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Everything posted by Ouisch

  1. Mr. Ouisch said "He's gotta be doing that on purpose!" after the 20th 'basically' out of that guy's mouth. I wonder if he really talks like that all the time - much like the folks who like can't get through like two words without saying "like".
  2. Giblets for Murray and Purseona (as described above) are two of my favorites as well. Also Disorientation, where Paul forgets to mail in Jamie's college registration and he, Ira, Lisa and Fran have to run around the campus and get Jamie's class cards signed. And Neighbors from Hell, where we're introduced to the Brits across the hall and Jamie is determined to get them to like her and Paul.
  3. I noticed that in the final episode Jim Reed's hair is longer and he's wearing tinted aviator-framed glasses. Tres hip and cool. Suddenly Malloy was the one who looked like an old married man instead of a swingin' bachelor.
  4. I'm old enough to have watched Adam-12 as a kid during its original run. To this day I can still her my Mom groan "Oh, geez, he only got on this show 'cause he's Bing Crosby's kid!" every time Ed Wells was popped up onscreen. (Dad would likewise always gripe "That [bad word] George Hamilton....he dodged the Draft by dating LBJ's daughter!" whenever George Hamilton was on TV.) Mr. Ouisch and I are currently watching Adam-12 every day on MeTV and I've noticed that recently (I think they're in Season Five or so at the moment) Ed Wells is less of a thorn in everyone's side and more of a competent policeman. I wondered if Crosby complained to the writers about always making his character an egotistic buffoon or something.
  5. Since I'd just read on TWoP about the fakeness of the cat-smashed-via-TV case, I immediately thought fakers!! when "Mateo" Kates, Louise Chen and Imogen Eddington presented their very convoluted case. Same hippy-dippy fashions/hair styles, semi-stoned demeanor, etc. As for that "commune", it appears that the group might live in the same art gallery/studio/performance in LA called The Hive where they show their work. (Somehow you just *knew* they were all artists, right?)
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