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  1. I cannot tolerate Fage, but there are many other great Greek yogurts on the market. If one doesn't appeal there are many others that are sweeter or more tart. Fage is way too dense for me.
  2. Good points to ponder. Just Viet Nam.
  3. The current teens and tweens in our area pronounce it WO-uh. They add an uh to the end of a lot of words. I think it's a progression of valley girl speak. It is more like a different word and I think that leads to spelling issues. One dictionary site says woah is an alternative spelling that is still non-standard. I won't be surprised if it becomes accepted as standard or a new word especially since it's being pronounced differently with two syllables and not used related to stopping horses at all. I removed a so when rereading the post. Now I'll be conscious of that for awhile.
  4. Excuses are just that. People sometimes use them to manipulate other people and attention seek. Frequently it's for a secondary gain. Having had abusive experiences in the past, doesn't entitle someone to be a jerk in the here and now. I'll quote Kenny Rogers from a bit different situation: "Know when to walk away and know when to run." Unless she's offering some major good to the relationship, it's time to run. When someone constantly harps on their disability, their family history, their past abuse, their cultural background, their bad relationships or situation for excuses as to why they need special treatment, can't change, can't be fully functioning, it's a manipulative ploy or attention seeking. We don't have to be enablers of maladaptive behavior. Reasonable adaptation should be made, but there are people who take it all too far. If we are enabling, we need to acknowledge it and make a conscious decision on if what we are getting out of the association is comparable to how much we're being asked to invest. To me she sounds like a basic jerk, but you know your tolerance level.
  5. Very interesting ingredients. Unfortunately, I'll never be able to try it.
  6. Another alternate choice that came up today is to try fasting from anger, impatience, or quarreling if you feel you must give something up. I think I'll try fasting from responding to trolls and as much as possible to fast from reading their posts. As in quit reading as soon as I see the name or recognize the dialog.
  7. I'm sure that goes for many of the people Jill grifts from. Also I think not all the people who have given to her in the past and currently fall into that camp. It's the ones who do care that Jill is grifting for herself and not feeding or treating her children well will stop contributing. That's one of the reasons people pass rather quickly through her life and they have to change churches frequently.
  8. I think more and more people are seeing the real Jill.
  9. I'm actually glad Jill can't stop herself from gloating and showing off. I hope it educates all her marks eventually and puts her out of the grifting business.
  10. I'm similar in that I only like one brand of cocktail sauce and prefer only one brand of sweet pickle relish. I've broadened my acceptance of mayonnaise which is good since none of my kids buy my preferred brand. I'm not a fan of vinegar so perhaps I've lucked out in not tasting Duke's. 😁 On the tartar house front, I'm your opposite. I prefer my homemade to store bought. I use it so little it's a waste to buy it and having most of it expire before getting used so I'm fortunate it works out this way for me.
  11. I think those of us who are older have seen several bad times. I know the Cuban Missile Crises was super scary, but it was over and done not lingering for four years. I've never seen such a totality of chaos in so many areas at once and not knowing how much worse it might get. I've never had such an absolute lack of trust in the country's leadership not even with Nixon or Reagan. I've never thought that they were being led by someone as off their rocker as Musk. While some suffered from some mental decline, I've never before felt the vindictiveness and maliciousness that pours from this administration.
  12. You could also consider what two of our priests always recommended. Don't give something up, add something that will improve your life or someone else's. Suggestions they made were to pray for 15 minutes a day, read a chapter in the Bible every day, volunteer even an hour a week, go to daily mass once a week, etc. If you have the money, give an extra $10 a week to a soup kitchen, the parish school, or a worthy cause of your choice. Or give up a coffee once a week and donate that money. If social media is your connection to quite a bit of life, giving it up sounds counterproductive to improving your life. Perhaps try a portion of social media that doesn't provide you with a social connection? I might suggest anything gossipy or that raises your blood pressure or makes you feel like arguing. I already have a couple of candidates in mind for myself.
  13. Two or three appropriate responses: Why would you ask that? It's not your business. She lives 15 miles away from me.
  14. Yes, but this was talking about existing law and programs.
  15. Mayonnaise wars are always entertaining. I don't think I've ever had Dukes even though I grew up in the south. Let us know what you think. The one hill I'll stand on is leave the Miracle Whip in the store.
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