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Posts posted by yourmomiseasy

  1. On 2/24/2020 at 2:00 PM, meira.hand said:

    What really disturbed me was that they were taking care of the copied man by providing him with an alibi, while essentially waiting for another kid to be murdered. They knew what the killer will look like and that he was hunting for kids and yet did not even try to do anything about it. Also did not try to find and stop the killer "helper" from providing new bodies for it. There is zero urgency in what they are doing while people are being killed.

    It bothered me that their plan was "let's sit around and wait for a kid to get murdered" but also that they thought all of them being with that guy was going to be a better alibi than Terry being at a conference with tons of witnesses filmed by a TV crew.  It was all around not a very good plan.  I was pretty angry about it the entire episode.

    On 2/26/2020 at 2:01 PM, izabella said:

    That's what I was asking.  Why do they always call her by her full name?  No one else is ever called by their full name, or any name most times.

    I don't understand what that means.

    Some people are full name people.  I know a few that get called by their full name a lot of the time and I am one.  

    On 2/26/2020 at 12:09 PM, patty1h said:

    I'm still confused by:   1) the incident in the prison, where we kept seeing Heath sharpening an eyeglass lens.   We see another prisoner enter Heath's cell, and next thing is Heath slitting his own throat.   I understand he was under the influence of El Cuco, but the whole thing seemed prearranged - didn't a guard unlock the door?   I don't get why that prisoner went into Heath's cell to confront him and how did this impel Heath to take his life in front of that guy when Heath could have cut his own throat any other time? 

    2)  Heath's cousin Terry, who did a suicide by police.  I saw that Terry had the blisters on his neck, so I guess we're to infer that Terry was struggling against El Cuco (like Jack is) and set himself up to be killed because he couldn't do it?   Was that the gist of it or am I missing "the bigger picture"?

    On the prisoner entering the cell thing, that's how it is done in prison, at least on TV.  You pay off a guard and they will arrange a shanking opportunity.  It was a fairly elaborate scheme though as we saw someone pull a shank out of their leg instead of just sharpening a toothbrush handle or whatever.  

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  2. 14 hours ago, bros402 said:

    Half uncle/half niece is what is fine, not uncle/niece.

    It sounds like you have some pedigree collapse in your tree, but hopefully not too much. Irish genealogy can be quite difficult at times - as a building that held most of the Irish genealogy records burnt down in the early 1900s

    My mistake for leaving off the half, I think faster than I an type sometimes and should have been more clear.  It is the specified genders that are interesting to me.  I'm imagining that in most cases that's not going to be a healthy relationship due to certain power dynamics (half or not) and apparently it's okay for females to be in that situation, but not males. 

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  3. I'm in the not buying Ryan did it camp.  Even if he sent that email, which I don't think he did, I've sent meaner emails at work and you can totally call someone a whore without murdering them.  I hate the TV troupe of someone saying "I wish you'd die" or "I could kill them" either in anger or offhandedly as proof of murder.

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  4. 6 hours ago, saber5055 said:

    I totally don't get the problem with Bishop's girlfriend. Didn't Bishop move to LA to be with her? So I would think the girlfriend also loves Bishop. So girlfriend proclaims she's a lesbian and only wants sex with a woman. Isn't Bishop physically a woman? I just don't see the problem there. If Bishop wants a sex change to physically become a man, that I can see could cause a riff. But Bishop dresses and looks like a man now, so what's the big deal if she is starting to identify as a they? That doesn't change anything physically they do as a couple. A straight man might imagine his wife to be some movie star when having sex, but that doesn't mean they get a divorce because wife isn't a movie star. And vice versa.

    Bishop wanting out of the ride on the freeway was all kinds of stupid. If I were the driver, I would have said a big no to that idea. Then Bill coming to pick her up and not turning the lights on his sheriff's vehicle while they had a convo on the side of the multi-lane freeway was all sorts of stupid too. Lucky (I guess) they both weren't killed.

    Then Bill took Bishop home. Doesn't Bishop live with the girlfriend?

    None of that story line made sense to me.

    Did the kid robber kill the woman he shot? This show is so ephemeral about whether injured/shot people live or die or are just forgotten. And LOL that Justin the Robber was ID'd by that grainy dark CC video. But whatever.

    I don't care if Bill runs in the election or not. Wouldn't change this show any, except all the scenes of Bill blowing off meetings would have to be cut.

    I didn't get what the big deal was with Cade's wife that the grandma of the two foster/adopted (which is it now?) kids wants to see them. That happens all the time, and keeping kids from their bio families isn't a good idea. Except on tv shows I guess.

    They mentioned attempted murder charges so at least at that point in time the woman was probably still alive.

    One difference if Bill is no longer sheriff is he won't get to pontificate in front of the media anymore.  Rando deputies are not allowed to do that.  So I'm kind of for him not running or running and losing.

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  5. 11 hours ago, bros402 said:

    Here's the law in NYS:
    "Persons known to be related to him or her, whether through marriage or not, as an ancestor, descendant, brother or sister of either the whole or the half blood, uncle, aunt, nephew or niece. Half-blood uncle/niece marriages are valid pursuant to a 2014 State Court decision."


    It is known that they are related to each other, therefore, the marriage is illegal.

    Get some siblings and aunts and uncles and cousins to take it

    Interesting that it is specifically uncle/niece that is okay.  

    I think the crossover in my family tree might be a by marriage thing.  My 4th cousin on my mom's side is a distant cousin to my 3rd cousin on my dad's side.  I tried untangling it further, but it's all people I don't know and I start getting confused and it would just be a lot easier if my mom and dad both took the test so I could link to them and have side designations showing.  Also though, I'm a lot Irish and Ireland isn't that big of an island.


  6. 16 hours ago, bybrandy said:

    The ancestry/23 and me/FTDNA tests all have family finder (or whatever name they've chosen) you opt in but most people do that shows you your DNA relatives.   You share about 25 percent of your DNA with a half sibling so not only would this half sibling show up on your list of matches they would be literally right towards the top as the results are usually sorted by closest match.  

    So, so, so, so many people have discovered unknown half sibs or unknown parents.  I tested in all the ponds because I wanted to uncover some deep dark family secret.  I haven't.  My parents are exactly who my parents purport to be.   But I know people personally who have found out that their father wasn't their father due to them not having any matches at all with their father's side of the family or that their mother, father, uncle, aunt had previously unknown to them children. 

    I literally encouraged somebody to test who then had to call his uncle and say, "Um, I don't know if you know this but you have a son..."  It was super awkward and I was pretty sure he was going to hate me but he has since paid for or encouraged loads of other people to test.

    The siblings aren't legal siblings so I think legally they are probably fine to marry but why?  Plus the whole, "you can't have kids" was fobbed off with, "that's not the biggest issue right now."  Well, maybe not right now but it might be something you want to address before you walk down the aisle?   

    The whole story was weird and disturbing and weird and disturbing.

    I took mine to troll racist relatives, but it back fired because I'm super white.  Like basically translucent.  I did find out that my parents might be distantly related, but my mom isn't a brotherfucker, even reluctantly.  Neither of my parents will take their own DNA test so I can unravel the inbreeding mystery. 

    4 hours ago, Granny58 said:

    Yes it was.

    Care to elaborate because I'm honestly puzzled on this one.  I'd really appreciate some light shed. 

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  7. 2 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    Those cops did really come in guns a blazzing and were way too rough on the guy, who was clearly having a full on mental break, so I dont blame Callie for telling the cops not to hurt him, as he clearly wasn't resisting

    I'm assuming Jamie is the one that called 911.  All he knew is what he could hear and that was that there was someone in their apartment threatening Callie.  The call to 911 probably reported a home invasion with a female resident in danger.  The police are going to take that seriously.  

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  8. How is Callie so certain her unhoused neighbor wasn't going to hurt her after the fact?  She sure seemed concerned about it during the incident.  Going on to the chat at Malika's office, that was a lot of half truths and disinformation -- at least when viewed in the lens of real life, not sure if this show is supposed to be real life or not.  Then the fight between Callie and Jamie.  Better wages and affordable housing wasn't going to help that guy.  Then she flip flops to "what are we supposed to do force them into subsidized housing?"  Is letting these people live on the streets the compassionate thing to do?  Is that what she is advocating for?  Then she's advocating for mental health help, but pissed that Jamie's client is building a mental health facility and calls it a mental health jail.  Does she know for a fact that qualified mental health professionals are not going to be hired?  It is what she heard at Malika's office, but that doesn't make it fact.  The aim for new facilities, at least in my understanding, is for them to have appropriate staff to provide services and help rather than house.  I spend a lot of my time involved with city government, but homelessness isn't my area of passion, so I'm not an expert, but it is such a big issue that it does bleed into a lot of topics.

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  9. 31 minutes ago, albarino said:

    You use a hose to connect it to a sprinkler to water your lawn if you do not have an underground sprinkler system.  YOU move that sprinkler every hour or so to water your entire lawn.  You do not stand outside and point your hose and hand sprinkler at various parts of your lawn.  Remember, these folks are "rich", they have pools and lawns.  I have a putting green size of a lawn and have a sprinkler system.  

    I hope that clarifies my comment.

    Meh.  Lots of people hit hot spots with a hose, especially in the valley in the summer where it is as hot as Satan's balls.  All their houses are freshly redone and freshly landscaped.  They have irrigation systems.  If you have a hot spot it is more water wise to just water that spot via the hose for a few minutes than to overwater an entire section of your yard via a sprinkler. 

    • Love 4
  10. 21 hours ago, Jets4274 said:

    Only those of us who've suffered from severe depression can understand how Ariana feels.  I hope that she continues to get all of the love and support she needs.  Sandoval can be a pain to watch at times but he seems like a genuinely nice and caring person.

    Jax is an asshole.  He could have at least made Schwartz his best man but instead chose Randall who's a "great friend" because he's flown him on a private jet to exotic vacation destinations?  Pul-lease. Lala must feel like shit talking about Ariana to later understand where those mixed emotions stemmed from. 

    Can't help but think that Jax is on some chemical substance at times such as at that dinner.  His eyes seem to bug out and he goes off for no reason.  And Brittany is just plain annoying. Getting too big for her britches, I think. 

    Schwartz is best man all by himself instead of being co-best man with FI like he was originally.  Randall is just a groom's man.


    If Lala says she wasn't raped, maybe we should believe her?  Just like we should believe a woman when she says she was, maybe we should believe one when she says she wasn't.  We can still hate James and think he's vile.


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  11. Okay, so I've been thinking about this for 2 hours.  What was the actual point of the incest storyline?  What message was the show trying to convey?  What did it do to further anyone's story?  Why was it there?  I don't feel like it paralleled any of the other arcs.  Was it supposed to illustrate something about Iggy?  Was it supposed to be a social commentary?  

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  12. Bloom might have been projecting.  I'd assume it is easier to be furious with her mom than deal with the anger she feels at herself over her own addiction problems.  Maybe she and her mom should book a family therapy session with Iggy.


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  13. Ignoring the fact that Iggy shouldn't be counselling anyone because he's the worst and the fact that going to the hospital for marriage counselling is stupid, are we supposed to consider Iggy pressuring that woman into an incestuous marriage a win?

    I can't even with all the other stupidity going on in the other plots.  Was this show always this dumb or has it been extra dumb lately?  Or am I just being cranky?

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  14. On 2/23/2020 at 9:28 AM, tennisgurl said:

    .but they will now probably get better homes, where they might not even have to rent, but buy?  

    I guarantee you that's not what's going to happen unless they pick up their lives and move out of LA, possibly out of California.  I think the max the developer is required to pay is $20k, the minimum is under $10k.  It's a sliding scale that takes into account how long you've been there, if you're elderly, disabled, have kids, etc.  This applies to rent controlled buildings -- so the assumption is these people are not paying market rents, otherwise they'd probably just take the money and run and find a new place at market.  If you've been in your place for a while, you are probably paying way under market because rents have increased a lot over the last few years and max increase in a rent controlled place is (I think) 3%.  I haven't rented in 10 years, but back when I was renting I'd been in my place for 10 years at the end of my tenure and I was paying around $1400/month and the same floor plan in my complex was going for just under $2k.  I think now, 10 years later that same apartment's market price is around $3k.  This was a 1 bed/1bath, but in a "luxury" complex.  While I was living there I got a notice that they were going convert to condos and I could either buy my unit or take ~$5k to leave.  I was already looking at houses so I was excited about free money, but I was  single person with no kids making 6 figures with a lot of savings.  They never went through with it though, and I bought a house anyway.  So anyway, if Jamie got them double, the max payout is probably in the $40k range.  That might sound like a lot, but if you were just scraping by in your under market apartment, it's not going to keep you in a market rate apartment for long and it surely isn't going to buy you a house and even if it would be enough to get you in one, you're not going to be able to afford the mortgage payments as the median house price in LA is over $700k.  

    Jamie also got the developers to agree to put in extra low income units, but that doesn't help the people that are moving out.  It isn't like the units will be immediately available, they have to be built.  Also, even though they are agreeing to it, when they inevitably have to cut units those will be the first to go.  Planning, land use, and housing affordability is a really big problem in LA right now, but the show isn't really doing a good job to explain it.  And really, that'd be a boring ass show, so I don't blame them.

    Anyway, all that being said, I'm still on Jamie's side.

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  15. On 2/15/2020 at 12:54 PM, PrincessPurrsALot said:

    J'accuse close friend of Lincoln!  J'accuse!!!!! Let's see who gets set up to take the fall.  Has to be someone with excessive free time to set up elaborate murders. 

    Original air date 2020.02.21

    To be fair, if murder is your hobby and you are at least kind of smart and want to keep doing your hobby a lot of your hobby time is going to be spent planning to try to avoid getting caught and plus it is probably part of the fun for at least a good portion of serial killers.  In most cases you can't just kill people nightly, so planning would be a way to indulge on those days when you are not actively committing murder.  I mean, I'm just guessing though.  I'm not quite a murder expert.

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  16. 40 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

    Isn't "a good job that she was able to get" how most people get their careers?


    Most of the teachers I know actually wanted to be teachers and went to school to be teachers.  I know one person that became a teacher because she was limited on options with her degree and it didn't stick.  Most of my friends are in the field they studied for like engineering, architecture, medicine, film, music, education.  

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  17. 19 hours ago, bybrandy said:

    Also on jamie's side.

    Gah on Davia taking one step forward with addressing her privledge openly and then one step bacck by picking her career over advocating for these kids.   I think she's going to get more drawn in but seriously, White Women... (I am a white woman).

    Is it even really a career for her or just a job?  I get the feeling that teaching wasn't her calling, but rather just a good job that she was able to get.  I still understand her needing to think before she blows up her life and risks her job though.

    16 hours ago, sab85 said:

    I admire Callie's fight but Jamie's right- it sounds like what they are offering is a lot of cash for someone living paycheck-to-paycheck.

    I like Davia's story but they started the whole Andre thing wrong.  Any student who took their work and threw it at the teacher would (rightfully) be sent to the principal's office.  They should have had him arguing with her to the point she got fed up and sent him. That I would better understand her being torn up about. 

    I'm glad to see Mariana not go there with her boss.  Both she and the show won a lot of points for me with that decision.   Obviously we are going to 'go there' at some point in time but hopefully it's after she's moved on to another company. 

    I don't think Alex wrote the manifesto; I think he told the even more useless guy on the team (Sam?) and he wrote it.

    Raj doesn't bother me as much as most here but why the hell would he go to the birthday party when he was supposed to be at work. That whole bit was just some weird writing for five minutes where the show was being 'clever' by making it look as though Raj and Roommate (can't remember her name) were going to hook up. 

    Who even has a birthday party in the middle of a week day?

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  18. 53 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

    Me too.  I mean I love Callie's need to fight for the little guy and her liberal bent.  It is very admirable and frankly a lot more people could benefit from being that way in life.  But she is not new.  She is a lawyer and he is a lawyer.  More than anyone she should be very aware what that entails professionally.  If she can't put that aside or at least come to terms with the sort of baggage or compromises that can require, then she should not be dating another lawyer. 


    For me it's not even that.  She attacked him and was aggressive and outraged from the jump.  She didn't even take a second to listen to him and understand his perspective.  All she cared about were the conclusions she jumped to from 3rd hand information.  She stomped into the room self-righteous, upset, and spoiling for a fight.

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  19. 20 hours ago, scrb said:I don't know about 5-star hotels but most hotels don't even swap out the sheets every day any more.

    I’ve stayed in some pretty fancy places - like the other guests are sheiks, there’s 10 year olds covered in diamonds in the elevator, there’s a Bugatti in valet, and I’m wondering wtf I’m doing there.  I haven’t had sheets swapped out daily in recent memory and there’s usually a little note somewhere about how it isn’t good for the environment to do daily fresh linens, but they always still change out the towels.  

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  20. On 2/18/2020 at 6:07 PM, Vregan said:

     Nooone was on any danger with production and film crew always around.   I don't care if I watch the show again ever.  Pathetic


    Yeah, because no one has ever been raped, sexually assaulted, or physically assaulted while reality tv cameras were rolling.  Oh wait...

    On 2/18/2020 at 5:32 PM, Angg68 said:

    Wow I can’t believe no one took issue with Rhylee. She is very disrespectful, you have to walk on eggshells with everything you say (  not let us forget  she also treated Ross, nicest guy ever, horrible and disrespectful. I would have fired her then and not let her come back. She has no respect for authority and is overly sensitive about everything- toxic! In my opinion she was the worst one by far and caused most of the problems.  

    Rhylee is an asshole, but Ross certainly doesn’t look like the nicest guy ever in the video where he’s threatening a police officer (it’s in the media thread if you haven’t seen it).  I’m not saying that makes her justified in lipping off to him, just that he also sucks and shouldn’t be held up as some paragon of virtue.

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