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Everything posted by JapMo

  1. "This show is loooking more and more staged with every passing episode. They stage so many of the scenes and the miscarriage talk just confirmed this for me, And I belivee that most of the participants rehearse their lines. Ryan R is probably the only one who doesn't do that." I totally don't see that.
  2. My sister still wears the shoes my mom, who died in 1992, wore. They are so dilapidated that a piece of cardboard has better protection, but because they were my moms, she won't part with them. That's how I saw that clown picture. That Ryan loves it because it was from his grandmother. It was actually very well drawn, at least to me.
  3. I found Jaclyn so rude last night when she kept laughing about the purse. It's like she couldn't stop. What was so freaking funny about it? When he was purchsing it, I thought it was for strictly a formal occasion, but if she thought it was old fashioned, she should have suppressed her emotions and said thank you. One Christmas my mother-in-law gave me some what I called old lady perfume. It was her favorite. I was 40 years younger than her and I actually hated the stuff. But I said thank you, put it in my drawer and eventually gave it to someone. That's how you accept a gift.
  4. I liked last night's show. Ryan seemed very sweet and sincere, and they look like they got over the restaurant/tatoo thing from last week. That they talked 2.5 hours on the phone talking the situation out and probably making future plans is a good thing. Jessica continuing to bring it up however in the voiceovers got annoying. Also the fact that she referred to all the other men she's been close to as having disrespected her too. As the show continues, we may see more of Jessica's issues from past relationships come to the surface.
  5. I'm wondering if anyone else is seeing this besides me. Jaclyn is always "on". It seems to me she's trying soooooo hard to reverse her original feelings about Ryan that she seems to be in overdrive. Everything he says elicits loud guffaws from her. She's all kissy-face with his mom, his niece. There's nothing wrong with that, but she hardly knows them. She's like a hurricane zooming through the room. And then there's Ryan. This may be harsh, but this is how I see it: He's a boring dude. Does he even have a personality? He's slow talking, slow moving....together they are like a firecracker and a bucket of water. If you watch his face when she works the room at Christmas, it's like he's enraptured. Not by her, necessarily, but by the fact she takes charge of everything. He may have complained a little bit on their honeymoon that she was being too aggressive, but IMO he's perfectly content to sit back and let her run the show. That's would be fine for many women, but I believe Jaclyn wants, and needs, someone that can match her quick wit and vivaciousness with either some of the same qualities or have the ability to reign her in but yet have their own strong personality and doesn't fade into the woodwork. Ryan and Jaclyn do not compliment each other....there, I said it. Yeah, he's a nice guy....and do you hear how many times she keeps repeating that? Jaclyn is faking it. I really like her, and I think she deserves better than him.
  6. "Oh, we've got that now with Ryan D and Jessica. He hasn't said so in so many words, but his actions have made it plain. Even the way he looked at her when she first walked in for the wedding -- he *didn't* look at her, really." She didn't look at him either, if you watch it. But again as many have said....editing. We thought they were reciting their vows and he was looking elsewhere, but there might have been a pause in production or something broke down. You just never know. I guess I'm in the minority because I don't think RD is all that bad...he's said a lot of nice things to her and about her. And remember...two weeks ago everyone was about to tear Jaclyn's head off, and because of how they showed her last week, everyone loves her. Davina is kind of a sourpuss, but I think they will still be together by the end of 6 weeks.
  7. "Jumping into sex right way lowers the odds significantly. Vaughn/Monet and Ryan/Jessica are becoming the poster children for that.:" But by the same token, Jason & Courtney were still on their honeymoon when they had sex...they only waited a day or two after the marriage. And look how good they are doing? These people committed to each other legally and spiritually. I can't read any of their minds, but I'm assuming that a man who just became a husband would think of his spouse in different terms than just some random female, and therefore not think less of her if she had sex with him on her wedding night as opposed to said random female putting out on a first date.
  8. I think Jaclyn is really making an effort but there's still the matter of one of the previews which shows her saying "it's like we're not going anywhere".
  9. "They need new experts for next season. I say that not only because this lot is so very bad at match making, but also because I simply want to see a different array of subjectivities being brought to bear on this matching paradigm. I'd also like to see my tribe represented with a lesbian (or gay) couple. This show seems to be based in NYC and gay marriage is legal there. Why not? I do think that part of the project undergirding this show is to try to (also) say something about how men and women differ in their expectations of partners and of relationships...to show those contrasts via these pairings. So, maybe a gay or lesbian couple won't happen. I want to see that, though." Matilde, do you know what the divorce rate is for gay/lesbian couples? Is it 50% like straight couples? That's what I believe is their main premise for this show....that there's already a 50% divorce rate when people find someone on their own, so what would the divorce rate be if they had an arranged marriage. I don't think there's enough statistics yet on gay/lesbian marriages. I would like to see the show leave the New York area and branch out (not just Long Island), but I can see the experts all have their jobs in NYC so of course they don't want to leave. And Dr. What'sHisName with the beard who actually made up the test...he's not going to want to leave. This show has made him a celebrity.
  10. "japmo, someone deliberately gunning a vehicle that can kill, or make you fall into water where your fear can drown you IS abuse." In what was actually shown on the episode, which is all I believe any of us have as a frame of reference, he was trying to be funny and flipped the jet ski. A-hole? Absolutely. Abusive...that's pretty extreme.
  11. "I don't think they're a good match. Ryan needs a woman who can go toe to toe with him and give him "that look" when he's acting like a jerk. Jessica cries and gets upset, which pisses Ryan off and that upsets Jessica even more." Oh man...I've given "that look" to my husband more times than I could ever remember.
  12. I'm baffled at what some of you are seeing. The rush to judgment on Ryan D. He's abusive, he's checked out, he's passive-aggressive, he's deliberately bullying and taunting her...where do you get that from what's been shown so far? He's kind of a jerk...I'll give you that. But they seem to really each other. I don't see the expressions people are talking about that Jessica had on her face that soooo showed she was traumatized. Over what? That he stuck his toes on hers? A lot of husbands will do the exact opposite of what their wives want just because they think it's funny. I'm not saying we won't see more of a negative personality from Ryan in future episodes.
  13. "Ryan was being a total jerk on the honeymoon. It's called a compromise. He might want to go fast on the jet ski, but Jessica doesn't. How about addressing Jessica's needs? Be a gentleman. And you know he knew he was being a jackass to Jessica by calling her piercing and tattoo trashy, but he didn't want to admit he was wrong and he made it all about him. He's a very selfish person and Jessica should RUN from this relationship." No, Jessica should not RUN from this relationship. It's a marriage. You don't bail the minute you're husband turns into a jerk (otherwise EVERY bride would run, LOL).
  14. "I don't know why people insist that they don't snore. How would they know whether they do or not - they're asleep! That was another thing that bugged me about Sean. Why would Davina make up something like that?" One day I was at the movies and someone was snoring LOUD. I looked around, and everyone was looking at me. Guess what? I was the one snoring. I snored so loud I woke myself up, LOL.
  15. I think these two kids are going to be OK. There's a lot of negativity towards RR on this site, and I can see some of what people are talking about, but abusive? That's a pretty strong word. Physical or emotional...I don't see it. Yeah, he's sophomoric, has a bit of an ego and can come off as a jerkwad sometimes, but based on last night's episode, he's also very sweet and seems to really be smitten with Jessica. I do believe he's in it for the long haul, but he definitely needs one of the experts to give him a good talking to. Now's the time to put aside his bachelor me-first ways and start thinking as a couple, and he hasn't done that yet. Not surprising. It took my late husband all of the 32 years we had together on this earth to change his ways. But I was right there every step of the way trying to "enlighten" him, LOL. It's going to take him awhile to realize she is a delicate girl and isn't in to his silly hijinks. Just because that's how he shows people he cares doesn't mean that's the right way for her. By the same token, Jessica will need to toughen up a little for him (which she was trying to do last night, bless her heart) if she wants to keep up with him. He's really big on proving he's a man. He's given his definition of a man several times (being a provider, a good husband, father, etc), and made a comment that swimming with the dolphins wasn't manly (even though he seemed to really like it after he was there). Yeah, that's something he's going to have to work on, but I don't believe that's reason to throw in the towel. He's also going to have to work on finesse. He kind of opens his mouth sometimes and stupid things come out, like the tattoo thing (although we didn't hear exactly what he said at the end of the show, but it definitely hurt Jessica). Yes, he's a work in progress, but I don't think Jessica should give up on him yet. He'll come around...I think he is starting to realize she's a pretty good catch.
  16. I had to laugh at a poster that said Jaclyn was demonstrative towards Ryan even though she said she wasn't attracted to him, and mentioned how she had her arms around him in bed the morning after the wedding. To me it looked like she had him in a vice grip. I know she's petite and doesn't have a wide arm span, but rather than an affectionate gesture, it looked like she was holding on for fear she was going to fall off the bed.
  17. I couldn't think of what exactly RD was doing wrong last night, but SaucyMommy hit it on the head - he wasn't reading her right. There's people like that who just are clueless and don't know when to quit. They don't see the rolled eyes when they tell dumb or inappropriate jokes or don't get that their comments or actions or actually hurtful rather than a barrel of laughs. Despite that, I still like him. I don't think he would actually be abusive to Jessica, but how would I know? We got spoiled because we had Jason and Courtney last year come right out of the gate a sure fire winner. This is more realistic.
  18. I feel sorry for Jaclyn. She's trying to be honest. This guy doesn't do it for her. And sometimes it doesn't take 6 weeks to know it. Jaclyn is a cool gal...she's loud and crazy and bubbly, but would probably be a great friend to have. She needs a STRONG guy to compliment her. I don't see RR being that guy. I tried to remember what Doug did to turn Jamie around from her initial lack of feelings for him, and compare that to what RR is doing. I think the difference was Jamie was SO vulnerable (even though she acted like a ball buster). Doug's incredible patience is what finally won her over, I think. Jaclyn isn't really vulnerable. She's a pretty strong person. And RR already looks like he's running out of patience. Even though people think from last night's episode and especially the previews that they seem to be doing better, I think she's faking it. She's trying hard but in this case I think (hope I'm wrong) that all the trying in the world is not going to help. JesRy was my favorite but I'm very confused by his actions of last night. He seems incredibly attracted to her and very sweet at times, then does some stupid stuff. While we didn't see all that transpired in the canoe, the way the scene was presented he seemed incredibly childish. No one wants to fall in a river with all your clothes on. I don't think he's a douche but he may have a sophomoric sense of humor. It may have been insensitive that he pushed that arrangement off the bed, but I can see a lot of guys doing that. It's the same as all the pillows and crap we females love to put on the bed. Guys don't really like all that crap, they just tolerate it. I thought it was more insensitive for RR to just dump Jaclyn on the bed right on top of the flower arrangement. But back to RR, I don't know what's going on with him, but I don't think he's a bad guy. And they thought each other was hot, so why not consummate the marriage? I still think they have potential. D&S were good last night, but boy, did Sean go overboard on that ring incident.
  19. I really liked last night's show. Of the 3 women, I like Jessica the best, and really liked the chemistry going on between her and Ryan D. Anyway, when they were up at the altar, RD seemed to be looking everywhere but at her, which gave me an 'uh-oh' moment, but his voiceover said she was really cute and had a great smile. She seemed more serious and subdued and not the crybaby she's been, and I liked how they were asking each other questions about themselves right after the ceremony. I've got a good feeling about JesRy. JacRy, on the other hand, are headed for problems. I think he is way too easy-going and quiet for her. She'll run right over him. I've seen that kind of thing work in real life where one is the life of the party while the other hides in the corner all night, but I don't think this is the case. I hope I'm wrong. I do like her...she is brash and fun, and it was really cute how she got right in to it with his niece and said they needed a special handshake. She really pulled it together when she got a dose of reality from her sisters about putting too much emphasis on instant chemistry. But something telling came up in the highlights for the coming episodes....RR said he didn't want to get stuck in the 'friend-zone' with her. I'm guessing she will have a hard time (a la Jaime/Doug) finding him attractive. Sean and Davina are still a questionmark for me. Sean matches her in intelligence, looks, and career. But she seems like a woman who is way too used to getting everything her own way, and when she doesn't, stay the hell away from her. But unlike my opinion of RR, Sean does not look like a pushover. I thought it was so cute how girly and giggly Davina became once she met Sean. Oh how a good looking guy can make even an ice princess weak at the knees. About Doug & Jaime's re-wedding, it was sad to see the hurt/anger/betrayal that Jaime still carries towards her mother. On one hand she wants her there, and then when she comes Jaime can't do anything but spew venom at her. The look on Jaime's face when the two moms seemed to be having a nice chat was so telling. If you have been abused/mistreated/ignored by your parent(s) growing up, those little kid feelings don't go away. Kudos to Doug for always being there for her and being patient and understanding. Most men (or women for that matter) would not have been able to deal with it. Despite the many complaints from people on this site that they felt all along Jaime was fake and only doing the show for tv exposure, I hope those misgivings have been laid to rest after last night's show. She truly loves him, and he's crazy about her.
  20. I really loved the show(s) last night and believe the experts put the right people together. I can see Jaclyn being turned off by Ryan D's accent. There were several occasions when I couldn't understand some of what he was saying. He chops off the first part of his sentences. We know she goes through with the ceremony and I think she will quickly become attracted to him. He's not a troll or anything, and she seems like she would love taking care of his niece. Jessica is my favorite. I want her to find happiness (I want them all to). At first, I too thought the girls ended up with the wrong Ryans, but the incredibly strong sense of family that both Ryan & Jessica conveyed last night makes me understand why the experts put them together. While I like Davina and Shawn, they are the ones I have misgivings about. I highly doubt Shawn's mother will be thrilled with her new daughter-in-law, and I can't see Davina getting close to her, either, which will put Shawn in the middle rather quickly. Shawn seems pretty laid back, and Davina isn't. Even though it was incredibly thoughtless of her friends/relatives to say to her face that they don't think her marriage would work because she always finds something wrong with her dates, it was an insight into her character. The experts felt Shawn could rein her in, but it could be a bloodbath before he gets the chance. She seems highly intelligent and knows exactly what she wants. Will she have the patience to let their relationship grow, if there are rocky parts in the beginning? I'm concerned about the clip they showed where Shawn says 'this is toxic'. That's a pretty strong word to describe a relationship that is no more than 8 weeks old. I think Davina can be happy with Shawn if she gets out of her own way.
  21. I don't think Jamie's fake or a bitch or a user. The girl has deep deep issues resulting from her traumatic childhood. Even though she's very pulled together in her career and handles a very high stress job, she's basically still a little girl trying to find that daddy who will take her away from all the bad things and protect her and give her the fairy tale life she dreamed about when the world seemed to be crashing down around her. It doesn't surprise me that she doesn't have as high a sex drive as Doug. I've said before I believe she was sexually abused along with everything else. You can almost see the cocoon she's wrapped herself in. It's just so sad that the psychiatrists were more interested in getting the show off the ground than being honest that she should not have been on the show at all. She just has too many issues. I really wish the best for her. That said, I hope the best is not with Doug. I can't believe the 180 I've done on this guy. Last season I thought he was a saint...taking all the crap from Jamie. He seemed so crazy about her and was more patient and tender than most men would have been. But fast forward to this new season and I think he's an immature baby. Seriously, what man would throw out intimate things about their sex life like how he has to masturbate all the time and usually has a hard-on for her and not realize he's being filmed and all that will be broadcast for everyone to see. What kind of man? A "man" who's actually a man-child and likes to shock people like some goofy teenager. In that same vein, why did he put up with Jamie? Why didn't he put his foot down about the way she acted towards him early on? Because, like the goofy teenager, this is all been about how good she makes him look as he parades her around on his arm. That's why he was the scared little puppy taking all the garbage she threw at him and begging for more. Because he was afraid his fantasy about being the cool guy with the hot chick was going to end if he did anything to rock the boat. And let's talk about his work..........what does he do? It's like it's a BIG secret. They spend half an episode showing him baptizing someone with his minister's license he sent away for in the mail, but never show him working his main job. When Jamie wants to discuss finances, he sits in the chair biting his nails looking like a little 8 year old. No, of course he doesn't want kids...he's a great big kid himself.
  22. Kudos to the actor who plays Ben. That scene on the fire escape with Riley at the end of the show last night was very intense. He conveyed anger, frustration, heartbreak and betrayal all in about 60 seconds. It actually had me in tears. You don't expect that level of acting in a sitcom.
  23. Doug said he ruined his credit on one credit card. That's baloney. It was probably a lot more than one. And it may have just been editing, but Doug looked like a little boy biting his nails when she wanted to discuss bills. He totally acted like he could care less. If his credit is crap, it could really drag down Jamie's credit rating.
  24. I KNOW. My husband was in the Police Academy when we had our first child, and then after that he changed careers and became a stockbroker. The SEC license is incredibly hard and takes hours and hours of study, yet we still had pretty much the same kind of a family life and I don't remember things being turned upside down because of it. They're just trying to create drama.
  25. It was a poor decision on the part of the psychologists to put her on the show. You know they had to see it. She's definitely been abused emotionally and physically, and probably sexually abused too. Is Doug really the guy that will help her? I question Doug's motives more than I do Jamie's.
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