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  1. I don’t keep up enough to know all that’s going on. Did you mean Auj and Izzy are both living in the same town or on the farm? What’s the reason for the bad blood between Tori and Audrey? And I thought Tori and Zach were close to Jacob and Izzy. They’re on the outs, too??
  2. Me three! 😄 And to @bybrandy, I never knew Jem was Jeremy Atticus Finch! You learn something new every day!
  3. That bugs the crap out of me. So many people don’t know the difference between “apart” and “a part”! I’m talking college educated people. (BTW, did either Danielle or Adam go to/graduate from college?) I really don’t get why that’s confusing. I’m sure I learned that in elementary school, or middle school at the latest. Along with there, their, and they’re 😆
  4. I actually liked the Busbys in the beginning. I’m from their area, so I guess I felt a little connection with them lol. But now? They really turn me off in every way possible. The kids are spoiled. Neither Adam or Danielle have real jobs, despite what they say about being working parents. I don’t know any working parents who can go shopping, have lunch dates, get a mani/pedi, tool around town in a pimped out jeep, seven days a week. And the much-needed vacations?? That’s really the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. It’s just a disgusting display of unearned wealth. They are obviously not the sharpest tools in the shed (colostro phobic?? 🤯). So it just rubs me the wrong way when ignorant people are rewarded for just being lucky. Contrary to their response to the “haters”, I’m not the least bit jealous. We have a very comfortable income. I have everything I need. I don’t particularly like to travel all that much, because I don’t like hotels. (I’ve watched too many Datelines lol). And in this day and age, I would not wish fame on my biggest enemy. So the Busbys can go about their famewhore lives, and Adam’s balding head will get bigger and bigger. Ok, I’m calling it now. Adam’s receding hairline will miraculously start to come back down. His narcissism won’t allow him to be follically challenged!
  5. Has Danielle addressed or denied the tummy tuck rumor? I haven’t seen if she has. There is NO WAY she didn’t have a tummy tuck or some procedure. If you carry 5 babies, your skin isn’t going to tighten back, matter how many crunches you do. My daughter, who was itty bitty before having twins, still has some lose skin around her belly. Granted, she doesn’t exercise haha but what working mom of twins does?? Well other than Danielle, a “working” mom of 6.
  6. What I find absurd is that the girls (and probably Danielle, too) seem to be wearing a different swimsuit every day. It’s Tuesday and I’ve seen at least 3 different suits in their pictures. Who does that?? Two per kid is plenty. It’s simple. Wear one while one dries. Danielle always complains about packing. No wonder, when your kids are putting on an Instagram fashion show.
  7. I’m sorry, and I apologized a page back. I probably wouldn’t have joked around at all, but you seemed to be having a little fun with the comments yourself, laughing that you were trendsetters. I was not in any way meaning to offend you!
  8. Sorry, it was not my intention to be disrespectful. I was just making light of all the negative Fern comments. There’s nothing wrong with either of your names.
  9. Sorry everyone is dogging on your sister’s name! I guess you’re the Henry to her Spurgeon 😉
  10. It’s very strange on her Instagram page. So many people saying they love the name, but not one mention what it is. And some of those comments will have several replies, but you can’t see them. 🤷🏼‍♀️ One person said their delete game is strong, and then I noticed that comment was deleted. The only thing I can assume is that they don’t want anyone to find out the name from Instagram.....they want you to have to watch the You Tube video to find out, because views = money.
  11. J & J are going to be faced with quite the dilemma if they are offered their own spinoff. They’ve made the decision, for their privacy and protection, to no longer put any pictures of their daughters on SM. No one is going to watch a show with just Jinger and Jeremy. How shall they ever walk that back if given their own show?? Me thinks they’ll find some BS way to spin it!
  12. J & J are going to be faced with quite the dilemma if they are offered their own spinoff. They’ve made the decision, for their privacy and protection, to no longer put any pictures of their daughters on SM. How shall they ever walk that back if given their own show?? Me thinks they’ll find some BS way to spin it!
  13. Didn’t realize there was an Amy thread. Guess I’m not on here enough.
  14. Whooeee......Amy sounds ready to spill the beans! She posted an Instagram story asking lawyers - Derick in particular - if NDA’s are still binding after a show has been canceled. Also said something like things are about to get interesting. 🍿
  15. Hahaha! Adam’s hairline creeps me out. It’s so ugly, so I definitely find him more annoying to look at. (His preening just makes it that much worse). Truthfully, I’ve never noticed Danielle’s nose! What is it, too big or too little? I’ll have to check out her schnozz! 😁
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