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Everything posted by cassaundroll

  1. Why "replace windows in the Craftsman" when you can just install storm windows for a lot less and retain the architectural and historic integrity of the building? You know: up for summer (screens) and down for winter (glass). See? This is why I'll never be a realtor; I would be making all kinds of crazy talk suggestions like this that would put the window replacement guys, etc., right out of business...
  2. I might just point out that "Little People, Big World" was also much loved in early days, as was "Jon and Kate Plus Eight." Both, however, obviously remain very much on the air (minus Jon)...
  3. May I ask the mods quite frankly... Is this now a fan site? Because it certainly seems that any criticism of the Arnold-Kleins -- however warranted -- will not be tolerated here. And, I might add, it's quite an obvious and contradictory contrast from threads about, for instance, "19 Kids and Counting" and even "Little People, Big World," in which the families are regularly insulted with no moderator interference. What accounts for this difference? Thank you for clarifying.
  4. Moving to Las Vegas to help form a church: He was hilarious! Reminded me of Richard Pryor. But "casita"; what? First recorded case of "Woman Cave." Who is supposed to watch the kids while she retreats to the separate house in the back yard to get away from "mom, mom, mom"? How about, you know, a ROOM? But they seemed to really like and enjoy each other, which is a rare treat on this show...
  5. "I thought Stephen Nield was back with Kate + 8." I haven't heard or seen anything to that effect, but even if he were assigned to the Gosselins for one of their infrequent specials (and I'm sure he would be Kate's first choice; heh!), that likely wouldn't interfere with his regular assignment to the Arnold-Kleins. But, like you, I don't spend an inordinate amount of time worrying about what ole' Steve-O is up to. I hope, for her sake, his wife doesn't, either! That surely looks like him, however, and it's simply fascinating how all TLC shows and families eventually seem to follow the same predictable progression.
  6. I hope we'll be allowed to express an opinion other than "her hair looks good" without being accused of creating contention, because I - for one - believe there are more important issues to discuss. For one thing, at what price are these children being paraded before cameras for our viewing pleasure, and is it healthy - for them OR us - to become so emotionally invested and "greedy to see" other people's children? As for Zoey "taking after" Jen, it's quite a leap from a toddler looking at a picture book to one following in her adoptive mother's footsteps, but I realize that this was the plot line they were pushing on us last season. As for the ice bucket challenge, I can just see Will taking his next glass of water and dumping it on Jen's designer fashions with that big, beautiful smile and laugh and what would ensue! The scripts they're forced to follow to produce these shows -- and to remain in the public eye between seasons with this and that publicity stunt for paps -- must surely confuse these small children at times! But anything for our "fun." I must confess, now that I've seen them, that I like Jen's blonde highlights, too! It looks a lot like Ellen D's hairdo, and I know from comments that she, herself, has made over the years that Jen would love to follow in HER footsteps with her own talk show. And who would be better qualified? I'd be all for that, as well. Maybe then the children could fade gracefully from public view and be able to enjoy more normal childhoods...
  7. Sometime I just have to rewind and watch Jinger's eyerolls in slow mo... But girl sure can't speak for herself? Maybe "Unwire Jinger's Jaw"?
  8. They NEVER mention a home inspection, and it seemed there was a time when they never went down to the basement, looked in the crawl space, or otherwise gave a care to the foundation (one of the costliest issues one can have with a house). But then, that would detract time and attention from the color of the wall... Yes, I do DVR reruns and take a while to get to them, too... Hence, my viewing and commenting are usually a little out-of-sync, but sometimes I've just got to get it off my chest anyway!
  9. The woman whose lifelong dream was to move to Paris and become "a true Parisian," yet didn't speak bother to learn to speak a word of French? SMH And I was wondering how Poppy (oh, wait; that was the Napa Valley couple; they all run together after a while), I mean, her elderly father was going to get to his room in some of those walk-ups with many narrow stairs... But she ended up with a truly magical home and made her dream come true, so I say, "You go, girl!"
  10. Asia melts down? You mean when she wanted a milkshake at the drive-thru and Kristie said no because of the "phlegm"? I'd swear these people are all just play-acting a bad plot, but dang! Billy seems genuinely upset. Is he that good an actor?
  11. "Fun" for whom? I would prefer to see them stay home for a change and concentrate on raising these two children they worked so hard to acquire in a private, peaceful environment. Or is being a celebrity followed by the press a new full-time career for both of them? Sure seems like!
  12. That's all fine and dandy, but it would be even better if they weren't doing it because some producer told them to do it, they weren't being paid to do it, and they weren't being filmed while doing it. You know; like non-TLC families do! It would be interesting to hear from some of the other tourists on the boat how much interference there was with "normal life" for the sake of getting just the right shot or comment. And, yes; that looks like Steve-O in the black shirt with his back to the camera (on the left-hand side of the boat).
  13. Man; that copywriter (Robyn) needs an editor BAD... I mean, badly... At first I thought the ring read one thing "as is" and then another thing when reflected in a mirror and got excited at the cleverness, but I should've known better. What is the point of photographing it on a reflective surface, then? Although it makes an interesting pic.
  14. Except that Robyn says "sisterwifes" instead of sisterwives (plural)... But then, Robyn says a lot of things!
  15. I base the memory retention comment on studies I have read; there are always individual differences from person to person, but the majority don't form until age five. Ergo, all of the "memory-making" trips the Gosselins took resulted mostly in ratings, alas. I, too, have a FEW isolated memories from when I was four and even three: my mother leaving and my being terrified that she wouldn't return; being traumatized by the loud foghorn on the coast; being nearly swept away by a rogue wave at the ocean. I hope these kids aren't making the kind of "memories" that are the result of something truly unforgettable -- and not in a good way -- happening to them. Of course I am not begrudging any cancer patient -- or non-cancer patient -- wearing a wig or not wearing a wig or a Carmen Miranda headful of fruit, if they like; that's everyone's personal choice. I was merely speaking to the comment that Jen was self-confident enough to venture outside without a wig (not until it grew out, as I recall) and also the interesting -- to me, anyway -- inconsistency I found in her donning head covering to ride in a car from one place to another and then removing it once she was inside, although ALL was being filmed for a national viewing audience ("the show must go on"). The gesture simply puzzled me. YMMV
  16. Did you mean "pro"? LOL, Freudian slip! Really; shut the pie hole, BFF... "I don't like this, I don't like that"; hello, IT'S NOT YOUR HOUSE. Realtors must take sedatives in order to keep their tongues. I was proud of him for getting what he wanted in spite of that onslaught of unsolicited advice. Shew! At least the chain-link-fencephobe's BF was actually invited to live there (and pay rent) and thus had a right to his opinion; he delivered it very quietly and nicely, too! She was annoying in her constant attempts to appear "cute" in a six-year-old way. I somehow got the impression that Daddy, when he "suggested" she invest in a house, also offered to kick in some money toward it? Maybe he figured cohabitation would prod the BF toward the altar.
  17. This whole "style" business is purely commercially driven; Americans are led around by nose -- or like sheep -- by Madison Avenue. Why do even skirt lengths and pant widths change from season to season? To sell more clothes, of course! Savvy shoppers simply buy one of each (preferably at Goodwill when they're currently out of style) and switch the items over every year! Impervious to fashion. The one reason I would hire a realtor rather than sell a house myself is so I wouldn't have to listen to this generation's ludicrous complaints!
  18. Perhaps, but it's Houston. As I recall, during the episode in which she got the wig, Bill remarked that wearing it enabled her to forget she was sick or feel well or something to that effect.
  19. I thought child labor was outlawed in this country? Wait; that would mean the end of reality TV...
  20. "Making memories!" Kate Gosselin's favorite rationalization... I mean, quote. Actually, again not to rain on the TLC parade, but children actually don't retain many memories "made" before the age of five. Of course, they'll have these episodes to look back on! Whether with delight or abject horror remains to be seen... Exactly. So why take such care to wear the turban or wig every time she left the house? I was SMH at that! But, of course, it's her head and her hair.
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