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April Bloodgate

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Everything posted by April Bloodgate

  1. I love him on this. I really hope he isn't last episode, but I don't want . I'm so torn.
  2. Ugh... So not into Ross or Murphy. But I also don't really like Alex or Jo that much either. Actually, I kind of hate-watch this show. Oops.
  3. I really enjoyed this episode. I loved seeing some depth in Rosa.
  4. Yeah, I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for misdirection too. (Maybe the Mother's mom wasn't at their wedding.) If they were going to have the Mother die at the end, I don't know why they would give it away now. Also, I agree with both of the following comments I've seen other people make. 1) If she were dead all along, why would Ted spend so much time telling the kids stories from before he met her instead of about her/their time together? 2) The kids wouldn't be so irritated by his stories, long though they may be, if he were telling them about his romance with their dead mother.
  5. Fans of that mini will probably enjoy this: http://www.buzzfeed.com/lyapalater/if-john-travolta-had-to-pronounce-everyones-name-at-the-osca
  6. I cannot wait to see her interact with Capaldi's Doctor. (Rumor has it she will show up in season 8.) Also, I really wish Moffat hadn't written it so their timelines are all screwy. I would love to have River and the Doctor together for a significant period of time.
  7. Agreed. I like Amy and Rory together as companions for the Doctor much more than just Amy.
  8. Am I the only one who doesn't like her? Easily my least favorite companion from the reboot.
  9. I know this will be controversial because everyone worships Leslie, but Ben is my favorite character. He's the perfect combination of super nerdy and awkward but still socially functioning. He's Leslie's perfect match, and he's adorable. And as Tara notes in the post linked below, his awkwardness in acting inconspicuous is fantastically funny. http://previously.tv/parks-and-recreation/ben-good-pranks-live-broadcasting/
  10. I'm a little bothered by the fact that April is now Donna's boss. Also, have they shown Donna to be lazy/irresponsible/not caring about her job before? Because it kind of threw me off in this episode.
  11. More than 48 hours with no guesses. Maybe we need another clue.
  12. Danny was so great! Funny and adorable.
  13. My initial thought was @adam807's first answer too.
  14. Oooohhh! I'm so excited to watch this one now. :)
  15. I feel like Sheena's answer makes way more sense and this only fits with Homeland, but I'll guess .
  16. I did enjoy Jason Sudeikis too. And Amy Poehler, but she's fantastic at everything. There's someone who was a really great clue-giver in the bonus round, but I can't think of who it is.
  17. Retta and Tom Lennon were both really fun on their episode.
  18. If you liked Parks and Recreation, The Office, and Community, you'll love ___________.
  19. @EricJ, "Mark Wahlberg" was really funny, which I didn't expect. Also, very good points re: Doug on the two shows.
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