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Everything posted by SunFun

  1. Yep. JHud, is a mad talented singer, but for the screaming. I'm more of a nuance-lover, but no one can say the girl can't SANG. That Jason Castro is a cutie, and thought that vid was enjoyable. -Clay Aiken will be on The View tomorrow, talking about the stupid N.C. bathroom law. He's basically out of the entertainment biz at this point. More of a gay activist, and political commentator. -Kat McPhee was on Lip Sync Battle, gorgeous and sexy. -Justin Guarini will be Mama Mia in the Pierce Brosan role (from the movie). http://www.broadwayworld.com/article/Justin-Guarini-Joins-MAMMA-MIA-at-The-Muny-Full-Cast-Announced-20160531 Also, currently in Sweden working on an album. New headshots.
  2. Fixed it, Ohwell! Here's one of the pre-announcement videos she made on Facebook. The guy in the background holds up announcements NOT going to be made. Funny. I didn't realize she gets so nervous talking.
  3. Kelly Clarkson has left RCA Records for Atlantic Records. Announced this morning on Facebook. Kelly in the middle, husband next to her. Edited for Ohwell! ;)
  4. She was on Fallon last night, and was a different person. Likeable. Her View demeanor confounds me. I'm w/ others here who said they like the current panel. Although I wouldn't be upset if Prissy Paula left.
  5. Yes she does. I'm always eager to she how she looks coming onto stage. Unfortunately, she's followed by some homeless bag lady w/ braids.
  6. About pot-loving Whoopi. Wondering if being high on pot makes her shout and rant. I thought it mellowed the average toker. If she needs pot to chill the hell down, I say load her up before air time.
  7. No Whoopi, so I didn't shout at the TV once. Relaxed viewing, what a concept. It was annoying how Oprah's statement was misrepresented. Not an Oprah fan, but even I know she wouldn't be that obtuse. Wonder if Paula is as upset with GOP who support Trump only because he's Republican, or when any white male always votes for a white male. Joy should have straightened everyone out. But, I forgive her because of the wonderful interview with the impressive Senator Chris Murphy. Keeping an eye on this fellow for potential future Prez material. I like Sara just fine, too, btw. So far, so good.
  8. Loved it! Looking sexy, too. Also looking good, Justin Guarini at last weekend's Tony Awards. For backstage coverage for Tony's with him and other hosts: https://www.broadwayhd.com/index.php/special/tony_awards
  9. Carrie's looking GOOD on the cover of US. Scroll down to see, I couldn't copy it here. http://radiotvtalk.blog.ajc.com/2016/06/01/life-after-american-idol-simon-cowells-debut-on-agt-carrie-underwood-justin-guarini/
  10. Guarini certainly has paid his dues. For any of you who have not heard all of 'Paint Your Wagon' songs, each song on the album is on YouTube. Sometime old music is great music. Start with this lesser known song: (Wonderful, and make sure to stay until after the musical interlude, he kills it)
  11. All 3 final dancers were good. Paige, w/ all her dance background, was superb. Loved to watch her. But, it was Nyle, w/ no dance or performing experience and deaf, who had me totally captivated. I thought what he accomplished was remarkable. Fun to watch, but often beautiful and touching, too. No * for me. Instead, one of my favorite winners.
  12. One comment about today's show. I dig Boy George. Not entirely sure why, but I perk up whenever he shows up. Otherwise, this show was a snooze-fest.
  13. I bought the "Paint Your Wagon" cast album! I love Guarini's voice. That song excerpt really appealed to me. Getting his new album of originals, too. Off to go watch Hailey's interview. It's nice to see truly talented people getting to do what they love.
  14. His kid is funny in that video! Rick Kitchen, Looked up info for "Paint Your Wagon". Played last year, co-starring Keith Carradine. Venue was the NY Center City. Great venue off-Broadway. Cast album coming out this month. NYTimes review. Praised the musical and "Mr. Guarini". Video of Guarini mid-page. Beautiful, almost operatic voice. http://nyti.ms/197iQO3
  15. Concisely correct. Also, anyone who pays $35,000 for a handbag should have "Shallow Sucker" stamped on their forehead.
  16. So sad, and so infuriating that a good guy was senselessly lost because of a drunk driver... who unfairly survived.
  17. Debbie and Space, Thanks for the reply on SJP. She does seem nice, and she can't help it if other people overpraise her sense of style. Guess it actually them that puzzles me more than she does. Btw. My prediction: Hillary is going to clean Drumpf's clock.
  18. Loved hearing Rob Reiner's straight talk about Trump. The KFamily comparison was perfect. These people are seriously shallow, and shouldn't be talked about as if they offer substance. America... get out of the shallow end! Paula's unearned smugness annoys me the most. She takes herself so very seriously. Raven, not so much. SJP. One day someone can explain to me why she's considered stylish, or attractive. Don't see it.
  19. AIers popping up everywhere. I don't see that w/ The Voice. Granted, I don't pay much attention.
  20. Lil' Sweet (aka Justin Guarini) has an album for "sale". Darn funny, and Lil' Sweet can SANG. Promotional page with video/audio clips/commercials and pictures: http://www.dietdrpepper.com/ Dr. Pepper also has a Lil' Sweet Twitter account.
  21. X1000 to the poster who basically said... let Joy handle the serious topics.
  22. Looking at the guest list: -Love Nathan Lane, good guest. He's also too good to be in that awful OJ Simpson made-for-television movie. -Bonnie Raitt, another talented guest. -Interesting... Marla Maples on Friday. She better say something noteworthy about her unbalanced ex, Trump. That's the only reason for her to be there. The guest host today was a totally unacceptable motor-mouth. Otherwise, decent show w/ Joy at the helm. I've actually grown to enjoy the show as it seems to have settled into a groove, rather than the early part of the season reboots... ah, those bat-shit crazy days. Trump is dangerous and has no business being in the White House... and neither does Ted Cruz who I think is equally scary.
  23. Didn't watch closely, but something about having duets with prior contestants at any stage of the judging process makes me uncomfortable. Mainly that the now pros are "judged" by the judges afterwards, and then by viewers. It's like when competing. It diminishes them. They're pros now, save duets for the finale show, and give the new ones a chance to make moments of their own at this early stage.
  24. Looked it up on Wiki, and Guarini's Broadway debut was in 2010 in an original musical production of a movie. However, he had earlier Broadway offers he declined. One of them "Lion King". Long list of theatre roles on his page, starting in 2004. Some pictures.
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