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I thought their current relationship dynamic could have been really interesting to explore if the show still cared about Logan/Veronica as a pairing. Veronica fell for Logan when he was a self-destructive, philandering, volatile bad boy with anger management issues. He went to therapy for years (off-screen), and was now thoughtful, mature, self-aware, and rational. It seemed fairly obvious that Veronica - an adrenaline junkie - missed the excitement/unpredictability/rush of being with the oldLogan (despite all of his destructive behavior) and did not feel very connected to him now. They were still together because they loved each other. But the connection had waned and Veronica was unsettled and restless. Which was why she was partying with Leo and having sex dreams about him. When she said she woke up relieved she hadn't done anything to hurt her relationship with Logan, that was true. Did this mean she was now ready to marry him? Eh. I think that would have been a bandaid for their issues, which I thought were actually realistic and interesting. Would have liked to have seen them addressed. But the show chose instead to marry them off and then blow Logan up because they just didn't care about the pairing or that character anymore. Sad thing is, if not for the movie, the show could have rebooted again as a series with Veronica/Piz together and Logan still kind of a mess and he and Veronica finding their way back to each other. Working through their issues on screen. That's a story they may have been interested in writing. Again, all of the off-screen growth for Logan in the film and their reunion killed anything they could have had (in the writers eyes) for this series.
Just finished binge watching S4, and, man, it was not good. I struggled to stay engaged in the bomb story which became increasing convoluted as it wore on. There were two separate bombers? Big Dick/Perry Walsh and the pizza delivery dude? Who is some kind of evil mastermind? Whaaat? I tried to drum up some interest in Matty, but, aside from feeling some initial sympathy b/c she lost her father, I really didn't care that much about her story. I'm assuming RT wants the viewers to be more engaged in the mystery than anything else, but the last one I was truly into was Lily's death in S1. The bus crash of S2 didn't really pop for me until the very end, and, although the rape story of S3 had its moments, I couldn't have cared less about the dean's murder and the TA stuff. I watched this show for its relationships. Veronica/Keith, Veronica/Logan, Veronica/Duncan, Veronica/Wallace, Weevil/Logan, Weevil/Veronica, Logan & the Echolls, and so on. Those various relationships were the ones that kept me tuning in. No offense to RT, but if he wants the audience to be ALL about the mystery/crime-solving aspects of VM, he's got to write mysteries that are as compelling as the one in S1. Otherwise, folks are going to be more about the relationships they like most on the show (in this case, Logan/Veronica & Veronica/Keith). And they'll be disappointed when their characterizations and deaths are written as an afterthought. It's clear that RT had no idea what to do with Logan. He'd skipped past his actual evolution as a character in the movie - suddenly he went from a vibrant, charismatic fuck up with anger issues to a new calmer, more subdued version of himself. Because he'd already given him all of this off-screen growth! there was nothing left to write for him as a character in S4, especially since all of his family is dead or off-screen. So, it's either break up he & Veronica, revert Logan back to his old ways, or kill him off. JD was even playing him differently imo. There was less spark, vibrancy, & energy in his performances. It's so freaking obvious when you watch S1-3 and then movie/S4Logan. Yeah, there were some quips here and there, and a glimpse of who he used to be when he punched the cabinet and had rough sex with V. But he'd become so neutered as a character that they had Veronica even SPEAK to the change in him. I HATE that Logan was killed off. I loved him. But they'd written him into a corner that they couldn't really get out of w/o reverting him back to his bad boy ways, which I'm assuming viewers would have had an issue with as well. I think RT actually thought he was throwing a bone to the audience by shuffling past their very real relationship issues and giving them a happy wedding before blowing him up. The bottom line is, I think they were done with the Logan character after the movie. S4 was a slow death for him.
This is one of my favorite eps, if for no other reason than Veronica's hair is the exact length it should be always! Yes, shallow, I know. But she looks fabulous. And I really liked Jackie this ep. Also Weevil's little niece was adorable. Logan/Hannah were interesting. She was very sweet and trusting, and they had chemistry. I think that relationship revealed that he isn't as bad as he thinks he is. He tried to manipulate a sweet girl to his own ends and ended up falling for her. Unfortunately, due to his machinations, that relationship was doomed to fail.
Recently binged this series and really enjoyed it. The film, I thought, was a watered down version of the show so I'm hoping the revival is edgier and more interesting, and takes more risks. Would love to see what became of Duncan and (little) Lilly, although I understand that the Duncan actor is no longer in the biz. I'd also like to see the soapy/relationship elements be better woven into the overall story, instead of taking it over as it seemed to do in the third season. I liked the Logan/Veronica romance as teens; I'd like to see if they'd be truly compatible as adults. Generally, people grow and change as adults and want different things; the movie seemed to really gloss over this. Would also love to see what Wallace has been up in his personal life, as more than just Veronica's BFF. Basically, I hope the new series has engaging, well-thought out writing, and isn't so concerned with pleasing fans. Usually, when the writing is strong, the fans are pleased, regardless, even if some don't quite get everything they want.
I loved her that first season. She was really rootable then. I feel like her journey meandered for a while but I had a renewed interest in her when Tyrion became her hand. When she told Jon, "I don't have love here," my heart kind of broke for her. Because it was true. At this point, I think Grey Worm is her only true ally. Also, Jon is a douche for telling her he loved her when he so obviously does not anymore. That's pretty fucked up.
Damn. I can't argue with this at all. 😕
Oh, I wasn't meaning to say that Cersei is responsible for the actions Dany took - just that she is the reason they were in harm's way in the first place. Cersei was obviously A Bad Ruler. She didn't care about the people. She didn't care about anything except she and Jaime and her children at first, and then herself and maintaining her grip on the IT in the later seasons. Dany is responsible for how far she took things, absolutely. After 8 seasons of watching Daenerys, I don't think she's evil. I think you can go scorched earth and not be evil. But, is she fucked up right now? Yessir. I also have to say - I thought Emilia was brilliant tonight. I honestly think this is the best acting she's done on the show. She was so freaking raw in that early Dany/Tyrion scene. She was amazing.
I was thinking back to when Daenerys was in Qarth and said that "when her dragons were full grown, she'd take back what was stolen from her and destroy those who had wronged her". That she'd "lay waste to armies and burn cities to the ground". At the time, I cheered her on. I thought that she was basically talking shit. Yes, she'd kill her enemies. But, there's no way she'd kill innocents. But, when faced with the prospect of burning a city to the ground - including innocents and soldiers who had surrendered, she did, in grief and anger, what she said she would do. I don't think she's evil or necessarily mad. I think she feels she was driven to cross a line she was willing to cross - if she was angered/grieving/betrayed/etc. enough to do so. It's the difference between she and Jon, or someone like Ned. There are lines they simply would not cross, no matter what. Looking at this from 20th century eyes, it's fucked up. But, in medieval times, this was common place in times of war. Additionally, to be absolutely fair to Daenerys, it is Cersei who put these people's lives at risk in the first place, by betraying her pact with the North last season, killing Missandei in front of her, and being so filled with delusion, hubris, and psychopathy, that she felt she would win no matter what. With zero concern for the lives she was risking. I'm kind of left in a place where I can't really condemn Dany for being who she always was. The Mad King's daughter. But, is she the right person to rule the Seven Kingdoms? What kind of ruler do these people actually want? Someone capable of this kind of carnage who wants the IT so desperately? Someone incapable of crossing the kind of lines Dany crossed tonight who doesn't want to rule? Someone else? IS there anyone else who should rule? I do think all of this could have been written and crafted better. But, I can't say it's completely out of left field.
This legit had me LMAO.
Season 8: Speculation and Spoilers Discussion
lvbalgurl replied to Eyes High's topic in Game Of Thrones
I’ll join you at that table. I’ve expected a WTFery-ever after ending since Catelyn, Robb, & Robb’s wife & unborn child got gutted at the Red Wedding. If I had any illusions as to anything that would remotely come across as a happily ever after in the end, it was put to bed after those scenes. Hell, I went into this season thinking the Night’s King or Cersei were going to triumph over everyone, so the fact that the NK is gone & that Cersei actually gets hers in the end is pretty optimistic for this show. What I’m most intrigued about is the Faceless man spoiler I heard and whether that’s going to come to fruition. Because that would just blow my mind. -
Although I think the feast ran a bit too long, I loved the scenes of Tormund being Jon's hype man. It's easy to forget that Jon was betrayed and stabbed to death not long ago; the fact that so many of his people love and rally behind him now is really kind of wonderful. Say what you will about Jon, he's a genuinely good, honorable guy who deserves all of this. Sansa's, "Go on, I believe in you," when Tormund was egging him on to chug the horn was quietly awesome. As was Tormund toasting Dany, and Dany saluting Arya in turn. Good times.
I actually felt that Gendry and Arya's scenes this ep were way more adorable and heartfelt than their sex scene. I didn't get the impression that he was a dope - this is Lady Stark, the badass warrior he'd bonded with years ago who just killed the Night King. And they had sex! Of course, he's besotted. Arya is AWESOME. And unlike any woman ever. He's also in a position to provide for her in the manner to which she was accustomed, prior to...everything. I get it. I thought it was incredibly sweet. But not for Arya. If only he'd said, "Hey, after this is over, let's go on adventures together and see what the world has to offer"? She would have been with it. If only.
The way Brienne's face crumpled just killed me. She's loved him for so long and he finally wanted her. He made love to her and was going to stay with her. And then...fucking Cersei. But, to be able to have a real relationship, you have to believe you deserve happiness, and Jaime does not. He doesn't think he's a good man and doesn't think he should live happily ever after with Brienne. So he's choosing Cersei and death. Maybe that was always Jaime's fate. But, it's so sad to see, given how much he's been through and that he doesn't recognize that he actually deserves what he has with Brienne. I wanted a hug between Ghost and Jon so badly. I remain completely puzzled by Jon's lack of affection toward Ghost. It was all very strange and not explainable. Haha. Jaime is a weird combination of Steff, Blane, & Keith from SKOW. Brienne is TOTALLY Watts. Bigtime Watts. I fucking hate it and can't wait til it's over. All I want is for Tyrion and Sansa to go off and fuck like rabbits. I was so hoping for Tyrion to go to her and broach the issue of their being together again. They would be absolute heaven.
If Dany is a good and fair ruler of the Six Kingdoms, and maintains a good relationship with the North, and her sons/daughters and grandchildren do the same, I see no reason why an alliance wouldn't continue throughout the Stark lineage. Truthfully, any Kingdom at any time could revolt, whether Dany maintains the Seven Kingdoms or not. I see a greater possibility of revolt if Dany forces the North to bend the knee when they are craving their independence than not. Since she is down to one dragon, I honestly think it's in her best interest to release them, garner their goodwill, and treat them as independent allies, rather than forcing them to be part of her Kingdom.
But, by the same token, if Dany gave the North independence, they'd be her allies in every way except that they were duty-bound to do so b/c she ruled them. No one would forget the way she and her armies and dragons came through for them vs the NK, and, moreover, Jon would be King in the North, therefore insuring that they would always have her back. I actually think the Northern Lords would be more inclined to rally for her if she'd given them their freedom. She would literally be breaking the chains that she'd claimed she wanted to do, so many years ago. But, I agree on the lack of reaction scenes to Sansa & Arya finding out that Jon is the heir and their cousin, not their brother. Those would have been fantastic. I think they could have shelved some of the overlong feast/reveling scenes for that.