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Everything posted by JapMo

  1. I felt terrible guilt for 3 years that I wasn't there when my husband died. He died on Thanksgiving. I told all the family to come because he would not make it to Christmas. Everyone came, and I was up at the crack of dawn to buy some last minute groceries to begin making the dinner, and I come back home and all my adult children are standing outside the house crying. He died while I was away. It tore me up inside until my aunt relayed when my uncle died, she had been at the hospital practically around the clock for 2 weeks. She stepped outside to go to the vending machine for coffee and he died while she was gone. She told me it's a 'Hollywood thing' about dying with everyone standing around you. It doesn't actually happen like that in real life. For those that are lucky enough to be there at the end when their loved one dies, consider yourself blessed.
  2. I'm quoting myself to explain what I meant by "ladies". It was the ladies from the various magazines/newspapers that were sitting with Kevin Frazier that made the leap that Jake must have been pretty bad in the sack for Haley to refuse to let him even touch her after they did the deed. It wasn't the ladies from the show. Although it was despicable what they said about him, kevin Frazier was right there egging them on.
  3. Wow...the sneak peek of Chris & Paige at the finale.......they gave a lot away. I'm really surprised. But no more surprised than hearing they are "undecided". You mean to tell me she stays with him? Could it be they have their sights set on Couples Cam? The ladies came right out and basically said Jake didn't perform to Haley's satisfaction in bed. This is what Haley has been holding in all this time.....she didn't want to hurt and humiliate Jacob on national tv. But the cat's out of the bag now. If Jake didn't see the show, he undoubtedly heard about it from family and friends. He's got to be mortified.
  4. I saw the preview for the new show. I'm going to watch it. But looks like Dr. Pepper isn't on it. She's practically been eliminated from the show except for the beginning selection show and the ending. And here she spent all that money on....something....because her face doesn't look the same, IMO.
  5. I agree with this. I don't think he knows how he comes across either. Now he's on the Unfiltered circuit and he's putting on a different face. "I wasn't interested in her..." Yeah, whatever.
  6. That's interesting about the jokes, because Haley said the same thing about not understanding Jake's jokes. I think he is aware that his "joking" goes over peoples' heads, and he gets off on that because it makes him feel superior to them. I was Team Jake for weeks, but lately I've become increasingly disillusioned. Haley's comment about his sense of humor.....spot on. He doesn't have one. What passes for "humor" to him is trying to see how much he can f*ck with people and see their reactions. That's why within minutes of being pronounced man and wife, he asked Haley what kind of food she liked...not because he was interested but because he was dying to see her reaction when he proudly stated he's only eaten steak and eggs for years. BOOM! Mic drop. Score one for Jake. If we are to go by what we actually saw on TV as the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth, every other husband on the show (even Chris) did the planning for the Monthiversary except Jake. Yet again, he makes no effort , plans nothing. Oh, sorry...I'm wrong...he did plan something. He planned to be a complete and total asshole. Say what you want that Jake really told it like it was and really put Haley in her place, but I saw someone who acted like a jerk. Here they were, out together at a nice place, eating a nice meal, trying to find some common ground, and out of the blue he just dumps on her. In a public place. Can't wait to get home to discuss it like normal mature people do, oh no. He's mad so it's OK to go ahead and ruin everyone else's time.
  7. I'm really surprised at how many people on this show have been cheated on. Hailey, Jake, Eric...I think Clara. I was especially shocked to hear Eric say every single person he's dated has cheated on him.
  8. SB, like you, I've been in Jacob's corner since the beginning, and thought Haley wasn't even trying. But something she said last episode really made me think. She said there's no fun in the relationship....that they never laugh or joke around. It's just serious all the time. Now maybe it's the editing, but I agree with her in that respect and I blame Jake for a lot of it. Again, maybe editing, but he's always either got a glum look on his face or a sarcastic smirk. By his own admission, he says he's never been in to giving women flowers or gifts. This season and throughout the years, we've seen the guys do nice things for their wives and plan surprises. Jake is like a big stick in the mud. Haley went to the effort of getting him some updated clothes. Yes, some of that was for her benefit, but she did at least try and I'm not seeing him do much of anything. Jake is pissed because they had sex and she immediately pulled away from him and hasn't moved one iota back towards him since. His ego is hurt...there's no other way to read it than that she didn't like the sex. Anybody would be hurt by that, especially when he can see with his own eyes that she's not attracted to him. He tries to hide it, but I see a lot of pent up anger behind those sarcastic smirks. Does he really want to be with her? Does he see her as a person he could have a family with and grow old with, or does he keep pushing for more intimacy and physical contact because he needs affirmation that he is good in the sack? I think at this point all the balls are in Haley's court and she needs to be honest with him. She needs to voice aloud what Jake already knows...she does not nor never will be attracted to him physically (but say it in a nicer way, LOL). Then play out the next few weeks and have some fun. They both like hiking and sailing....go do something like that together. Then on D-Day part friendly and don't air any dirty laundry. Be classy.
  9. Here's a question I've been asking myself and I'd like to hear what everyone else thinks: What would Virginia's reaction have been if she'd been paired with Jacob instead of Eric? After lengthy thought, I maintain she would be OK with it...at least through the ceremony and wedding night. Erik's cuter, has a better personality, and is really into her, but I still believe Virginia would been just as flirtatious and handsy with Jacob. She definitely would have liked his body, and probably wouldn't have batted an eye at his constant talk about the 80s. I do believe she would have been able to draw him out a lot more and get him to do things he wouldn't normally do just because of how big her personality is. That being said, Jacob would have noticed her drinking right away. He wouldn't have been as enamored with her youth as Erik is. By this time there would definitely be problems but I believe he'd still be happy with her. I guess my point is I don't believe Virginia really knows what kind of guy would be good for her.
  10. I've been rooting for Jake but last night his behavior was inexcusable. There was a smugness about him that was very unattractive. Calling Hailey "high maintenance" and a "Karen". It would be one thing if he knew her for a few years, but they've been married less than two weeks. And then accusing her of having a guy on the side. All this time in the previews they've shown the same scene where he says that. I've been assuming she did, only to find out he made it up in his head because it's happened to him before. Too damn bad. You don't accuse your spouse, let alone a total stranger, of infidelity unless you have a damn good case against them. And this whole 80s fetish....it's ALL HE TALKS ABOUT. He brings it up constantly because he relishes the eyeroll or the 'wtf' so he can be superior and let everyone know what a nonconformist he is. You see how he makes a big production of showing those jackets and shoes? He WANTS to get a reaction out of people. He's be devastated if someone said 'cool...I love it' because that would take away his thing, like a hook that a performer needs. That's his one claim to fame in his eyes and he's not about to lose it. Regarding Hailey, I don't think she's a bad person. I'm more convinced than ever that there's something physical about Jake that drives her up the wall and no matter how hard she tries, she cant get over it. It could be something sensory or maybe he's got hideous toes. Maybe they aren't compatible in bed. But it's something that she's too ashamed to reveal because she knows not only would it be humiliating for Jake and would hurt him very much, but it would make her look shallow. She's done...nothing will change it. But I do think she shouldn't have told Rev Cal that she was willing to work on the marriage. I don't believe she can. As many of us have said, she's kind of repulsed by him.
  11. I think Vincent is hyper-aware of the "bossy" comments Brianna's friends and family said about her at the wedding and breakfast and instead of coming to that conclusion himself after weeks and months of marriage, he is already blaming tiny little things like "turn off the light" as being bossy. I've not seen her being that way, but that's not what bothers me. It's these tattle-tale family members who when asked to say something about their relative/best friend to the complete stranger they are about to marry, instead of affirming what a great person they are, they turn it into a celebrity roast Last year, Brett seemed mortified over the stupid things his brothers howled about to Olivia. Brianna's family wasn't being helpful telling Vincent she's bossy. It's one thing to say, well...she has a habit of wearing stripes and checks together or she's as blind as a bat without her glasses, but being bossy is a pretty negative trait. People don't usually call someone bossy admiringly. We need a moratorium on family members that use their relative's wedding as an audition for the comedy circuit, or well intentioned friends making sure the new spouse knows every character flaw since the age of 3. Five minutes into the current show, I was fast forwarding Paige and Chris. Him for obvious reasons. Her because I've concluded she likes the attention of being the put-upon spouse and is going to milk the 'oh, poor poor Paige married to that big meanie Chris' for as long as she can. Seriously....nothing the man does upsets her. Years ago I dated a very nice guy. I liked everything about him but......he had a very weird personal scent. Not the scent from cheap cologne. I'm talking about the scent of his skin. It had nothing to do with sweat or cleanliness. When he had his arm around me, the smell would set my teeth on edge. It wasn't awful....it just rubbed me the wrong way. We didn't date long enough to actually "break up"...we just drifted apart. But I always felt so shallow not liking someone because of the way they smelled. In every other respect he was great. That's why I think Hailey is turned off by something personal about Jake, and she just can't bring herself to tell him because it would hurt him. Maybe he has bad breath, Would you tell that to someone you'd just met 3 days before? Maybe he's a sloppy kisser or breathes on her when she sleeps. Point is, we've all laughed that Jacob is kind of boring, but I don't think Hailey would give up so soon just because of that....she'd probably be trying to figure out how to update his wardrobe and haircut. No, there's something about him that's a deal breaker for her. She's already done, but she can't bring herself to tell him why because it would make her look really petty and shallow. At least that's my take on it. Has nothing to do with being independent most of her life.
  12. I think both of them were victims of manipulated editing. Why did Production question Haley about how she was feeling? They hardly ever break the 4th wall, and never this early in the game.
  13. Brett & Olivia were dunzo before they even stepped foot in each other's homes. They were over on Day 2 of the Honeymoon when Brett realized she didn't want to ever have kids.
  14. I've seen outlandish dresses...I've seen cheap wedding dresses. And then, on one or two occasions (mine included) I've seen wedding dresses that were absolutely perfect for that particular bride. Haley apparently doesn't like being the center of attention, so she picked a dress that had no lace, no tulle, no beads or crystals...nothing that would stand out. I wouldn't even call it a dressy-dress. If it was knee length she could throw a jacket over it and wear it to the office.
  15. What's the worst we've seen of Jake? He eats steak & eggs every day and he's stuck in the 80s? So what? They both seem to be very sensible people so I'm sure they thought this whole thing out and decided they would do whatever it takes to make things work. That means Jake doing what every man does and let his wife change him by maybe adding variety (and healthiness) to his diet and redecorating his house (and updating his appearance and getting him out in the world more). Okay (dusting my hands off). Next problem.
  16. There's just no way the experts could not have seen what bad marital candidates Chris and Virginia were, yet were talked (forced) into pairing them up with people who legitimately could have good marriages with more stable partners. I can't believe Pastor Cal didn't call bullshit on Chris from the get-go. Chris has to couch his explanation of what he does for a living with gobble-di-goop about being the youngest black entrepreneur of a major brand name franchise. What's wrong with saying he owns/runs a Subway shop? That's not embarrassing. Good for him. But he is ashamed of that and wants to make himself appear better than. He throws around how rich he is within minutes of meeting people. That doesn't warrant a few red flags? A blind person could see through Chris' persona within a matter of minutes just from the things that come out of his mouth. And yet we're to believe Pastor Cal and Dr. Pepper found him to be good husband material? Virginia explained at length how gun shy she is of marriage because of her parents' divorces. She said she partied every night and usually ended up drunk. If any of her friends were questioned before the marriage they would have said the same things....her maid of honor didn't have a problem saying it in her toast to the bride and groom. But I guess whatever they said didn't cause alarms, cause not only was she selected, she was paired with an older, much much much more stable individual with a very responsible job. I realize now I'm just looking at it too closely. I need to trust the experts' perfect judgement. It's so simple. In their eyes all problems brought into the marriage, no matter how severe, can be fixed by just a little tweaking and counting on one person's strength to fix their partner's lifetime of emotional difficulties and mental health concerns. All in a matter of 6 weeks.
  17. I graduated from high school at the end of the 60s, but I LOVE anything from the 50s (also called Mid Century Modern). It makes sense since that time period was my childhood, but it's interesting you like the big bands. Listened to that music growing up because my dad loved it. Made jokes about it at the time, but it must have seeped in and I listen to it a lot now.
  18. I'm a product of the 60s. Can't tell you how many people think anyone who came of age in that era did nothing but sex, drugs, and rock & roll, with the emphasis on drugs.
  19. IMO Chris is the worst person ever selected to be on Married at First Sight. My jaw dropped when he announced to the bridesmaids that he was very adept at "pulling out". So classy...so so classy. Neither Haley or Jacob are ugly, IMO. They are a moderately attractive couple. In normal life, they are both very laid back people, yet both did an uncharacteristic thing and signed up to be married to a stranger. They usually aren't the centers of attention in any given situation so nerves and discomfort knowing everyone was looking at them led to the extreme awkwardness we witnessed. Jacob isn't confident like Ryan or outgoing like Erik. Haley would never drape herself all over a complete stranger while drowning herself in liquor. Maybe they are boring but I'd take that over the trainwrecks of some of the other couples. These two really want to be married. Unless I missed it, I don't remember Haley going on and on about how important traveling is to her a la Olivia (even though she seems to have traveled much more extensively). Jacob asked what kind of a cook she was. Maybe he's willing to incorporate a few more things in his diet besides steak and eggs. If passion can grow once they become more familiar with each other, then they might have a chance. I'm not willing to write them off just yet. OMG.....that's hilarious!
  20. It's not like they ever think about them again. Has anyone actually followed through with their vows?? 😂😂 "In sickness and in health"........at age 21 I never thought about it really when I repeated that vow at my wedding ceremony. Who really thinks about that when you are young? Thirty-three years later I was called upon to honor it.
  21. I wouldn't have worn it......I would have sent it back and said 'no thanks'. What was the point of it anyway? She sees him a half second before he first sees her? Big deal.
  22. I still have confidence in Clara & Ryan. They definitely seem to be physically attracted, so that's good. I think Clara was a bundle of nerves and probably isn't so hyper in normal life. Though she's not on Virginia's level as far as drinking, could anyone pry that champagne glass out of her hand? Like a binky or favorite blanket, she held on to it for dear life to the extent she had to hug everyone with one arm, even her new mother/brother-in-law. She's going to regret it when she's sees that in all her wedding pictures.
  23. It was just plain sad to watch Virginia's behavior at her wedding and reception. She was soooo nervous, as evidenced by the constant hair flipping, throwing her head back and laughing loudly, and, of course, the nonstop drinking. I've watched since the very first season, and always gave the experts the benefit of the doubt that they didn't know that some of these candidates were a-holes when they picked them.....their bad behavior didn't surface till after the marriage. That was until last season when they picked Henry. I felt they really did Christina a disservice as IMO they had no business selecting Henry as a compatible mate FOR ANYONE. But that selection pales in comparison to their selection of Virginia. Red flags should have been hitting them in the face when, by her own admission, this 26 year old girl said she hasn't dated for 5 years!!!!! This isn't Olivia, who at age 30 said she hadn't dated for 3 years. So what? This is a young girl who hasn't gone out with a man since she barely got out of high school? You can't say it's her looks....she's absolutely adorable. She proudly said she's a party girl and likes to drink/get drunk a lot. Again, red flags people. You don't have to be a psychiatrist to understand the reason. She talked about it a lot....her parents' divorces. She comes not just from a broken home but positively condemned. She has major issues with trust and is still in many ways a child craving stability. So how could the experts pair her up with anyone much less Erik? I can't see any good coming out of this. Did they think his steadiness could be the Rock of Gibralter she needs? Oh great, so she's going to see Erik as a Daddy figure. That might have worked in the 1800s, but not now. Eventually she will rebel like a child rebels against anyone in authority. Or she's going to see him as her jailer, constantly keeping her from having fun or seeing her friends. Virginia doesn't need a husband right now...she needs to figure out why she behaves the way she does. Possibly seek out counseling to help with that. And I can't believe Dr. Pepper or Pastor Cal didn't see that. Surely there were women more compatible with Erik than Virginia. I see her being in love with being married, and the sex will be great, but soon the excitement will wear off, especially when he gets annoyed she's always at the bar. In ending, I say this to the experts........shame, shame, shame on deciding on this pairing. Erik and Virginia are not compatible....not now, not 6 months ago when they filled out their application for the show, not when you visited their residences and looked in their underwear drawers. And most despicable of all.....YOU KNEW THAT.
  24. Giving off? It seeps right out of his skin.
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