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Nah. I haven’t. Just saw a few things on social media about people making it through to various rounds and came here to find out more about what it all meant ;). This board has always been my best resource in finding out what’s going on, but maybe I’ll check the podcasts out.
Wow. So they are going to bring girls into training camp who they have never actually seen in person. That’s daring. Plus all vets in TC. I assume there will be a few extra taken to TC as they will be less sure and need the ability to make more cuts. So in some ways “making it to TC” won’t mean as much as it has in the past - and at the same time making it to the final round as a new person means more (cause this time it’s TC and not just a finals where they cut a lot of people). It’s going to be really interesting to watch You also got to wonder if they switch to more of this type of model in the future since it expands the field of candidates who may not have tried out in the past cause you had to travel to Dallas for prelims. So tomorrow! Exciting!
So these 30 or so that make it through the interview will compete in Dallas against the vets in a traditional finals and then that group of remote girls (who made it past the 1. first cut of an initial video, 2. second cut where they had to submit a video of themselves doing DCC choreo and 3. remote interview) and returning vets will compete to get into training camp? Do I understand or correctly? So even the remote girls who actually come to Dallas can get cut once they get there and returning vets can get cut too? I assume somewhere before this finals the vets will have done their interviews either remote or in person Will they do solos at the in person meetup/finals?
Agreed. And even if some think the DCC’s standard of beauty is “white” I don’t think it’s fair to say that they aren’t inclusive towards WOC - even historically. The DCC squads have been racially diverse since almost the beginning - or at least since they became a national phenomenon. They’ve had many star WOC DCC’s throughout the years who were amazing dancers and didn’t just make the squad so they could meet a quota for PR/image purposes either. Saying they should start doing that now cause of rioting/protests 1. discredits how inclusive the organization has been for the past 40 years and 2. is an insult to the current WOC candidates as though they need extra help and societal pressure to make it.
So they are going to essentially invite people into TC that they’ve one seen remotely (w/ video submissions and online interviews), or will they see these third round finalists physically in Dallas before doing another round of cuts before the TC invites? How is it working w/ the vets?
She looks out of place and frumpy - like she rolled out of bed and went to he class. But I guess that’s not new.
I don’t see anything about trophy wife and never doing anything else. The “it was always my dream to be a DCC” is the storyline of 80% of the girls who tryout for DCC - people haven’t been watching the show for the past 13 seasons if they think VK was the first girl to say that. I mean Jinelle moved across the globe to follow that dream and was a professional cheerleader to the age of 30 - why is they not frowned up as something is wrong? Lacey went straight to DCC out of high school too? Maddie as well - no? And didn’t someone say VK goes to college on the side?
Maddie was really annoying in this. And what the heck was she wearing? Rest of the girls looked good.
I’m not sure it is - just an assumption people have made on here for some reason. Meanwhile when others like Lacey and Jinelle make careers out of DCC they are heros.
She actually looks like she lost weight - her face and arms are really skinny looking - almost too thin.
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My goodness. That dress of Brennan’s I’d ugly.
Tina looks pretty in that photo. So does VK. Kat looks gorgeous in that photo. Wow is she pretty. This rookie class has some really glamours girls.
That was so boring I stopped watching halfway and I usually don’t do that. Most of those girls are back row caliber dancers - not interesting to watch even though they may be technically fine.
The only thing clear in that meeting was that VK did not reply to texts Jinelle sent her regarding setting up or going to an apt w/ a nutritionist (assume worst case it was going). Kelli was upset that VK didn’t respond to her and take her help. Then VK said that stuff about her not wanting help from Jinelle cause she never had a weight issue. Jinelle said if you didn’t want you should have just said so and then VK apologized. If the thyroid stuff is all stemming from something on her instagram, what does that even have to do with DCC or Jinelle? And none of the stuff about tattling has ever even been close to being confirmed on the show.
At least one of those insiders said VK studio hopped and that the Kalinas were super wealthy. When both things have been proven false. So keep that in mind.