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Everything posted by Ferniesfreckles

  1. Well, I teared up at the announcement again. That was a great moment! Lacey is beautiful! Love her! I'm still a Miranda fan as well. That first performance was the game against the Giants? Or was it a pre-season game? Overall I did enjoy this season. I liked all the extra dancing stuff they showed this year. Is there some reason they can't show the entire routine upon entering the field? Is it copyrighted? Even though I have been fortunate enough to go to a game and have seen the entire performance, there are many, many people that haven't been lucky enough to do so. Forgot to add, I do like Anthony Ramos being there. He is us, he genuinely (at least he seems genuine) is interested in all those details that most of us don't get access to. The whole setting up for the group picture, getting all gussied up for it, that's behind-the-scenes stuff that we wish we were privy to. Yes, we do see bits and pieces but we don't get to feel the excitement and electricity of those moments in person. Does he show any of this stuff during Access Hollywood? I don't watch that show.
  2. Some of the squad is at the Formula 1 race!! There's maybe 8 girls? They did like a red-carpet thing to introduce the drivers. They seemed kind kind of low-energy though ? Maybe it's the heat or they told them to be low-energy ?? They didn't seem peppy or had big smiles.
  3. So I'm sort of confused about the timeline. Did Judy say the performance at The Star was to open training camp? That's in July, isn't it? Then HOF game happens sometime in August. Yet they showed the HOF stuff first! Eh, after all that's been happening in the league, I can say JJ can go straight to hell.
  4. Yeah, no. You cannot compare those clams from Scientology to the Cowboy Organization, honey, please. ?? They are proud of the organization and they have every reason to be. As I've mentioned before I've been a fan since forever and love him or hate him (and believe me, plenty of people loathed Jerry Jones at the begining of his ownership) he has made the team the most valuable sport franchise in the ENTIRE world for 4 or 5 years running. Yes, some players have had issues over the years, nobody is perfect. But they have a fandom like no other. Scientology is a dangerous organization that separates families and blackmails people. The Cowboys (and their cheerleaders) are ultimately just an entertainment organization.
  5. I loved the tour. Beautiful facilities. But then, as a fan of the 'Boys since the late seventies, I'd gladly drink the blue Kool Aid. (I guess you could say I already have ?) We need to add another few trophies to that case. Loved Charlotte's shoes, stunning. Loved Judy and Kelli's shoes when they were on the field as well. So both Jenna and Holly were at a club where some of the players were? And yet they managed to skip that part regarding Jenna and only focused on the fact she didn't tell Holly not to do it anymore and also because she didn't tell Kelli that they were both at that club? Color me confused. I don't follow country music at all so I lose interest when they bring all these singers to the show. Okay so that part about touching the Star was cheesy as hell. Still liked the facilities, though.
  6. Loved the dance party. That looked fun. I wanted more cameo moments! That lunch looked delicous. Who doesn't like shrimp? ? That's awesome that Nick started with Kitty! Robin is so adorable. Miranda is still a hottie.
  7. I got emotional when they went to the VA as well. It's nice that they do that. Loved what Kelli said about how wins and SB are important but this is also what the organization is about. We have a bowl here in my city and they always show the college players visiting the sick kids at the children's hospital. So pretty much if you make show group then you know you're gonna stick around for the season? Que lastima, Brianna is gone. ?? Damn, even Kelli and Judy were verklempt. I do hope she tries again in a few years. I've said it before that Kitty is harsh but I liked her as well today for saying that they're all a team and they want every girl to succeed.
  8. Well Brianna gets another week. But, please, stop crying. ?? Miranda continues to look very nice. There's another brunette I saw for a split second who looked beautiful as well, during that last dance rehearsal, I wonder who she is. Holly had some sort of tape on her leg that made it look all messed up. That news lady was sort of mean. I love Mickey and his football commentary.
  9. Yeah, some of those make-overs were no make-overs at all. Why not some burgundy highlights on the girls with dark brown hair? Believe me, it looks so, so good. No drastic changes at all. I still have a girl-crush on Miranda. Sadly she might not make it. I'm losing hope that Brianna makes it as well. Kitty was not a bitch. Maybe that comes later during training camp. ? That conference room seems too big and impersonal for the talks that go on. I guess Kelli doesn't want cameras in her office anymore. Or maybe her office is too far away from the dance room. ?
  10. Good Jesus, Jerry Jones looks and sounds like shit death warmed over! I didn't realize he had aged that much! ? Miranda is very pretty and Brianna is stunning! She has almost no make-up on (or it seems like she isn't wearing the entire MAC counter) and she looks flawless, hopefully they can make it. Those facilities are amazing. Love that the alumni are giving feedback. Kelli has lost weight.
  11. The producers might get whiplash reading the comments tonight! "Not enough time is shown at prelims, semi-finals and finals, I want to see more solo performances" "Too much time was spent, the episodes have dragged" Make up your mind people. ? I personally liked the more detailed looks at the solos and interviews and getting to see more of the girls who are trying out, from the very first day.
  12. Well THAT happened!! Did the professor not want to be kissed or did he not want it where they were at? Danger, and all that. I hope they unleash the monster-within, now. It took long enough. Plus, is Jamal really dead now??
  13. Maybe everyone does know. Pope was looking at Adrian funny the other day. Moms know everything, too. I didnt know Deran had it in him to cry. I felt bad for him, but only a little bit. I completely understand Adrians hesitance to get further involved with that batshit family. I'm still not completely understanding Smurfs storyline with that dude. Was she molested by that guy?
  14. Supernatural was a Jeopardy! clue!!!! woohoo. The current champ knew it, too.
  15. Hey everybody!! I thought for sure something bad was gonna happen to Sammy. Kind of glad nothing did. I can't believe they killed off the hottie soldier. I guess Delilah got some sort of stipend for clothes. That first time she spoke in front of everyone though she had on beautiful jewelry. I can believe most women would have fancy clothes and jewelry to wear on special occasions. Sammys new friend looks Hispanic to me, cheesy mustache and all. ? Glad this show is back. Forgot to add: Barry should have killed that asshole ages ago.
  16. And I thought there was one special key. Maybe every MoL lair uses the same one? I thought I saw the same key box in Lady Toni's bag that Henry gave to the boys.
  17. Rowena fancies herself a Grand Lady. Why wouldn't she wear fancy clothes and full make-up? I like it. I liked the actual "Lady" as well. At least it's something different. All jeans and flannel shirts and scruffy looks and muscle cars and cheap hotels and roadside diners is dreary. Especially after 11 years. So if the Brit Men Of Letters will be the new foe next year, great. I've also always thought that the human adversaries were way more dangerous than all the supernatural stuff. Henrickson? Bella Talbot? the Steins and especially that nut, Gordon Walker.
  18. Wow!! They haven't ghost-busted in ages!! I loved it! it didn't really feel like a season ending episode. There was no sense of urgency or impending doom. I mean, we knew Dean was going off to his death, but like so, so many times before, we knew , ultimately, that he would be fine somehow. Is Mary going to be around next year? I gues this was the proverbial straw that broke the camels back in regard to the Brit MoL. Also, fuck you, Dabb. That useless angel is their bestest friend ever?? What about Bobby, you ass-wipe??
  19. Didnt realize Lucifer was such a petulant brat, sheesh. Well, THAT happened. Chuck and Lucifer should not have hesitated. I did like how everybody came together in the end and did their part. Poor coven. I always knew Dean was 'da bomb but this is taking it to ridiculous extremes!!
  20. Yes. Jensen was amazing! He was angry yet trying to control his temper and be reverential at the same time. Sort of like when he was taking to Death that first time.
  21. Aww, Sam is such a fanboy. Poor Dean, really felt bad for all of humanity. Well, Metaton took one for the team. I still like him. What was the point of that new prophet? Kevin!! Wow! So Lucifer is out of the body or did Chuck just fix his injuries?
  22. You mean I'm supposed to remember what characters did 2 or 3 seasons ago?? Eh, I see your point about Metatron, catrox14, but I choose to see it as him telling God to get his shit together and clean up his mess. Which saved Sam and the entire town.
  23. Ha! Making fun of Kripke's show titles. "Time" isn't any better! The Samulet!!!!!!!! OMG! It's back! so Dean is immune to the fog much like Sam was immune to the Croatoan virus. Wow, I can see why Jared loved this episode. Fantastic. Loved the conversation between Chuck and Metatron. I think Metatron has redeemed himself quite nicely. Calling out God on his bullshit.
  24. Glad to see Rowena and her flawless eye make-up again. Ugh, somebody please kill me: I actually enjoyed the scenes of Casifer up in heaven. Everybody was scared shitless of him. Hehehe. I liked the episode overall. It was fraught with tension. I also liked the beginning of the episode very much. I wish lots of episodes would open in these far-flung, mysterious places with interesting people from other countries. It would give the show an air or mystery and provide some global perspective. (I might be reaching with that last one
  25. Add me as a fan of that actress, as well. This was a meh, sort of episode. Besides the torture porn or wounded porn or whatever you want to call it, there wasn't much there. Except to see that, once again, Dean is willing to die for his brother. And once again show writers demonstrate not a single original, new thought. I figured Dean couldn't die anyway because Amara wouldn't let it happen. Also need to add that I wish they would stop "killing" or almost "killing" the boys. Everybody and their mothers know it won't last and it won't stick. But again, tired tropes and plot points are all these people know.
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