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  1. Maybe that hospital deserves a lawsuit if its legal staff is telling doctors in trouble to lie, force the underlings to lie, and blame someone else for their mistakes. Richard talked to that lawyer at least twice on camera, and she gave him the same advice both times. I'm disappointed we didn't see any consequences for her!
  2. I'm looking forward to the "role playing" Walton Goggins mentioned might be coming. I like Belinda, but the freaking out at every animal she meets is getting ridiculous. There's wildlife in Hawaii, where she lives, does she act that way at home?
  3. Much respect for coming up with this term!
  4. I also vote for gaslighting, based on the hospital lawyer(or whoever she was) suggesting that there could be an "alternative" story and then Richard talking to the OR nurse. I wonder if Dr. Coleman's father is going to eventually have a good outcome from Amy's alternative treatment in the season finale. Even if he doesn't, it would have been wrong not to tell him about his options. I wouldn't have chosen that surgery either.
  5. I think most life insurance policies do not pay off on suicides.
  6. In the U.S. it could cost tens of thousands or even more unless you have an excellent insurance plan. Even with insurance you may easily have a deductible that's more than $1000.
  7. Or at least get her teeth fixed! I know it's shallow of me, but her buckteeth are just awful.
  8. That presupposes people in charge acting logically, and maybe with a little compassion towards their fellow humans. Personally, I wouldn't bet money on it. Cal has been shown as conflicted about the position his father pushed him into and the tough decisions he has to make; but even in a world-ending crisis he took time to reach out. On the plane, Sinatra showed the reaction most "people in charge" would have: she was horrified that Cal disabled the nukes.
  9. The first threat was the massive global tsunami caused by that Antarctic super-volcano, and its accompanying pressure shockwave. Then you have various governments going ape-shit and nuclear bombing willy-nilly. Insanity can be so contagious. Many countries have subs patrolling at any given time.
  10. Exactly. I wouldn't believe a word she said without 2 forms of actual proof. To quote Mary McCarthy re: Lillian Hellman: Every word she says is a lie, including "and" and "the".
  11. How about the good old Birds Are Government Drones theory? But seriously, I could believe that any surviving groups are spying on each other and not communicating. In other news, I really thought this episode would end by showing us that Cal was killed by his father.
  12. I haven't seen any evidence of the "US gov't" except a figurehead president clearly under the control of Sinatra. The coup happened before they even went underground. The billionaires club controls the information, the surveillance, the food and medical supplies; hell, they even control the weather. I wonder if there are similar facilities in other countries, like Russia.
  13. For me, it was Criminal Minds with less competent profilers. That whole visit to Dr. I Alone Can Fix It was amateur hour.
  14. Because Sinatra, the Chairman of the Board, is clearly insane and that's what she decided. Maybe those scientists had started suspecting something and were sacrificed to keep everyone terrified and in line. It didn't look to me like everything was dead from some "event", it just looked like normal winter; plus there were lights on in the distant buildings. Wouldn't someone as rich as Sinatra have tried to clone her son? Or put him in some kind of stasis until a cure could be found.
  15. I think that would be excruciating! I get enough chaos reality in real life; my mental and physical health can't take anymore!
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