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Everything posted by Ouisch

  1. Ouisch

    S08.E04: Some Guy

    This to the umpteenth power! My husband has been watching this show since Day One, and he got me into it during Season Two (having DVR'd all the eps so I could watch them and he could "coach" me through them....as in "hold on, he might get out of that tank" and "don't look, something bad is going to happen to the horse"). And even he was rolling his eyes and complaining throughout this episode. Jerry's axe can slice a living human in half but can't break the chain around the fence? Daryl presumably skidded many feet away from his motorcycle after falling at high speed, yet he's right back on the road behind Rick just minutes later. All of those bullets fired, both by Carol, the Saviors and Rick, and not one tire was punctured. And when Rick jumped out of his Jeep (a vehicle which decelerate one iota once he took his foot off the gas pedal) to climb into the Savior's vehicle...well, let's just say the last time I heard such a stream of curse words from Hubby was when I used up the last of the memory on our DVR for a Lifetime Movie and some sports game or other of his didn't get recorded.... I miss the old "formula" that used to make me anxious for Sunday nights and new Walking Dead episodes - when it was about a group of people whom we knew well, including some of their back stories. We cared about Hershel. Dale, Glenn, Beth, et al. Heck, even though I hated Lori, at least her misbehavior made for some great tension from week to week. Even when Abraham, Rosita, Eugene joined the group and they found Father Gabriel, the cast had expanded but we could still keep track of the characters and more or less recognized them and "knew" them. These days you'd need numbered jerseys to figure out who's who and who belongs to the Hilltop or the Kingdom or that Oceanside group or is a Savior.... I know the TV show has to follow the comics somewhat, but the cast has become too large and the plot lines too meandering IMHO.
  2. Father Gabriel should've worn his poopie suit. According to Greg Nicotero, that was his personal tribute to the movie Goodfellas, specifically the scene in the nightclub where the camera pans along a zillion characters (Johnny Roastbeef, Petey No-Nose, etc) and we hear snippets of their conversations. I think that to really hit this reference home he should've had one of the Hilltop characters say "I'm gonna go get the bullets, get the bullets."
  3. I really, really dislike Negan, if not for anything else but that annoying habit he has of leaning backward every other word when he speaks. (As parodied here in "The Negan Dip".)
  4. At one point during the Oceanside walker fight, the camera focused twice on one particular walker with dreadlocks, lumbering in the trees. I thought for sure that that would turn out to be Heath, but no dice.
  5. Maybe she's having one of those Sarah Palin/Katie Holmes pregnancies, where the belly remains flat until about she's 8 1/2 months along.
  6. I said the same thing aloud to Mr. Ouisch when Bernadette was chopping up a red bell pepper. "For lasagna?!" Mr. Ouisch likewise replied "Maybe it's vegetable lasagne." (I've only ever had traditional lasagne....oh, and eggplant lasagne - just once!, so I don't know what vegetables are included in a traditional recipe. It seems to me, though, that bell pepper is sort of an overwhelming flavor, which is why I prefer to use it sparingly.... That is, I can eat bell peppers raw all day and enjoy them, but put them on a pizza and all I taste is pepper....it's stronger than even the pepperoni or anchovies. And I'm not too fond of the new "message" that adults should wean themselves away from so-called childish pursuits. Truth is, when I was young I could never afford to buy trendy clothes, cool collectables, tacky neon lights and lava lamps, etc. It was only once I was much older and had enough disposable income after paying all my bills that I started to actually indulge in buying neato stuff like that.
  7. I think the writers felt obligated to give Glenn his character's comic book death because fans were sooo outraged over that dumpster fake-out bit they pulled in Season 6. Me, I was happy to find out that Glenn was still alive but there was apparently a huge fan backlash when the producers went so far as to remove Steven Yeun's name from the opening credits for a few episodes in an attempt to fool us. The Carol adoration by the Kingdom men doesn't make a lot of sense to me, either. She shows up injured with Morgan, so she needs medical care (which uses up precious resources) and eats their food without helping in the kitchen or the garden. As soon as she's ambulatory, she hightails it out of there, but not before King Zeke has a moonlit late night chat with her where he bares his soul, telling her things that probably most of the longtime residents of the Kingdom don't know. Does Carol remind him of his mother, or of some woman who once pulled a thorn from his paw? I mean, she wasn't even particularly cordial to him and he's letting her in on his deep, dark secrets and later bringing her food and gifts. *sigh* Wish I had some of whatever Carol's got; it's been a long time since even a construction worker gave me a second look as I passed by.
  8. Didn't Aaron tell Rick & Co. when he first found them that he and the other Alexandrians had scoped the entire area around the ASZ within a 50-mile radius? And that's how he happened to stumble upon this ragtag starving group (at the time) that we know and love as CDB? So why hadn't he (or Aiden or Nicholas or Heath, etc) ever found the Hilltop or the Garbage Pail Kids or the Kingdom or any of the other settlements that seem to be within easy walking (or roller-skating) distance of ASZ? Please, would sometime encourage the writers to re-watch past episodes in order to keep some continuity??
  9. I thought it was a bird, and I commented to Mr. Ouisch at that moment that usually a garbage dump has about one million seagulls flying overhead. Also, where were all the rats? I've always read that they (like cockroaches) could survive anything - fire, flood, famine, (presumably) Zombie Apocalypse. Mr. Ouisch suggested that perhaps the Garbage Pail Kids ate all the birds and rats, but they "take", they don't "bother". Actually killing and plucking/skinning an animal seems like a bit of "bother", no?
  10. Jadis and those Garbage Pail Kids and their annoying speech patterns reminded me of this scene from Murder by Death:
  11. I guess I am unclear on how they couldn't. They all seem to hang out in the woods among the Walkers whistling. That's what I wonder. Aaron told CDB when he first found them that he and his compatriots had scoped the area around Alexandria 50 miles in every direction. That's why they needed additional personnel, supposedly - to help them search further and find more people. (Which would ultimately stretch their limited food resources that much quicker, but why split hairs.) During all those sojourns, he never found Hilltop nor the Kingdom. Then, when Rick and Company executed that complicated plan to lead the quarry walkers away some 20 miles, none of them encountered Saviors or Hilltop or.... etc. Now suddenly they're making the commute from ASZ to Hilltop in seemingly record time on a regular basis. On foot. (How difficult would it have been, given the time lapse between the lemonade request and actual serving of same, for Olivia-in-charge-of-the-apothecary to, say, slip some Visine into the pitcher and quietly signal Carl not to drink the stuff? Negan would develop breathing difficulty and severely low blood pressure some time after lunch and once he collapsed no one would suspect he'd been poisoned.)
  12. Sad thing is, Ms. Throw-Her-Baby-Into-a-Brick-Wall was pregnant again. Dunno how many other children she has, but the previous dog bite victim looked to be around 15 or so, and she currently has a one-year-old and now one on the way. Hopefully she has some other means of support other than lawsuits. (I'm on the fence - no pun intended - about whether or not the defendant's dog actually hopped or scaled the fence. I recall some 20 years ago I was walking my dog....a retired racing greyhound...in our Detroit neighborhood and I heard barking and scratching noises from the other side of a very tall privacy fence. Next thing I knew this Chow Chow [those furry dogs with the purple tongues] jumped over that tall fence and barked and growled at me. I let my dog's leash go and told him to "Run!" [not that he understood me]. I yelled at the Chow and picked a rock up off the ground and threw it at him. He scrambled back over the fence into his yard.)
  13. Ouisch

    S07.E06: Swear

    .....not to mention how both T-Dog and Father Gabriel both maintained their shiny chrome domes even while on the road for weeks/months at a time....not a hint of head stubble anywhere. I could live a long happy life replete with spiritual fulfillment if I never have to hear the "we've all changed, we have to in order to survive...." dialogue that Heath and Tara had at the beginning of this ep. Instead of having their characters spout philosophical observances every time there's a moment of one-on-one dialogue, how about some real-life conversation? At this point in the ZA when you've been on the road for two weeks and all you've found is two rusty cans of okra, wouldn't a more natural conversational topic be something like, "Boy, I used to hate okra when I was a kid, can't believe I'd eat this whole can in one fistful right now." "Yeah, wish we could find some house where the soccer mom had stocked up on Twinkies and Pop Tarts....supposedly Twinkies have an unlimited shelf life...." Anything besides the "we have to do things differently now, things we wouldn't do before" discussions.
  14. I'm just catching up on eps (again), and watched the father/son contractors case last night. I was surprised that JJ let dad get away with that one remark (although he wouldn't shut up so maybe she missed it) - at one point she asked something like "Am I crazy?" and he replied, "I dunno, maybe." Also it was obvious that Junior has inherited dad's temper - at one point while JJ was obviously leaning in the plaintiff's favor, Dutch Boy slammed his papers down and said to dad sotto voce "I've had enough, I'm gonna leave" and dad told him to stay put.
  15. Ouisch

    S07.E04: Service

    Yes, it was up there back when Jessie and her family were still alive. I'm thinking that Rick and Daryl might have memorized the chart during their spare time (they had more down time at ASZ than at previous hideouts). Here's a POW blinking Morse code, it looks a little like Daryl might've been sending a message....but I could be reading too much into some random blinking.
  16. Has Kaley's hair actually grown out that much, or is she still wearing extensions? Also, I get distracted by her constant lip-pursing/trout pout thing....like in this episode right after she pronounced that "I hate all of you!" she immediately returned her lips to that pouting posture.
  17. Ouisch

    S07.E04: Service

    It appeared that Negan is actively attempting to father his own child (remember in The Cell Sherri was looking at a negative pregnancy test and Dwight told her "better luck next time", or something like that). So I wonder if he would be nice to all small children, like Judith, or just his own spawn?
  18. Ouisch

    S07.E04: Service

    Of course, in the same vein, we might well ask has Michonne told Rick about her son, Andre?
  19. Ouisch

    S07.E04: Service

    Amen! I can't even pay attention to what he's saying because I'm too busy counting the number of times he does his backwards lean/knee bends posture.
  20. Dunno if y'all have seen this before or not, but Denise Huth posted this photo a while ago. During a break in filming during Season 6 Norman took a nap on her office sofa. He got it so filthy that the production company bought her a new one. http://insharee.com/m/1365342456376706571_506256154
  21. My husband was born and raised in Georgia, and he commented during the King Ezekiel episode that the houses shown in many scenes were very typical of the architecture near where he grew up and made it obvious that the actors and the set were not in D.C. I vaguely recall some rumors floating around after Daryl, Abraham and Sasha blasted Negan's gang on the road - something about "if you DVR'd it, go back and freeze frame it....looks like someone running/driving away in the background...." Has it ever been confirmed (via TTD or elsewhere) that someone actually witnessed that rocket launcher bit and lived to report back about it? Carol mentioned it to Paula (Alicia Witt) when she and Maggie were being held hostage, but all of their captors were killed by the end of that ep. I'm solidly in the school of thought that someone in the Savior community should just off Negan and the let the chips fall where they may. With 100+ soldiers and most of them hating the guy, I don't think there are enough loyal henchmen to stop a rebellion. Heck, even the winged monkeys were grateful to Dorothy once she soaked the Wicked Witch of the West.
  22. Just catching up on episodes....finally saw the Jaeger-drinking car-kicking defendant. I was admiring her earrings, which appeared to be sapphires and diamonds. Was wondering if they were real ('cause they were pretty huge), but when she mentioned her $300,000 worth of dog bite settlements, I realized they probably were genuine! I'm surprised that the plaintiff can get insured anymore, what with two huge homeowner claims (and now his car). I laughed out loud at the woman earnestly describing acting "politically correct" around a dog....! (Or should I say "canine American"?)
  23. I'm surprised that Sheldon keeps his toothbrush out in the open. I've seen several "look at all the germs in your house" type news reports that recommend keeping toothbrushes in the medicine cabinet (or at least encased somehow) because of the invisible germy water spray that coats the room every time you flush the toilet.
  24. I can ***so*** now sympathize with the many Judge Judy plaintiffs who said their on-leash dog was attacked by some other dog allowed to roam off-leash.... Luckily, Zelda (my 13-year-old Australian shepherd whom I adopted as a senior rescue two years ago....her owners had to go to an assisted living facility that did not allow pets) was not attacked, and also luckily her previous owner trained her to "heel" perfectly. I was walking her this afternoon and saw a woman walking along the walkway with a small pom-pon of a dog that seemed to belong to her, but who was not leashed. As the tiny dog approached us, she called out "Is your dog OK? Is he friendly?" I replied (truthfully) "I don't know." [As a rule Zelda is benevolent to all humans, dogs, cats, squirrels, etc, but since this tiny dog might have been mistaken for a squeaky toy I didn't want to take any chances.] Her tiny dog came up and sniffed both Zelda and me and I remarked, "There is a leash law, you know, in this city. As well as one in the homeowners's association..." She immediately scooped up her dog and started screaming at me, "My dog was on the leash until you came around the corner! Then she broke free!!" [Completely untrue - as I said, I stood still with Zelda when I saw a loose dog in the distance. Plus, we hadn't approached via any "corner" - it was on a long straight sidewalk.] I decided to pull an imaginary trump card and pointed into the distance. "I'm sure the surveillance cameras would prove otherwise!" She responded with a stream of curse words, which were bolstered by some apparent friends of her who suddenly appeared and also yelled at me.
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