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I want to like Janelle BUT the way she lets that @sshat talk to het boys without going off on him and telling him to get lost...I just can't.. Gabe shouldn't be wondering what he did wrong. His mother should have already explained to him he has done nothing wrong. His father is a (most likely clinical) narcissist and is incapable of loving others. She should be building him up and telling Kody he is not allowed to talk to her boys like that.
She paid him back when her house in Vegas sold and the home was refinanced in her name only. Kody was removed from the deed.
If she ever said that I'd actually gain respect for her.
Christine most likely called him out on almost killing her daughter and napping at Robyn's while she took her to the ER. You know in that asshat's mind it was Christine's fault for expecting him to watch her to being with. Also for someone who keeps talking about being scared of his kids dying so much (WTF????) He never wants to spend a dime on medical care for them. Why pay for insurance or a wellness visit when you can be buying up plague property and some of the ugliest home interior trinkets and furniture on earth.
I think she stays to be a thorn in his side. My guess is when the show is gone so is she.
I thought she was my grandmothers age. She turned 90 2 weeks ago and has no need for a wheelchair or walker, She also grew up in extreme poverty (no electricity or plumbing and 10 people living in a 2 room shack) and abuse but growing up on a farm she still eats better then most people. She also took her life back in the early 80s when she had her dad and me and my brother to take care of. She got her GED and opened her own business which she was very successful at and just retired less then 10 years ago.
I picture them being the books Christine used to use for homeschooling the brood like See Spot Run, Go Dog Go, ABC & 123s A is for Apple, etc. I'm not sure Kody can read anything above that level.
Yes TLC, please have Jenelle leave too and rename the show Ex-Sisterwives. Drop Kody, Robyn and Meri and watch Christine and Janelle learn to live in the real world and find themselves.
Maybe she just put a bunch of heavy crap or kids old school books so the trash could take out the trash.
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I'm just glad that Christine packed his crap up so we weren't subject to lectures by king asshat of the boys getting what they deserved.
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I still think she chose better then her mother.
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I think what was going thru his pea brain was she can't kick me out of her bedroom. That's supposed to be punishment not a reward. I hope Christine finds a man that worships the ground she walks on. I also hope his adult kids get therapy to deal with the fact that their sperm donor never cared about them.
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I have a glimmer of hope for Janelle, but if she doesn't leave that ass hat after seeing how bad he treats and hurts her children, I don't care if they are legally adults, then she is just as disgusting as him in my eyes. How could any mother just watch that interaction with Gabe and Kody and shrug her shoulders? Especially since she is the only skilled worker in the bunch. She could leave and get a regular job like she had before instead of relying on MLMs like Christine and Meri who have no job skills. As far as Meri, she is lying about poor lonesome me just by looking at her social media, however, I think she is scared to leave since the first time she talked to someone else she was catfished and publicly humiliated so bad.
Here's my question. If they are all one big family (LMAO), then how come when they came over to Christine's when she got home from NJ and saw how exhausted she was and how much pain Ysabel was in, the only one to volunteer to help out was that selfish, reckless, Janelle? (total sarcasm about Janelle) No Kody offering to stay a few weeks provided everyone was abiding by his rules, which honestly they probably were just to take care of her. No Meri, I've been quarantining this entire time offering a lending hand, Hell, not even a why don't we get Christine a nanny or nurse to help out? Just sucks to be you from all the others. I think Christine is being honest about wanting the family back together, not wanting Kody back or being Robyn's bestie, but letting her kids see their dad and siblings. I think she realized it was time to let Robyn's kids go and that she can have all her kids and Janelle's kids in Utah, and not have to deal with that ass hat. Best of both worlds. Even if Janelle doesn't move there, Christine really did raise them and they all seem to love her and regard each other as full siblings unlike Mariah and Robyn's kids.
As someone who works in healthcare and am battling health issues because they were not deemed essential, trust me there is no hospital that would have A) approved surgery or B) given up a bed unless this was considered extremely necessary, especially in the NY/NJ area at that time. I have a blood condition that must be monitored every quarter and it was not considered essential so I was not monitored again until I ended up in the ER with a ferratin of 1. My sister is a police officer who was in a horrendous car wreck right before COVID where she had to be life flighted. After COVID hit all her subsequent surgeries were put off as they were not considered emergent while she was at home with drains hanging out of her body for months. For Ysabel to be approved and given a bed in a hotspot, it means that this was much more serious then the show is playing it off as.