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  1. Oh boy, I feel like Sasha's going to have another breakdown to give SM (who is looking amazing) maternity break. The WSB wants Curtis? Without Laura he probably would've been as useless as Drew was. Spencer patting Trina, for now I'll write it off as not knowing what else to do considering her parents dislike him and real Esme hates Trina. Giant Baby Ace seems to be having a ball with everyone.
  2. I'm absolutely shocked about Jackie. Really glad the Nurses Ball honored her. I wonder if they knew she was sick and it influenced the choice? I hope the show remembers Bobbie has a son too when it comes time for another tribute.
  3. Granted Spencer popped up at the end but it was weird Laura was sidelined until the very end. I'm not surprised Joss was given something to do in talking about Spencer, but Laura only had her Friday reaction? Valentin is up and walking around, Anna bounced to London, it felt very disjointed. Giant Baby Aces reactions saved the episode.
  4. Can the WSB drop a drone on Carly, Willow and Michael?
  5. Melissa is saying she'll go to the wedding to show the kids normal, "then get off the crazy ride" what does that mean? Cut them out of their lives? Joe seemed surprised she was going to the shower (on the aftershow Jen said Antonia was invited but didn't come.) Joe didn't go to the housewarming and neither did the kids, Melissa gave the flimsy excuse of one falling asleep. Now, I think a lot of the wedding stuff makes no sense because it sounds like the dinner mentioned in the phone call was 6 days away. Wouldn't the invite and headcount be done and given to the restaurant by then? What day during this lead up does the party with the fight happen? Imo, I think Teresa knew for a while the Gorga's weren't going, they even talked about it a few times. Also the guests Louie mentioned sounded like a cast dinner, probably to be filmed by Bravo for the wedding show. Or maybe they didn't want to invite the Gorga's only for Joe to not show. Joe's been avoiding Teresa yet he'll go to the wedding and dinners leading up to it like it's all good? I also wouldn't be surprised if Bill told Louie/Tre/Jen that Joe was going off on his nieces at the guys night. That said, Louie is shady. That Bridal Shower absolutely wasn't a surprise either. I liked seeing the Turkish traditions because Bridal showers are generally boring in my experiences. Teresa seemed to like it but on the aftershow some of the women (Marge, Rachel, Jackie) thought it was strange and called Jen selfish. Dolores wasn't called selfish for having a party for Teresa in Paulie's home country. Marge especially needs to be negative any time Jen's traditions come up and it bothers me. Rachel suddenly needing to adopt Jaiden without knowing anything about process definitely screams storyline. That boy doesn't need all of this on TV. Joe Giudice wishing Teresa well and Teresa praying he can come back was nice. I do think Joe has humbled himself and seems to be different. It took a hell of a wake up call. I do really want to know what he really thinks of Louie. People on Twitter said Teresa has taught Milania to hate her uncle but really she seems to have been done with him once he accused her father of being the reason Nonno and Nonna died on the show and then was talking bad about him to the girls in texts. Teresa didn't do that. Joe Gorga did just like Joe has done a lot in front of his nieces to make them fed up. I've yet to hear Teresa texts her niece and nephews bad things about their parents and hasn't called Antonia about any incidents the way Joe admitted to calling Gia to fix the bridesmaid issue nor has Teresa made a podcast saying those kids should thank her for everything they have due to Joe and Melissa riding her coattails. Thats why the Giudice girls are involved and the Gorga kids aren't. They'll all be back next season and rinse and repeat the cycle of hating each other until a fake reconciliation that won't last. It's so played out and fake.
  6. Paul's mom is cool. Loved her reaction to the calendar. I absolutely hated the hen thing. Why is it a business to let people chase them like that? Leave them be. They waaay over did the cock jokes too. I don't buy the wedding timeline at all. I get they have Bravo footing the bill and Teresa probably would think of these last minute things but I just don't believe they're adding to the bridal party with less than a month to go, in terms of dresses/tux other arrangements. It was probably set a while ago but this is the story. Joe Gorga pretending to be high was lame. He repeatedly says his nieces were raised with hate and his kids aren't but Joe literally accused Joe Giudice of putting Nonna and Nonno in the grave and one season started with Gia and Melania having an issue with him speaking to them like that via text and he flipped out when they wanted him to stop. I get why they don't wanna hear their dad trashed especially with claims he's the reason the grandparents are dead. He's their Dad no matter what he's done and Joe Gorga shouldn't be going off on him with an expectation of them to just take it. Then he calls Gia to get Teresa to put Melissa in the wedding even though he doesn't think she should get a say in if he goes off on their dad. I don't think they hate Joe and Melissa, I think they're fed up. I would be too.
  7. Willow has days to live, supposedly, and Ned stops Tracy from getting into her lists of specialists with some weird line about spotlight stealing? Huh? Hey maybe Ned wants Willow to die like I do, but otherwise that makes no sense. It's Dr O or give up at this point? I really don't want to see what they do with ALS or Endometriosis when they've botched cancer this badly. Willow is such a pod Saint worrying about poor Carly if something happens to Drew. She takes on what everyone else could feel (except Nina) and almost no point of views of her own. Nina expecting her name will be kept out of it is so dumb but not surprising, just like she'll be the bad guy for outting a crime Carly committed. This whole thing has been a waste of time.
  8. RIP Len. Very sad news.
  9. Michael and Carly are such smug shits. When Carly bringing up Morgan didn't work, she went for using Trina being a hostage as a dig against Ava. Then there's Michael's hostile wedding invitation and over all smugness. Sonny should've told him to shove it.
  10. I'm so over the Gorga/ Giudice fued but I think Teresa was trying to put it on Joe and Melissa, not Antonia. And I don't think its anywhere near as bad as when Melissa said at a reunion she can't have Antonia be in the same school as her cousins because she's sweet and they'd bully/gang up on her despite them all getting along. As a mom Teresa was supposed to take that but Melissa was clutching her pearls over the dumb sweet 16 thing (Melissa threw digs that Gia missed the church part of the infamous Christening. ) Can Teresa be petty and a ass? Yeah. But Melissa also wants to act like she's never done anything. Calling Joe wasn't necessary in the moment, but Melissa loves to report any and all slights. I don't think they ever intended on going to the wedding and this is them planting the seeds. Melissa is still mad about the bridesmaid thing to a woman she's never genuinely close with. No wonder Joe admitted to calling Gia about getting Teresa to fix it. She probably brings it up at home non stop. There were so many reports Teresa told Joe the rumor before the season started and Marge said on a podcast everyone from last season knew about what Laura said before the season started (its been taken down) but Jen is acting like no one knows they know so I don't know wtf they're trying to do. I would think this whole thing is a story everyone is in on given the messy timeline, but the Gorgas/Tre are dysfunctional enough that it's not planned to hype this season and next. I knew the women would freak out over Irish pudding. They're there to drink and shop, not try out anything outside of their own cultures. There is a gang up on Danielle. There has been since Jackie was talking behind her back about how she dresses and Marge and Melissa laughed then were nice to Danielle's face. Jackie had some nice moments with Jen at Teresa's housewarming party, Marge yelled about to Jackie and in the moment Jackie told her to back off but then something changed when she reported what Jen said about her marriage to Marge and Melissa and went back to not getting along. I'm so sick of the teams. Teresa and Fessler were getting along this episode and Teresa even called the Fessler marriage real love since they got back together and I was like wow, refreshing to see them like that despite Fesslers pot stirring over the invites.
  11. When Willow was talking to Michael about how he has siblings and she didn't, I just kept thinking how Michael was with her twin and half sister. Well that and also how I want her dead.
  12. If Michael offered to do a private dance for me, I know I'd keel over leukemia or not. Just goes to show further nothings gonna take Willow down. I do wonder how much longer they're gonna drag out the latest reason Willow's treatment is being delayed and if something else will happen once Liesl is found.
  13. This episode was so boring. I guess they tried to do something different by saying Jennifer set up the reader with information, though anytime there's a medium/reader/psychic on reality TV of course I go with production briefs them because I believe all of those kinds of people are scamming. I still think it was production. They needed some kind of 'drama. ' Dina wants nothing to do with Bravo. I'm not saying Luis/David had nothing to do with Dina not going because I don't know for sure but I figured the second Tre signed up for the wedding special, Dina was out. I believe Dina about Dolo writing the letter because she barely speaks from what I've seen on things like this. I think they shouldn't be speaking on Dina given what's happened and that she wants no part of RHONJ and can speak for herself if she wanted. Dina hasn't AFAIK come out and said she's not friends with Teresa and Teresa said on WWHL she was the person who didn't attend but sent a gift when Andy asked the question. If Jen/Dolo want to be add on BMs that's their choice and Melissa has no place to comment. They're adults. I'm sick of Teresa's wedding being a group discussion. It's like Bridezillas accept its not the bride making a big deal about the guest list and bridal party and keeping the wedding constant conversation but other people. Also I doubt Dolo and Jen were just asked getting close to the wedding because of dress fittings and such. Teresa asked Louies sisters in the first episode if they've had their fitting and now we're into mid season. Joe outting the Luis/David bad business deal was such a glass house moment given all of his bad deals and not paying people. He's being sued for not paying for materials in the new house he was talking about their deal in. What does Melissa mean when she called the other houses Disney Princesses? The rental house is nicer than that white monstrosity and I doubt Princess houses have fake sinks like the s3 house. I don't doubt Rachel loves her step son but the idea she's just finding out now the bio mother if she's been wanting this so bad since 2017. I believe she's acting like she's just finding out for a storyline. I don't think she should've been talking about how Jaden reacted to visitation and stuff on camera. If Jaden wants to tell his story that's OK but Rachel is making this about herself too much. First she was trying to pressure John to use the embryos now she's moved on to adopting her step son who is quickly approaching 18. Paulie has been on my creepy radar and now finding out his ex calls a lot now pings controlling vibes. He can do something but Dolores can't and it seemed clear tonight she doesn't like the double standard. Imo if Dolo/Paul don't work out she's gonna be looking for Frank to come around all the time again.
  14. It was a nice tribute. Leslie's voice at the end really surprised me. I guess we definitely won't be seeing Monica for the 60th.
  15. I don't really believe either pizza story but in both, Joe didn't put money in. He had if, so he claimed, but decided to use Louie's? And I'm assuming the supposed nephew was from Melissa's family and sorry, but Melissa's family has been terrible to Teresa on camera and online for years. Maybe not the nephew but with all the history, why go there? Hilarious he said "you can do business with anybody " when he and Melissa have been sued for various business issues. But Tre's story doesn't really add up that Louie gave the money, then went to a lawyer and was never paid back. Gia over steps at times but I also lean to she can talk about her family issues if strangers are. After tonight I'm going even harder on that because Joe said he called Louie and Gia to "fix the bridesmaid situation. " So Joe and Melissa dont think the kids should be involved... except when Joe tries to get Gia involved for his benefit. The way everyone is carrying on about the invite is dumb. Teresa hasn't brought up Melissa's mom on her own, she's been asked questions, mostly by Fessler it seems, and everyone gets mad that she explains herself as if Teresa is going around unprovoked saying anything. I agree if Tre only invited Donna, they would've had a problem with the rest of the family not invited. I also think they only wanna go because it was filmed. Hindsight may be playing a role because we know the Gorga's dont go, had the Marco's been invited I doubt they'd have gone so thats a lot of empty seats that they'd have to pay for anyway. And Joe let Melissa's family, and others talk bad about Teresa in front of them but is still carrying on about the bitch boy comment. Only Teresa should have to move on. I don't like how Louie spoke to Teresa at all. He may not have sworn like Joe Giudice did at times but you can be toxic without those kinds of names. Louie is playing all sides and talking down to her in public. And it's on an issue that's not his business whether Teresa wants to move on with Melissa's family. Though he's not a bitch as Joe said just because Louie would never let Joe drunkenly wax him. Joe is a man child. Grown men not going for that is just being an adult. I don't get Joe not saying anything about the PJs though. Leaving like Danielle is doing isn't a great way to secure another season. Rachel was right to ask Danielle to repeat anything Danielle thinks Rachel said that was in agreement because Rachel was acting like Marge is a kitten with a cast on her arm. Considering Melissa and Jackie have said in the past Marge gets information and Melissa elaborated Marge doesn't have small kids so she can start her mornings going on the computer for gossip, I don't think Marge was joking about maybe calling Danielle's family. Also no one cares Jackie has been terrible to Danielle all season and Marge and Melissa laugh like mean girls at Jackie's insults about Danielle behind her back so they can take a hike on the idea Danielle is a friend betraying them.
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