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  1. I do that. I feel energetic and get quite a bit done, but it's really too much and then I feel tired and lethargic. It will go in one or two week swings. I'm trying to find a consistent happy medium.
  2. NIH has cancelled, too. As have most other agencies.
  3. Again, I didn't keep where she said it. I heard her and I can't remember exactly where it was. I didn't subscribe to her Patreon so it was somewhere else. I don't think she used the word cut off, but more like Kody quit talking to Leon. Anyway, I heard it and I'm not justifying it any more than that.
  4. It was Gwen IIRC. In one of her podcasts she went into it a tiny bit. Also one of the others like Maddie or Mykelti said something. I didn't make downloads.
  5. So true. As long as the network is making sufficient money from the show, they don't have a lot of reason to cancel it. That's especially true for networks like TLC. It takes a lot of risk out of the equation.
  6. Wow, three years expired sausage! I thought my mother was bad when her mind began going, but we never approached that. Mom had a habit of wanting to buy a jar of peanut butter every trip she made to the store with her caregiver. They did use the oldest one first so when cleaning out her house, the food pantry got half a shelf of peanut butter.
  7. The other adult children have reported that Kody was opposed to Leon's orientation and marriage. They have said that he does not accept Leon. I believe Leon's siblings in this one. Kody may have done some posturing for the show and been given a good edit by the prior producer.
  8. I'm out of town at a daughter's. This morning I went shopping for them and me after breakfast. They're excited about the treats I added to their short grocery list. Pistachio muffins seem a big hit. They only asked for some produce.
  9. We also can't forget Kody's attitude and breaking contact with Leon over their sexual orientation.
  10. Time release feeder with an ice pack? We used one of those for our diabetic cat who was to eat at timed intervals. (I now see the previous suggestion of a timed feeder. They're great.)
  11. We had to always close the piano after practice because one of our cats like to do his piano practice around 2 AM.
  12. Oh never mind the dementia then. My daughter's dog had doggie dementia and she would howl and whine in the middle of the night because she was scared and upset.
  13. If it's kitty dementia and she's sundowning, talk to the vet. There are meds to make kitty and you more comfortable.
  14. I don't have much trash so I use them as trash bags. Ours do, by law.
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