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Everything posted by JapMo

  1. Watching Ryan on that date, the first thing that popped into my mind......she's way out of your league, dude. I don't dislike him, but he's soooo boring. And he comes to a date wearing the same boring clothing he wears every day. Maggie at least dressed up a bit. He looked like he just rolled out of bed. He'll co-host with Kevin on next year's After Decision Day, but from that point forward it'll be his show.
  2. So...we should care more about what's on the inside than outer appearance, because that's shallow, but calling women "Barbie Girls" based on the very same thing...their looks...is OK?
  3. I don't dislike her as a person. She seems very sweet. I don't think she's ugly either. If she goes far, I'm not going to hate it. More power to her. But you're kidding yourself if you believe she basically walked onto the team.
  4. Gina has an unusual look, but she's fascinating to watch. Maddie had the girl-next-door appeal, and she was explosive on the field. Amy was pretty...not beautiful but cute, and people related to her and rooted for her. Rachel is gorgeous and can turn it on when she's on the field, but kind of fades into the woodwork when she's not. I guess it's better than being the other way around. I don't think Lea was prettier than any of them, honestly, but that's just my opinion.
  5. Yeah.....no. Not seeing it. It was Amber that grabbed my attention when they were side-by-side.
  6. The surprisingly sweet story of Jerry and Bradford is probably my favorite storyline of this show. I cried when they gave him the sendoff. I get a kick out of the recurring Smitty character, but would love to see Jerry reappear one more time. Speaking of Smitty, I'm a little behind in the episodes, but I hope he kicks Nolan's butt in the election.
  7. I LOVE that Madeline made the team, but looking for honest opinions here. Had all circumstances been the same as in years past and Kelli didn't have 3 vets leave during TC which gave her breathing room to not have to make nearly the amount of cuts she usually does.......do you think Madeline would have made the team? Like I said, I love Madeline, and she really danced better this year and kind of upped the beauty factor (of course she is a pretty girl) with more vibrant hair color and makeup that accentuated her attractiveness. But what I still didn't see from her is the "it" factor...the spark and pop on the field. By nature she appears to be very shy and quiet. I think she finds it hard to project at 11 like a Gina or Lexie (I can say the same about Rachel, but oh well). Ignoring any other rookie candidates, do you think she would have been selected under the scrutiny of say a 2012-2020 Kelli & Judy?
  8. Thanks for the explanation. I would have loved to see Jackie Bob again.
  9. I wonder why they never showed them...they showed Natalie Wood and Kleine twice.
  10. Rockstar Rookie: Tori, with Kleine a close second (I think Tori squeaks by as better Ambassador) One And Done: There's so many that shouldn't have made the team this year...let's see: Lea, Christina, Amber Sleeper Hit: Megan
  11. Can we talk about the team picture they flashed at the very end of the show? You know, the team photo that Kelli & Judy are always shown agonizing over every year, using magnifying loops to zero in on any imperfections? Imperfections like a hair part showing too much scalp? I pulled it up online and wonder...how could they have picked this picture of all pictures? For starters, Lea did not take a very good picture, IMO. Neither did Madeline. Both have very stiff, fake looking smiles, and Lea looks scared to death. Meghan's eyes were almost closed. Too much harsh eye makeup made Caroline look scary. Kelsey needed her hair brushed more. Marissa...two years in a row bad head shots. I mean literally...her head looks bad...misshapen. What gives? And the #1 questionable photo.......Gina and Lexie. I stared and stared at them because for some reason they just didn't look right. Why are they so washed out when all the girls around them have good skin color? It honestly looks like they are cardboard cutouts, just slipped into place. They could be folded up and put back in the closet.
  12. I was surprised Kelli didn't cut more girls and pair down the roster to under 36. IMO there were at least 3 girls that made it by default, and in any other season would have been cut much earlier. It seemed during the previews last week that Kelli had found new evidence of social media faux pas by Ava, but if so she never mentioned anything. So that leads me to believe they (specifically Judy) have never gotten over the one post where she made a crude gesture for the world to see. That one post that they had a problem with on Day 1. If that is true, it stinks to know they kept stringing Ava along. They should have cut her right then and there. And who are they to say a girl is too immature. Based on what? A few weeks of exposure to her in a highly stressful situation? Instead of immature, they should just say the girl is not ready for the intense scrutiny that comes with being a DCC. Have to say I loved how "mature" Ava took the elimination. No blubbering and begging. Kept her chin up and only slightly cracked when she was out of the room. Good for you, girl. Don't give them the satisfaction.
  13. No on Lea, no on Kitty Yes on Gina & Kleine
  14. IF Alora Rose didn't act stupid and tell everyone in the locker room that she was auditioning for the Rockettes, there's still a number of ways it got back to Kelli. Someone from the Rockettes decided to be snarky and let Kelli know directly or someone auditioning could have recognized her. It's not out of the realm of possibility that a person auditioned and told a relative or roommate 'hey guess who was auditioning right next to me'. And that person mentioned it to someone else who put it on Facebook etc. etc. etc. MTT might originate from a 3rd rate channel like CMT, but I believe it's their highest rated program. I never turn on CMT except for that show. Being on for a few seconds a week can make a girl famous. Or infamous (like Melina or Vivian). And with infamy comes loss of anonymity.
  15. So true. Remember Julia? She said out loud that she planned to use the DCC as a stepping stone! Quelle horreur! Once Kelli heard that, there was no hope for Julia.
  16. I always loved Amy. I think she did. Same photographer for 20 years, same poses. I just noticed there's another hand-behind-the-head picture for Chandi. They did the same thing last year. They need something different...maybe take some outside shots on the football field. With props like the poms or a football. Speaking of ancient....that "signature dance". Uhhh...soooo boring. I don't know how long they've been doing it, but I'd say for at least 12 years. They need to do it up big. Do a contest for a new song and choreograph 2-3 different dances, and put them out on their website for people to vote on. If more people vote they want to keep the same dance, then so be it.
  17. I don't get the whole Lea love. I don't dislike the girl, but IMO she is boring on the field. As far as her looks, she's definitely cute. So was Amy. So was Maddie. But on the field, Amy sparkled and Maddie exploded. They were able to project personality (whether real or fake) that drew fans' attention to them. People noticed them, remembered them. That's not happening for Lea...or Christine....or for all the makeovers and gushing on Kelli's part, even Kelee. There's a reason why Amy and Maddie each have a whole episode about their journey on YouTube, and it isn't because they are great dancers or had the DCC "look". Last night, two girls went from thumbs down to thumbs up for me. Rebecca and Amber really stepped up their game...especially Rebecca. They showed energy and sparkle on the field...something neither had done before. Rebecca looked like she was really having fun, and she completely drew me in.
  18. Could be, or very close to it. Oh the irony. Kelli refused to cut Alora Rose last year even though she was constantly messing up and was one of the weakest dancers of the rookie candidates. Judy definitely wasn't impressed with her. Kelli took a spot away that could have gone to one of three veterans, all of whom had been very loyal to her and the Cowboys organization, to give to Alora Rose, and the girl is immediately looking for greener pastures (i.e. the Rockettes). Lily, Brennan, Hannah....Karma is a bitch.
  19. I can't blame Alora Rose for doing it the way she did. That's how you do it when you are trying to find another job...you wait until something better comes up and then jump ship. But in the meantime you stay with the sure thing. Alora Rose just stupidly thought she could keep it under wraps and Kelli wouldn't find out. Kelli's just pissed because AR was choosing The Rockettes over the DCC. If AR told Kelli in advance she was trying out, Kelli would have immediately dropped her from the team.
  20. I will always give him a pass because he was on the rink the day Sergei dropped dead of his heart attack. From what I remember, Scott gave him CPR until the EMTs arrived.
  21. And to think after they all met backstage, Katie was absolving Octavio of the fact he tried to backstab her and practically falling all over herself telling him how much she likes him. Yech. Katie needs to stop letting everyone else undermine her confidence and start designing clothes for grown women and not Raggedy Ann. She's not going to win and she knows it, but instead of just giving up, she should do everything she can to be the "spoiler" and force a few of the assholes that think they're so wonderful out before her.
  22. I really disliked Octavio's comments. To say to the judges that she's been 'in the bottom several times' is so unprofessional and catty, ungentlemanly, whatever the word. Side by side, Katie's wasn't good, but his was terrible. Aaron's knowledge of figure skating is charming. I've liked him from the beginning and feel he's the most talented designer of the group.
  23. I, too, couldn't stand AJ until seeing him more on Couples Cam. Can't say I actually like him, but he seems to have calmed down a LOT and doesn't always have to be the center of attention like he used to be. I credit Stephanie with that. She's very laid back and I'm sure she was alarmed by his behavior at first, but gave him a chance (or two) and with time got to know the real guy. I actually liked the show where he bought a broken down bike and fixed it up.
  24. Jackie supposedly talked slow and verrryy softly on purpose so men would bend down to listen to what she said. Kind of a coquettish thing. Bad behavior is bad behavior, whatever someone's race.
  25. I know...he looked so different it was shocking. Regarding those previews for next week, for some reason when host Kevin Whatever said there's going to be a reveal unlike anything we've ever seen on the show, I just immediately thought someone (Gil) is hooking up with another MAFS rejectee. I think that's happened before though, hasn't it? I hope Jose & Rachel stay together. Jose reminds me of Bobby kind of in that once Bobby saw Danielle, he was all in. Jose is devoted to Rachel and I think has really been trying to dampen his tendency to take 100% control of every situation.
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