only danced one season.
  24. I loved how Jose's Mom made it a point to let Rachel (and everyone else within earshot) know 'that's the stepmom....I'm the real mom'. It wasn't just the stepmom...it was ALL family and friends of ALL wedding parties that day that acted pervy and gross. Every one of them wanted to know if the bride and groom would be having sex. Mind your own damn business, people. You could actually see the air going out of Jose at Rachel's unintended gaffe...just like a balloon being punctured. I like him. I was certain he wasn't going to like her and he proves me wrong by being very thrilled at the pairing and so attentive and genuinely happy. Yeah, he's super fastidious, but I think she can keep him in line with a swat on the head every now and then with a rolled up newspaper, LOL. Speaking of Rachel, the experts should have crossed her name off as a possible candidate for MAFS right away. She is NOT over her long term relationship that ended 6 months ago. She may not love the guy any longer, but she's not over the pain of his cheating and the feeling that she was inadequate somehow. And with the dramatic weight loss and all the talk about inner reflection and how she's now become such a strong and especially confident person...it's just that...all talk.
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