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  1. You must have missed it. He was in the midst of all of the other BNA nominees. He sounded great - all of the BNA nominees sounded wonderful…it was a tough category. I saw him perform last year after a Washington nationals game. He sounded exactly like he does on the radio… Very strong voice.
  2. I don't have the energy to type out all of my thoughts, and nothing is that different than what most you you typed...I'll just say that Andy really dropped the ball on many occasions during that reunion - especially with Kyle.
  3. I think Annemarie is the one who backtracked. She introduced herself to Crystal as an anesthesiologist, but as soon as she realized that Crystal had a sister with the same job had to immediately correct herself to identify her true job as a CRNA so she wouldn't get "caught in the lie." She absolutely misrepresented herself and does it in the name of "people don't know the difference." Well, since she's so proud of her job and claims to want to bring awareness to her profession so it doesn't get minimized then why not introduce yourself as a CRNA and then if people don't know what that is you can explain it? Though then when she explains it in the after show she says that they're basically the same thing. Ummm....no. Of course they do many of the same things, but as per the post from the Association of Anesthesiologists there are vast differences in the training required and duties and responsibilities - hence the difference in pay. >>And AM DEFINITELY strongly implied that Sutton's esophagus issue was >>from an eating disorder (not being small). I agree with this point 100%.
  4. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-features/where-is-wendy-williams-documentary-dementia-diagnosis-producers-interview-1235836418/
  5. >>If Wendy’s son, nephew and >>brother were so concerned about >>her health, you would think they >>could have made it a dry dinner. >>But no they ordered wine and >>drinks. It seemed to me that the nephew and son saw that someone ordered them and tried to grab them away from the waiter before he delivered them to Wendy at the other end of the table. You can hear them quietly say, “woah woah woah who’s that for? I’ll take take it.” Then when Wendy said that she wanted one the nephew asked the waiter to bring her coca-cola. I didn’t notice if her brother had wine or how he reacted so I can’t comment on him.
  6. She’s like a weird combination of pretentious diva/nervous and wants to sound sophisticated/snob/arrested development/verbal diarrhea. I love her singing, and she was my number one artist who I LOVED in the 90’s, but she’s always been a turnoff when I hear/see her interviews.
  7. I'm going to miss this show! I just re-watched the first 2 seasons before starting the final one since it had been so long. I was their age during that time and loved the music, fashion, friendships, family interactions, crushes, embarrassments, and strength in numbers that this show portrayed. I could relate so much. Also loved Orla's crazy faces/antics in the background of so many scenes. Yes, the Chelsea Clinton bit seemed tacked on. The vote would have been a perfect ending. Yes, they are all a bit dim, but it just seemed "campy" to me. I do believe that Sister Michael got to stay. I think her saying that "he didn't say much" meant that he didn't say much by way of objecting to her pleas to stay. Plus, she had a sly look on her face when telling Fr. that. I wish there were just one more kind word from Joe towards Jerry when he wasn't high on edibles. Jerry was such a good guy. (same with anyone towards James...throw him a bone!) I think a scene between him and Sister Michael would have been fun. Why for a brief moment did I think that Michelle and Dennis were going to have a fling? lol Goodbye, Derry Girls. I really enjoyed this series. I'll miss you.
  8. Not sure about the night before, but on the plane home he said he had gone skiing that morning.
  9. You misunderstood Dorit. She said she wanted to have a gala, but then covid happened. Then, when she was going to plan something else on the larger side covid numbers were spiking again so she decided that at the very least she could throw the small event shown to at least bring some attention to the charity.
  10. I haven't gotten a chance to watch today's episode yet, but it's sad if they only spent 5 minutes on her. The entire episode should have been devoted to her history and best-of moments, and really I don't understand why Wendy couldn't have Zoomed in to say one last "how you doin'" or taped a goodbye if that didn't happen. It is all very sad. I know a lot of people on this site like to hate on her, but I feel bad. I think she was probably doing what she thought would keep Big Kevin around and/or keeping it together while Little Kev was still a minor. Plus whatever addiction issues she may have had not to mention being depressed about her situation. Kev sounds like he really isolated her from friends and family too. Wendy wasn't perfect, but she was funny and carried on a show by herself very well. I loved when she would just look at the camera and wink and give her cute, dimpled smile while she had a twinkle in her eye, or when she would blink madly to convey "what the heck is this person saying....they're full of it." She wasn't too loud (Sherri). She told a variety of stories and a mix between personal and gossip. There was one moment in her last episodes where she did something about lifting up her breast to take out a pencil she was hiding or something and it was hilarious. That was a flash of the old Wendy. I learned about her when Joel McHale used to mock her lighting up a Slim Jim, but watched her when home on maternity leave and DVR'd her ever since. It's been sad to see her decline, but I think from what I've read today that she deserved a better farewell. It will be interesting to see how many of the staff will go to Sherri's new show.
  11. Sherri is not funny whatsoever. Her jokes are so stale and predictable and she’s too loud. Kym seems to have the same jokes and mannerisms. Michael Rappaport has been the best. He has the most knowledge of hot topics, he speaks with a normal volume and isn’t an attention hog, and he is great with the guests. I do really enjoy Leah Remini as well, but I can see that she is an acquired taste. And she really doesn’t want to “go there“ with certain hot topics. But I love hearing about her life and she has a very funny personality and funny stories. So tired of Suzanne too. Her “what? what?!” and “uh huh!” is soooo annoying. I wonder if/when the staff will start looking for new jobs. No way is this show coming back.
  12. I guess my point is that if you go to surrogacy route you’re still planning on being the child’s mother. So why is it OK for her to abandon her rights to this child because she does not have genetic connection just because they divorced before the child was born? I mean yeah… I guess it’s good that if she wasn’t going to be interested then she is not involved, but it’s just gross. And I’m pretty sure she had to be forced to pay that child support so my guess is she really just wanted to wash her hands of it all.
  13. 100% AMEN!!! I cannot look at her without thinking about that. I can’t believe “Hollywood” hasn’t made more of an issue over this. It’s disgusting. She acted like Sal “duped” her or something. Meanwhile if you watched The View during that time you know she was just as man hungry and excited to get remarried etc. They got very far thru the surrogacy process before she filed for divorce. If she was carrying the child she would be “stuck” with it half the time so the fact that it was a surrogate and she just washed her hands of the situation absolutely disgusts me.
  14. It was boring. Lunelle is not a “season premiere” type guest. All 4 guests split Trendy at Wendy and they also did a game for a fan to win a prize. They didn’t show Suzanne, Norman, or the DJ, but I heard Suzanne laughing and saw her name in the credits. I can’t remember if Norman is usually in the credits, but I didn’t notice his name. I did appreciate that Devyn took a stance on Lizzo that wasn’t just the normal “safe” answer. Not because it was about Lizzo, but any topic too often the hosts of any show tow the safe line…nice to hear an actual _opinion_!
  15. Then 5 minutes later proceeded to name someone on camera who supposedly forgot to pack her pajamas. Then later said the name of her “boss”/event planner who is planning Paris’ wedding (not as bad since that was mentioned in a positive light and not because they forgot to do something - but still - if that was her reason…). So, I don’t buy her excuse for one second. 🤔
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