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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. This was the funniest segment in the history of this show and nothing is close. Made me cry laughing. The straight backed FBI guy was guffawing.
  2. Every single time he says that, I think, "He's an idiot," and dismiss it as probably a distorted memory of a distorted retelling of flawed reporting. He's just repeated it so much now it's truth to him. It's crazy to me that now I actually respect and admire Nicole Wallace and Steve Schmidt. They are two decent people who want a decent world for us all to live in. However, Schmidt's eloquent outrage over Trump, as well-wrought as it is, is a little too much. He's remarkably ornate but precise and uses the perfect terms and phrases off the cuff. But, it's too much done too frequently. He and she (and Barnicle and Mika and Joe) can be too hysterical.
  3. The best part of the show was when Nicole read through a lengthy description of Trump's activities abroad and she kicked it to Haas. He just didn't know where to begin. He was speechless for a moment or two. Worst part was Sachs' estimation of what would happen under the new tax plan. That's some apocalyptic shit.
  4. Also, was her hair purple?? It was purple, right? Is that intentional? Pete Souza's pics of Obama are terrific.
  5. Ha. No evidence of Hillary "rigging" the primary is all the proof Joe needed to claim every step of the way was rigged against Sanders. You know... the fella who wasn't in the Democratic party. This just in, Joe Scarborough HATES the Clintons. Love how earlier in the show, to prove what a pig Trump is by promoting his golf course while addressing South Korea's government, he compared Trump to the Clintons. Because, apparently the Clintons used their status as celebrities and the most famous people in the world to their advantage after leaving office. And that is the worst thing in the world. Says a former public servant using his celebrity to host a TV show and hob nob with the political elite and celebrities and insiders while making $10M+ Clintons evil!
  6. That's interesting. I always respected Donna Brazille. I guess I was blinded by bias because she's "on my team." Also it's possible she had always made cogent statements previously. But wow, she embarrassed herself this morning. She may very well be an absolute idiot. She cannot defend nor describe why she attacked Hillary Clinton. I presume she did this to generate heat for her book. Super embarrassing.
  7. The show is fun this morning. Lots of interesting folks. I bought 2 books! Although I hate Joe muttering and mumbling as Mika reads the news then interrupts her, "ENOUGH! I'm bored with this stop." Rude AF
  8. Yep. Was this just before he was going to kick it to the former FBI operative? The square jawed guy who sits humorlessly ramrod straight? The FBI guy went to open his mouth 3 or 4 times but Joe kept filibustering, repeating himself over and over. So so odd.
  9. So what is the Donna Brazille story? They never got to the heart of it, from what I could tell anyway. But Mika sure did put on her super smug face.
  10. I laughed out loud and said to myself, "Drink!" Also, his story made no sense, and, suggests that white working class union members are stupid.
  11. Chris Matthews just killed his two segments. Good work, you loud weirdo! He's often irritating, but I could watch him read the phone book.
  12. “But make no mistake: I fully acknowledge and apologize for conduct that was often aggressive and crude.” And Mika condemned the accusers. Way to know your value, you platinum pile of stupid. I hope she is getting crucified on Twitter. What a hypocritical clown. I bet it's Hillary's fault.
  13. I don't know. Having roughly 12 women graze your boner in your office or deal with a gross double entendre when they're just trying to do their jobs is not equivalent to being a racist elected public official. I liked Pat Buchanon. He was charismatic and funny. He's also a fucking racist pig, and that means something. There are elections in Virginia that are pivoting around white supremacy, called "heritage" these days, so racism on TV and in print matters. It accumulates. Buchanon deserves to have no platform to spread his hateful stupidity.
  14. EWWWWW, Halperin, you dirt bag. Gross! "Come here and have a seat."
  15. Jesus, Joe trying to make something out of nothing regarding the Clinton's and donations from Canadians and Russians and uranium licensing. I know he knows the facts of this, so why? Something personal happened 2.5 or 2 years ago where one month Joe called Bill Clinton the greatest politician ever and a man he admired, whereas now Joe lies and gossips to smear the Clintons I do like their continued focus on bots and propaganda and how the Russians influenced social media to direct morons' political opinions. What do we think of Heidi? Is she gonna be one of MSNBC's new bright young things? Tough roster to break into, though. Can't decide if she's cute and erudite, or stiff and distant. I don't know that print reporters have the brass and presence that on-camera journos do.
  16. Oh, he's their friend. Oh. Ok. Well then. That's totally different. Too difficult to talk about now. There are legal ramifications involved and he's their friend. I see. I wonder if they'll condemn Hillary for successfully being Halperin's target for so many years, helping his career. Her fault. I thought Christie was reasonable. It's great that he supports an holistic wide-ranging approach to stamping out the opioid crisis. It was an odd mouthful for him as he described how government must do all it can and is the only body in a position to do anything, but government should never be relied upon to do anything because gubmint bad. He also plainly described why relief to Puerto Rico isn't working quickly and why the island is still in horrifying shape... w/out being a republican dick. Still though, he's an awful person. I hope he doesn't get a show. Unless that show is "Punch Chris Christie In The Face!"
  17. I cannot believe how this situation has come to take shape. Mika was sanctimonious towards Hillary who - again - wasn't self-flagellating enough re: Weinstein for Mika's taste. And lo and behold, Mika is VERY close to a serial sexual aggressor in the workplace. And Mika runs a "Know Your Value" women's empowerment business. HIGH LARIOUS!
  18. Today I may have hit the upper end of the threshold I can stomach for their complaining of Trump. Elyce re: Trump's Ivy League bragging was too much for me somehow, and then Mika interrupted her to say that "he's like the guy who needs the sports car, y'know? He's definitely overcompensating for something, y'know?" Weiner jokes, Mika? The sports car guy stereotype, Mika? What insights. I got through 30 seconds today.
  19. Senator Lee's well rehearsed rant about how the federal government takes power from local governments and gives power to "unelected bureaucrats" was bizarre and fascinating. He lives and works in DC and is speaking to a 5 other mature adults who live and work in DC and ranted about how DC produces nothing and is a swamp that needs to be drained. That is some true-believing horse shit nonsense. Love how he wraps it up with an "elite" bow on top. Checked every box! I really do honestly feel sorry for people who buy that crap and believe it.
  20. The strangest portion of this morning was that conservative author who claims to have experienced the "real" America by hanging out at NASCAR and shooting animals and so on, and is now a conservative having eschewed his liberal politics. He's smug and facile with an absolute lack of charm. Not a great combo. Love his take on gun crimes, actual murders are down (according to him, over an arbitrary period of time) so as a nation there is no problem and we've got this all figured out. There's nothing to fix! We've already fixed it, stupid liberals! Willie engaged with him and was slightly not boring, and Mika offered nothing except barely hidden contempt. One thing he did say, also cherry picked data of questionable meaning, is that 50% of voters don't even know a person who voted for the opposing candidate. His whole premise was reductive to the point of nonsense, and, his target audience is conservative book buyers (plenty of jokes there) and so he should be on Fox. But to get back to Mika.. she really should prepare better and engage with her guests. She's just so not good.
  21. I hate Mika's stupid act re: sports & entertainment. Mike Lupica, weenie though he is, is a notable sports writer, and the whole panel are huge baseball fans save for Willie. It's the MLB playoffs and the Yankees may play the Dodgers in the World Series depending on tonight's outcome. It's not quite as weighty as Trump lying constantly and insulting women constantly, but it's a topic worth the last 2 minutes of the show on a Friday. Mika talked over everything in an unintelligible mutter, rendering everything everyone else said unintelligible. She pouted and "HMMPHED" when Lupica was talking, forcing him to glance her way constantly until finally he had to make the conversation about how Mika doesn't like baseball. This awkward, passive aggressive/look at me, fake coquettishness is soooo unappealing and disruptive. "Oh, don't mind me, I'm just snapchatting with my daughters." Ugh I don't see why. I don't respect Mika and wouldn't treat her seriously. Serious, respectable people should be respected and treated seriously.
  22. Our friends think my wife and I should be Joe and Mika for Halloween. How do I puff up my face? I can squint and comb up a pompadour and bloviate and wear a MJ fleece and deck shoes w/out socks. My wife would just have to wear a tight turtleneck, Unitarian scarf, and a bond villainess wig and 5" Louboutins.
  23. OMG, this old ass Senator. "Trump is just like FDR. FDR didn't know anything either." OK, idiot. Go fuck yourself while you're at it. "He speaks in hyperbole. It just seems like a lie."
  24. Did they talk about health care this morning and how the Congress had to act in union to re-administer the ACA's funding? I couldn't watch the whole show. It's hard to believe that nobody on the show had a ready-made list of instances where Trump politicized: Benghazi for years (uh, 4 died in Niger, you assholes), the Khans - family of a fallen hero, McCain's POW status, how Trump knows more than "the Generals," and how no other Presidents called the families of fallen soldiers. I just came up with that *snap* right now. THOSE are instances of politicizing the pain and misery of having a standing army spread across the world. The panel are pros, how did they not have a longer list at the ready? The leader of the US can politicize painful American tragedy, but if anyone else just repeats what he said, it's just beyond the pale? "Well ma'am and your hat, you may not relate to us the President's own words if they are shockingly callous and cold, but he may insult you in perpetuity and lie about you. Get in your lane." Halperin is absolutely a biased, water-carrying apologist for the right wing, right? We're all clear on that, right? And speaking of double standards as they apply to Trump and get a pass from our panel, that tall Congressional correspondent's question to McCain about whether McCain would let his personal impressions of Trump color his support, or lack of, regarding Trump's policies was totally fair. It's not a stupid question. The correspondent could have asked Trump the same question, and Trump's answer would have been, "Of course I let my personal opinions color everything I do."
  25. OMG, Halperin. Go to hell. Apparently it's totally fair for the President to call a military widow who is 6 months pregnant, and he forgets his name and said, "Whelp, he knew what he signed up for." That's the new ok, Halperin, you asshole? Fuck you. Just for one second, imagine if Obama had been callous and dismissive to a widow. The widow and her husband's story are tragic. Just impossibly sad.
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