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Jordan Baker

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Everything posted by Jordan Baker

  1. Yes! I am really enjoying the show and can't believe we have only one more episode. There are some difficult moments, but I think the beauty of the series far outweighs those moments. The acting is superb, and I'm a total sucker for behind-the-scenes Broadway stuff. I say--Go for it.
  2. YAY! Finally. Sebastian for the win. Garo did a great job, but I'm still happy Sebastian won. Never have the top designers and the bottom designers been so obvious. Oh, crap. Tessa survives.
  3. That was genuine surprise. I knew that the Times critic was, well, critical to the success of a show, but I didn't realize that Clive Barnes wasn't all in on Sondheim. (I'm completely biased though. For me, Sondheim can do no wrong.) Now I'm curious to read some more of his reviews. Thanks! I wish this production team would do another behind-the-scenes story of the '70s Broadway era. I can't believe this show has only one more episode.
  4. I have to admit that Chicago is not my favorite show. I saw what I assume was the first national tour of it, back in '76 or so. I do like some of the music. Now, that other show that you mentioned, which I also saw on tour (twice) at around the same time, hit me like a ton of bricks. Loved it. Wait. The Times critic never gave a Sondheim show an understanding review?? That's crazy talk!!
  5. I loved this exchange. Once again, Norbert Leo Butz was just great as Paddy. I didn't realize that Danny Burstein was in the cast until I saw it mentioned on Twitter. (He played the OB/GYN who gushed over Gwen Verdon but didn't know who Bob Fosse was.) What an embarrassment of riches this cast is. I saw Burstein twice on Broadway. He absolutely stole the show in the revival of "South Pacific" and was also great in "Follies." I did enjoy the small bit of dancing we saw from Sam Rockwell this episode. It seemed much more Fosse-like than what he did in an earlier episode.
  6. Just in time for Christmas--a Duggar grandbabies CD! With all your traditional favorites, as cooed and mewled by the Next Generation.
  7. I thought you wrote this, teddysmom, as a parody of TDWP. I had no idea until I went to the actual article that this was real. Good grief!
  8. It's available on DVD from Netflix. Yes, the red envelopes still exist! I have both the DVD and the streaming subscription because so many of the things I want to watch are available only on DVD.
  9. I was hoping this was finally Sebastian's time, but Bishme's dress and tee shirt were great. Bishme was on fire this whole episode. It must have been the Red Bull and coffee. Was it Bishme who delivered these lines (my favorite of the episode): When Christian says there's another element: "Are we going to Mexico?" After Christian explains about the tee shirt: "So we're NOT going to Mexico?" Did Bishme ever mention why he used purple fabric? My first thought was the Baltimore Ravens, but I doubt that's right.
  10. I just watched All That Jazz. I hadn't seen it since its release in the late '70s. I noticed that Roy Scheider did almost no dancing at all. And he was phenomenal. Blew me away. The only things I remembered from that long-ago viewing experience were the scene in which he's going through the autopsy room in the hospital, the "Everything Old is New Again" number, and "It's Showtime!" Ann Reinking is amazing as a dancer, but I thought her acting was just OK. Jessica Lange was . . . I'm not sure how to describe her. Let's just say she's improved greatly from this early role. The movie was too long and messy in parts. I still loved it. I think I appreciate it so much more now because of learning more about Fosse and Verdon from this show. A year before All That Jazz was released, I made my first trip to NYC and saw Dancin'. Sadly, I no longer have the Playbill, but I assume I saw Ann Reinking, Sandahl Bergman, and some of the other dancers from All That Jazz. Wish I could remember it better.
  11. I think the early years of Bravo were OK, before it became All Housewives All the Time. Wasn't it Bravo that carried Inside the Actors Studio? But, yes, it's encouraging that the show hasn't included any table-flipping. No one has mentioned my favorite EJ song--"Come Down in Time."
  12. All the talk about how Mika doesn't like movies made me wonder--do they ever mention going to Broadway shows? Yes, I know they spend more time in FL than in NYC, but they were in commuting distance to NYC for a long time and they still spend some time there. I watch MJ sporadically, but I can't remember either of our hosts mentioning Broadway. Maybe they could turn "Know Your Value" into a musical! I'd pay to see that.
  13. Good episode. The top looks were great. I did laugh when Christian said that the designers could say "I'm still standing," and there were blank looks from a couple of the designers. I feel old.
  14. I agree with those who said that Norbert Leo Butz was a standout in this episode. And Michelle Williams was great, as she has been in all the episodes. What wasn't great? That pantsuit Gwen was wearing when she arrived in the Hamptons. ACK. The '70s was a strange decade for fashion.
  15. Did they mention what Trump tweeted yesterday (about how the win was somehow PC)? Or was it just that this is another thing on which Joe is an expert? My favorite response to Trump's tweet was "There were good horses on both sides."
  16. Christian is great. He's the best thing about the show. Sebastian is the second best thing. For all its faults, this version is still better than the one on Lifetime.
  17. I tried to find it on YouTube but no luck.
  18. No, the character describing the show was Hal Prince, the producer and director of Company. I knew that neither Fosse nor Verdon was involved with Company, but something about that dream sequence really did remind me of the spoken parts of "Being Alive." BTW, I also like the barn raising number from 7 Brides, but that's about the only thing I like about the musical. I think Monty Python ruined it for me. 😄
  19. Several pages back, justmehere posted a video from Kiss Me, Kate. Fosse was one of the dancers (well, dancers/singers/actors) featured in the clip. I'm providing another clip here in case you want to see the entire number. The other two pairs do perfectly nice (and enjoyable) dances, but the Fosse number is just amazing. As justmehere noted, Fosse choreographed the number with his partner. It is SO different from the others. It just jumps out at you. It was revolutionary. And he was SO young. This is, in fact, my favorite number from any movie musical. Speaking of favorite things . . . I am not familiar with Pippin (except for "Corner of the Sky"), and so some of that fantasy sequence at the end was lost on me. When the cast and Gwen were encouraging Fosse to jump (with the "Bobby" repeated over and over), I thought it was a call-back to Company, which was mentioned very briefly in Episode 1. I'm thinking of "Being Alive" in which Bobby's friends interject "Want something, Bobby" and other encouragements. Anyone else?
  20. I've just started watching this show (several years late), but I thought the "head" part came from the idea that Bigetti sounds a bit like BigHead-y.
  21. My favorite outfits were safe. I would have put Sebastian's orchid dress and Garo's silver dress in the top. I think Garo did a great job of creating a beautifully flattering dress for his model. It's a shame that Hester had immunity. I'd have been happy to see her go.
  22. I loved this episode. Michelle Williams is doing the most amazing work. The notes-from-the-director scene was just agonizing, and, yes, the play itself sounds awful. I like Sam Rockwell's performance, too, but his dancing, especially in the pre-editing-room sequence, isn't exactly Fosse-esque. That's a nit, though. When the episode ended, I actually thought "No!" I wanted more.
  23. Morning Joe made an appearance in the Sunday New York Times crossword puzzle. OK, it wasn't about Joe and Mika per se (it was about which network airs MJ), but I figured they'd be happy about it.
  24. Thanks, oakville. This was my favorite line from the article: "On Thursday, Trump tweaked his former cheerleaders Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski."
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