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Everything posted by tanita

  1. I would assume longer as well. I actually thought that he repeated the 1 month anniversary every month - thous creating a pattern she would instantly recognize. Or, it was a thing he only did with Jessica, so to clue her in that he is alive and well and in possession of Hope, he repeated the pattern.
  2. I do think deep down Jessica wants to be heroic. It's just that in her first attempt at it she didn't just get burned, she got 3rd degree burns via Kilgrave. In episode 5 when he asked her why did beating up the guys who attacked Malcolm feel good, she said because she was making a difference, doing something good. She may have been sarcastic with Trish about being a superhero but underneath all of that is someone who truly wants to help. And it wasn't just what she said but the way she said it - it was gentle and full of hope. And then Kilgrave promptly crushed it.
  3. This TV show and this episode in particular reminds me of my all time favorite tv show - Profiler. An FBI profiler being stalked by a viscous serial killer called Jack of all Trades (who kills her husband and a lot of other people she knows) and their cat and mouse game ends with them finally coming face to face and him trying to convince her they are made for one another and trying to make her like himself. It doesn't end well for Jack, just like Kilgrave.
  4. Yeah, but how would one utilize Kilgrave. The only way one can stop him is when he is knocked out by anesthesia, at which point he is unusable and has no value. When he is awake, no one save Jessica can resist his control, not even someone like Fisk. At this point in the canon (maybe latter, if Kilgrave ever appears again we will meet more people who can resist him and the reasons why) it's not about strength of will, but of developing immunity or being forced so far against who you are that his hold breaks (like forcing Jessica to kill an innocent woman). And honestly, the fact he is so childish and petulant is what makes him so dangerous. He is very unpredictable, unless when it comes to Jessica. He doesn't want notoriety but anonymity, he doesn't need possessions, power, money, because he has the only real power there is - to enforce his will on others. His downfall was a personal one, it came down to one person. She was the only one to defeat him because against all reason he did a very human thing, he hoped that he had control over her again - the one thing he wanted more then anything. And while he wasted his potential, he is also the type who would one day have tried to take over the world just to see if he can. He would probably succeed and then what. While I agree that villains that have a goal are fantastic, this one is just horrifying and very effective because what he wants can change on a whim. That unpredictability is more frightening then anything to me. Anyway, this kind of thing is subjective in the end.
  5. Yeah, he was Zebediah Killgrave in the comics with Purpul Man being his alias/super villain name. Here, Kilgrave is his alias and Kevin Thompson is his given name.
  6. I don't know what you mean by younger. In the comics, she tried to intervene in a restaurant where Kilgrave was using his powers. She was in her Jewel persona and the moment he saw her he took control and compelled her to come with him. She was under his power for 8 months of grueling psychological torture (but if I remember correctly no actual physical rape, he would have sex with other women in front of her and compel her to desperately want to be in their place. kinky and creepy as hell). In show, I would guess that it's been maybe a year or two so since she escaped from Kilgrave. She was already damaged from the loss of her family in the accident that gave her powers and grew up in a home with a woman who abused her own child aka. Trish and her mom. she was cynical but a good person non the less. And it made her feel good to do something with her life because she seamed aimless before crime-fighting.
  7. On one side I love the fact that Kilgrave was finally killed - he was positively out of control in his obsession with her, but on the other, I'm sad because he was such an effective and devious villain. I almost want them to somehow resurrect him if this gets season 2 or maybe as a shock surprise in the Defenders. And I felt that the feeling after his death was appropriate. You would expect a great ease, but remember, Jessica thought he was dead before and still she was haunted by their time together. Just because she killed him, won't erase the past. The taint he left with his abuse of her and all the people who were hurt or died as collateral damage in his demented courtship will never disappear. So his death to her can never be fully satisfying. I agree with all the Malcolm love. In the premier I was very unimpressed, but by the end of the show he became sort of the heart of the group. He recovered. He is what Jessica should be. Only two characters that I could go on without in the future - the creepy twin sister and Simpson aka. Nuke. He was all over the place and kind of shoehorned IMO. But given that he and Jessica are made by the same guys, we haven't seen the last of him.
  8. Can I just say that that running commentary that Kilgrave did during the Jessica/Luck fight was both hysterical funny and disturbing as hell. The guy just doesn't know when to quit. "Every move he made was mine. Those tender moments, those sweet things he shared was all me. Our sexual tension" Dude, just stop. She is just not that into you. IDK about the rest of you guys, but for me Kilgrave might have push Loki out as Marvel's No.1 villain or is neck and neck with him.
  9. What i like about it, is that they aren't asking us to feel sympathy, but just to understand. This is how he was created and this creation had no limits, no one to control him, so his childlike petulant behavior translated into adulthood because who is going to say no to him, and those who do, end up doing what he wants and/or die. I found it fascinating and I want to believe it was genuine when he said that he never knows if anything people do is because he asks them or because they want to. (frankly I think it's part truth and part his manipulation to lessen the perception that he, you know, rapes his victims, literary and figuratively). He can't turn off the compulsion, which is why Jessica is so important to him.His first chance at an honest and truthful reaction from someone. The only problem is that he has been so warped by his power and his actions that he can't take her rejection and he just keeps pushing and because he has no scruples we get murder and mayhem left and right.
  10. At this point, I think Kilgrave always has the advantage because he knows Jessica will not let someone get seriously hurt just to get him. She cares, it's her weakness. It's why he isn't dead yet and he is pushing her to the max. She didn't anticipate that the parents would try to kill him but when it happened she let it play out because she thought she was in control - just push the red button, all is good. Unfortunately, someone cut it and she had to intervene at which point everyone tried to do something and they just got in each others way. Frankly, they are all lucky they weren't all compelled to kill themselves/to stop breathing or something to that effect, and Trish was SUPER lucky that that gun has like 5/6 bullets. Given that in the comics X-Men's Jean Grey is the reason Jessica resist Kilgrave, I'm glad they chose to have her ether build up tolerance or the fact that she killed an innocent person snap her out of his control for good.
  11. "Oh, I'm new to love, but I do know what it looks like. I do watch television." Our villain ladies and gents. Tennant really is KILLING IT in this role.
  12. Actually, it makes sense. When you can literary make anyone do anything you want, why make grand schemes or plan to take over the world. There is no need to amass a fortune or power, you just use other peoples. He wants to be under the radar, just an urban myth. It probably makes life interesting as he is living it one day at a time. It was when Jessica entered the picture that view somewhat changed and only when she left him. He experienced for the first time in his life the mantra "you don't know what you have until you lose it".
  13. that ending scene on the phone was amazing. you can see the struggle right there - when he says "tell me, let me hear you voice". the dynamic they chose for the two of them works wonders so far.
  14. I'm gonna stand behind Lizzy on this one - she had no clue if those guys knew about her and Red. So she had one guy, may he is important to the gang, someones brother or something. When she saw that wouldn't work, she called back again and offered the 2 million plus the guy. And Red is vital to her exoneration and freedom in her view - she would do or trade anything or anyone for him at this point. As for the guy who was shot - yeah, no logic there. He was shot in the gut, probably hit a kidney if he was bleeding a lot. NO way in hell would he have walked away after that - medical assistance or not. Especially as he isn't a trained killer or an operate like Tom who can take a punch or a bullet. After being hit by a car a few months ago, after one nasty fall I fractured an arm and a foot on the same side. You ain't walking away from that. Hell, I could barely hoop on one foot the next 10 days.
  15. Ressler can suck it. Aram can suck it. Asshole the both of them. As for Ressler, his greatest flaw is that he thinks that just because he is following the law to the letter he will be proven right. He is an absolute fool if he thinks that he can keep Lizzy from anyone that wants her dead. His arrogance is staggering. My dislike for his character keeps growing with every episode. I literary wish I could punch him out every time he is on my screen. Last time I felt such disdane for a character was with Blaine from Glee. And I like Tom only marginally better. I find the character interesting and the actor decent, but he lack sufficient charisma to me. Of course that is purely subjective, but it's just that little extra that would make him a breakout star.
  16. Glad I wasn't the only one who had serious problems with the direction/camera work for those fight scenes. They looked like they were filmed with a mobile phone or that they belonged in a B or more likely C quality movie. The episode in general was quite boring. Ramsey is great, but I find most Diggle-centric episodes weak, and this one is no exception. There were a few bright spots : Felicity bondage joke, Thea and Malcom, Thea and Darkh - Thea has really improved from season 1 and Willa has IMO returned the writers trust in her with some great work - nothing award worthy but has been standardly good and dependable. The flash-backs have officially overstated their welcome. I think this batch is the weakest in all 4 seasons so far. And the actress who is playing that Russian chick is TERRIBLE.
  17. man, is there a product that isn't jumping on the star wars hype train ???? at this point,i feel like the night of the premier, all tv stations will only show star wars themed commercials.
  18. Honestly, calling Rey "a scavenger looking for answers" and Finn a "rouge storm-trooper who is looking for something to fight for or nothing to fight for" isn't revealing anything new. You get all that from the official trailer where Rey is clearly scavenging that old star-destroyer and Finn is in a storm-trooper outfit saying he was raised to do one thing and .... As for the potential love triangle, who knows. Until we know all the familial bonds among the new cast anything is possible. After all, the original trilogy did flirt with incest for a bit. So ANYTHING is possible.
  19. STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS TV Spot #6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1QK_usL0Rs&feature=iv&annotation_id=56409e66-0000-2d97-a0bc-94eb2c08b5b2&src_vid=Sw2EAyjkNqo sounds like this spot has the updated star wars theme - lot more persuasions and kind of more upbeat. but maybe it's just for this spot and not in the movie.
  20. tanita

    Spectre (2015)

    Not a bad movie, but IMO not even close to Skyfall. The action was fantastic except the last action sequence and the end of the movie in general. It was very anticlimactic. Also, I expect more from Waltz's character. He was supost to be the man behind every villain Bond met in the Craig era and he ended up rather underdeveloped and unimpressive. While there was a lot of mystery surrounding him in the first half of the film, his "daddy didn't love we as much as you" complex really ruined the mystic and strength of the character for me. I kept expecting some double crossing action from Lea, but she was far more straight forward then I anticipated. To little Monica Belucci. They really reduced both of them to "Bond girls" trope. Was expecting much much more. All in all, this was a very formulaic Bond and while not played out, it was missing the clear depth and flavor of the previous movie. I consider Skyfall to still be the best Bond movie ever made.
  21. Similar, but that had a serial killer that killed the victim based on the number of hits his website got - the more people watched the faster he killed his victim.
  22. It's not her money. But other people who are on the site contribute to the money pot - sort of like donating for sites or forums. Only here you donated for someone to get killed. Was that guy even with Red totally. He always seamed super shifty and untrustworthy to me.
  23. IDK, I think that "Liz, I am your father" ship has sailed a long time ago. He either thinks he ruined her life somehow and feels duty bound, or was in love with her mother, or something like that. If he was her dad, we would have gotten the answer by now. And he was supper pissed at Tom for weaseling his way into her life and marrying her. I think he still resents him for it - big time. What that means in the long run, a "May-September" thing or not, is anyone guess. Strathairn is a great actor, but I'm getting nothing from his performance here. It could have been anyone else and I wouldn't have noticed. He is coming of rather one-note to me. I hope we get more quality from him.
  24. IDK, I feel that the Director would have worked better as a character if we didn't know from the get go that he is the head of Cabal. He could have worked a bit more with some ambiguity.
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