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Everything posted by Ouisch

  1. When the 50-something defendant first gestured toward her boyfriend and mentioned his name (Jorji or some sort of Russian/Slavic name) and the camera panned to this 20-something tanned, golden-haired muscular hunk, I immediately thought of a defecting Soviet ballet star looking for a green card. When boyfriend stood up and spoke his halting English, I was convinced. Defendant's proclamations that "I'm old-fashioned, I don't live with someone I'm not married to" made me laugh out loud. I'm still trying to figure out how she benefits from the relationship - is he strictly handsome arm candy when she needs an escort? Does he give her money from his various day labor jobs, or is the occasional tumble enough for her to continue to be his "girlfriend"?
  2. I'd never seen this ep before - you're right, it was a good'un!! I got so confused by Terminal Cancer removing her wig for the hallterview I had to rewind and look again (unlike many folks on JJ, her wig was a good one and looked like her natural hair. To me, anyway.) to note that the Scarf Lady was wearing the same shirt as the defendant and had, for some reason, doffed her wig for the exit interview. To generate audience sympathy perhaps? Since she didn't exactly emerge smelling like a rose after JJ's smackdown....
  3. My local station hasn't shown the drum majorette rerun (which I haven't yet seen, even when it originally aired), but two nights ago had the rerun of Extreme Plastic Surgery Patient Ticia Tinder versus bony-faced evil Cynthia Hill for poisoning her cats and pouring water on her unattended computer and vandalizing her car with a hammer. I must say that I couldn't decide who was the lying whack-job in this case while watching it, but post-episode research reveals that Plastic Surgery Plaintiff Ticia was, in 2008, stripped of her Registered Dental Assistant License for practicing dentistry (and posing as a dentist) without the proper credentials. In summary, I'll admit that I sorta felt for the custard-bearing Ticia who was chastised by Cynthia for interrupting her shower, but in retrospect I wonder if Ms. Hill wasn't off target when she implied that Ms. Tinder was nutso. I mean, who among us would attempt a root canal without the proper training?
  4. Today's was a rerun here, with plaintiff Chiranan Pounds suing Bobby Sensitive from Arkansas who actually stretched his eyes mockingly when JJ asked if he was Thai. She met him via Bangkok Craigslist, spoke to him on the telephone twice, and then moved from Milwaukee to Arkansas to get an apartment with him. And she was shocked when he took money from her and dumped. her. What I don't understand is what the heck was she thinking?! She didn't seem that naive, and she's intelligent enough to have co-authored a paper on remaining pinch grip sensation in stroke survivors. Was she looking for money or a green card or what?
  5. Kokka Coleman was arrested two years ago for "aggravated menacing.". I am shocked - SHOCKED, I tell you!
  6. I don't know about the early-1970s version of the Matador used on the show, but my very first car was a 1976 AMC Matador Brougham (purchased used in 1980). It had power steering, air conditioning, and velour seats, I was stylin'. Mr. Ouisch started it months ago, but now it's become automatic that he and I play "Slugbug" (or "Punchbuggy", depening on where you live) while watching Adam-12. There are a TON of VW Beetles to be seen in every episode!
  7. The plaintiff who was suing her cousin for parking her car on the street and allowing a tree to fall on it was driving me batty!! How many times did JJ need to tell her "I don't want to hear about your family history, her parole, your beauty salon...!" Plaintiff would acknowledge that she understood, then proceeded to start all over again with her long life story. She was bound and determined to let the world know that she owned a hair salon and that her cousin was a no-good parolee who was responsible for everything from the Lindbergh kidnapping to parking her car on the street.
  8. I do remember a few instances where JJ told the defendant something along the lines of "if you spent less money on eye liner" and "if you took time out from styling your hair". And also there was one case where I JJ spoke what I'd been thinking since the defendant first hit her podium - "Get that hair out of your eyes!" (I'd been blowing upward to get imaginary bangs out of my eyes the entire time.)
  9. The Rabbi-cum-Attorney-at-Large has a weird and somewhat scary criminal history, including convictions for "sexual battery involving a restrained person." How in the world he happened to stumble upon Prospector Pete who was pimping his Amish friend's abandoned truck would probably make for a good screenplay.
  10. I wonder about that too! It made me think that maybe the designer mentioned something about "the elephant in the room" or some such metaphor. Plaintiff perhaps took it too literally...?
  11. I always freeze-frame the screen whenever the camera shows Judge Judy reading a text message or police report or whatever. Today (I think it was the dog head through the fence case) I noticed that the cop who'd filled out the report wrote down "PR said she putted". As in the past tense of "put", not like she was playing golf.
  12. I always thought she was referring to "Who shot J.R.?" (as in the big Dallas cliffhanger of the 1980s) and just constantly misspoke the name when she said "Who shot John?".
  13. LOL - I immediately thought the same thing!! Speaking of this case, defendant Saffia Elhuraibi, who was ever so indignant that JJ didn't realize she was innocent, I tell you - innocent!, of those strong-arm robbery charges. She's a nice girl, just a victim of circumstance. Who has been arrested at least twice since this episode aired: once for violating a restraining order, and once for domestic violence.
  14. Major frustration! For some reason my DVR didn't tape the second episodes of JJ a few days last week, including the Grindr one (which I'd been anticipating after seeing the older plaintiff and the younger squirmy "He wanted more than friendship, but I didn't" stud in the preview). But my machine does record the excruciatingly boring saga of the six-or-seven puppy litter from the backyard breeding of a Jack Russell and a mutt. The fidgety defendant was sooo annoying, and then when he mentioned purposely mating the two dogs because he thought the resulting pups would be "interesting"...what with all the unwanted puppies in shelters and pounds at any given moment....ugh! He just ground my gears in the worst way.
  15. Had I been Foster Daughter, I would've insisted on preparing all of my own meals once Foster Mama purchased that life insurance policy. I can just hear Mama the next time she's in court: "Honest, Your Honor, I have no idea how that ground glass got into her salad dressing...."
  16. One of my favorites: JJ: "You don't HAVE to be here, Mr. Miller! I can dismiss your case without prejudice and the plaintiff can take it to a Superior Court where they can attach your wages! Or we can continue here and you can behave in a civilized manner. What's your pleasure?" Defendant: "My pleasure? Um, anything extreme: boating, snowboarding, motorcycle - -"
  17. Saturday's reruns for us included one I'd never seen before - Creepy Car Dealer with the Heart of Gold who was only trying to help the poor young woman re-purchase her impounded car at auction, but she turned out to be "rotten inside." Nader Amirvand tried to come off as the innocent stooge, but turns out he has a criminal history. And Alexsondra's mother, who was sooo outraged at this dirty old man and his romantic text messages to her naive young daughter, apparently never spoke out until the free car deal went awry. What a crew.
  18. I'm an awful person....when he mentioned that he'd owned an Aztec, I commented that he must've been born and grown up in the back seat and taken on the shape of that car. (I've always found Aztecs to be ugly, and I live in Metro Detroit - the Motor City - where we had tons of 'em at one time.) At least JJ awarded him the cost of his vehicle. I believe it was a rerun, but I couldn't help but laugh at the defendant who refused to repay her cousin (who'd been like a sister to her) for bailing out her husband who had "I dunno...two or three..." outstanding child support warrants, or for the car she'd helped her buy. Why not sell their existing car? Why, it has sentimental value! Was her child born in the back seat when she got stuck in traffic en route to the hospital? Did she use it to drive to the White House to pick up her Congressional Medal of Honor? No, her father and brother are now serving prison sentences for a murder that somehow involved that vehicle.
  19. I don't know episode titles, but it was the one where poor hapless Chet had the wrong address and the homeowner reported him as a prowler. Good ol' Chet ended up dropping the pizza (a Number 23, I think) anyway and ruining it. That cherub-faced woman at the antiques store in yesterday's episode - the one where her father was shot during a robbery - was Amy Milner, real-life daughter of Martin. Sadly, she died of leukemia in 2004.
  20. I'm usually loathe to pick on a person's physical appearance, since I'm no oil painting myself, but did anyone else think the plaintiff whose car got wrapped around a utility pole by the guy who was supposedly repairing it looked just a tad....unusual? I've never seen shoulders that sloped downward at such a severe angle. I felt bad for the guy, though, what with JJ pooh-poohing the loss of his old and already beat-up car and voicing her boredom with his case.
  21. I didn't get the Antiguan weed case either, had Miss Purple Lipstick with her $7,000 student loan "refund" (that she used to buy her cousin a car) instead. Out of curiosity I Googled this student loan refund of which we hear so often on JJ. It absolutely floors me to see how many students - of all ages - are whining on various message boards that they didn't know they'd have to pay back all that money, no one explained it to them at the time that there would be interest, and they didn't read the fine print when they signed and therefore it's not their fault! It's predatory lending! I mean, I'm no lawyer and math was never my best subject, but even I know that no one (other than a rich relative) just gives you money, and that any type of loan accrues interest and eventually you'll be expected to pay all of that back. The snowmobile defendant was a hoot - he had no defense other than "I haven't driven a snowmobile in 20 years, and this one was more powerful than the last one I rode." Judging from the wreckage (ant the tree), he was lucky to be up and walking after that accident.
  22. Anyone else's TV get stuck the other day when Ed Wells came into roll call late?
  23. I couldn't resist Googling the tattooed neck-bearded daddy of four.... He posted the same "before" photos on his Facebook page that Judge Judy showed when he first moved in to that house. Also photos of him enjoying the seven acres with some sort of automatic military rifle in his hands. He is apparently a member of some militia group and not well-liked in his new neighborhood. However, he sincerely seems to adore his kids - he posts lots of Proud Papa photos. I'm sure he's raising them right, too, teaching them how to lock and load before they can walk.
  24. JJ was preempted in our area yesterday for weather coverage, of all things! BOTH episodes!! All for an hour of Doppler radar weather maps tracking tornadoes that might hit. What happened to the days when the city blew the sirens when a funnel cloud was spotted and that was that?
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