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Everything posted by robroy

  1. The only one of these women I could really see on SATC is Luann. Say what you will- she has game. And the switch from Lady to Pirate slayer would make for an awesome setup. Carole and Sonja could pop in as the occasional cautionary tale. Dorinda and Beth would be the typical NYC woman in background or singular interactions.And Ramona would make one hell of a guest appearance. But on the whole- no, just no. I think its odd that the ladies who claim to be the most real (Carole, Beth, Ro) are also wound the tightest & the most protective of their facades. I will however give Carole credit for a more urbane aesthetic and manner about her. Its nice that one of them appears a little more cultivated.
  2. I don't think LuAnn wound her up. And Jill is too daft to wind someone up effectively. I think Kelly really just went cuckoo like a clock. And to top it off I can look back and see some instances were Beth instigated but cleverly or humorously. Even when Kelly had a valid point to make she simply had no ability to convey it. Argueing with someone with Ramona or Bethenney's background is a tall order. To do so when you are a dolt is pretty much impossible... YMMV.
  3. I misspoke earlier. She had boar damage not sheep damage. But I swear another article made it sound like some damage was to the house & this says just the grounds.. http://www.realitytea.com/2014/06/17/sonja-morgan-loses-french-home-to-bankruptcy-plus-her-rhony-salary-revealed/ Scoobie- thanks for reminding me of the blogs. Almost better than the show. I wonder if the Sonja cray-cray or battle of the she-devils is part of a larger arc or simply a temporary scenario. I think Beth and Ramona are pretty much the only one either fear during filming at this point. Its like the two poster children for addicted & dysfunctional parents can both read that the other is out of fucks and out for blood.
  4. Oh- I forgot to correct something up thread. IIRC- Bethenney sent Luann a gift basket of Skinny Girl products when the divorce went down. I like Lu but it would have been an awesome dis had Bethenney not steadfastly thought it was an appropriate offering. She really should pen an advice directive on which Skinny Girl merchandise is most appropriate for the various milestones in life.
  5. Okay- so whoever said to go read their blogs for context gets the cookie for today. Mother of Mary is Sonja delusional. Her light snark on Luann's house explodes by 10X in the blog. She apparently thinks that Luann (who knows how to hold to a budget & whose ex made his $ by being a financial wiz) and Ramona (who could probably haggle with the devil himself) do not understand real estate at all. Per STM-real estate is investing- you make money buying not selling??? My mind is blown. This daffy broad really thinks spending money is the equivalent of making money? Dear Sexy J- you might gain wealth/equity by wisely purchasing real estate but to convert that into money you either need to sell it or you need it provide some type of rental income. Sonja does not have the income to purchase/hold appreciating properties at will. And your primary residence is not a source of income if you are living in 100% of the available space. At least Simon/Alex squeezed a couple of rental units from their digs and sold for multiple millions to actually realize a profit. And not to be pissy but Sonja didn't sell her property in France- the court listed/sold it for her. But not before significant sheep damage had occurred. Sheep damage- happens to the Rothschilds and Rockerfellers All.The.Time!
  6. I think the whole working from home, working from the car, etc. is nothing more than a big power trip. It keeps everyone under her thumb. The sleeper bed thing wreaks of one particularly nutso boss I had who insisted no one leave the office when we had to work late- she would order food in or something but had this weird psycho streak about people so much as getting fresh air for 10 minutes to recharge for a late work night. It was the third clue that she was truly not right in the head. I think Beth likes them working from her home or car because the person cannot claim any ownership of their general area, a personal office or even a cubicle. It also means no separation between work/home/quasi family relationships. I can only imagine the meltdowns should someone ever quit. She finally makes me truly understand the phrase 'money can't buy you happiness.' It should be 'money can't buy you happiness if you refuse to shop for happiness.' Because she could use 20% of her sizeable net worth to throw the stupid $2 million apartment at Jason and buy herself another $2million apartment. But she'll spend untold $ fighting him tooth & nail to probably end up at the same property distribution any moron could suggest from the start. And simply skip an interior designer and go for a brand/exhibit designer. They do nice work as well and that is all she actually wants.
  7. Exhausting is pretty spot on... Two things I think Beth has always done well is pick a good foil and play victim. Its interesting that she is returning as the wealthiest/most prominent cast member because she still seems to be itching to find herself slighted, mistreated, etc. Its a pretty crappy look on a 45 year old with somewhere around $20 million. From watching the last ep I think she is trying to pick of Sonja as her woe is me sounding board. And ole Sexy J is too daft to notice. I think the interaction between her and Ramona is insane. They are two children of alcoholics with major diet, $, control, image issues who know how to land a sucker punch. Watching Moaner shut down her seasonal 'I'm through with us... you are nothing to me.. just so you know..' routine was classic. And then when she bit**ed about it in the talking head... Puppies and rainbows for me! I think at this point anyone can see why the woman made it 45 without a single long lasting relationship.
  8. I'm doubting Ramona is all that desirable to the type of man you are describing. And Sonja sure as heck isn't going to hook the wallet 2.0. If you'll notice Sonja isn't really that desirable to younger men either. She simply seems to attract gigolos and hangers on. I am starting to wonder if the condo was originally in Mario's mother's name- because that is the only excuse for her mentioning they lived with her MIL for something like the first 15 years of her marriage. The business was definitely inherited. So at that point the only big ticket item to haggle over is the house in the Hamptons that Ramona claims to have bought on her own. If they do argue over that we'll know that was a lie. If we don't get to see this divorce played out I will feel thoroughly gipped. Camille/Nene/Luann/Sheree all shared some part of their divorce so the Moaner should as well.
  9. I would bet on Ramona being the instigator- which is pretty humorous because supposedly Ramona had tried to exclude Silex the previous seasons. And strangely Jill was actually the nicest to Alex/Simon. Lu avoided them; Beth mocked them openly; Ramona pretty much had a high/night tone & only had a use for them to drive Jill over the edge. Sonja was an utter bitch to them - but in such an over the top way it was rather awesome- 'what's your husbands name' & 'out of my house' are all-time bitch moves that almost demand respect. I actually think they should have removed Beth and done a quicker spinoff. It always kills these shows when you have a castmate with one foot out the door. Everyone spent all season assessing who was on the ins/outs with Beth then boom- a follow up season of alliances without the centerpiece. But credit where credit is due- at least people care enough to talk about Beth one way or the other. I think the ultimate betrayal for Beth would be if she returned and the remaining women let out a collective yawn.
  10. I think her older sons should be pretty grown. If the interweb is correct they are 16 and 19. What kind of custody do you have over a 19 year old. My favorite was when Ed listed fraud as one of the reasons for divorce an listed about 4 different names she used at various times. Would love to see a follow up with Deshawn and that shyster pastor of hers.
  11. Actually didn't the trip to Scary Island happen pretty soon after the infamous walk across the Brooklyn Bridge when Ramona read Beth like no other. If I were already under high stress I would definitely not Jones for round to with the Ramonacoaster. FWIW- I don't think Kelly was being rude or instigating so much as she honestly & truly went off the deep end in a major way. She had either gone onto or off of meds and it was not a pleasant sight. To date my third favorite scene ever was when Lu went to some happening at Sonja's and all the girls party to scary Island ended up in the formal dining room with Lu as inquisitor. Even Beth said that she trusted Luanne understood that they were being honest about the crazy. Both Alex and Beth have said it was much worse than shown on TV. Give me Luann effing a pirate or Alex in Herman Munster shoes any day over that.
  12. <best Sarah Palin voive> Ya knowww... its funny howse everytime something involves Beth it makes the gossip sites at the speed of light. And rarely paints her in a bad light. Hmmm...<end of Sarah Palin voice> I think the big difference between Beth and Heather is that Heather has actual friends as well as former co-workers/bosses/mentors she is still on good terms with. To my knowledge Beth has whatever remains of Julie's carcass and an aging dog. And 'old eggs' girl. Beth reminds me of an addict I know and a couple of children of addicts- the image becomes more important than the reality. On the surface Beth is a raging success but when you peer behind the curtain there is not one functional relationship. Heather might be bossy but she does have family, friends and former business associates with whom she is still close. Also- going back a page and a half- I think calling Luanne's circus an estate sale is a fair assessment. She is literally selling off any and everything people want to buy, She actually has the kitchen cabinetry, appliances, a claw foot tub and the frickin windows listed. I would think selling off the furniture and dishes would be enough to move it past yard sale but when you sell off items that are physically attached to the home you get the right to name it whatever you want in my book. And I have to say this is why I love Lu- the other broads can boast about independence or go bankrupt to their hearts content. But our Lu is gonna strip the house down to the studs, make an extra five bucks and carry on as if it is a Junior League meeting. I have to respect that. Well that and the fact that she faced the financial reality the minute she and the Count were dunzo. No long term delusions a la Sonja or need for the ex to keep propping her up a la Kelly. I think it will be interesting to see how things really go down in terms of Ramona's property split. For all her boasting I have a strong feeling the NYC condo might have been in Mario's mom's name- why else would they have lived with the woman 15 years? And the house in the Hamptons is probably community property. Should prove fun!
  13. Is it possible Jonathon deleted his social media accounts and most of her pics were links instead of posted to her own account. I do not think they could keep a full scale separation out of the news with the start of filming.
  14. Carol Burnett sued the Enquirer for printing a story that she was falling down drunk at a Washington dinner. Not sure if it was a restaurant, White House function or something along the lines of the Kennedy Center. But the implication was that she was toasted and sloshing through an otherwise reputable venue. I think its funny that for all Veev's high end education, wealthy upbringing and delusions of societal importance her behavior most closely resembles Tamra Barney and Brandi Glanville. With a side of Nene leaks at her worst. I think those broads have about $5, 2 years of community college and 3 ounces of moral compass between them. Its also ironic because good Ole George basically robbed Mary Lou Retton of much of her post Olympic earnings and the Veevs and her hubby have kids from three different relationships that they insist on passing off exclusively as their joint children. I actually think Ramona, Aviva and Sonja should be forced on a road trip together. The three of them are the most pathetic mix of addict and child of addict tendencies I have ever witnessed. Something about the way Aviva has her 'white trash' and 'makes ou feel a little sober' comments already holstered makes me think she has been to this rodeo a time or 300. And if I ever see Aviva I will spit on her for repeating that discredited accusation about To Kill a Mocking Bird.
  15. One thing that I always thought was rather pathetic about Alex was that she was so desperate for attention that she would align herself with people who gave two flying figs about her. In season 3 it at least seemed a valid way to stay on the show but by the wrap of season 4 it was just pathetic. Say what you will about Jill but she actually was the nicest to Alex/Simon. Bethenney had basically run out of sympathetic ears and used her for her sounding board for the last bit of her run then dropped her like a hot potato. And the degree to which Ramona/Sonja had her as a side prop was just rather pathetic. I am very pleasantly surprised by Alex's vlogging over the past year. She finally seems comfortable in front of the camera and makes points coherently. This iteration of Alex I actually see myself liking- as long as the drunk ginger keeps his distance. Kelly on the other hand is just challenged on so many fronts. She is actually still very attractive at certain angles & it is clear that she could have been a successful model. Shockingly she seems to not know a darned thing about only giving her better angles. or dressing for her body. Skipping unlined dresses, ditching the tight tops and wearing a little sunscreen would really do wonders... To be honest she should probably just put Luann in charge of her aesthetic decisions.
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