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  1. And the look on his face when she says “penis”!
  2. Small nitpick about the scene where Marion meets Larry and she’s all decked out in pretty pastels: there’s been a death in the family and there’s a dead body in the house. Shouldn’t there be a mourning wreath on the door and the inhabitants wearing black? That felt jarring to me.
  3. I’m finding it really hard to believe that’s a studio audience freely laughing. It was so loud and inappropriate - no, not every word was outrageously funny- that I barely heard the dialogue. I did not like it.
  4. That’s what I thought the double meaning was going to be, too. But, then again, this is the woman who moved to Paris without bothering to learn any more French than “bonjour” and couldn’t understand why the Parisiens didn’t fall all over themselves for her her American cuteness. Can you imagine the living hell that boy is going to go through? Aiden in his face all the time? If this were any other show, I’d think Aiden was just coming up with an excuse to break up. Because what’s he going to do that he can’t ever go away for a weekend or have his girlfriend over? His ex, who had shown herself to be concerned enough about her boys to meet with the new/old girlfriend and ask her to protect their privacy, is now a negligent mom. Is Aiden planning on spending Wyatt’s weeks with her just standing outside her house ready to jump in if Wyatt leaves the house? Is he going to follow him to school, on school trips? If Wyatt goes to university or gets a job before the 5 years are up, is Aiden going to follow him there? I could buy cooling it off and staying close to home for a bit, but no contact for five years is the most ridiculous idea ever conceived and I can’t believe Carrie fell for it. Maybe so she could give it to Lisette?
  5. Thinking the same thing. What was so important that they’d want a frantic, last-minute middle of the night interview? Even if it were BBC International and broadcasting EST, it didn’t make a lot of sense.
  6. Now that I’ve gotten all the lawyers to out themselves as such :) … thanks for your answers. I guess I just assumed Director was actually running cases, when we don’t actually know what she does. It’s also just occurring to me that American mat leaves are really short. I just automatically jumped to the conclusion that Director would be on mat leave for at least a year to 18 months and that Miranda would have to do much more than organize a few meetings.
  7. I thought so, too. I was trying to figure out if it was some Pretty Woman “you don’t belong here” scenario, but I couldn’t figure out what the problem was. It wasn’t because the store obviously catered to a much younger crowd or because Charlotte and Lisa weren’t dressed in similar styles. Weird. I missed most of the dialogue in that scene because I was concentrating on the saleswoman’s looks of disdain. Not the usual way to earn a commission, for sure. Serious question, especially directed at American lawyers: would Miranda’s 30 years of experience in corporate law really be worth all that much in a Human Rights practice that she’d immediately be put in charge? I know American tv lawyers don’t specialize, but surely real ones do, don’t they? My partner and I are both 30 years post Call: he does corporate and I went the litigation route and we frequently joke-not-joke we have no idea what the other one is talking about when talking about work. It’s an exaggeration, of course, and the education and experience means we could each get up to speed in the other’s area faster than a layperson, but it would still be a steep learning curve. Did Miranda’s ascent actually make any sense?
  8. I came here to do the same thing but read through the posts first. According to Wikipedia (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_the_Air_Tonight) and every other source I could quickly find online, it wasn’t released until 1981. January 1981, but still 1981. So now Phil Collins is a time traveller as well.
  9. You mean the Miranda who spent a whole episode telling herself and others “he’s just not that into you”? I miss that Miranda.
  10. Maybe it’s like Coach Ben and his impressive supply of condoms. Best to be prepared for anything.
  11. I understand why people want to have seen that discussion, but, for me, it worked far better without it. The hints were indeed there, but I didn’t see it coming and that’s what made it good - great - tv for me. I went from “why are they standing in a circle drawing cards?” to “holy crap! They’re picking their dinner victim!” so fast that the horror hit me in a way I don’t think it would’ve if we’d seen the discussions. Mileage varies, of course, but it worked much better for me this way.
  12. PSA: if you are ever in a situation where you are asking a cop “do I need a lawyer?” - then, you NEED a lawyer. The whole search warrant business with the cop who knows he’s been accused of sexual impropriety with a minor being alone in a room with said minor was so ridiculous. I am not enjoying that particular subplot. On the other hand, the horror of watching Javi die, poor Nat letting it happen to save her own life, will stay with me a long time. Kudos to the writers for the increasing dread of watching them pull those cards, Shauna with the knife and all of it culminating in that scene in the ice. That’s how you do horror, boys and girls. It doesn’t need blood and gore. I’m both dreading and looking forward to the season finale.
  13. No, it doesn’t. But, in the 70s anyway, there was a section of the training book that did include a section on emergency childbirth, even though it wasn’t taught in the class. How do I know? Because I was the weird teenager who studied up on that in case I ever had to do it. I was always mildly disappointed that I never got to use what I learned. Wouldn’t be surprised if Misty also had that rudimentary knowledge.
  14. Maybe she ran into a friend of his in the elevator who talked about an accident with a pencil while playing basketball? It worked for Sandra Bullock.
  15. That was … hard to handle. Hugs to all the other moms out there who suffered a perinatal loss. Obviously, they couldn’t do a trigger warning without a major spoiler (assuming that women’s pain is acknowledged enough for a trigger warning), but I kind of wish they had. Would love to hear from this board’s resident gynaecologist (does she post on Yellowjackets?) on the birthing scene. As a mature woman who has given birth as well as had pregnancy losses, I knew the presentation of the placenta first was a major obstetrical complication, but I can’t even imagine being in the position of a naive teen or an adult man without children facing that horror. I think - well done, show - but I might have to recover from my own trauma watching it before I can fully cope with it. That said, I’m going to do some disassociating myself from those parts, at least before the traditional rewatch. Shauna’s an idiot for not lawyering up (read the cookie!). There are some wonderful videos on YouTube - including this great one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE on how NEVER TALK TO THE POLICE. Put it on a cookie. I loved loved loved Callie in this episode. The way her face lit up when Shauna said her evidence would be inadmissible if copstache had slept with her? One could see the light bulb going on. Truly, she is her psychopathic mom’s daughter. I do hope she survives the series.
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